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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Class Preview: The Solarian

Of all the Starfinder classes, the solarian is the one hardest to explain in 10 words or less. It is a new class, and a new concept, unique to Starfinder though clearly inspired by various iconic science-fantasy tropes. It can be described as a kind of supernatural philosopher-warrior, with a focus on the stellar powers of light and gravity, but that doesn't give a very good idea of what the class can actually do. For starters, let's take a look at what the Starfinder Core Rulebook has to say about the solarian.

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Tags: Mikael Leger Solarians Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Starfinder Archetypes

Archetypes are a fascinating example of how a game system can evolve over the course of time. The Pathfinder Core Rulebook doesn't mention archetypes at all—they weren't introduced until the Advanced Player's Guide. Once players discovered how useful they were to represent characters that weren't a perfect match for any character class, but were close enough that only a few changes were necessary to represent them, archetypes quickly became an extremely popular and common element of many Pathfinder RPG releases from that point forward. They allowed characters to examine new character concepts without needing to release whole new classes. A ranger who's an expert in tactics and odd tricks but doesn't cast spells isn't a big enough conceptual step to need a new character class, but it's difficult to represent without something like the skirmisher or trapper archetypes.

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Tags: Mikael Leger Mirco Paganessi Starfinder

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #113: What Grows Within (Strange Aeons 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

Down the Path of Madness

With this month's release of The Whisper Out of Time the Strange Aeons Adventure Path is two-thirds of the way through a twisted journey through horror and uncertainty. By the time the PCs begin this month's adventure, they have reclaimed their lost memories and figured out what happened to them—something that will hopefully motivate them to track down those responsible. Let see what mind-shattering dangers await the PCs as they move into the last two volumes of the Strange Aeons Adventure Path.

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Tags: Alexandur Alexandrov Jorge Fares Kent Hamilton Mikael Leger Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

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