The Seeds of Characters

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Before you sit down to play a tabletop RPG like Pathfinder or Starfinder, you need a character. I mean, sure, you could play one of our nifty pregenerated characters for a while. But sooner or later, you’re gonna want to let your own imagination roam, making characters that help you tell the stories you want to be part of. But where to start? Here are four sources of inspiration that work well for me and other people I’ve played with.

  1. Inspiration from Media: Who are your favorite characters in books, movies, TV shows, video games, comics, etc. and why do you like them so much? Is it their attitude? Their personality? Their style and flair? Their aesthetic? The way they approach challenges? Thinking about why you like certain characters is a useful springboard to come up with characters that capture the fun of an idea without directly copying them. The characters you use as sources could come from modern works or from traditional legends.
    You might want to play a character based off a general archetype that appears in many stories, like an absentminded detective, a wise sage, or a master archer. Inspiration can also arise from arts of all sorts that aren’t tied directly to a specific narrative, such as drawings, paintings, clothing, and music.

  2. Inspiration from Lore: More specifically, the setting lore information in Pathfinder and Starfinder books is designed to help you and your GM build fully realized characters that have a place in the game world. Knowing information about the setting helps inspire answers to key questions about your character’s history and motivations. Where did your character grow up? What is their personal philosophy, and how does that compare to the philosophies of others around them? What are their formative experiences? Which organizations they are affiliated with? What are their goals, and how do they plan to achieve them?

  3. Inspiration from Mechanics: This could be as straightforward as wanting to play a character that fills a particular role in the party. Perhaps you want to play a strong character that deals a lot of damage, or a character who is a master of noticing dangers of all kinds. Maybe you want to try out a new character class you haven’t played yet. Or maybe you’ve found a combination of rules that lets you express a new idea. Pathfinder and Starfinder are chock-full of mechanics that interact in all sorts of interesting ways. There are so many ways to mix and match the rules, so look for mechanics that fit your play style.

  4. Inspiration from Players: I’ve found that the best ideas are ones that draw on the creativity of more than one person. Consider making characters that have connections to other player’s PCs and collaborating on backstory elements. You can also use what you see other players doing to help fill in the blanks of your character’s story.
A small leaf leshy with birch tree-like skin

Once you have identified points of inspiration, you can start chaining them together. Here are a couple examples of my character creation process. The first is my first PFS character, Trade Princess Natani Copperlock.

"Well, I haven't really played this Pathfinder system yet, but rogues don't have spells, so they're probably easier to throw together quickly before the next convention slot. A treasure-loving halfling's a pretty classic archetype for a rogue, so let's go with that. Always looking to prove herself...where in this new setting book do they like about Druma? If she was poor during her childhood in Druma, that would have a particular impact on her worldview. And the Qadira faction likes money too, so maybe she wants to establish herself through trade and diplomacy, but isn't above ‘liberating’ goods from their former owners to help gain an advantage."

My most recent one that is more than an amorphous blob of GM credit, Kragrak, with leshy companion Oak Sprout followed the same process.

"Leshys are awesome, and I want one to basically be my character in social situations. How about a taciturn leshy warden druid with a gregarious leshy companion? And to give the warden some plant theming despite not being a plant, well, plants grow into ground, so how about an oread with little cacti sprouting out of his shoulders? He uses them to fasten his cloak. And with cactus-shoulders, he probably grew up in a location with deserts...what if he was raised among the Pahmet dwarves of Osirion? Middle-aged oreads often feel an irresistible pull to travel, which would be a great reason to leave his comfort zone as a member of a relatively insular culture and seek membership in an organization like the Pathfinder Society."

I’ve shared a couple of my character seeds. What are your favorite sources of inspiration for character building? Do you have tons of character ideas you’d love to play, but there’s never enough time to play them all? Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

Linda Zayas-Palmer
Organized Play Managing Developer

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** Venture-Agent, Oregon—Portland

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I use a lot of randomization in setting up my characters, because I've noticed that I tend to gravitate toward samey characters if I don't. For PFS2 I wrote a program that picks a random ancestry, heritage, background, and class specialization, and applies semi-random boosts (making sure boosts get allocated to get the key stat up to at least 16). This is how I've wound up with an elven wizard who spends a lot of time in melee and a warpriest of Desna.

For my third PFS2 character, it was a mixture of mechanics and randomization. I knew I wanted to try out the witch class, and use the Hao Jin Tapestry Refugee background, and either use a versatile heritage or one of the boon ancestries. I now have a musetouched aasimar goblin.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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I like to play the setting and mechanics off each other and see what rattles out.

In this case, we had the (at the time) mysterious scoured stars incident that lost us a lot of starfinders, and first steps had a couple of kids escaped from daycare on the master of stars, along with Fitch threatening to staple her kids to the hull.

I figured mystics wouldn't be popular but would be useful, and I wanted to be able to fill in any roll in this starship combat thing. Then I noticed that mystics don't require a connection to a deity, and get oddly very little out of a maxed wisdom score, and the star shaman mystic picture is adorable...

So I had a beleaguered babysitter with a family full of ysoki stuck in the scoured stars, who'd been left behind. After applying 3 times for field agent status and being turned down, he got launched out an airlock by one of the kids pranks. One meeting with a being from another dimension and/or some oxygen deprivation later I have a high int star shaman mystic skill monkey with a MUCH better chance at a field agent position. He's only three feet tall by the skin of his ears (they count dammit) and would rather be working in the library, but he grew up with a family of starfinders so adapted to life in the field much better than most nerds. (all those forced orienteering sessions being left in the middle of nowhere are paying off)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As the eternal DM I never get to play these guys often but build them for fun, maybe as npcs or the rare time I do get to be the player

-Original characters created in way back in DnD 1e. I use them as the first characters to build in new editions my group switches to.

-Art work. Initially old dragon magazine covers (Parkinson's Valshea, or Elmore's Avalyne for example), but with the amazing outwork out there these days I just find cool artwork and try to build a character around it

-from media like TV, movies or video game conversions as pathfinder is versatile enough to build interpretations of many characters or to see how close you get to replicate what they do in those shows. Castlevania characters, Legend of Zelda, Frozen, whatever


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One of the things for me is that I either try out concepts that I don't see often, especially in Starfinder, or I just try out classes that I usually wouldn't choose.

So, in Starfinder for example, I tended to see nothing but ranged Technomancers. All three of the other Technomancers I had seen to that point tended to sit back with a gun, cast magic missiles, and otherwise stay away. Thus my Trox Technomancer was born, and I've been surprised at how well he did and how much I enjoy playing him.

And in Pathinder, I tend to heavily avoid casters. So I made a wizard to try it out. Hated it, but I was more glad that I tried it out. One of the benefits to organized play is that I wasn't stuck in a long campaign with a class I didn't enjoy.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

There's also "Inspiration from play".

For Society I usually already have my characters planned out, and they're usually somewhat generalistic to handle the random grouping of players, but in home campaigns I try to let the events of the plot and storyline determine my character's build and future.

My most fond example was a monk I played in 3.5 who, by 2nd level, was serving more as a protector of the people and champion against evil. We then slew a dictator wearing fullplate. Our next destination required sailing across an ocean and tithing to the kami of the ocean. It had to be an offering that meant something to us. So my character bundled up his monk robes, tossed them overboard, and took his next level in Paladin, wearing the armor of the magistrate we had just killed.

Something like that just couldn't really happen in Society.

EDIT: wow. Much ninja.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Which of course lead to said family members.

His twin sis, a friendly happy, envoy with a cranked dex and moderate charisma. I really liked hurry, so what's not a drill sergeant that encourages people to move faster but is a lot nicer, and has an excuse to use weapons on people? Gym teacher with a zamboni or plasma dodgeball launcher. Wears a What would Sarenrae Do? T shirt.

As the society ventured into the scoured stars to get them out I thought about what a person might be like when they got back from that kind of incident. Which got me big sis: a brutally cavalier, Grandma worshiping rat. Continuing the theme of using the "Wrong" stat for a character . I made a high strength Ysoki operative who's casual attitude about violence and vicious hits with a blade got her the name "murdermouse". With the small adorable ysoki juxtiposed with the fountains of blood when she hits she has the whole "killer rabbit" vibe cranked to 11. She's four feet tall (without counting the ears,that would be silly) and fluffy to the point that its almost a diameter.

She drinks healing serums by the six pack (calden cayden brand healing serums: drink till you feel better one way or another) hits like and has the fort save of a Buick.

Moms a biohacker (she has 36 kids. No time to get them to take their medicine WHATHUNK... there you'll feel better) I'll see what I think of for the rest of the family...

Horizon Hunters **

So, my characters tend to be inspired random bits that get rattled together in my head and see what falls out. I'm going to use -2001-2004 as some examples.

My -2001 is inspired by the former aspis agent background. One has to ask themselves, who would pivot from starting as Aspis to being Pathfinder. Someone repentent? Maybe, but why not join something like the Knights of Lastwall. Someone irreverant? I'd argue this as being more likely. So, we pick the ranger, and what can a ranger be irreverant to without actively harming the party or being a jerk to a potential novice gm? Their animal companion. So I tend to tell people not to heal it, offer to sacrifice it for minimal advantage, boot it during introductions, etc. I half joke about picking up trick magic device just for a wand of final sacrifice, and explode the damn thing just to save on travel expenses every couple of scenarios.

My -2002 is loosely inspired by the idea of we're living in a simulation. He argues that since Casandalee's ascension, the likelihood of all these major upheavals across the inner sea happening in such rapid succession is almost zero, and as such, it must be a simulation. He frees people from this simulation with negative energy to offset the energy in the simulation.

My -2003 is inspired by my one of my favorite songs from a musical and a very solid pun.

My -2004, should a certain something should be sanctioned, will be about as close to a literal cartoon character you can get.


I've got many character ideas that never get played. Like my PF1 dwarf cleric/fighter that was a rebuild of a Living City character that never got played. (I am Lothar, of the Hill People, warrior/priest of Moradin! Yes, I had the SNL skit theme music recorded somewhere so I could use it.) Or the fifteen other characters created and never registered/played so I can have a 1st level ready to go whenever. I still have SFS and PF2 characters that I have concepted out but haven't played.

Verdant Wheel ***

Justin Norveg wrote:
I like to play the setting and mechanics off each other and see what rattles out.


Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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The seed of Charli is that she wasn't initially let into the Society, so she opened up a little tea stand right outside the Lorespire Complex, hoping that after a while of drinking her tea and eating her goodies, the Venture Captains would have to let her in. She was able to join in her first Society adventure right around the time Naiaj first appeared as an NPC, and Charli has had a case of hero worship on the serious gnomish Venture Captain ever since.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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GMing for Oak Sprout and Kragak in Play-by-Post was certainly a highlight for me as a GM, Linda. I still remember when Oak Sprout nearly upset my entire adventure by deciding to interview a grove of Apple trees.



Advocates 3/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Conventions—PaizoCon

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I draw from Real World mythology and history a LOT.

I have a PF1e character I'd like to play sometime in the future; a Kitsune "Ninja" (Unchained Rogue/Unchained Brazen Deceiver Monk) based on a real Japanese Zen Monk order that kind of "hid in plain sight" and played the Shakuhachi (a THICK bamboo flute, that also doubled as a kind of mace for them, so they could do their "ninja" thing; cause nobody is going to suspect the spy is a monk doing a street performance in exchange for alms, though the basket on the head may be a tad suspicious).

Also, sometimes characters grow from whims.

My desire to do a terrible Southern USA accent culminated in well beloved, well-behaved and well afraid of them there cornfields Empyreal Knight Paladin of Rowdrosh, Constance Appleseed, of Carpenden (who ended up with a terrible Texan accent instead of Southern, so go figure).

Also, even with other players; sometimes jokes turn into good ideas.

All those jokes about Skittermanders being hair balls, and I've gone and made a Skittermander that is essentially a mullet hairstyle (proper character inspiration is "Peter", a rev head character portrayed on a comedy tv show in the 90s by Eric Bana). He's a "intergalactic freight pilot", which is a fancy way of saying Space Trucker. Based out of Akiton (aka. "Space Kalgoorlie"). His Professional Kit is a trucker hat and his union card. And if the scenario situation calls for legal issues, you have to talk to his union first. I may pick up a Hireling with Profession: Lawyer just in case, in future; who knows what kinds of trouble might happen when skittermanders try to help?!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Don’t ask.

If you already know... you know.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

With PF1, I tended to let my characters grow organically.

For example, my favorite character is a mutt: Barbarian 4/ Rogue 4/ Ranger 4.

He started conceptually as the bastard son of a Ulfen Guard and his "salt wife," left behind in Absalom when his father returned to the Land of the Linnorm Kings. He developed anger issues at an early age (barbarian), but was taken in by a Venture Captain who saw his potential. Later in his career as a Pathfinder, he discovered he was consistently sent on missions were a rogue would have been helpful... without a rogue. He went back to the lodge and begged someone to train him in those skills (rogue). Many years later, he suffered badly from the attacks of undead on two consecutive missions. He returned to the lodge, asking for training in how to battle the undead (ranger).

In PF2, it is harder to mix-n-match classes like you could in PF1. So instead, my characters are thematically "legacy characters' related to my PF1 characters.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Most of my characters start as a rough concept.

For PFS 2, my 2001 is Thulgrun Ironfist. I wanted to play a dwarf monk on PF1, but never got around to it. Then I saw mountain stance. Add in a little back story from Tar Kuata, and there you.

My 2002 is Heyou! Brumblebrasher. First built to help out the Age of Ashes team I am running for, he is a really good goblin! Really really! And he promises to patch you up if he burns you with his bombs, which seems to happen a lot. At least his Medicine kit is well stocked. No, really, pretty much no night soil in there.

And then there is his name...

Verdant Wheel 4/5 5/5 ****

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Creepy finadar leaf leshy (blood pine based) who is always smoldering. And of course, a flame oracle.

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Ok, here we go.

So far my 1st Edition characters...
Loh'gann, Betsy Braddock, Steven Rogers, T'Chara, Monkey D. Luffy, Clark Kent, D.
So these are my straight rip off characters.

Red Hawke the Robbing Hood is inspired by Robin Hood.
Hanako-hime was inspired by Hisako from Killer Instinct.
Adewale Okonjo is one of my Paizo lore inspired characters. I thought the Red Mantis Assassins were really cool and I wanted to make one in PFS, so Sanctified Slayer of Achaekek was perfect for this character.
Amir Ibn-La'Ahad is just the prince from Prince of Persia.
Marilythe the Gorgon was inspired by the Medusa.
Nyxine Duskstalker, my Elf raised by Dark Folk(flavor of the character's class choice, she supposed to be part-Dark Folk). I saw a picture of a female Dark Stalker and thought "Hey I like to make bizarre characters, what if there was a Dark Folk that joined the Pathfinder Society."
Khet-amun is Bayek from Assassin's Creed: Origins.

...and then...
Anna Khonda, this is a long one. So I like to challenge myself(as many of us here like to) to see if I can build an entire character around a seemingly worthless mechanic or theme. So one day I saw someone mention Stilettos. I went to AoN to see what the hell they were talking about and found these beauties, with this wonderful line: "You can use the heel of a stiletto boot as an improvised weapon, dealing damage as a punching dagger". I laughed. Then a few minutes later I realized I was screwed. I HAVE to make at least the bare bones of a character that fights with their stiletto heels! Later that week, the Vishkanya Nornkith Monk of the Empty Hand/Swashbuckler Annalise Viperina Khonda was born. She now has a collection of the finest heels worn by the many enemies of the Pathfinders.

...And my 2nd Edition ones...
Caleldir of the Woodland Realm is my Pathfinder version of Legolas.
Aisling Ní Ceallacháin is basically Senua from Hell Blade.
Alex Belmont is inspired by Castlevania mostly, but partly from the description of the Gnome flickmace. It sounded like the Combat Cross to me.

...and finally my Starfinder characters.
Reploid Model 001X
Reploid Model 001Z
These are just X and Zero from the Megaman X games.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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I have way too many concepts to list, but I often end up with an unusual character with an NPC-like background. Like my drunken barbarian/alchemist brewmaster that wielded a barrel and threw exploding bottles of booze.

Unfortunately, I can't really play him in 2nd Edition. The only way to negate improvised weapon penalties is Improvised Weapon Master, an archetype with a hefty prerequisite. Rather disappointing, especially when many NPCs use books and other random objects.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

My latest character (Oar) is basically a version of the NPC Ormas in Diablo II, with some conversation ticks of the main villian in a Terry Pratchett book that repeats the last words said before speaking his own contribution to the conversation.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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I am one of those players who always wants to try to do something that is not the stereotyped version of a class. So I start by thinking of what I want to do, and then try to fit together classes, feats, and archetypes to make it work.

As an example in PF1, I wanted a dwarf ranger, but not something like Harsk. I instead wanted to lean into the dwarfishness, so I made an underground ranger with the deep walker and guide archetypes, and decided this was the guy the Society sent on missions when they needed to keep a team safe on cave and dungeon missions.With that in mind, I took the tunnel fighter trait and the weapon and shield fighting style to make a very tanky ranger. Since dexterity was part of being a tanky ranger, I started taking two weapon fighting feats, but I didn't want my shield to be my off-hand weapon, so I make the character a very traditional dwarf, fighting with a traditional dwarven waraxe and a traditional dwarven battle helmet.
That was the basic process which went into building Thoradin the ranger.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/5 ****

Once there was a Taldan family of the Old Blood... so old No one is sure when the family was founded, or given their titles. However, this once proud family had fallen far, as they were devout followers of the god Aroden. First, as The Last Azlanti has betrayed Taldor by following those secessionist Chelaxians to their new empire, and more when he allegedly died.
The Landros family remained true, and swore that their patron yet lived, though this earned them nothing but scoffing and cold shoulders after a few decades.

Then the first of their children entered the Pathfinder Society in hopes of earning enough to buy back their lands and patronage. Magnus was always a little confused, not a surprise coming from and old bearded family as his. Out of necessity he turned to Abadar for help, and he was accepted as paladin by the Lord of the First Vault. He never forgave himself, though for not being strong enough in his faith to receive the blessing of Aroden.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ****

His belief that the Azlanti still lived was proven by his slightly older twin sister, Natalia, who claimed to truly be a paladin of Aroden. She exhibited the martial prowess of a paladin, though she used more magic in her combat. (she is a battle oracle) She also entered the Pathfinder Society with a similar goal to her brother, though perhaps he was better received than she was. All in all, she finally received her family goal, as she was made senator of taldor.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I pretty much use all but the last of these sources when I create characters. I have many character concepts drafter up, all of which may never see the light of day. But, I have a lot of fun just coming up with them; in light of having no dedicated group to play with. One thing I tend to do is use classes as a sort of check list, especially where groups and organizations are concerned. I try not to use the same class more than once if I can help it, even if they might it into the overall theme of things. Also do this with weapons and, to a lesser degree, armor and combat styles; making each character feel as unique as possible. Names are another area I work around alot; usually tailoring each name to the character, but sometimes I do it the other way around.

Out of the countless characters I've come up with, my favorite I think has to be Aleysa von Clyndel; a Gravewalker Witch turned Moroi Vampire. Once the daughter of a lesser noble, her families home and village were ravaged by group of Vampires. They were members of a secret organization; composed of Vampires and other similar creatures. The leader of this assault took a liking to the young girl and her powers, offering to save her from death in return for her eternal servitude. In turning the young girl, Aleysa was forevermore bound to remain in her adolescent body; a unique curse placed upon her by her master. She served as his thrall for centuries, until his destruction at the hands of another Vampire. Free from his control, she would eventually choose to ally with a group of villains for reasons I've yet to actually decide on.

The reason I enjoy her so much is the sheer complexity of her story and how it influences many of the other characters I've come up with. She was primarily inspired from Alice of Alice in Wonderland; only, if Wonderland was an underworld filled with vampiric creatures. I made her to serve as a member of a major villain group; but in developing her, inadvertently made the organization of Vampires she was born from. This group would inspire other characters; such as the upstart gang leader who would kill and usurper her former master, as well as her own Dhampir servant, who was largly based on the Mad Hatter. The group of villains she was apart of was created with the idea that each member was paired with another, who complimented their abilities or theme. Thusly, my Undead Lord Cleric was made, for whom she worked alongside during their endeavors.

I have many, many more characters; each of which are inspired from various sources and, in turn, also helped to inspire others. One day, I hope to use even a fraction of them. But until then, I will continue to enjoy just coming up with them for the future.

Sovereign Court 3/5 **

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For me, I have one character that was from a series of made-for-tv-movie that Disney made. They started off as just a character for a 1e AP, but they were such an interesting character for that, I then made her a PFS1 character, and now she is a 2e character.

I did the same for a ranger and a rogue I created for 1e and now they are 2e PCs. I have also taken a character from a classic story written in 1820 and made it a character for PFS2.

Ideas for PCs can come from anywhere. Afterall, I made a Dwarf Paly in 1e just because I thought the name of a construction material sounded like a good Dwarven name.

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^Which construction material?

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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My favorites among my characters tend to be ones that come together over a period of time, as I put together various pieces of lore and mechanics. As I'm reading a Pathfinder campaign setting book, I often think "I have an awesome idea for how to role-play a character like this! What mechanics could I use to reinforce that personality?"

My personal favorite:
I had - for a very long time - wanted to play a Prophet of Kalistrade. I knew that the mechanics of the prestige class were very sub-optimal, but I could accept that. The idea of playing a character made wealthy by adherence to a strict code gave me all kinds of ideas for how he could act. (Every time the party was asked to do physical labor I would just hire some locals to do it for me. Spend my money on useful but extravagant things like flying carpets and fancy tea sets.) The problem was that I couldn't come up with a base class that I felt was a good fit. Divine classes were right out. Arcane classes were a possibility but there would be so much overlap in the spells I didn't feel a wizard (for example) would want to become a Prophet. Probably the best option would be a fighter - a former Blackjacket who decided to become a merchant instead of protecting them. But it just didn't speak to me. So I put the idea aside for a while.

Separately, Ultimate Intrigue came out (along with many other books). I read through the vigilante, thought it was interesting, and made a note of some fun archetypes and abilities.

Then came Inner Sea Intrigue. And one item immediately caught my eye - the vigilante social talent Kalistocrat's Acumen. "That's it!" I thought. "I can actually be a Kalistocrat, but have another agenda as well." Then everything else started coming together in rapid fire.

—Should I give my vigilante an archetype? Yes, I really liked the zealot archetype.
—OK, why am I infiltrating the Kalistocrats? Let's come back to that.
—How am I infiltrating the Kalistocrats? Oh, Inner Sea Intrigue also has this inquisition called Clandestine. Sounds perfect.
—Now, who will my deity be? Well, my social identity will be LN, so I want to have a deity within one step of that so I can still cast "Prophet" spells while in my social identity.
—Oh, I'm really committed to the secrecy aspect of the vigilante, aren't I? You betcha.
—Alright, which deities that give the clandestine inquisition are within one step of LN? Achaekek, Iomedae, and Nethys. Oooh, Nethys, god of magic. That sounds perfect for a magic-using merchant infiltrating zealot.
—Back up, why am I infiltrating the Kalistocracy? Let's see... God of magic. . . oh! He's upset that Kalistocrats will sell magic items and the like to anyone solely for the sake of profit. He believes magic ought to be reserved for those who can do it themselves.

So now I've got my character. A law-abiding, profit-making "Prophet of Kalistrade." But secretly, he wants to tear down the Kalistocrats. Starting with his own social identity. The fractured/insane nature of Nethys makes this perfect! In fact, he doesn't even want to destroy the individual Prophets of Kalistrade, because they can do magic. Joyous contradictions!

Only one thing left - what's my name going to be? (Vigilante name, of course.) And it's staring me right in the face. The clandestine inquisition gives an invisibility power. The Kalistocrats want to rule the markets by rigid adherence to a set of rules. But my vigilante knows what really moves the markets - magic!

My vigilante name? The Invisible Hand.

So for me it's usually a lot of game lore and mechanics that suddenly coalesce around one item. Often with great excitement for me.

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