Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Why wield a lightsaber axe or a flamethrower when you can wield a longsword? Many kudos to the lady on the left for keeping it classy.
This cover has a very "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel to it, which I imagine is how most Starfinder adventuring groups are going to resemble in their eclectic party makeup. I approve.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why wield a lightsaber axe or a flamethrower when you can wield a longsword? Many kudos to the lady on the left for keeping it classy.
This cover has a very "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel to it, which I imagine is how most Starfinder adventuring groups are going to resemble in their eclectic party makeup. I approve.
Huh, neat. Looks like it'll be more fantasy than I previously expected. Not a bad thing.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

William Ronald wrote:Southern IN already has a facebook group for SFS that's filling up daily too! :)We already have some interest here in Northwest Indiana in Starfinder organized play. I think that this book will do very well.
Well I can't speak for the rest of Northeast Indiana but my area is also preping for Starfinder.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

*Sorry Kanye, but not sorry*
For my theme song
My laser space jeans on
My by any means on
Pardon, I'm getting my scream on
Enter the spacedom
But watch who you bring home
They see a blue man with a raccoon woman
At the top floor they gone come to kill Sky Titan
Middle Bretheda packed in
Came to see me in my blue skin
Number one question they asking
Laser every question you asking!
If I don't get ran out by Triaxans
Here come some conservative Hellknights
Claiming I'm overreacting
Like them lich kids in Eox beach

TimD |

Successfully avoided throwing each other out of windows over design disputes.
Dispute resolution via defenestration is always a risk with creative collaboration.
I'm assuming you fine folks at Paizo resolved these things far more maturely......via drinking contests (er "flip mat research forays" for the IRS folks who may be wondering about those write-offs).

Dominar Rygel XVI |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wow, that cover looks awesome.
*Sorry Kanye, but not sorry*
For my theme song
My laser space jeans on
My by any means on
Pardon, I'm getting my scream on
Enter the spacedom
But watch who you bring home
They see a blue man with a raccoon woman
At the top floor they gone come to kill Sky Titan
Middle Bretheda packed in
Came to see me in my blue skin
Number one question they asking
Laser every question you asking!
If I don't get ran out by Triaxans
Here come some conservative Hellknights
Claiming I'm overreacting
Like them lich kids in Eox beach
I have far simpler tastes... ♫♪ SPACE PANTS! ♫♪

Ashanderai |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Wow. Somehow, a reptile and a rodent in the same party just seems to smack of party conflict. Hopefully, some of that space tech evens out the playing field for the rodent-like ysoki. Space PVP!

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |

James Sutter wrote:Successfully avoided throwing each other out of windows over design disputes.Dispute resolution via defenestration is always a risk with creative collaboration.
I'm assuming you fine folks at Paizo resolved these things far more maturely...
Well after I successfully ended one disagreement with rock-paper-scissors, we decided it was no longer a good idea to settle things with rock-paper-scissors...

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lookin' pretty sweet Owen!
I cannot overstate how much this was a team effort, and how little I had to do with the cover or the rest of the visuals. The book is GORGEOUS, and the vast majority of the credit for that goes to Creative Design Director Sarah Robinson, the artists and art staff, and Starfinder Brand Manager James Sutter. Everyone involved gave feedback as appropriate, but the art staff and brand folks get tons and tons more credit than me for how great this looks.
I just spent three days looking over it. It's a stunning book.

Velr-Fex |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Awesome cover!!!
A larger version of the art can be found here.
Looking at the original art (larger size without logos) you can see the spaceship combat better.
It seems to be a clash between the Pact World Alliance and their allies, Veskarium, against the Shirren.
Impressive art, impressive cover, and I'm sure it's going to be an impressive book as well.

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Ravingdork wrote:Huh, neat. Looks like it'll be more fantasy than I previously expected. Not a bad thing.Why wield a lightsaber axe or a flamethrower when you can wield a longsword? Many kudos to the lady on the left for keeping it classy.
This cover has a very "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel to it, which I imagine is how most Starfinder adventuring groups are going to resemble in their eclectic party makeup. I approve.
I actually feel the opposite. I mean, I love the cover, it is gorgeous, but it looks like pretty much straight up Space Opera. I was expecting some element that made it obviously Science Fantasy -- wizards and robots, dragons and starships, that sort of thing. I agree that it has a powerful GotG vibe, which is good, but I hope interior art and other pieces embrace the fantasy aspects more directly.

Archmage Variel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The way I see it, judging but what we see here
The iconics will be:
Human envoy
Vesk soldier
Ysoki mechanic
Android operative
Kasatha technomancer
Lashunta mystic
And the yet known race as a solarion
From the two peices of art supposedly showing all the iconics together. The shirren is the mystic, the kasatha is the solarion, and the Lashunta is the technomancer. The others seem correct though.

Velr-Fex |

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:I actually feel the opposite. I mean, I love the cover, it is gorgeous, but it looks like pretty much straight up Space Opera. I was expecting some element that made it obviously Science Fantasy -- wizards and robots, dragons and starships, that sort of thing. I agree that it has a powerful GotG vibe, which is good, but I hope interior art and other pieces embrace the fantasy aspects more directly.Ravingdork wrote:Huh, neat. Looks like it'll be more fantasy than I previously expected. Not a bad thing.Why wield a lightsaber axe or a flamethrower when you can wield a longsword? Many kudos to the lady on the left for keeping it classy.
This cover has a very "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel to it, which I imagine is how most Starfinder adventuring groups are going to resemble in their eclectic party makeup. I approve.
The old promotional art that is now presented as the Character Folio cover had a Kasatha using what we could assume to be magic; he was casting a spell. Now we have no magic or any fantasy element at all in the cover of the Core Rulebook.
For us, people that are following all the news about the product, this might have no impact at all.
This had no impact on me, until I saw this post.
However... For a new player, or a person that isn't familiar with Paizo or Pathfinder, this could be enough to cause the misunderstanding that Starfinder has no fantasy/magic in it. No one is "casting magic" and there's no iconic creature of an average "fantasy" settings (orcs, elves, dragons, dwarfs, goblins)...
Well, I'm sure the majority will read the books back for the product's description - the art is amazing enough. ;)

Dave2 |

Cover looked good. I wonder if that is the same Owen Stephens who worked on Black Company book back in the day. I did some Playtesting for it that tweaked some damage rules.
Want ask my standard damage question of how criticals work. Will there be critical damage threshold like starship combat?
Ps thought the starship combat looked really good. I hope that there are some interesting twist to damage for personnel combat which is also big part of the game. Not I take 20 damage thing. To be honest though, not to hard to fix even if it is.
Not super excited page count went from 560 to 528.