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Meet The Iconics: Zemir

The only son of miners on a remote planetoid called Pikora 317, tucked within the widest orbital ring of the gas giant Preluria in Near Space, Zemir spent his earliest days exposed to the harsh reality of life in a corporate labor colony. Determined to provide for their son, Zemir’s parents eked out their existence in the Freugan Salvage Company’s starmetal mines. The Solodans never went hungry, though the only delicacies young Zemir enjoyed were occasional tastes of citrus-chocolate pastries, sweet-milk custards, and savory meringues—gifts from the Freugan executives’ own ample stashes of treats imported from Absalom Station.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost Starfinder Witchwarpers Zemir

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Meet The Iconics: Velloro

Velloro was adopted into a large ysoki family on the dusty planet of Akiton as an infant, never knowing another home—and never having much interest in finding one. His family were devout worshipers of Iomedae, goddess of justice and honorable battle, virtues the young lashunta gladly embraced. He spent his youth playing and scavenging among Akiton’s numerous wrecked starships with his many siblings. Time and again, Velloro proved a fierce protector of his family, whether extracting them from collapsed wreckage, fighting off rival scavengers, or otherwise putting himself between them and the many other dangers of their dying world.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost Starfinder Vanguards Velloro

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Meet The Iconics: Barsala

The daughter of a renowned biotechnician and a respected priest of Talavet, Barsala Zharliska Sonari of House Ulanda grew up in Trillidiem, the arcology of bubble-shaped domes that floats above Bretheda’s northern pole. Her parents maintained a household in which discussion and debate were encouraged, with most dinnertime talks focused around the dichotomy between faith and science. Even at a young age, Barsala was included, her questions and opinions treated with respect. As a result, she found herself drawn to studying scientific disciplines, but focused on how they could help her neighbors and her community. Barsala witnessed the power of community early in her life when she lost her lowleft hand due to severe nerve damage sustained in a nasty fall and many of her family’s neighbors came together to help her get used to her new cybernetic prosthesis.

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Tags: Barsala Biohackers Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost

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Starfinder Pact Worlds

Journey to the Pact Worlds

We're just little over a month away before the next hardcover addition to Starfinder releases! Starfinder Pact Worlds is your guide to the 14 major worlds at the heart of the Starfinder campaign setting. Before we start revealing the content of Pact Worlds, we wanted to show off the book's amazing new cover by artist Remko Troost!

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Raia

Raia Danviri was born and raised in the lashunta city-state of Komena, near the southern tip of the continent of Asana on Castrovel. Komena's proximity to the formian-inhabited continent of the Colonies has made it a center of military activity for millennia, but to the Danviris, it was a home filled with hope and promise. Raia's parents were diplomats, and devoted their lives to brokering a peace between the lashuntas and the formians, a goal that spanned decades. They taught their daughter the value of all sentient life, for even among creatures like the insectile formians, who were so unlike lashuntas and had been enemies for so long, one can find similarities like culture, society, and civilization. But even more important are the differences. The details that separate one species from another are not only what make them interesting, but also teach one new things, and inspire one to question and re-examine one's own assumptions and beliefs.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Raia Remko Troost Starfinder Technomancers

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #120: Vault of the Onyx Citadel (Ironfang Invasion 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

The Ironfang Resolution

The Ironfang Resolution Thursday, July 19, 2017 This month marks the conclusion of the Ironfang Invasion, and even as I type, issues of Pathfinder Adventure Path #120: Vault of the Onyx Citadel are being furiously packaged and shipped by our warehouse raptors. Some of you may already have them in your dice-stained hands. We finally get to see what makes Azaersi tick, and what sort of danger her sly inner circle truly present. Your heros will (hopefully) slay the witch worm Zanathura (again)...
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Tags: Ironfang Invasion Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Path Remko Troost Will O'Brien

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Altronus

Altronus Barasul Dovenayan was born into House Holdare, a traditional and respected family on the kasatha generation-ship-turned-homeland Idari. The Holdare trace their lineage to Great Families already well respected when the Idari left Kasath for their centuries-long trip to the Pact Worlds, and have maintained strong connections with both the houses that rose to prominence on the ship while crew functions were paramount, and younger houses risen to prominence since the Idari became an enormous space station. Much of the influence of House Holdare comes from their renown for producing skilled adata—scholar-priests who oversee the removal and preservation of thin slices of the brains of deceased kasatha in technomagical temples called adats. Even in times when ships officers, pilots, and navigators find their social relevance waning, the adata remain highly respected in kasatha society.

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Tags: Altronus Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost Solarians Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Quig

Born to a poor family barely eking out a living in the small settlement of Estuar on Akiton, Quig Dexel developed a fascination at an early age with the various water-purification plants that skirted the nearby polar ice caps. Spurred by this curiosity, he taught himself the basics of engineering by stealthily tinkering with valve-control mechanisms and reverse-osmosis regulators until he was old enough to work for one of the shady syndicates that controlled the flow of water out of town. Initially hired as a de-icer, he made sure that the storage tanks' outflow lines didn't freeze over during the cold nights. Though he worked odd hours, he was able to make friends by helping his coworkers when their shoddy flamers malfunctioned.

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Tags: Iconics Mechanics Meet the Iconics Quig Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Obozaya

Obozaya was born on Vesk Prime, the planetary capital of the Veskarium, to a family of low-level military bureaucrats. Distinguishing herself with her determination and ferocity on the sports field and in the dueling ring—if not in her academic studies—Obozaya quickly established herself as a top-notch military cadet, enlisting as soon as her basic studies were complete.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Obozaya Remko Troost Soldiers Starfinder

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Pathfinder Tales: Gears of Faith

Interview with Gears of Faith Author Gabrielle Harbowy

In the madness of the Starfinder launch, I wasn't able to do my usual blog about the new Pathfinder Tales novel, which was a real shame, given that Gabrielle Harbowy's Gears of Faith is a novel that's been so eagerly awaited by fans here on the Paizo boards! Fortunately, Pathfinder Tales author Liane Merciel (of Nightglass, Nightblade, and Hellknight fame) swooped in to save the day, interviewing Gabrielle on what it was like to write the novel. For my part, I'll just say that I knew since the very first installment of "Inheritance," Gabrielle's web fiction story that introduced the main characters of Gears of Faith, that Keren, Zae, and the bold riding dog Appleslayer, were going to star in a novel someday—there was something so deep and genuine about all three of them, and their relationships with each other. So it was gratifying but not surprising that the fans felt it, too! And now, 3.5 years and a new publishing partner later, the book's finally hitting shelves, and I couldn't be happier about it. But enough from me—let's hear from Liane and Gabrielle!

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Tags: Gabrielle Harbowy Liane Merciel Pathfinder Tales Remko Troost Roberto Pitturru

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Keskodai

For those inducted into the faith of Pharasma, the Lady of Graves, death is not an ending, but a doorway: an entry into a new existence and way of being. The shirren Keskodai understands this transition well, and greets it with the joyful reverence it deserves—an outlook that's not always comforting to the patients in his medical bay.

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Tags: Iconics Keskodai Meet the Iconics Mystics Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Iseph

As biomechanical entities, androids can theoretically live forever with the proper repairs. While some embrace this form of immortality, most androids live what they feel is a full life—usually around a hundred years—and then voluntarily instigate a process called renewal, in which the android's soul leaves its body, allowing a fresh android soul to inhabit it. Most people consider this a joyous occasion, metaphorically equivalent to the old android giving birth to a child, and understand that a post-renewal android is an entirely new person who just happens to inhabit the same body. Yet not all people are willing to honor this change or forgive past debts and slights, and such is the case with Iseph.

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Tags: Iconics Iseph Meet the Iconics Operatives Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Meet the Iconics: Navasi

Born into a prominent family on Absalom Station, the envoy who calls herself Navasi spent much of her childhood avoiding her parents in their "sky-villa," as they called their sprawling, six-story home in the Nyori Palisades. Navasi's mother had designs on her canny-but-headstrong daughter inheriting the family's business. Her father had visions of a queenly young woman sitting in silk among the station's most prominent socialites.

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Tags: Envoys Iconics Meet the Iconics Navasi Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Iconic Characters Revealed!

Last Friday, our friends at Game Informer released a sneak preview of all seven iconic characters for Starfinder. We wanted to share that image with you as well, but first—what do we mean by "iconic character," anyway?

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Introducing Starfinder’s Final Core Race: The Shirren!

Two weeks ago we revealed a brand new Starfinder core race, the reptilian vesk, leaving us with just one mystery race left. Now, at long last, we're revealing that final core race: the insectile shirrens!

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Shoot For the Stars—Final Starfinder Core Rulebook Cover Revealed!

One year. It's hard to believe that only a year has passed since we first started working on Starfinder. So much has happened in that time. We've built a setting. Designed a whole new game. Charted out an Adventure Path. Somehow managed to squish 800+ pages of content down into a 528-page Core Rulebook. Successfully avoided throwing each other out of windows over design disputes. You know, all the challenges associated with a new game.

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder

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Starfinder Core Rulebook

Unveiling a New Starfinder Race: The Vesk!

For months now, we've been teasing the fact that Starfinder has seven core races, of which only five have been announced—humans, androids, lashunta, kasatha, and ysoki. What's more, we've hinted that the remaining two would be brand new races you've never seen before. So now, for the first time ever, we present... the vesk!

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Tags: Remko Troost Starfinder

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New Starfinder Interview!

More exciting Starfinder work continues to churn around these parts, and with that, more information about the upcoming roleplaying game has made it's way to the masses! In an interview with Matt Miller over at Game Informer, our own James L. Sutter divulged more details about the process behind Starfinder (and creating this all-new core rulebook full of gameplay and setting material). I've snagged some of the new artwork and other information (including captions from James) to show off here, but you should check out the whole interview for all of the new juicy bits.

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Tags: Iconics Iseph Leon Tukker Remko Troost Sebastien Hue Starfinder

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This is Not a Dream

The end of 2016 is proving to be an exciting and incredibly busy time around the office! The Starfinder team is chipping away at the process of filling the gaps in our grand science fantasy plans and working with our playtesters. More and more bits of truly stunning artwork are trickling in, and it's starting to feel like this is all really happening now! Yesterday Polygon released an exclusive article, and since I've taken over the blog for today, it's about time we show off some places and a new iconic character here. Meet Navasi, an iconic Envoy!

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Tags: Iconics Leon Tukker Navasi Remko Troost Sebastien Hue Starfinder

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Pathfinder Tales: Pirate's Prophecy

Pirate's Prophecy Sample Chapter

In Pirate's Prophecy, Captain Torius Vin has given up the pirate life in order to bring freedom to others. Along with his loyal crew and Celeste, the ship's snake-bodied navigator and Torius's one true love, the captain of the Stargazer uses a lifetime of piratical tricks to capture slave galleys and set the prisoners free. But when the crew's old friend and secret agent Vreva Jhafe uncovers rumors of a terrifying new magical weapon in devil-ruled Cheliax—one capable of wiping the abolitionist nation of Andoran off the map—will even their combined forces be enough to stop a navy backed by Hell itself?

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Tags: Chris A. Jackson Pathfinder Tales Remko Troost

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