Valamuur's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 41 posts (42 including aliases). 1 review. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 38 Organized Play characters.



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One of the things for me is that I either try out concepts that I don't see often, especially in Starfinder, or I just try out classes that I usually wouldn't choose.

So, in Starfinder for example, I tended to see nothing but ranged Technomancers. All three of the other Technomancers I had seen to that point tended to sit back with a gun, cast magic missiles, and otherwise stay away. Thus my Trox Technomancer was born, and I've been surprised at how well he did and how much I enjoy playing him.

And in Pathinder, I tend to heavily avoid casters. So I made a wizard to try it out. Hated it, but I was more glad that I tried it out. One of the benefits to organized play is that I wasn't stuck in a long campaign with a class I didn't enjoy.


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I know that part of this is related to the Achievement Point system not being fully up and running, but I feel like Starfinder Society has spoiled me on getting pretty easy access to playable races fairly easily. So having things like Tengu locked away feels very restrictive, in comparison. I was looking forward to reviving my Tengu Hellknight from 1E PFS, and it seems that I'll be waiting at least as long as one of my friends has been for the Lizardfolk.

On the other hand, all of Starfinder Society's decisions are ones I'm happy with. Someday, I hope to get a starship boon to add a ram to our ship.

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The Punch Gun description explains it in the last two sentences: "All punch gun projectile weapons have a range equal to their wielder’s natural reach. Although these are ranged attacks, they do not provoke attacks of opportunity."

It's a ranged attack that doesn't provoke. Entropic Strike is a melee attack, and can't be combined with the Cestus Pistol. Same with an unarmed strike or natural attack, much like you wouldn't combine Shell Knuckles with your unarmed attack damage.

They can benefit from the Energetic fusion if you're worried about reloading.

It's a small arm, so I think all classes offer Weapon Specialization with it.


It's been frustrating to me. We haven't had suicidal or "Who cares?" during our missions, but there is a healthy amount of people in my PFS group who are utterly convinced that after August 2019 that there will be no more PF1 games.

I almost wish that they had kept PF2 under wraps, because then I wouldn't feel like my new Skinwalker wasn't a useless reward for me GMing. I kept trying to reiterate the point that we should still be playing PF1, but because it wasn't going to be "supported" anymore there wasn't any point.

I figure it will be like our Starfinder experience: you'll only get one shot because there aren't enough scenarios to do a second character when you have the same group of people playing it.

I'm not against PF2, but I really wish I could feel like I could enjoy PF1 while it is still supported. As it is, it does feel like a bit of "We'll never run a PF1 game ever" from my PFS group.

Chosen One Paladin
Aquanaut Fighter
Elder Mythos Cultist/Channeler of the Unknown Cleric
Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Master of Many Styles Monk

Non-Core mention: Living Grimoire Inquisitor, the king of skills.

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Desert: Crazed old men distribute magic swords to try and overthrow Geb, only for their hopefuls to fall in love with their sisters and retire. Then they become the crazy old men distributing magic swords. The heat breaks people.

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I'm partial to Tar Kuata, in Osiria. The Pahmet dwarves there revere Irori, are secretive, and are also interesting since they reject dwarven traditions. They believe their dwarven traditions hold them back from reaching enlightenment. So they do things like shave their head and beards, and train in a secluded monastery.

Naturally, being a dwarf would be best, but I'd assume you could stay human and just have trained there.

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Look, all I want is a way to kill Deathwebs from orbit because spiders driving a giant undead mecha-spider is not something that should be dealt with while you're on the same planet...

You need to qualify for the bonus feats you choose. The general rule is that you have to qualify for every feat.

Compare that to the Ranger's Combat Style feat which has this line: "He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites."

That allows rangers to choose feats that they don't have the per-requisites for. Two-weapon Fighting is a favorite since they don't need to have the dexterity requirement and can focus in strength to deal more damage.

However, if you chose Power Attack at first level, then you can choose Cleave with your bonus feat at first level.

Scrolls of Atavism and Animal Growth (4th level Hunter Spells), should be enough to make your crocodile be fine.

You don't need to worry about using Reposition, since grapple can move a grabbed enemy up to half their movement speed. If you want to go all in on grapple checks, then the Human racial trait, Eye for Talent, makes sense to get for the 3 Intelligence so that you can get Improved Unarmed Strike to get the Grapple feats for your crocodile. Grappling isn't limited by size, but Grabbing is.

Oils of Expeditious Retreat will help make sure that your crocodile can make it to the water, even at half speed. If they're going into the water though, make sure the Hunter is equipped to join them in the water: swim skill and a piercing weapon to help out the crocodile. They should always be a team, after all.

Plus, with a 3 intelligence crocodile, you can start to get a better idea of their tastes: barbecue sauce? ketchup? alarm clocks? These are important things your crocodile can convey to you. They also get more tricks, so it is easier to train them and get them to act how you want.

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With all classes, I'd say the Bladed Scarf is better.

It doesn't have a style that is alignment locked, like the Starknife's Divine Fighting Technique from Desna. Not every class can be Desnan.

Beyond that, the Bladed Scarf is more versatile than the Starknife. It is a two-handed finessable weapon that deals damage to enemies that grapple you. The Starknife can be used to damage in a grapple, but you're almost always better off trying to get out of the grapple than you are sticking around to do damage.

The Bladed Scarf also has the disarm and trip qualities, which allow builds that want to use those maneuvers an appropriate weapon that helps them accomplish that.

At 2 lbs., the Bladed Scarf is lighter than a Starknife, which the classes that dumped strength will appreciate.

And as for unique magical weapons, the Wanderer's Scarf is good if you're around any undead. Hide from Undead, 1d6 positive energy when striking undead, and a +1 enhancement. Most of what you need in a nice tidy package that you can still wear to fancy parties without drawing much attention.

Umm.. Rapiers aren't "light weapons," they're one-handed finesse-able weapons. So you can't use two of them without an additional -2 penalty to both attacks, for a total of -4 to both rapiers. Rapiers would also need Power Attack, and not Piranha Strike because they aren't light weapons.

Kukris are generally the crit-fishers choice, though rogues aren't proficient in them. Daggers work just as well, to me, and can be thrown. The best weapon would be the Gnome Pincher, but you'll need a level of something to give you martial weapon proficiency to use it.

Keep that 13 strength, you'll need it. I'd try for a 16 Dex at least if you can, but otherwise your stats look okay.

So, this usually doesn't happen often because you need to be able to threaten an enemy while also using your standard to ready an action to attack them for casting a spell. Either they move away from you, which means they don't need to cast defensively, or you close and hit them, which means you can't ready an action. Though, I suppose I could see the scenario with a ranged character and a melee one with Step Up. If it did happen, then it would go like this:

Caster (probably GM) is announcing that they are casting a spell. The readied action occurs. If the attack hits and does damage, then the caster makes a concentration check of 10+damage dealt+spell level.

If they made that, then they make the concentration check for casting defensively of 15+double the spell level. If they fail that, then they trigger an attack of opportunity, which then makes them have to make another concentration check to keep the spell.

So a total of 3 concentration checks at the most. If the attacks don't do damage, then there isn't a concentration check for them.


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I had never heard of PFS where I lived for the longest time. It wasn't until a bad break-up and an unwanted move that I saw a local game shop advertising their weekly Pathfinder games.

I didn't have friends in my new home, and I loved Pathfinder. So I tried it out. After a rocky start, it's become the thing I look forward to the most every week.

PFS helped my creativity by having adventures set in Golarion. I had only done the homebrew games, and only vaguely knew of the Golarion setting. The players seemed to be familiar with all the names being thrown around, so I sat down with the Inner Sea World Guide and started reading. It was amazing! Golarion is so big with so much thought and creativity in it, and now I could make characters that were tied to it.

I love that my characters have their own unique stories as they are sent on missions that they probably had no business surviving in. Meeting groups of people that my characters were both revolted by and attracted to, made every mission thrilling.

Getting to spend prestige on things like ships, land, and titles made my characters have a chance for a life outside of adventuring, which my home games didn't always lend themselves to.

It's also made me want to do PFS wherever I go, so that other people can have the chance to jump in and have fun like I did.

You can't combine Manyshot and Vital Strike.

Manyshot is done during a full-attack action. Vital Strike is a kind of standard attack. Focused Shot is also a standard action to use, so you'd have to choose between using it or Vital Strike.

Bullseye Shot combines with Vital Strike or Focused Shot, but not with Manyshot for the above reason.

If the spell is a swift action to cast, then you can use it during the full-attack action for Many Shot.

Spells have different casting times that are listed on the spell, with 1 standard action being the most common casting time.

So your attack should be:

(Manyshot) 4d6+4 (4d6 for two 2d6 arrows, +2 For magic enhancement, +2 for Point Blank Shot), then 2d6+2 for you next iterative attack during a full-attack action. So if both attacks hit, then you'll be doing 6d6+6 damage per round.

(Vital Strike) 4d6+2 (Double the dice on the arrows, +1 for magic enhancement, +1 for Point Blank Shot) You could combine it with Bullseye Shot for a +4 to hit as a move action. No iterative attacks on this method, so it is only going to be better on surprise rounds or when you are limited to a standard or move action during your turns. Alternatively, if the enemy is hard to hit, then this will make sure that you hit.

Also remember to enchant some arrows for extra damage and effects.

Even if you are using a character creator, you should look up your feats to make sure you know how they work.

Profession: Starship Racer

Be the one who made the Harsk Run in less than 11 parsecs.

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Well, if part of the character's growth is to stop groping his childhood friends and grow out of flirting with everything that moves, then I actually think that the Chosen One paladin would have made the most sense. Take a pervy character, have a familiar who tries to keep them in line and train them to be a gentlemanly paladin, and it would have made a lot of sense.

If we're talking about keeping the paladin horny throughout his career? There aren't any because paladins don't tend act like that. I mean, by all means, be flirtatious and charming as a paladin, but using Lay on Hands to "grope" others doesn't usually fit what most people think of as acting honorably. "Sure, I will heal you. While I'm there, though, I should probably cop a feel." Even if you and your players are fine with it, it doesn't fit what most are going to see the paladin like. There won't be archetypes that fit with that them well.

Now, A Neutral Warpriest of the Green Mother on the other hand...

From my experience, in PFS I've only had one skill-starved character: a Core gnome fighter whom I dumped intelligence in the interested of physical stats (the strongest gnome in the world!).

In contrast though, I have a Tengu scholar that is a level 5 fighter. He has really high perception and linguistics, and now he has Xenoglossy. So he can communicate with everyone who's language that he doesn't understand.

Advanced Weapon Training (Versatile Training) and a magic item (combination hat of disguise and circlet of persuasion) have taken his shy 8 charisma and turned him into a talkative fighter who can sneak around and talk with the best of them.

To me, I think there are plenty of tools out there to make fighters perform outside of combat. It's just also a conscious choice to leave room for your character to be able to do something out of combat. If the fighter is just a blade that walks, then it is because the player made the conscious sacrifice to make them that way. You don't need to start out with 20 strength to be effective, after all.

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How about having both weapons?

The heirloom sword isn't supposed to take you all the way to 20, it is something passed down to your own heir for when they start their own adventure. Maybe your parents were adventurers that fell into hard times when they retired and lost the treasures they had earned. They made sure that the sword was kept to pass on to you, though. Now, you have to let go of living up to your parents' legend and forge your own.

So you carry that weapon with you, because, in essence, the blade absorbs your experiences. It isn't a useless weapon, but it is going to be eclipsed by magical weapons that you find. You'll have your own weapon with your own story to tell, but the heirloom blade is what has connected generations of your family who've owned it.

So take up the new weapon, take a deep breath, thank your parents for their love, and turn that weapon into one that the land will never forget.

Spear Dancing Style, into Spear Dancing Spiral, allows you to use quarterstaff feats for your spears and polearms. So you can use Quarterstaff Master to start with a spear or polearm in one hand. Could allow you to use a Nodachi or other polearm if you built towards it. "Spears and Polearms" assume you have Fighter's Weapon Training, which allows you to use any spear or polearm rather than the one you got weapon focus in.

Bladed Brush allows glaives to be wielded with one hand for worshippers of Shelyn.

Initially, I think the appeal is that you were going against the grain. TTRPGs were full of heroes doing heroic acts, and people got bored of that. The Neutral alignments can be difficult to play differently from their descriptive counterparts. For the longest time, I couldn't even conceive of how a TN person would act because it felt like you couldn't do anything without having to make the choice that good is better than evil at some point.

I've played two evil characters. One was in a drow-themed campaign in DnD 4e. It was frustrating. Not only because half the table was unfamiliar with drow society, and therefore didn't know how to RP their roles well, but because we were all waiting for us to betray each other. We all had our own secret goals to accomplish, and it had become a sort of game of "Can I guess the goals of the other groups and mess with them?" It wasn't that fun for us to be evil.

The other was for PFS, as we played agents of the Aspis Consortium. I played a wizard and became the leader of the party (I had never played a wizard before *spits on the ground and curses arcane magics* and wanted to expand my horizons). I decided that I would play him sort of like Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2. I offered a barely alive paladin as an offering to a dragon, went about corrupting kids into leaving the Pathfinder Society for the real deal, and generally had fun. However, I would not want to play the character for longer than the scenario. By the end, when we were celebrating our victory, I was already excited to eventually hunt down these characters in retaliation for what they did.

I've been in other games where I've had a friend who, somehow, always made the decisions that left him as the villain that the party had to unite against. It annoyed me at first, but I had to admit that he didn't surprise us with his actions (no "I slit everyone's throat while they sleep"). It was all logical, and we were able to find out about his worst offenses together. The difference being that he wasn't being evil because it was fun or because he wanted to from the beginning, he was doing it because his character accepted deals from evil beings (or was convinced that he could use their plan and make it better). As far as playing evil is concerned, I prefer his slow and steady descent to just starting out evil and running amok.

Generally, I would say that the fun is the fantasy. Not everyone has heroic aspirations, and may feel chained down by them. Personally, I avoid chaotic and evil alignments. Chaotic people offend my lawful personality, who just seem to do whatever they want and wonder why there are consequences.

That being said, however, one of my favorite characters was a CN Elder Mythos Cultist. He would look at all the rules, protections, and morality that you would try to lay down before him and laugh. None of that would matter when the great swirling chaos that slumbered between the stars came to Golarion. Your civic pride in paying taxes or serving your king? Not going to be what you're thinking about when your flesh wasted and your mind was broken. If only you knew the truth, you'd discard all those notions as well. Worshiping the coming chaos, trying to save others so that they could live to see the skies bleed one day, and hoping others would see the truth too was fun to roleplay. I don't think I would have enjoyed him as much if I was CE instead.

Generally, the crossbow just refers to either a light or heavy crossbow and not to all crossbows. So no repeating, slaver's, or double crossbows.

Cutlass is similar, but it is its own weapon. A Sarenite using a cutlass is not the same as a Sarenite using a scimitar. Mechanically similar weapons don't count as the same weapon. There are a decent number of weapons that are similar, but are different weapons still.

Pirates of the Inner Sea has the rules for that in the equipment section. It doesn't mention any downsides to the eye patch but for the others...

Hook hands cannot be used with two-handed weapons, and a character with two of them can't wield weapons at all. If they don't have a wrist though, then they have to have a prosthesis. All you can do with a prosthetic arm is slap a shield on it, so keep your wrists if you can.

Peg legs reduce speed by 5' and give a -4 to swim, acrobatics, and climb checks (half damage from caltrops). Two peg legs can indeed be worn, reducing your speed to half and imposing a -10 to swim, acrobatics, and climb checks (no damage from caltrops!). Prosthetic legs impose a half speed penalty, but no other beyond not being able to have two of them. So protect your knees if you want a peg leg.

According to my search, the Skulls and Shackles Player's Guide should also have a table for scars and amputations. On my copy, it is page four. That says that the penalty for losing an eye is a -4 to perception.


For my part, I've never built a Lore Warden and I've never seen anyone make one in my PFS games. The changes made bothered me a lot at first, but I came to be okay with it. Personally, if all an archetype becomes is a 2 to 3 level dip, then something is wrong with it. While I would have considered trying out the old Lore Warden, I don't like the new one. I don't like the brawler's method of painfully keeping track of which maneuver's I'm skilled at and which bonuses go where. The +2 CMB/CMD at given levels is easier to keep track of and more helpful, since I don't have to remember that I also defend against certain maneuvers equally well.

The Clear Spindle Ioun Stone bothers me the most, because I don't get the reasoning. I've never bought it, but I would never have depended on it to solve all my will deficiencies. I would have bought it because I was hit by yet another stupid enchantment spell and lost my character. I might have considered it for one of my characters in response to the entire party falling to a wand of charm person at level 1-2. Bad will rolls made us fail a combat. Our cleric failed it, the paladin failed it, and the others (who didn't dump their wisdom) failed it. That ending wasn't fun.

For GM's with enemies that depend on charm (and who are usually evilly aligned), what was your plan when you couldn't charm because the party put on Protection from Evil? Or when their evil summons couldn't touch them? Is your response to cry out "Protection from Alignment spells need to last for one round at a time?" Or was it to change tactics and do the best you could because their main weapon had been stripped from them? How is it different than whining that your robots are dying to adamantine weapons or the various bane clasps (for swarms, golems, elementals..)?

Spiritualist. I kept messing with character ideas when I first got Occult Adventures.

But then Horror Adventures came out, and I'm finally playing the Living Grimoire Inquisitor. Then Heroes of the High Court came out, and I made the Dragonscale Loyalist Vigilante. And now with Starfinder coming out, I might not get to it for a while yet.

Living Grimoire Inquisitor can work. You're an intelligence-based caster and you keep the Inquisitor's 6+Int ranks. Your book is a decent weapon, but you can choose another weapon and have the book as a back-up weapon.

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I think it is because they don't always know what to spend their wealth on. They don't need enchanted weapons, except to walk around in humanoid form, so they just rest and try and think of something that they would buy.

Though now, if I put a dragon into a game, I think it would be fun to have a massive hoard of feather tokens (tree) as his bed...

I just blundered through. I was made GM, so I read over rules and began to understand it as we played it. As it became my favorite system, I just delved into it more deeply.

It's also thanks to PFS that I'm more familiar with the lore, and I've enjoyed it immensely.

If I had to say there was a problem, it is that the online resources are too much information. We didn't have more than one rulebook for our group, so the online resources were necessary. I wish there had been something like the front page of d20pfsrd, but with a limit on what sources were available. It wouldn't have been so overwhelming if I could filter books on the site.

As for how I help new people? I tend to just ask them what they want to do. I then just go through, explaining my choices for each thing, and then let them choose skills and weapons. Once they see it in action, they can see the strengths and flaws. I just leave myself open to advice. Admittedly though, my approach is better as a fellow player. When I GM, the best I do is give new players a pass until they learn the rules. I usually explain to them afterwards how something is actually done, keeping it casual and not belittling them for not knowing.

There were two deaths in my PFS career.

The first was my very first character. It was an elven rogue who I wanted more as a ranged character and scholar. He was doing the Confirmation when he ran into someone's axe. I had decided that an 8 constitution was acceptable because he wasn't meant to be in the front. Then I was in the party where I was best-suited to be in the front. I hadn't understood that everyone is supposed to be able to bring a random group in and solve scenarios. I also figured out the 8 constitution was unacceptable. Lesson learned, as my next character was a Nagaji Sacred Shield paladin who has survived to level 9 so far and has saved several other characters from dying because of his Bastion of Good.

The second one was a Hunter 4/Wild Child 1 dwarf, named Hilbar Hammerlock, with his wolf, Fenrik. They were a fun and entertaining pair. I had set them up as a pair unused to civilization and manners. In one of his earlier adventures, he was invited to a noble's house. They got a great fat spread for the Pathfinders. Well, Fenrik and Hilbar saw the giant roast boar and immediately went for it. I was doing opposed grapple rolls as they each tried to take the boar for themselves. Fenrik won, and Hilbar glumly tasted the exotic cheese. Eventually though, Hilbar began to notice that no one else was acting like this. So, he went on a quest to learn civilized manners. He learned reading and writing, as well as fancy words people said (linguistics every level after first). While we waited in a tavern, he tried to teach Fenrik how to use silverware using a book on manners. His journey ended in the Hao Jin Tapestry. After being careful, they were taken by surprise by a group of Aspis Agents. A ninja and a half-orc ranger who hated dwarves ganged up on him and he had almost no chance. While he was going in and out of consciousness, all he could do was weakly reach out to Fenrik while Fenrik attacked and hit for max damage the half-orc ranger. Eventually, the entire party was killed. It was a good, emotional death. Imagining Hilbar's last sight brings a little tear to my eye still.


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I'd like the Elder Mythos Cultist from Horror Adventures to be playable. I can understand why it is banned (it just screams "I'm crazy and gonna kill everyone!" to the right number of people). However, having a cleric that only used charisma was so nice since I didn't have to make a choice between channels and spellcasting.

I played one in campaign mode, and it was a lot of fun. Probably the funnest cleric I've played, since I got to be live life behind a golden mask and laugh at the fools who keep order, not knowing that the Old Ones would come one day to claim them all.

Take Spear Dancing Style with a nodachi. It's a fun style and gives the nodachi more abilities than it had before.

The entire party should be gnomes who worship Nivi Rhombodazzle.

Make it a large sling. Gotta keep those giant weapon trophies coming.

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Well, the main issue I see is that people are too hung up on having the "best" weapons. They look at average damage, critical rates and ranges, usually decide that about ten weapons are worth having because the rest are subpar. Personally, I think that people with "optimized" characters should be comfortable using any weapon, but they don't seem to be.

One of the guys I know is very proud of his level one character who readied a spear against a charge, critted, and did a ton of damage. Nothing wrong with the spear, except for it generally doesn't excite people to say they have one. You have a nodachi for your polearm? That sounds so cool. Bec-de-Corbin? Take me out to dinner before you lay that on me. Spear? Yeah, the bartender keeps them on the table next to the peanuts.

And for thejeff, there's Spear Dancing Style which is a fun and exciting style. Do silly things like give your 15' sarissa reach and the double weapon property temporarily. It basically lets you use spears/polearms the way they are used in the clip you have.

Living Grimoire seems like a good lead into the prestige class to me. Martial and casting potential that stacks with the intelligence requirement of the Lantern Bearer.

Spiritualist, as Samasboy1 said, makes the most sense to me.

You could also be a caster and have a soulbound doll as a familiar, but I think I'm remembering a society scenario that had that as a reward. I don't know the level you would need to be. Otherwise, I'd ask the GM to allow one for you as your familiar.

The other option I can think of is the needful doll. It's a cursed item, but I'm sure you'll play and talk every day so nothing bad will happen.

You could specialize in whips with the Avenger vigilante, then take the vigilante talent that lets you climb your full speed when you use a rope. One of the whip mastery feats lets you grapnel onto ledges and stuff. So, get a second whip and go climbing.

Bellflower operative is a vigilante archetype that grants teamwork feats. Pretty good as I recall.

I'm not sure if you know about them, but this could help.

They're oozes that think they are people, but the sun changes them back to normal. They believe that they are just short humans, elves, etc. that have been cursed.

Alright, first, I think you handled the situation in a non-good manner. You were definitely lawful, but not good. Raising a weapon and threatening people isn't good. If diplomacy had failed, like you said, and intimidate was my option, then I would have told the people, in excruciating and sickening detail, exactly what would happen when those flowers got out. I'm not sure what your plague does, but telling people that their flesh will melt and their last sight before they pass out in pain is their children screaming and coughing up blood. Be as visceral as possible to make that intimidating. You don't have to back every single intimidate check with your weapon. Gnomes and halflings can intimidate just as well as a towering giant, and it isn't because the gnomes and halflings are using enormous weapons to back up their checks.

As for differences in Lawful Good, yes. I suggest you look at Champions of Purity for reference. Torag and Iomadae are different, because they don't agree. Torag's (and dwarven) enemies are largely clear-cut. Since dwarves believe Torag forged them, I think it is pretty easy to start with dwawrven abilities to find out their enemies. They have hatred towards goblinoids and orcs, plus they have training against giants. By and large, the ones that the dwarves are fighting are evil societies that slaughter others for gain and pleasure. Why would you offer ANY of them mercy? That's Torag's point. Iomedae holds a slim hope that evil people might change their ways, so if you have a reasonable belief that an evil person might be redeemed then you can spare them. That doesn't mean you're going to spare more of them for certain, and probably far less than someone that worships Sarenrae or Shelyn.

These villagers were NOT Torag's enemies, and, since he's the god of protection and creation, I would have thought that a good character would have found a way to save them without threatening to kill them if they didn't comply. You panicked and lost your way, trading your goodness for protecting society at whole. It isn't easy to be good all the time.

However, I believe I read in one of the books that alignments are changed easily, so this should have been a culmination of acts where you found it too hard to be good and chose to protect people at any cost. If this was the only incident, then I would have (in a home campaign) had a cleric of Torag come talk to your character. It's fine you have a different interpretation, that's partially why the alignment system is useful. Your character grew to hold the lives of a community more than the lives of everyone. Sacrifices are okay to protect others, and I think that even threatening them with a crossbow is a line that showed you were willing to go down that path. Either your character accepts that it was wrong and he tries to uphold good, or he is frustrated and chooses that good gets in the way too much. But, more importantly, you are subject to the GM's interpretation of things because he is running the game. If you can't abide by his morality, then maybe you aren't the alignment you thought you were in his game.

This seems like something that you need to bring up with your GM, preferably in private. Sit down and talk about this and see if there isn't something you guys can do. For instance, it sounds like one of the problems is that your class, coupled with the long fights, is hindering you from having fun. A new class, as your blight druid has to return home and tend the farm and stop all this adventurer nonsense, could let you find a way to make the combat portion more enjoyable. I mean, now that you know some of things you are going up against, maybe you'd find that bullrushing enemies into bad things would be a lot more fun than having a class that keeps running into immunity issues.

It might also help make the fights take less time when you are more able to effectively help in them.

You might also find that you can help your GM in some way. For instance, you can help keep track of information, help with maps, or anything that your GM might need. I don't know if your GM needs any sort of help, but it can help give you something to do during combat.

I can't think of any better solution than to talk it over and see if there is a way to make the game more enjoyable for you.