Skeletal Technician

Mr. Grenade Hot Potato's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Horizon Hunters

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I love the articles made about some of the Characters!

I loved Ileana, Clarethe, Khargig and Arazni's bio's!

Been going to write a Fic about their Adventures soon! :D

Hope to see such writing when you do Firebrands, and the Hell Knights soon!

Horizon Hunters

Like I can attach the whole 'Exploit Vulnerability' and Thaumaturge Weapon Feats to my Mind Smith Weapon implement like a bracelet or something that shoots out my Mind Weapon based on the rules?

Horizon Hunters

Which countries in the Inner Seas will be covered? :O

I can't imagine if New Thassilon got a really bohemian place to live since Sorshen and Nocticula moved in.

Horizon Hunters

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If I can make Emoji's it would be a BIG FAT PAIR OF EYES!

I wonder what will happen to her! :O

Closest thing we got to Farming God is Erastil and arguably Cayden Cailean right? Unless Sarenrae needs to shine herself more often for that SWEET SWEET Photosynthesis?

Horizon Hunters

Gonna get me my Golarionite Tourist Visa now!

Thanks Luis! :D

Horizon Hunters

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Horizon Hunters

*Puts Sniper Scope on Piercing Wind*


Horizon Hunters

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Hope we get Tubers to preview this book soon! So curious... SO EXCITED! :D

Horizon Hunters

Sporkedup wrote:
According to Cosmo on reddit, Grand Bazaar should be on time.

Thank Abadar! LoL

We should be praying to him more often for Paizo's deliveries to be up to date lol :P

Horizon Hunters

Is the PDF being delayed or not?

I keep seeing it will be out by Wednesday as originally scheduled but everyone I meet says it will be delayed.

idk who to believe right now!

Very excited!