Class Preview: The Solarian

Friday, July 14, 2017

Illustration by Mikael Leger

Of all the Starfinder classes, the solarian is the one hardest to explain in 10 words or less. It is a new class, and a new concept, unique to Starfinder though clearly inspired by various iconic science-fantasy tropes. It can be described as a kind of supernatural philosopher-warrior, with a focus on the stellar powers of light and gravity, but that doesn't give a very good idea of what the class can actually do. For starters, let's take a look at what the Starfinder Core Rulebook has to say about the solarian.

The stars guide the planets with gravity, create life with light and heat, and utterly consume worlds in supernovas and black holes. You understand that these acts of creation and destruction are not opposites, but rather two parts of a natural, dualistic cycle. You seek to be an agent of that cycle, an enlightened warrior with the ability to manipulate the forces of the stars themselves. Constantly accompanied by a mote of fundamental energy or entropy, you can shape this essence in combat to create weapons and armor of gleaming stellar light or pure, devouring darkness. Whether you apprenticed in a temple or came to your powers through personal revelation, you recognize yourself as part of an ancient tradition—a force of preservation and annihilation.

The cycle that empowers and guides solarians is a philosophy that came to the Pact Worlds on the Idari, along with the tradition of the solarians themselves. Even now, nearly a century after the kasatha worldship's arrival in system, solarians are more commonly kasatha than any other race (though certainly there are other solarian traditions, as they can even be found in systems with no contact with Kasath).

The solarian has a full base attack bonus, good Fortitude and Will saves bonuses, 4 skill points per level, and 10 fixed class skills. At 1st level, a solarian gains the skill adept ability, which represents training gained in the process that led to a character becoming a solarian and which grants two more class skills of the player's choice. A solarian has proficiency with light armor, and proficiency and eventually specialization with small arms and basic and advanced melee weapons.

Also at 1st level, a solarian gains a solar manifestation, and access to stellar modes. The solar manifestation is a physical representation of the solarian's stellar powers. When not in use, it is a mote of energy slightly smaller than a fist that glows with light (or is the black of perfect darkness) and hovers near the solarian's head. When activated, the mote becomes either a solar weapon (which is treated as an advanced melee weapon, deals damage that increases as the solarian gains levels, and can be further augmented through the addition of solarian weapon crystals), or solar armor (which enwraps and protects the solarian, augmenting the AC bonus of any light armor the solarian wears and at higher levels giving cold or fire resistance).

Stellar modes are forms of attunement the solarian can focus on in combat. Each round in a fight, the solarian can remain unattuned, or increase either photon attunement or graviton attunement, depending on whether the solarian wishes to draw on the stellar powers of light and heat and life-giving energy, or darkness and gravity and all things being bound together. Every solarian has access to both photon and graviton powers (and gains more via stellar revelations as he gains levels), and can use either even regardless of attunement—though many powers gain additional effects if the solarian is attuned to their power source. For example, a solarian with the 6th-level corona photon power gains cold resistance, and deals fire damage to any adjacent foe that strikes the solarian with a melee weapon. However, if the solarian is photon attuned, the corona also causes any creature that begins its turn adjacent to the solarian to automatically take some fire damage. While some stellar revelations can only target creatures once a day, or only under specific situations, in general there's no limit to how often a solarian can use the powers tied to their stellar modes.

After 3 rounds of attunement to exclusively photon or graviton powers, a solarian can reach full attunement, which grants access to zenith powers. Each solarian begins play with two zenith powers: black hole, which draws a foe closer to you, and supernova, which does fire damage to everyone within 10 feet of you. Using a zenith power causes you to be unattuned afterwards, so zenith powers can be used at most once every few rounds. However, in general there's no other limitation to how often a solarian can use these powers in combat—if a fight lasts long enough to keep cycling through zenith powers, the solarian is free to do so.

While the choice of solar armor or solar weapon and selection of different stellar revelations are the primary customization options for a solarian, they have a few other minor abilities at well. At 3rd level a solarian gains sidereal influence, which allows the solarian to meditate to gain bonuses to photon- and graviton-related skills. At 7th level, a solarian gains flashing strikes, which allows them to make a full attack entirely with melee weapons at a reduced attack penalty, and at 13th level a solarian's onslaught allows their full attack to be three attacks rather than the normal two (though all three attacks are at a slightly higher penalty). At 20th level, a solarian gains full attunement in a stellar mode more quickly, can switch from one full attunement to another, and even spend 1 Resolve to immediately become fully attuned.

Given the importance of stellar modes and stellar revelations, here are two sample revelations.

Blazing Orbit (Su) [6th level photon revelation] As a move action, you can move up to your speed, gaining concealment against any attack made against you during the move, and you can leave a trail of flames in every square you pass through. The flames last for 1 round and deal 2d6 fire damage to anyone who moves into them. You can't move through another creature's space during this movement. If you use blazing orbit again, any flames you previously created with it go out. The damage from the flames increases by 1d6 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter.

When you are attuned or fully attuned, any creature damaged by the flames also gains the burning condition (1d6 fire damage; see page 273).

Crush (Su) [6th level graviton revelation] As a standard action, you can increase the effects of gravity on the internal organs or workings of a target within 30 feet, causing it to have difficulty maintaining its normal functionality. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round. This revelation also affects constructs. You can maintain this effect as a move action each round, but the target can attempt a new saving throw each round to end the effect. Once a creature succeeds at this save or the effect ends, you can't target that creature with crush again for 24 hours.

When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to also stun the target for 1 round. Maintaining crush on subsequent rounds extends the staggered effect, but not the stunned effect.

Owen KC Stephens

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Mashallah wrote:

That... actually sounds pretty interesting and cool.
I haven't even considered it might work this way due to being used to 4e's "you can only take zone damage from the same source once per turn".

Now my personal guess given the potential numbers being thrown around, it probably isn't per square, but maybe per action, however the presented text does need clarification. Even in that case 2d6 bonus damage on a tactical relocation of both yourself and enemy for "free" would still see use.

Also a question for crush, I'd like to know if you need to spend the resolve for the stun effect before or after the saving throw. In a 1 on 4 fight with a CR+3 enemy, having a 25% chance to remove their complete turn and make them drop their held weapons is statistically worth it. Probably not if you're also wagering a resolve point.

Ventnor wrote:
IonutRO wrote:
Now, this will either make or break the class for me, but.... can they manifest wings?
I'd be fine if they flew via manipulating gravity.

I wouldn't!

IonutRO wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
IonutRO wrote:
Now, this will either make or break the class for me, but.... can they manifest wings?
I'd be fine if they flew via manipulating gravity.
I wouldn't!

I would be cool with it.

Scarab Sages

IonutRO wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
IonutRO wrote:
Now, this will either make or break the class for me, but.... can they manifest wings?
I'd be fine if they flew via manipulating gravity.
I wouldn't!

Looks like a Sarcesian Solarion is what you want.

No, I don't, I want a human solarian with wings made of solar energy. Plus, Sarcesian wings only work in space.

Radiant Oath

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Well one of the great things we've seen so far with flavour in Starfinder is that you're often free to define your own. So whilst mechanically they all work the same way, you can probably have a Solarian that flies thanks to flaming wings, in a green sphere or just by floating around.

Evilgm wrote:
Well one of the great things we've seen so far with flavour in Starfinder is that you're often free to define your own. So whilst mechanically they all work the same way, you can probably have a Solarian that flies thanks to flaming wings, in a green sphere or just by floating around.

That's how I always see it.

That wouldn't stop it from being an Entropy power mechanically, no matter how you make it look. And for society play it wouldn't be allowed to begin with. And if Solarians can't fly under their own power to begin with (seeing how common Jetpacks and Jumpjets have been slated to be, it would be silly not to allow them to fly), then it's entirely up to luck if you find a GM that homebrews a power for them to fly with.


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The real twist in making the descriptive thematics interesting is defining the visuals for what happens when you use a graviton power while in photon stellar mode and vice versa. How are they affected from the baseline? So let's say you have a gravity control power that lets you fly by manipulating gravity (like the guys in Stormlight that First World Bard mentioned) but that you use it while you're in photon stellar mode, a mode characterized by flashy displays of radiance. Who's to say that wouldn't manifest as glowing wings of solar energy spilling out from you and flapping and shifting in a complex pattern that turns out, to an observer skilled in physics, to match precisely an equal but opposite reaction to the shifts you are instinctively making to gravity in order to fly? That could also be a way to fly that has visible wing manifestations but doesn't stop working in a vacuum like wings based on air flow would.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

Great now the succubus is going to get class levels in solarian.

What have you done?

...the world a favor?

I understand that flavour can be used to refluff powers, but I want to build a Solarian that uses solar revelations exclusively in order to re-create a Malvan Firewing in Starfinder, and if flight is a graviton revelation, then I can't do that.

Radiant Oath

Considering you want to recreate something from a completely different setting in the game, you're probably going to have to be more open-minded about what you can and cannot use to represent it. You're choosing to only use solar revelations and then saying that you can't do what you want with the class- you can easily have the same concept that uses gravity powers and never talks about it, so from the point of view of all onlookers they just use solar powers.

I'm not saying I can't do what I want with only solar revelations, I'm asking if it can be done, and people are dancing around the answer instead of telling me a simple yes or no.

None of us know what can be done yet other than the Devs, and given that the book doesn't come out until next month can you blame them for not wanting to share too much?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
LuniasM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Great now the succubus is going to get class levels in solarian.

What have you done?

...the world a favor?


Sovereign Court

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

... ow.

True, but ow.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Come to the solar side, we're radiant."

Liberty's Edge

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Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Feros the Light Solarian wrote:
"Come to the solar side, we're radiant."

"Come to both sides, we actually understand what a 'cycle' is."

Shadow Lodge

So... Soulknife mixed with Kineticist(without burn)? Cool.

JRutterbush wrote:
Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Feros the Light Solarian wrote:
"Come to the solar side, we're radiant."
"Come to both sides, we actually understand what a 'cycle' is."

Come to no side, everyone's a part of the cycle.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Welcome to the graviton side; as if you had a choice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JRutterbush wrote:
Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Feros the Light Solarian wrote:
"Come to the solar side, we're radiant."
"Come to both sides, we actually understand what a 'cycle' is."

Well, a wax and wane of only one half of the balance is still a cycle. It's just a cycle of progression. Like a wax and wane of brightness in the sun in a cycle of solar flares, but doesn't have to crunch back down into a new star or a black hole after the burst, as it doesn't expend itself entirely with the solar flare.

... True cycles in nature are not always a continuous ring; sometimes its many interconnected loops, in a sort of Spirograph. Sometimes its a spiral. Sometimes its a double helix.

Even a true cycle of opposites doesn't require that the same entity play both sides. Imagine a binary system, where one star is doing all the light emitting, and another is doing all the gravitational legwork. The brighter star benefits from the fuel that the bigger star pulls in, and the larger star benefits from the extra heat from the brighter one, giving it an increased heat it could not obtain on its own since its heavier elements might not be able to fuse as easily.

... Which brings us to a point actually relevant to Solarions. If you pair two of them up, one using light, while the other uses dark, it seems like a very effective strategy. The Dark Side one pulls in the mooks, and the Light side one can stay relatively still and benefit from the gravitational abilities of their partner by basically doing full round attacks every round.

Or something like that. Heck, the light one could flame orbit around the Graviton one, and then the graviton one could forcefully pull everyone THROUGH the flames with their final Graviton thing. And then, they're in perfect positioning for the Light one to do their final burst on all the enemies that were just drawn in.

... Granted, doing that last one perfectly probably requires two doing radiant, and one doing graviton. But it does make one wonder what a whole team of Solarions can pull off with teamwork like that while splitting the roles.

Kiln Norn wrote:
This might just be me but I really want to get to 3 graviton, orbit backward and then black hole a group into the fire. Of course if a soldier can then grenade them or do something explodey it wouldn't hurt either.

I would think you'd WANT it to hurt, otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose . . . .

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Cuddle Grenade.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Ashanderai wrote:
Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Welcome to the graviton side; as if you had a choice.

Come over to the graviton side. We have chocolate donut holes.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Garbage-Tier Waifu wrote:
Cuddle Grenade.

It's the cutest grenade of them all. So watch out! Or else it's hugs for everyone!

This is the preview I have been waiting for!

Ventnor wrote:
JRutterbush wrote:
Kiln Norn wrote:

Hey guys I figured out the graviton recruitment slogan.

"Come to the graviton side, we're attractive."

Feros the Light Solarian wrote:
"Come to the solar side, we're radiant."
"Come to both sides, we actually understand what a 'cycle' is."
Come to no side, everyone's a part of the cycle.

Embrace the cycle, we're attractive AND shiny!

Dunno what it is, but every time I look at this dude in the art above, I think Jaime Lannister with a laserspear. He is sooo showing up in my campaign. Wicked fashionable cape too.

Hiruma Kai wrote:

I've already got some FAQ questions:

1) Does the fire damage from blazing orbit trigger for *each* square you enter? I.e. if you enter one square, take 2d6, enter the next, take another 2d6?

2) Does forced movement into those squares, say from the same or a different Solarian's black hole power, which moves an enemy closer, trigger the damage?

Depending on exact numbers, that might be an easy 12d6 from a move (can Black hole move you 6 squares?) and a standard action (is Black hole standard? Full round?) with no resource cost at 6th. Maybe something like 24d6 at 10th. And just for sillies, something like 54d6 at 20th (although maybe you can have faster base movement and pull farther at higher level?) Although I'm guessing Black hole gives a save.

I.e. Solarian is in over his head up front after 3 rounds of combat in and is Gravity attuned, activates Blazing Orbit and moves away with concealment, then draws an enemy through his flames to his friends via Blackhole. Move + Attack damage + better positioning of the enemy at the end. Might not be as good as a full attack in terms of raw damage output, but I could see it being the right move in some situations.

Anyways I'm looking forward to what kind of silly combos one can build between team members.

This seems both incredibly cool and eminently reasonable, especially since the class seems like it will have a lot of battlefield control options

I'm curious: Apparently spells will generally come with Standard and Full-Round manifestations depending how you choose to cast them. (better matching action economy of physical combat with Standard vs Full Attacks).


But will non-Spell "Su" abilities (if that distinction remains in SF) also have Standard/F-R variability like that? If anything, spells sound like they will be de-emphasized, insofar as there are no 9 level casters, leaving class abilities with "1/2 level + 10 DC" as highest DC options. Seems odd if they didn't get the Standard/F-R dichotomy treatment, but haven't heard much about that so far.

Or is the idea that specific abilities will be scoped re: power depending on what action they use, so there will be more powerful abilities that require F-R (only), medium powers that use Standard (only), weaker ones that use Move Actions... or whatever better name you've picked now (only)? I suppose the same could go for spells themselves (which we've heard that only SOME scale in power/effect based on choice of action to cast), other spells could not have variable casting/power choices, but could be fixed standard, full-round, "move", swift, etc. The same goes for "special" physical combat, where some options could allow Standard or F-R (possibly with different trade-offs than the vanilla standard/F-R attack uses), some could be fixed to specific actions and not scale up/down.


Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Actually it seems NONE of the new classes have any alignment restrictions whatsoever. Wonder why that is? ;)
Because Alignment apparently doesn't mean anything in Starfinder. I'm actually kinda curious why they even bothered keeping it.

It is NOT the case that alignment doesn't mean anything.

It IS the case that fewer rules interact directly with alignment. Not NO rules, but a LOT fewer rules.

I like this. If there's only very few rules where alignment still has an impact I might be able to houserule it completely out of the game without breaking as much as in PF/D&D.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am sure that alignment will matter to anyone who gets shot by or who attempts to use a holy plasma cannon.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
I am sure that alignment will matter to anyone who gets shot by or who attempts to use a holy plasma cannon.

Earleir in this thread Owen has said that Starfinder Holy isn't the same as Pathfinder Holy, and is a reasonable thing for low level Starfinder PCs to have. My guess: it will do extra damage to creatures with the Evil subtype (Devils, Demons and the like), but not simply to creatures with an evil alignment.

Edit: Link here


What makes them better than Evil Outsider Baned weapons then? Going Through their natural DR? It'd be better just to combine it with Bane then.

Alignment is still in the game? Crap.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
What makes them better than Evil Outsider Baned weapons then? Going Through their natural DR? It'd be better just to combine it with Bane then.

You are assuming that Bane weapons (and DR) are still in Starfinder.

First World Bard wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
What makes them better than Evil Outsider Baned weapons then? Going Through their natural DR? It'd be better just to combine it with Bane then.
You are assuming that Bane weapons (and DR) are still in Starfinder.

Point, and while I won't really miss DR I'll be sad if Bane weapons are gone.

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:


What makes them better than Evil Outsider Baned weapons then? Going Through their natural DR? It'd be better just to combine it with Bane then.

Well, for starters, bane is also not the same as in Pathfinder.

There really is a reason we are presenting this as a new game.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:


What makes them better than Evil Outsider Baned weapons then? Going Through their natural DR? It'd be better just to combine it with Bane then.

Well, for starters, bane is also not the same as in Pathfinder.

There really is a reason we are presenting this as a new game.

(with just enough ties though)

On one hand, yay! Bane!

On the other, it's not the same, hmm...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To expand on it, yes, this is a new game. Built upon a previous game. A couple of previous games.

And familiar terms that mean a certain thing in the previous game keep being mentioned and with no knowledge of how they work in this new game we default to what we do know until and if you tell us otherwise.

Alignment is in this game, except it doesn't work in all ways like Alignmnet we know.

Bane and Holy are in this game, except it doesn't work like previous versions.

So without knowing how they do work we default to what we do know.

"You assume they work the same." Yes, until we are told otherwise. And we aren't told otherwise until we bring it up.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If I recall correctly, there are no straight up +x modifiers for weapons/armors, so that would mean Bane has to act at least slightly different :).

1 more month until we know for sure :D

While I know the math wouldn't be the same I was at least operating under the assumption that Bane = better at hurting things of a specific type.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

To expand on it, yes, this is a new game. Built upon a previous game. A couple of previous games.

And familiar terms that mean a certain thing in the previous game keep being mentioned and with no knowledge of how they work in this new game we default to what we do know until and if you tell us otherwise.

Alignment is in this game, except it doesn't work in all ways like Alignmnet we know.

Bane and Holy are in this game, except it doesn't work like previous versions.

So without knowing how they do work we default to what we do know.

"You assume they work the same." Yes, until we are told otherwise. And we aren't told otherwise until we bring it up.

"You assume they work the same, even after being repeatedly told, over and over, on a wide variety of broad and narrow subjects, 'No, that doesn't work the same as it did.'"

At this point, it seems a safer bet to believe, "If I recognize a name, it probably doesn't work the same way it used to."

Yes, we have been told specific things don't work the same, but some do, and some things still exist. And we don't know until we ask or it's talked about.

There's still Alignment, supposedly 9 of them. How they interact with everything is what is in question which is why I keep asking.

I'm not going to simply assume absolutely everything is different due to a lack of information.

i could see bane allowing a reroll of your attack against it's bane'd target.

So what about those Solarian Crystals, what do they do?

Rysky wrote:
And familiar terms that mean a certain thing in the previous game keep being mentioned and with no knowledge of how they work in this new game we default to what we do know until and if you tell us otherwise.

I don't recall when, but at some point I just started ignoring all the previous definitions for these things. I thought it was a good time to start with a clean mental chalkboard. :)

Wraithguard wrote:
Rysky wrote:
And familiar terms that mean a certain thing in the previous game keep being mentioned and with no knowledge of how they work in this new game we default to what we do know until and if you tell us otherwise.
I don't recall when, but at some point I just started ignoring all the previous definitions for these things. I thought it was a good time to start with a clean mental chalkboard. :)

Well seeing as how I still intend to play Pathfinder as well I kinda can't :3

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Wraithguard wrote:
Rysky wrote:
And familiar terms that mean a certain thing in the previous game keep being mentioned and with no knowledge of how they work in this new game we default to what we do know until and if you tell us otherwise.
I don't recall when, but at some point I just started ignoring all the previous definitions for these things. I thought it was a good time to start with a clean mental chalkboard. :)
Well seeing as how I still intend to play Pathfinder as well I kinda can't :3

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