Medical Drone

HK-51 “S-5K”'s page

1 post. Alias of thunderbeard.


Numerian Gunslinger
"Console Cowboy"

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.
(33 posts)
Anton Rabinoff

M Half-Elf Fighter 6/Swordlord 1 (19 posts)
Merisiel… in… SPACE!
APRIL 26-b

NXSA-Infocorp Autonomous Program for Research on Interplanetary Life
Party Skill Buffs:
+1 Guns/Beams w/in 300 yd, +2 First Aid/Physician, +5 Diagnosis, +6 Surgery, +6 Tracking, +3 Mechanic/Repair (Robots), +5 Detect Lies, and other
Speed 5, Dodge 8, Will 12, Per 12+, HT 10, FP –; Gilligan: DR 30, HP 16/20; Skipper: DR 15, HP 5/5; Mary Ann: DR 1, HP 1/1 (135 posts)
Arvid Songstál

M Human (Vayangurr) Skald 3 (Spell Warrior) | HP: 30/30 | AC: 20 / T: 12 / FF: 18 | Fort: +4/+6, Ref: +3/+4, Will: +4/+6 | CMD: 16 | Init: +4, Perception: +6 | (64 posts)
Atheos, God of Skepticism

"Lord of Atheism" | Not-a-Lesser-God | Attack 3d6, Defense 5d6, HP 40 (249 posts)
Attoshi Moon-Scarred

Dreaming Orc Bloodrager (Primalist, Metamagic Rager, Crossblooded Arcane/Fey) 13 | Fighter (Dragoon) 2, Oracle (Planar, Lunar Mystery, Lame Curse) 11 (8 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Blessed Brother Barion

Half-Elf (Riverfolk, Half-Drow) Bard (Rubato) 5/Incanter 5 | HP: 36/36, SP: 9/9, MP: 0/9, TP: 4/4, PP: 5/5, BP: 14/14 | AC: 21 / T: 13 / FF: 18 | Fort: +3, Ref: +7, Will: +6+ | M. Touch: +4, R. Touch: +8 | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | Init: +9, Perception: +10 (LL, DV) (86 posts)
Cernan the Patient

Detective Cernan's on the case! *** M Aasimar (Emberkin) Arcanist (White Mage) 2 *** Party-at-a-Glance Spreadsheet (176 posts)
Pathfinder Chronicler
Charlotte Adellan

F Aranea Sorcerer 2/Veiled Illusionist 10/Arcanist 3 | HP 124/174, AC 36 (T 20, FF 30) Fort +18, Ref +20, Will +21 (all +1 vs spells), immune to mental control | Per +22/23 vs traps, darkvision, auto-detect all spellcasting (121 posts)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Elements (PFRPG)

M Suli Aegis (Trailblazer) 5, Fighter (Unbreakable) 1/Medium (Spirit Dancer) 6/Mythic Trickster 1 | HP: 71/86, Stamina: 1/8 | AC: 19 / T: 12 / FF: 19 | Fort: +9, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | M. Touch: +9, R. Touch: +7 | CMB: +10, CMD: 21 | Init: +1/+3 favored, Perception: +9/+11 favored (LL) | Resist Fire 5, Electric 5, Acid 5, Cold 5, DR 3/- (609 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
The Crimson Stranger

Lady Adrexa, the Red Queen of Escarra (26 posts)
Cyril Erenwehr

M Elf Fighter 1 (Lore Warden, Martial Master) (1 post)
Drow Battle Wizard
Dalang Teniel

M Wayang Bard 4 / Bloodrager 4 / Oracle 4
HP 51/51+, AC 18/16, T 17/14, FF 12/10, Init +5, Fort +5/+7, Ref +10, Will +8, Perception +11, Stealth +16, Intimidate +19/21/+23, Rage 11/11, Perform 16/16
Party Buffs:
Misfortune: immediate re-roll of one d20
(945 posts)
The Dapper GM

Rocks fall, everyone dies (1,597 posts)
Deacon Ridley

Halfling URogue 3 / Oracle 3 | HP: 33/33 | AC: 19 / T: 14 / FF: 16 | Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +7/+9 | M. Touch: +5, R. Touch: +5 | CMB: +4, CMD: 13 | Init: +5, Perception: +10 | (389 posts)
Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan
Doctor Janus of Oenopion

M Human (Garundi) Alchemist 12 (Visionary Researcher)
HP 144/144, AC 27, T 15, FF 22, Init +5 Fort +17, Ref +19 (Evasion), Will +14
Social Skills:
Appraise +19, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +19, Nobility +17, Perception +23, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +22
(3 posts)
Cleric of Brigh
Dr Agathis

Aspiring Pokémon Professor
Team Status:
Doc 42/42, AP 5/5, Healthy; Odo 45/45, Healthy
(55 posts)
Dr. Flynn Carrigan

Mathemagician's Apprentice
HP 12/12, FP 10/10, Per 14, Will 14, Parry 11 (13 with low mana), Deflect Missile/Turn Blade 15 (with high mana)
(190 posts)
Captain Elreth
Eindrið Lawspeaker

Human Cavalier 4 / Bard 4 | HP: 30/48, SP: 1/8, P: 2/4 | AC: 22 / T: 16 / FF: 17 | Fort: +9, Ref: +11, Will: +6 | M. Touch: +6, R. Touch: +6 | CMB: +4/+9, CMD: 20 | Init: +7, Perception: +6, Sing: +15 |
Active Buffs:
(495 posts)
Elmar Thonsson

Male Dwarf Ranger 19, Lore Warden 2 (HP 279/279 | AC 32 T 22 FF 23 | Fort 27 Ref 28 (Evasion) Will 17 | Init 26 | Percp 42 (46 vs traps in stone) [darkvision, tremorsense 10]) (694 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
ENS Andy Hudson
(55 posts)
The First Librarian

Demigod, Herald of Atheos (5 posts)
Flora Black, "Black Orchid"

Current disguise: Alandre (Disguise Check: 33)
Vital Stats:
HP 90/100 | PP 12/23 | AC 21 T 19 FF 12 | Fort 9 Ref 9 Will 12 | Init 3 | Percp 14
(79 posts)
Flying Jack

M Aquatic Elf Brawler 1 (Shield Champion, Winding Path Renegade)/Bard 1 (Juggler, Busker) |
HP 10/10, Stunts 6/6, AC 18, T 14, FF 14, Init +6, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2/+5, Perception +4
(132 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Gerbault Swiftblade

M "Halfling" (Goblin) Investigator 5 (Empiricist, Steel Hound) / Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade) (29 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Grammanar Gun-Runner

M Half-Orc Barbarian (Savage Technologist, Breaker) 5 / Gunslinger (Techslinger) 1/ Fighter (Vengeful Hunter) 2 (279 posts)
Medical Drone
HK-51 “S-5K”

Type 4 Droid Soldier 4/Scoundrel 3/Gunslinger 1 (1 post)
Howling Dan, the One-Man Band

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6 (33 posts)
Farzam Khorsheed
The Inimitable Doctor Janus

M Human (Osiriani) Alchemist 20/Fighter 3//Gunslinger 20/Monk 1/Fighter 2 (8 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
The Invincible Lord Rook

M Half-Elf Iroran Mummy Inquisitor 20/Oracle 5//Oracle 15/Fighter 2/Ninja 2/Unchained Monk 6 (54 posts)
Janice "Snapdragon" Li

Mighty Morpher Martial Artist
Basic Stats:
DCV/OCV/ECV 9/9/5 DC 4d6 | END 40 STUN 45 BODY 18 | SPD 4 PER 14-
Variable Stats:
Veils PD/rPD 11/3 ED/rED 11/3 MD 20 | Ivy P 23/15 E 17/9 M 10 DC+4d6 Manuever | Wind P 19/11 E 15/7 M 10 DC+4d6 | Thorns P 30/19 E 22/11 M 10 DC+3d6+1d6 DEX | Leaves 11/3 11/3 10 | Lotus P 18/10 E 16/8 M 20
(538 posts)
Murthok Huul
Jiator the Architect

Thassilonian Halfing Lich Soundstriker Dirge Bard (32 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Korash the Spiky

Deciduous Seedling - Martial Artist 2 | Gladiator 1 | Soulknife 6 (Deadly Fist, Gifted Blade)
Vitals (M/L/H):
Init +5, HP 79/92, PP 23/26 | AC 36/34/32, T 20/18/16, FF 36/34/32 | Fort +6, Ref +11/10/9, Will +10 | Perception 17 (Low-Light)
(204 posts)
Witch Doctor
Kwale Scarface

M Half-Orc (Rainkin) Bloodrager 1 / Witch 1 (7 posts)
Leo Silvertail

Male Were-Snow Leopard Human Gladiator 1 | Pious Sentinel 5 | Child of Bast 3
Stats (hybrid):
HP 112/112 | AC 31, T 18, FF 23 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +11 | Init. +7 | Percp. +17, Stealth +21
(110 posts)
Lina the Unbroken

F Human Monk (Unchained 5) / Warrior 1, Adept 4 / Mythic 2
HP 63/63, MP 7/7, Ki 4/4, AC 23, CMD 28/30 vs Grapple, T 19, FF 18, Init +8, Fort +10, Ref +10/+11 (Evasion), Will +7/+11, Perception +12/+23 (Litilgandr)
AoE Instructions:
Unless otherwise mentioned: Trip at 10' reach, +12 CMB or +14 vs humans
(1,437 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
Lord "Inkwell" Rook

M Human (Taldan) Inquisitor 12 (Urban Infiltrator, Tactics) / Monk 2 (Unchained) / Fighter 1 (Lore Warden) (266 posts)
Martin Crofter

M Aasimar (Lawbringer) Magus 1 (Hexcrafter)
HP 11/11 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14| Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +3 (Darkvision)
(54 posts)
Worshipper of Torag
Marvin the Strangler

M Human Brawler 3 (Strangler, Steel-Breaker)//Magus 2 (Staff Magus, Hexcrafter) || HP: 39/39 | AC: 18 / T: 14 / FF: 14 | Fort: +6, Ref: +9, Will: +4 | CMD: 19 | Init: +7, Perception: +6 (183 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Orvin Rabinoff

M Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained) 1/Arcanist (School Savant) 4 (0 posts)
Plot Bot

Bot bot bot bot bot (1 post)
Berserker Cannibal
Reefclaw Kraol

M Shifter (Wereshark-Kin) Monk 5 (Unchained)/VMC Barbarian (26 posts)
Rex Trickshot

M Tiefling Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 5/Warpriest 2 (51 posts)
Runcible Misthrax

M Tiefling Arcane Gunfighter 5 (105 posts)
Sanidine, Desert Wolf

Animal Companion (Charger) 10 (HP 85/85 | AC 38 T 12 FF 35 | Fort 11 Ref 10 Will 4 | Percp 13 [low-light vision, scent]) (2 posts)
Echo Wood Scout
Shiri Dog-Catcher

M Strix Kineticist (Elemental Ascetic) 1 (19 posts)
Silas Lavein

M Elf Cleric 3
Quick Stats:
HP 13/17, AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6; +2 vs. enchantments
(352 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Sir Darren Carter

M Human (Taldor) Cavalier (Beast Rider) 8 / Cleric 1 (Devout Pilgrim) / Fighter 1 (Dragoon) (45 posts)
Vencarlo Orinsini
Sir Leonard

Definitely not a disguised leopard (11 posts)
Sister Margaletta

F Human Warrior 1/Unchained Monk 3; Initiative: +4 ; AC: 16/14/12 ; Saves: 7/7/3 ; HP: 47/47; Ki: 3/3; Perception: +9 ; (170 posts)
Ta'mas Dune-Runner

M Human Barbarian 1, Wild Child 1
HP 22/25, Rage 3/7 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18| Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +2 (+4 vs most mind effects) | Init +1 | Perception +8
(69 posts)
Lord Glorio Arkona
Tiger Sherman

M Tiefling (Beastbrood) Swashbuckler 2
HP: 16/24 | AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15 | Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +5 | Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft
(152 posts)
Uncle Eston

M Tiefling Fighter 5 (Lore Warden, Martial Master) / Monk 2 (Maneuver Master)
(HP 54/56 | AC 23 T 17 FF 16 | Fort +9 Ref +10 (Evasion) Will +7/+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | Init +5 | Percp +10 [darkvision])
(38 posts)
Victoriana Whitecap

F Gnome (Gear Gnome) Oracle 4 (Lore)
HP: 35/35 | AC: 23, T: 16, FF: 18 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | Init +1 | Perception +3, Low-light vision
Lvl 1: 8/8, Lvl 2: 4/4
(394 posts)
Halfling Slinger
Zanton Steel-Speaker

M Gnome Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 3//Incanter 3 (21 posts)