We have an important communications dispatch to issue here at Starfinder HQ: we're working on a Starfinder Beginner Box!
Come spring 2019, you'll be able to get your hands on a box with all of the components needed to quickly learn and play the popular Starfinder RPG. From dice, to maps, to pawns, to separate books for GMs and players, this box is meant to provide a self-contained gaming experience for those with little to no experience with Starfinder—or with tabletop RPGs at all.
Work on the Beginner Box is still churning apace back in our office in Redmond, even as the project's design team is bustling around Indianapolis at Gen Con. In addition to our team's game design work, at this very moment we have the best production crewmembers in the business dedicated to making this product as awesome as possible.
We just announced this project at our Starfinder 101 panel at the convention, but we realize that legions of interested parties are not in Indianapolis. For those who couldn't make it to the show, check out the Starfinder Beginner Box cover that we revealed below!
If you'd like to see the seminar where we announced this project, go to the Paizo Twitch stream and find the video for the Starfinder 101 panel.
In the meantime, stay tuned in the coming months for more information about the Starfinder Beginner Box!
—The Starfinder Beginner Box Design Team
Joe Pasini, design lead
Owen K.C. Stephens, design lead
Amanda Hamon Kunz, managing developer
Rob McCreary, creative director