Pethjun tightens the bandage around her left bicep, wincing just a bit as the fibers of the cloth meet the open wound. “So, you want more Sewer Dragons in your Society, huh? How we gonna protect ourselves from things like this,” Pethjun kicks the slain body of a nearby otyugh, “if you take all our best warriors and explorers?” Trapmaster Tok and Chief Yiddlepode, standing nearby, nod their heads and turn to their Pathfinder friend Drandle Dreng, waiting for an answer.
“Well,” Dreng begins, “didn’t we come down here and help you put these things down before too many kobolds got hurt? And just think of how much stronger your tribe might become when veteran Pathfinders retire back here, bringing their magic weapons, arcane secrets, and experience with them? The Society and the Sewer Dragons have been allies for a long time; let’s make it official. I’ve already convinced Valsin that we need you all now more than ever, and you need us. Who warned you about that merchant who was giving you a bad deal on the maps and relics you were looking to trade, eh?”
Yiddlepode steps forward before Pethjun can respond, drawing herself up to her full height and managing to make it seem much more impressive than the three feet she actually stands. “You’re a good friend, Dreng. And the Pathfinders have treated us fairly for all the years we’ve known each other.” Yiddlepode turns to the kobolds standing nearby, many wounded from the recent fight, but all focused intently on the current conversation. “Spread the word! From this day forward, any Sewer Dragon who wishes to join the Pathfinder Society may do so with my blessing. It is a large world, with much change and much opportunity swirling around us. Let us take this opportunity to spread our influence and gain new knowledge. Let the world to come be shaped by dragons!”
As Dreng watches the cheering kobolds pump their scaled fists into the air, a broad guffaw cracks his face in two, his head rolling back in unrestrained mirth. “Let the world to come be shaped by dragons, indeed” the venture-captain laughs, before a dark cloud passes across his features. “I expect we will need nothing less than dragons on our side in the days to come.”
The Pathfinder Society organized play campaign has been, since its inception, a game where the community of players across the world can shape the stories we tell and play a hand in determining the course of Golarion. Over the years, the Society has completed many adventures alongside kobold allies, including both the Sewer Dragons and other kobold tribes across the Inner Sea and beyond. It is my pleasure to announce that, when the Advanced Player’s Guide releases in August, kobolds will be joining the ranks of always-available ancestries for Pathfinder Society players. We’re excited to meet the new kobold recruits in just a few short weeks! Until then…
Explore! Report! Cooperate! (And maybe set a few traps for unwary enemies!)
Michael Sayre
Pathfinder Society Developer
The Scales of Fate
Thursday, July 9, 2020