
Irrgardless's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Is there a timeline for the page being overhauled?

Update to note that I cleared both cache and cookies, and still got the same weird results.

Adding my voice here, the filters absolutely do not work.
I'm on Chrome/Mac (both latest)

I get starfinder in my pathfinder filters. I get the wrong supplements mixed in with... well basically any filter attempt. Here's an example screenshot. 362/unknown.png?width=1753&height=337

bolorokenpay wrote:

I kicked started these. A complete set of the limited editions for me and a complete set of the standard editions to give to my players. unfortunately my best note taker is a Ranger and it killed me to not be able to give her a book.

These books are amazing and absolutely beautiful. Absolutely worth it if you are playing a campaign and like to keep good notes and want a keepsake to put on the shelf for later reminiscing.

I would suggest you use a pencil just in case you die at level 1, lol.

Oh yeah, ALWAYS use a pencil! (or a finely crafted quill pen!)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Psilo Anthro wrote:
This looks awesome. The webpage states this comes with smaller booklet versions of the actual lost omens book. Are these going to be hardcover and will it come with a standard copy of the book as well?

These will be softcover, and divided into book sections! (I know because I'm working on dividing them up right now ;) ) The smaller softcovers make it much easier to flip through and pass around a table.

There is no hardcover included. If you want the hardcover, you'd need to buy the standard version from Paizo.

(Ps this is Char not Robb)