That Cantina Feel

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ever since Alien Archive was announced, the organized play team has received a veritable flood of questions concerning the legality of this new book. As was recently revealed, Alien Archive contains 22 new playable races for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. So today, I want to take some time to discuss our current and future plans for getting these amazing new alien races into the Starfinder Society.

First off, I want everyone to know that the "cantina feel" is important to the Starfinder Society campaign. We want players to have access to a wide array of fun and unique species to create characters with. We want those characters to explore the similarly diverse universe that is Starfinder. Along with that, we also want to balance the experience for those dedicated people behind the GM screen. Most people are still getting acquainted with the Starfinder rules, so introducing 22 playable races right away can be another layer of complexity for some. So, to start, we will be introducing several of the new playable races in a way that shouldn't overwhelm GMs, while still promoting some of our core goals for the campaign.

Method 1: Regional Convention Support

Conventions are a major source of pride for many communities, and we've repeatedly heard from event organizers and venture-officers that access to race boons is a big draw for many people attending conventions. We'll be providing several Alien Archive races via conventions, but with some additional tweaks to make a wider array of races more accessible to people across the world.

First, over the coming weeks, we'll be creating a group of four informal "mega regions" that group together existing organized play regions; these are just ways for us to organize this distribution, not a new administrative unit with assigned leaders. Conventions in each of these larger regions will receive a GM reward Chronicle sheet that provides access to a choice of two different Alien Archive races, similar to how existing convention support works for the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild but with more options. Because these mega regions will have different available races, it should also provide some additional incentive to travel to different areas in search of new race boons.

If you're concerned about missing a desired race boon because it might be in a different region, fear not! We're aiming to regularly rotate which races are available—roughly every quarter—so that players can still have a chance to collect these boons locally, without having to travel outside their region. For example, Races A and B might start in Region 1, and Races C and D might start in Region 2. After about three months, they might swap so that Region 1 GMs would have access to Races C and D.

Method 2: Player Focused Boon

For those of you who are not able to attend conventions, we recognize that there needs to be other means of accessing playable races. The first method, available today, has its roots in the Regional Support Program GM incentive. Rather than focusing on GMing, this new Chronicle sheet is entirely based on games played. In the same vein as the Regional Support Program, this is a multi-tiered boon that will begin by allowing players access to a ryphorian or wrikreechee after playing in six unique scenarios with any combination of characters. For those holding onto the Chronicle sheet a bit longer, the barathu race becomes available after playing 12 unique scenarios.

There are some key things to note about this boon. First, it is entirely based on games played, so GMing does not count towards completion; we have the Regional Support Program and convention rewards for GMs. Second, while the boon itself requires that you " an adventure for which you have not previously received credit on this boon..." it does provide greater progress for playing sanctioned Adventure Path material. Along the same lines, once you apply a boon from this Chronicle sheet to a character, the Chronicle sheet is considered used, but you can immediately start filling in a new copy of this Chronicle sheet. While standard replay rules apply, you can fill in a few of the lines by partaking in repeatable content—so while you can't fill these Chronicle sheets out by continually replaying Starfinder Society Scenario: #1-01: The Commencement, you can still get a few extra lines filled from those repeatable adventures when you start filling in a new Chronicle sheet.

Finally, you'll note that this boon has a limited period of validity. This is intentional, as we hope to swap out the races on this boon to make more available to the general player base. Given this shortened period, it seems appropriate to issue an immediate ruling: previously played Starfinder Society scenarios are considered valid and can be applied to this Chronicle sheet immediately, so long as they follow the required rules listed in the Chronicle sheet. For some of you, this might mean you've already completed the Tier 2 requirements and now have access to the associated races—enjoy!

Download the Alien Archive Player Boon — 533kb zip/PDF

Method 3: You Decide the Future

Finally, I want to open up a discussion in the comments below about future methods of distributing playable races to our players. We're already hard at work planning out scenarios that could allow access to new races, as well as other potential events where we can release Chronicle sheets opening up further options. But, despite our best-laid plans here on the organized play team, I would like to get some feedback on how our players would like to see playable races added into the campaign. As we're really just finishing our "First Steps" (bad pun, sorry) feedback is important, and now is a great time to see what you, the players and GMs, think about how we can proceed.

Until next time!

Thurston Hillman
Starfinder Society Developer

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Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Gamerskum wrote:
Is my region the only one that was told no you can't have the regional support boons for gm's? The talk on here seem to pretty much say most places have them.

I've heard of a few that could not initiall participate as there was no local venture officer present to handle it. But once people volunteered for Venture Agent, they got it rolling.


I have seen ALOT of want for these little Skittermanders. I know my GF DESPERATELY wants to play one. I think they should be ALWAYS legal. There seems to be a lot of people that want to play it. Thats my take.

My biggest issue so far is that people that can make it to the convention will be getting ALL of these rewards. While some can only get the lesser of the boons. It seems like ALL of the good/fun boons are convention only.

Then we can never make it to GenCon and thus can't get those boons. Then we don't get anything worth while to trade. We have this issue with other games and GenCon.

I really like the concept of the player focused boon. Just thought the actual races were a bit weird and lack luster. Either way I will be going for as much of that as I can.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shaudius wrote:

Beyond that, I think the player boon to unlock races is very fair. You are rewarded for playing (and GMs have their own rewards for GMing), everyone who plays X amount regardless of location can unlock Y or Z race (their choice.) Maybe those races will be open later for everyone but for now, its an earned choice.

The issue I have with this is that the ONLY people who can not unlock a race boon is the GMs of non-RSP locations. I would like to see the current player race boon to be extended to those people, then everyone wins.

4/5 5/5

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Sandra Wilkinson wrote:
The issue I have with this is that the ONLY people who can not unlock a race boon is the GMs of non-RSP locations. I would like to see the current player race boon to be extended to those people, then everyone wins.

I haven't seen the SFS RSP GM boon yet, but if it's similar to the PFS RSP GM boon, it would take twice as many games for a GM to gain access to a new race as it would for a player. While I don't need to see the same races offered to both GMs and players, I would like to see parity in the time it takes to earn those rewards.

2/5 *

We have a VC, two VL's and two venture agents . We apparently we're actually told no when we asked for the boons for some reason.

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Micheal Smith wrote:
I have seen ALOT of want for these little Skittermanders. I know my GF DESPERATELY wants to play one. I think they should be ALWAYS legal. There seems to be a lot of people that want to play it. Thats my take.

That's the exact problem I identified above. A lot of people wanting to play a specific thing is not a good thing for OP, imo.

Micheal Smith wrote:

My biggest issue so far is that people that can make it to the convention will be getting ALL of these rewards. While some can only get the lesser of the boons. It seems like ALL of the good/fun boons are convention only.

Then we can never make it to GenCon and thus can't get those boons. Then we don't get anything worth while to trade. We have this issue with other games and GenCon.

This is fair, but the player boons available at Gen Con are available to your friendly local convention, they are harder to get (about 10% of tables) versus needing to play 2 slots at Gen Con, but they exist. As far as the race rewards at Gen Con, those are GM only so players don't get them (except for the expensive auction boons.)

Micheal Smith wrote:

I really like the concept of the player focused boon. Just thought the actual races were a bit weird and lack luster. Either way I will be going for as much of that as I can.

I think the beauty of this boon is that it will rotate.


I saw only one person asking this question and as far as i perused through the comments, nobody answered it(correct me if I'm wrong).
The question is: can we apply chronicles from previously played games, as long as they are unique of course, towards the player's boon? Because if we can't it's going to take so long to get to the tier 1 race considering how often the scenarios come out, especially for people who already played all available scenarios and APs.
And another question is who can sign off for the played games? Can it be one GM who confirms all your chronicles?
Thank you.

4/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The original blog post wrote:
Finally, you'll note that this boon has a limited period of validity. This is intentional, as we hope to swap out the races on this boon to make more available to the general player base. Given this shortened period, it seems appropriate to issue an immediate ruling: previously played Starfinder Society scenarios are considered valid and can be applied to this Chronicle sheet immediately, so long as they follow the required rules listed in the Chronicle sheet. For some of you, this might mean you've already completed the Tier 2 requirements and now have access to the associated races—enjoy!


GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
The original blog post wrote:
Finally, you'll note that this boon has a limited period of validity. This is intentional, as we hope to swap out the races on this boon to make more available to the general player base. Given this shortened period, it seems appropriate to issue an immediate ruling: previously played Starfinder Society scenarios are considered valid and can be applied to this Chronicle sheet immediately, so long as they follow the required rules listed in the Chronicle sheet. For some of you, this might mean you've already completed the Tier 2 requirements and now have access to the associated races—enjoy!

Thank you. Must've missed this one running through 160+ comments.


Tolaam wrote:
GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
The original blog post wrote:
Finally, you'll note that this boon has a limited period of validity. This is intentional, as we hope to swap out the races on this boon to make more available to the general player base. Given this shortened period, it seems appropriate to issue an immediate ruling: previously played Starfinder Society scenarios are considered valid and can be applied to this Chronicle sheet immediately, so long as they follow the required rules listed in the Chronicle sheet. For some of you, this might mean you've already completed the Tier 2 requirements and now have access to the associated races—enjoy!
Thank you. Must've missed this one running through 160+ comments.

This wasn’t in the comments. This is straight from the blog.


Micheal Smith wrote:


This wasn’t in the comments. This is straight from the blog.

My bad, I'll read more carefully next time. Thank you.

4/5 5/5 *

As an individual who runs as least twice as much as he plays I wish that the Alien Archive boon allowed GMs to get credit on the boon for sessions run as well as sessions played. I do not have the financial resources to attend cons, and we are having a lot of trouble getting authorized for the RSP in our area. Our one VO is trying his best to get it going, but it seems like campaign leadership is dragging its feet on this issue. Therefore it is very difficult for myself and other GMs in the area to earn racial boons. By allowing GMs to apply credit to this boon it would reward GMs in areas that do not have the RSP going. I do not see any downside to allowing GMs to apply credit to this , while the upside would reward GMs for the time, effort, and resources expended in supporting organized play. Not allowing GMs to do so makes me feel like our efforts are not particularly valued by campaign leadership.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I understand that there has been a lot of drive for player focused rewards. However there are two ways to implement this.

It can be implemented as it has been here, where there is a reward system that ONLY rewards players.
The second is to create a reward system that rewards BOTH players and gm's.

I think that the majority of people who say "I want player rewards" are not saying they want rewards that GM's can never get. They just want to be included in the rewards system.

As far as I am aware the drive is mostly because there were very very few rewards systems for players, if any.
I feel that creating a reward system ONLY for players is not the best idea.
If the player rewards system let you apply GM credit to it, it would fix this issue and have no downsides from my inexperienced point of view.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

You could also make GMs choose for a particular session if they want to get credit in the player boon or credit in the RSP boon system.

I feel like I am one of the GMs who is hurt by the current policy. I only run games for my family (not allowed PFS credit unless there is campaign mode because only two players) or online, but online cannot participate in the RSP. Thus, I can get boons only for Starfinder adventures I play, and those I GM in online conventions. Starfinder games I run between online conventions cannot contribute in any way towards boons.

There are two possible ways to fix this situation. Either allow GMs who cannot get RSP credit to take credit on the player boon, or somehow fix the RSP boon system to not exclude anyone.

4/5 5/5 ****

PFS has a "Star Rewards" boon sheet that is pretty okay.

Perhaps a "Nova Reward" sheet would help people who GM regularly outside of conventions. Either a scaling reward like the original, with a race option unlocked with your first nova; or a race boon for each star you've earned.

Liberty's Edge

Sandra Wilkinson wrote:
Shaudius wrote:

Beyond that, I think the player boon to unlock races is very fair. You are rewarded for playing (and GMs have their own rewards for GMing), everyone who plays X amount regardless of location can unlock Y or Z race (their choice.) Maybe those races will be open later for everyone but for now, its an earned choice.
The issue I have with this is that the ONLY people who can not unlock a race boon is the GMs of non-RSP locations. I would like to see the current player race boon to be extended to those people, then everyone wins.

also cat and dog people. I think it's only fair that those said same hard working GMs should be allowed to play cat and dog people :-)

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

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Starfinder Superscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:

Wayfinder Alien Boon

I mean, sure, the Wayfinders COULD allow access to one of the Alien Archive races that you've already got playable stats for via the book...

But wouldn't it be WAY cooler if this boon instead eventually allowed access to an entirely new race that had been encountered during the course of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Season? Wouldn't it be extra cool if that alien race ended up in print in future Starfinder products, along with the Organized Play determined explanations of what happened to that species to bring them into the Starfinder Society?

Come on now. We try to shoot past the moon 'round these parts! :)


I'd love to see another scenario about the Ghibrani, even better to be able to play one.

Minor spoiler about a chronicle sheet:
I'd really hope to see them multiple times after the Ghibran Linguist boon anyway, hopefully level appropriate to a PC learning their language now.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Arc Riley wrote:


I'd love to see another scenario about the Ghibrani, even better to be able to play one.

*Steeples fingers*

Good. Gooooooooooooooood.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Arc Riley wrote:


I'd love to see another scenario about the Ghibrani, even better to be able to play one.

*Steeples fingers*

Good. Gooooooooooooooood.

Hardware's thoughts on the Ghibrani:

Yes, please, First Seeker. Those poor people in the desert need moisture condensers. We could help them locate water. There is an entire generation that is about to be sent into the desert to die!

Also, those poor city dwellers... All of that lovely technology around them, and no desire to repair it or hack it or control it. They really need some help. I inspected their infrastructure, and without help their city will be failing before too long. They also have such strict population controls...

They need our help. And we need their technology, which is not exactly identical to the Pact worlds tech we are used to....

Thurston Hillman wrote:

Wayfinder Alien Boon
I mean, sure, the Wayfinders COULD allow access to one of the Alien Archive races that you've already got playable stats for via the book...

But wouldn't it be WAY cooler if this boon instead eventually allowed access to an entirely new race that had been encountered during the course of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Season? Wouldn't it be extra cool if that alien race ended up in print in future Starfinder products, along with the Organized Play determined explanations of what happened to that species to bring them into the Starfinder Society?

Come on now. We try to shoot past the moon 'round these parts! :)

So if I'm choosing a faction for a character, I shouldn't choose the Wayfinders expecting that once I get that boon I can use it for any race I want from the AA?

Starfinder is my first RPG, so I'm overanalyzing every decision. I'm also failing my skill checks on understanding the nuances of Devs' forum talk.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Gnarls wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:

Wayfinder Alien Boon
I mean, sure, the Wayfinders COULD allow access to one of the Alien Archive races that you've already got playable stats for via the book...

But wouldn't it be WAY cooler if this boon instead eventually allowed access to an entirely new race that had been encountered during the course of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Season? Wouldn't it be extra cool if that alien race ended up in print in future Starfinder products, along with the Organized Play determined explanations of what happened to that species to bring them into the Starfinder Society?

Come on now. We try to shoot past the moon 'round these parts! :)

So if I'm choosing a faction for a character, I shouldn't choose the Wayfinders expecting that once I get that boon I can use it for any race I want from the AA?

That's not likely to happen. The current Wayfinders capstone boon will give access to a specific race, which is not in the Alien Archive.

If you want the boon, you should play one character in the Wayfinders, because you need roughly 23 games credited to the Wayfinders to qualify for it.


Question. If a player does not complete the scenario, do I sign off on the racial boon? The chronicle itself does not specify that the player must have completed it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

kuey wrote:
Question. If a player does not complete the scenario, do I sign off on the racial boon? The chronicle itself does not specify that the player must have completed it.

Arguably it implies the GM doesn't mark off a box until they complete it, in the last sentence of the first paragraph, or in the second sentence, that they must receive credit (a chronicle sheet) for it. Completed doesn't necessarily mean succeeded.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

It depends on what you mean by didn't complete it. A little more description of the specific circumstances will make the responses more reliable.


Sorry, as in the player leave the game before it completed, i.e. not going through all the encounters. Technically, a chronicle sheet would still be issued (although possibly without full rewards depending on how much was completed).

2/5 5/5

Since we're here:

Spoiler for # 1-06 A Night in Nightarch:
If a PC dies during the session but went through enough encounters to earn XP and the rest of the party was successful in the mission, can that player apply the Chronicle sheet's half-orc boon on another character? I think the answer is yes (and I hope so, as a small consolation), but I thought I had better double check as I'm not sure if death cancels out all boons on the sheet or not.


So as the only GM I allow players to enjoy Starfinder. Without me they don’t get to play. Because I do that I am punished and not allowed to play an alien race. Brilliant bleeping logic! Thanks soooo much.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ivan Orlov wrote:
So as the only GM I allow players to enjoy Starfinder. Without me they don’t get to play. Because I do that I am punished and not allowed to play an alien race. Brilliant bleeping logic! Thanks soooo much.

While I can sympathize with the frustration, aggressive and sarcastic statements like this really don't accomplish much. With any discussion about campaign policy, the staff is far more receptive to constructive feedback than comments like this that insult our ability to "act logically."

We wanted to test something with this, as we've already provided several GM-specific rewards in Starfinder Society and Pathfinder Society. We did not want to gate this behind GMing because we've done that with several other boons and there are people out there who are just not comfortable with going behind the GM screen—there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, we've never done something that specifically rewarded players, and provide some incentive for local lodges to encourage people to take turns behind the screen and get a chance to actually play at a table.

As with everything new we do, this is something that we're monitoring and will change in the future if the feedback points us in that direction. But as I mentioned, when supplying us with that feedback, please be considerate and constructive. Coming off as aggressive or making sarcastic does little extra to sway our opinions on matters.


Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Ivan Orlov wrote:
So as the only GM I allow players to enjoy Starfinder. Without me they don’t get to play. Because I do that I am punished and not allowed to play an alien race. Brilliant bleeping logic! Thanks soooo much.

While I can sympathize with the frustration, aggressive and sarcastic statements like this really don't accomplish much. With any discussion about campaign policy, the staff is far more receptive to constructive feedback than comments like this that insult our ability to "act logically."

We wanted to test something with this, as we've already provided several GM-specific rewards in Starfinder Society and Pathfinder Society. We did not want to gate this behind GMing because we've done that with several other boons and there are people out there who are just not comfortable with going behind the GM screen—there's nothing wrong with that. Similarly, we've never done something that specifically rewarded players, and provide some incentive for local lodges to encourage people to take turns behind the screen and get a chance to actually play at a table.

As with everything new we do, this is something that we're monitoring and will change in the future if the feedback points us in that direction. But as I mentioned, when supplying us with that feedback, please be considerate and constructive. Coming off as aggressive or making sarcastic does little extra to sway our opinions on matters.


Furthermore, Ivan, I am concerned that your inability to play a different alien race stems not from one of our initialitves to reward players but from your statement that you are the only GM. I strongly encourage you to empower other participants to step up and run games, too. Doing so not only helps you play every once and a while, but it also strengthens the community and encourages all participants to “give back” to the group. If you would like some advice on how to encourage others to GM and grow your local scene to ensure you, too, get plenty of time on the other side of the screen, there are hundreds of venture-officers and other campaign volunteers who have been doing just that and are happy to assist you.

Beyond that, I fully support and second Thurston’s statements above. We look forward to hearing your constructive criticism.


Argh my entire response was just deleted. I’ll start again and I apologize for the tone of my post. I broke the cardinal rule of never post/email when tired and frustrated.

Now for the crux of the post, I understand wanting to give players boons, but it should not prevent the gm’s, the ones that make the games happen, from also getting a similar award. For many reasons as posted above, not everyone is willing to GM. And rewards like this have the opposite effect. Why would someone step out of their shell if they can play and get rewards for only playing? Before someone says it I know you shouldn’t and don’t GM just for rewards, but let’s be realistic it helps motivate some people. Here you are rewarding the opposite behavior, why expand when I can just play and earn a special race etc and the GM can’t. I have been playing rpgs for a long time and know who i can and can’t push
to get behind the screen.

This is a separate issue and the biggest cause of last nights frustration. It is very difficult to find information about different aspects of SFS. GM rewards are mentioned multiple times, but they aren’t on the website or in the guide. They are mentioned in blogs but not how they work or what the rewards are. It makes it feel like only a few select people or just con goers can get the rewards and they aren’t available for people in general and that goes against the point of organized play.

Before another group jumps down my throat, I know you don’t have to give out boons and I should just be thankful that you do. And I am thankful, but as boons are given out they should be done so that everyone has a chance to earn them. I’ll never gripe about GM boons in any game because that truly goes towards the goal of getting people to try their hand at GM.

PS I have zero interest in playing the aliens in the boon, so not griping about that, but how it is implemented.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For the online crowd, it would be very helpful if instead of "the dm must sign this sheet" you could permit the DM to make a notation on the chronicle sheet that the player played and is applying it towards a cantina chronicle. "Catina chronicle 1 checkmark 10/15 X"-BNW

Otherwise the player needs to scan the sheet every time, send it to me, i have to download it, open it in foxit, sign in, save it, and send it back. Easy to do once. Starts to be a pain when i'm doing that AND chronicles for 6 people.

5/5 5/55/55/5

The Blog wrote:
There are some key things to note about this boon. First, it is entirely based on games played, so GMing does not count towards completion; we have the Regional Support Program and convention rewards for GMs.

I don't see why this is necessary. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a boon for playing, but if something is equally available to DMs and players it's not gated behind dming. Dms are players too.

The regional support program doesn't seem to have universal implementation. From talking to a number of people it seems like some areas just haven't been implementing it, leaving some DMs out. There seems to be an idea that it's not for all places or circumstances.

Online DMs don't have a region, so they get left out. (although playing the requisite number of times online is certainly easier, as are online conventions.)


BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Blog wrote:
There are some key things to note about this boon. First, it is entirely based on games played, so GMing does not count towards completion; we have the Regional Support Program and convention rewards for GMs.

I don't see why this is necessary. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a boon for playing, but if something is equally available to DMs and players it's not gated behind dming. Dms are players too.

The regional support program doesn't seem to have universal implementation. From talking to a number of people it seems like some areas just haven't been implementing it, leaving some DMs out. There seems to be an idea that it's not for all places or circumstances.

Online DMs don't have a region, so they get left out. (although playing the requisite number of times online is certainly easier, as are online conventions.)

I’m one of those lucky ones without a regional support program as well. That is one thing d&d adventures league got right. One region and same rewards no matter where you live. Instead of meeting someone at the rare con who is playing something cool. You say how? They say I gm’d 6 times in NYC! And you reply well I gm’d 20 times, but I get nothing because I live in a small town.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Small towns can get the regional support program. We had it here before we lost our venue due to the employee slash player leaving.


Guess they have been trying for a while.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Our region has a long approval process for RSP status. Loooong.


The VL where I used to live just never bothered as far as I can tell and gave me some stupid excuse when I asked about it.

so not everywhere even gets to the approval stage.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I think I missed something somewhere.

Can you only get scenario-granted race boons by *playing*?

Because in a certain Tier 3-6 GM thread, Thursty confirmed you could indeed combine a "played" Chronicle and a "GMed" Chronicle together for the enhanced effect.

I want to know if that scenario is an exception before I play that character above 1st Level.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If the thread you're referring to is this one, then it's a separate issue. The discussion here about GMs not getting credit is not about scenario-granted race boons. It's about the alien archive player boon, which is linked above in the blog post and only counts games that you go through as a player.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/5 ***


I'll admit, I was a bit sour about that as well, at first, but it doesn't take long to play the required number of games.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Illinois—Fairview Heights

There are several ways race boons are acquired.

Possibility 1: Three race boons are available via scenario. These are awarded to the GM and the player.

Possibility 2: GM at a brick and mortar convention. This is the gate that 8 race boons are locked behind.

Possibility 3: GM for the online community in a qualifying setting. This grants access to its own race boon.

Possibility 4: GM 12 times during a season. This grants you access to the current season's race boon.

Possibility 5: PLAY (GM credit is NOT allowed for this) 6-12 tables. Three more races are gated behind this.

Possibility 6: Special events. Sometimes the OP team give race boons out for participating in special events, wether it by charity fundraisers, watching podcasts that they appear on, etc. This grants access to additional races.

There are other races that were once active but no longer accessible. The GenCon GM boon and auction boon for example.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

Just to clarify this, possibility 4 above needs to be at a venue covered under the RSP program

1/5 *

So as someone running Organized Play games for friends in my home, they can get the Alien Archive Boon and I can get... Well, I can get nothing.

(Not completely true; I do get to play on PbP, but I don't have any means to get credit as a GM)

1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

We just got the RSP extended to a new location in Portland, our local hackerspace. It took about a week.

I'm very happy to be able to apply running Starfinder AP there to the GM RSP boon sheet.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
caps wrote:

So as someone running Organized Play games for friends in my home, they can get the Alien Archive Boon and I can get... Well, I can get nothing.

(Not completely true; I do get to play on PbP, but I don't have any means to get credit as a GM)

Caps, come join us as a Starfinder GM in PBP. OutPost isn’t taking new tables at this point, but there’ll be another convention (PBP Gameday VII) in August. Also... We have been told that RSP is coming to online.

We’ve been trying to work out the details with the Organized Play Leadership team, but that could open up RSP possibilities to you.

Arc Riley wrote:

We just got the RSP extended to a new location in Portland, our local hackerspace. It took about a week.

I'm very happy to be able to apply running Starfinder AP there to the GM RSP boon sheet.

Oh man. You got RSP in under a week? We’re still waiting! I guess it’s time to ask about this again.


1/5 *

GM Hmm wrote:
caps wrote:

So as someone running Organized Play games for friends in my home, they can get the Alien Archive Boon and I can get... Well, I can get nothing.

(Not completely true; I do get to play on PbP, but I don't have any means to get credit as a GM)

Caps, come join us as a Starfinder GM in PBP. OutPost isn’t taking new tables at this point, but there’ll be another convention (PBP Gameday VII) in August. Also... We have been told that RSP is coming to online.

We’ve been trying to work out the details with the Organized Play Leadership team, but that could open up RSP possibilities to you.

I've been thinking about it. I just started GMing PFS on PbP for the first time (as GM Socrates). The main thing that makes me hesitate is that any scenarios I run for PbP I can't get credit for running for my friends. OTOH, scenarios are now coming out at a faster rate than I run them (1/month) and we are looking at doing more and more modules.

If PbP gets RSP that would probably tip things over for me.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Hmm wrote:

Also... We have been told that RSP is coming to online.

We’ve been trying to work out the details with the Organized Play Leadership team, but that could open up RSP possibilities to you.

I just want to say; that would be awesome

1/5 ** Venture-Agent, Online—PbP

I may well have missed a ruling somewhere, but the boon says "Only games played" not games completed by June 14, 2018. Does this mean that as long as we start playing a PbP game before June 14th, then we can count it towards the boon? Or, must all games be completed on or before June 14th?

(Would like to get into an AP via PbP, but not sure it would conclude by June 14th. Also, would also like to play the late May releases for some extra alieney-goodness, but local game day appears to be scheduled for June 16th.)

Has a new one of these come out for games after 6/14/18?


1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Superscriber

Not yet. Though there's new boons dropping Feb 1 so who knows?

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