Unveiling a New Starfinder Race: The Vesk!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

For months now, we've been teasing the fact that Starfinder has seven core races, of which only five have been announced—humans, androids, lashunta, kasatha, and ysoki. What's more, we've hinted that the remaining two would be brand new races you've never seen before. So now, for the first time ever, we present... the vesk!

Resembling 7-foot-tall humanoid lizards with beards of spiky bone, vesk come from the nearest inhabited solar system to the Golarion system. Fiercely militant and highly organized, vesk have strict honor codes and social mores based on conquest and prowess in battle—a cultural focus that quickly led them to conquer all the other races in their solar system, establishing a massive empire called the Veskarium. For generations, their conquest ended there, stifled by the vast distances between stars. With the introduction of Drift travel, however, they quickly turned first contact with the races of the Golarion system into an all-out war of invasion (and inadvertently created the Pact Worlds as the governments of that system banded together in mutual defense). The brutal conflict lasted for centuries, until the sudden arrival of the Swarm threatened to annihilate all life in both systems. Forced to put aside their differences, the Veskarium and the Pact Worlds were able to join forces and drive off the Swarm, and the tenuous truce forged in that fight continues to this day—if only barely.

Illustrations by Remko Troost

While merchants and others with peaceful professions can advance economically in vesk society, political power is the exclusive domain of those who've proven themselves in armed conflict. Surprisingly, this proof doesn't need to come through military service, or even benefit the Veskarium. Many vesk attain similar elevation in social status through performing mercenary work, engaging in dueling, or providing security on exploration missions. Though obsessed with conquest, dominance, and social rank, vesk find an equally strong sense of honor and pride in fulfilling their agreements and treating subordinates of all races fairly. They are stoic and taciturn with strangers but capable of great bursts of emotion in private or in the heat of battle. Vesk society tends to be efficient, respectful, and law-abiding—especially since nearly any insult or violation of custom could trigger a brutally violent blood debt.

Vesk adventuring with races from other systems fall into two categories. The first are mercenaries or glory-seekers looking for a chance to engage in honorable combat and build up their prestige. The second are nonwarrior vesk who have rejected their home society for its obsession with combat and have chosen instead to seek opportunities among more open-minded races. Warrior vesk most often fit the soldier class, though a growing number have become intrigued by the path of the solarian. Noncombatant vesk often lean toward becoming mystics, though some overcome the traditional vesk culture's dismissal of education to become mechanics or even technomancers.

Stay tuned for more Starfinder blog posts in the coming weeks as we ramp up to the game's release at Gen Con 50!

James L. Sutter
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
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Fromper, I believe there will be more robust rules for playing "monsters" as player characters. The core races are probably there to be a base line. I, for one, desperately want to play a Contemplative of Ashok.

Albatoonoe wrote:
Fromper, I believe there will be more robust rules for playing "monsters" as player characters. The core races are probably there to be a base line. I, for one, desperately want to play a Contemplative of Ashok.

Same! I want their lore to be expanded too. What does a floating brain eat? HOW does it eat?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Archmage Variel wrote:
With the core races, I think a part of the intent was to fill all the primary niches that a player would want to play. The heavy strength type was missing a race, and I think that often times, people like to play what they can see themselves being. So mostly humanoid races are easy to start out, with more complex races coming later on. They don't necessarily have to be humans in a different color, but it helps for the first few races to be relatable, for new players. More experienced roleplayers will find races that fit them later on, but a new player may have a hard time putting themselves into the mindset of a sentient cloud or an organism made out of several tiny organisms.

Couldn't have said better. This dragon fan here is waiting for the rules to play as a dragonkin that are included in the Alien Archive.

I never dreamed about seeing something completely non humanoid as a core race - mainly because of the reason you just pointed - but I know there will be many options to play as dozens of creatures.

People are too focused on the cosmetic aspects and are forgetting the mechanical aspect of a role playing game. They have to go easy on beginners, specially non rpg players.

Precisely, as much fun as playing a crystalline slug is likely to be, you gotta take into account how that's going to interact with classes and gear.

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Archmage Variel wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Fromper, I believe there will be more robust rules for playing "monsters" as player characters. The core races are probably there to be a base line. I, for one, desperately want to play a Contemplative of Ashok.
Same! I want their lore to be expanded too. What does a floating brain eat? HOW does it eat?

It eats?

Probably doesn't like watching Zombie movies

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Voss wrote:
Well, Kasatha probably deserve a question mark. They might be from Kasath (if it's actually nearby and not in Androffa's galaxy), but they might be from the bunch stranded in Numeria, and they had some sort of population boom in the intervening years and spread from Golarion into the local system. So they could be natives at this point.

There have also been hints that they might be from Akiton -- note their resemblance to miniature Shobhad.

Also, there is a good chance that most Starfinder humans are of Akitonian rather than Golarion ancestry.

David knott 242 wrote:
Voss wrote:
Well, Kasatha probably deserve a question mark. They might be from Kasath (if it's actually nearby and not in Androffa's galaxy), but they might be from the bunch stranded in Numeria, and they had some sort of population boom in the intervening years and spread from Golarion into the local system. So they could be natives at this point.

There have also been hints that they might be from Akiton -- note their resemblance to miniature Shobhad.

Also, there is a good chance that most Starfinder humans are of Akitonian rather than Golarion ancestry.

There's almost no way that they're specifically from akiton, but they could viably have a distant ancestor. There are a lot of six limbed creatures in the golarion system however. Even contemplatives appear to have six limbs. It's not an uncommon trait.

Silver Crusade

Albatoonoe wrote:
Fromper, I believe there will be more robust rules for playing "monsters" as player characters. The core races are probably there to be a base line. I, for one, desperately want to play a Contemplative of Ashok.

Unfortunately, the one opportunity I know I'll have to play is through Starfinder Society, and I'd bet money that you're only allowed to play Core races there, at least at first. I'll have to wait and see if the game catches on enough that I can get into a real campaign outside of SFS.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

.. why do they suffer damage vs improvised firearms...

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:
Which is why it's a trope that I would have hoped they'd avoid, now that it's become such a cliche. I was hoping for something more original.

Except basically the entire mission statement Golarion was based on was taking well-known tropes and making them original. Golarion is a bunch of tropes mashed together, but each with something original and exciting and very well integrated with each other to make the old tropes interesting again. And after all, one of the original recurring book series for the line was the "monsters revisited" series. Plus the majority of adventure paths are based on classic roleplaying tropes. If you weren't interested in seeing tropes reimagined, it's hard to see why you are buying from Paizo in the first place.

This is what Paizo does. From a certain perspective mechanically as well as in the fluff - after all, what is Pathfinder but a reinvigorated and reimagined rules system that is made to feel new again with creative twists? And Paizo have managed to do that repeatedly for a decade. That's why they keep getting my money, and that's why I'm always willing to give them a chance to impress me - because they usually do.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well I like them.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Azazyll wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Which is why it's a trope that I would have hoped they'd avoid, now that it's become such a cliche. I was hoping for something more original.

Except basically the entire mission statement Golarion was based on was taking well-known tropes and making them original. Golarion is a bunch of tropes mashed together, but each with something original and exciting and very well integrated with each other to make the old tropes interesting again. And after all, one of the original recurring book series for the line was the "monsters revisited" series. Plus the majority of adventure paths are based on classic roleplaying tropes. If you weren't interested in seeing tropes reimagined, it's hard to see why you are buying from Paizo in the first place.

This is what Paizo does. From a certain perspective mechanically as well as in the fluff - after all, what is Pathfinder but a reinvigorated and reimagined rules system that is made to feel new again with creative twists? And Paizo have managed to do that repeatedly for a decade. That's why they keep getting my money, and that's why I'm always willing to give them a chance to impress me - because they usually do.

Exactly! I think Paizo would catch a lot more flack if they don't cater to filling out the tropes of the sci fi genre first. After all, tropes are what is expected for a given genre. I for one like the Vesk and can't wait to put them in a room with nagaji, vishkanya, kobolds, and other assorted, scaled races and watch their various, big personalities clash.

Do 'assorted scaled races' have personalities at all? Sure kobolds do sometimes, but they're properly a furred race anyway.

Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
theheadkase wrote:
Would've liked to see the lizardfolk NOT be the militant/warlike race but still a cool reveal!

. . . Now I'm worried that actual lizardfolk have gone extinct by the time of Starfinder.

I hope vesk are parthenogenetic!

Also I'm hoping for space zombies. Gotta have playable space zombies.

Roscoe Rackham wrote:
Also I'm hoping for space zombies. Gotta have playable space zombies.

I'd love to see the bone sages become playable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Azazyll wrote:
Except basically the entire mission statement Golarion was based on was taking well-known tropes and making them original.

Except they were saying the two new races would be something different and new. So it's disappointing that the first one revealed is a Lizardfolk with less swimming prowess.

The other race does seem to fit the "something different and new" description though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Archmage Variel wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Voss wrote:
Well, Kasatha probably deserve a question mark. They might be from Kasath (if it's actually nearby and not in Androffa's galaxy), but they might be from the bunch stranded in Numeria, and they had some sort of population boom in the intervening years and spread from Golarion into the local system. So they could be natives at this point.

There have also been hints that they might be from Akiton -- note their resemblance to miniature Shobhad.

Also, there is a good chance that most Starfinder humans are of Akitonian rather than Golarion ancestry.

There's almost no way that they're specifically from akiton, but they could viably have a distant ancestor. There are a lot of six limbed creatures in the golarion system however. Even contemplatives appear to have six limbs. It's not an uncommon trait.

Here is the major hint, on page 19 of Distant Worlds in the entry for the Winterlands of Akiton:

"Scattered carvings indicate that the residents were tall, four-armed humanoids, giving rise to the notion that these might have been the ancestors of the Shobhads, yet the strange and stylized masks worn in all the drawings keep scholars from being sure, as does the tendency for even well-equipped adventuring parties to disappear in the mountains."

The masks could be kasatha face coverings, but whether kasatha can be considered "tall" depends on what race they are being compared to -- they definitely are not tall compared to Shobhads. Maybe the race in the carvings was a common ancestor to both races?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Is it female? Not sure if you're joking about the midriff. I like females with armour that makes sense.

Silver Crusade Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:
Archmage Variel wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Voss wrote:
Well, Kasatha probably deserve a question mark. They might be from Kasath (if it's actually nearby and not in Androffa's galaxy), but they might be from the bunch stranded in Numeria, and they had some sort of population boom in the intervening years and spread from Golarion into the local system. So they could be natives at this point.

There have also been hints that they might be from Akiton -- note their resemblance to miniature Shobhad.

Also, there is a good chance that most Starfinder humans are of Akitonian rather than Golarion ancestry.

There's almost no way that they're specifically from akiton, but they could viably have a distant ancestor. There are a lot of six limbed creatures in the golarion system however. Even contemplatives appear to have six limbs. It's not an uncommon trait.

Here is the major hint, on page 19 of Distant Worlds in the entry for the Winterlands of Akiton:

"Scattered carvings indicate that the residents were tall, four-armed humanoids, giving rise to the notion that these might have been the ancestors of the Shobhads, yet the strange and stylized masks worn in all the drawings keep scholars from being sure, as does the tendency for even well-equipped adventuring parties to disappear in the mountains."

The masks could be kasatha face coverings, but whether kasatha can be considered "tall" depends on what race they are being compared to -- they definitely are not tall compared to Shobhads. Maybe the race in the carvings was a common ancestor to both races?

You may wish to look into the creatures known as witchwyrds, as well as the Pactmasters of Katapesh. ^_^

Liberty's Edge

I hope the Vesk reproduce through cloning :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Voss wrote:
Do 'assorted scaled races' have personalities at all? Sure kobolds do sometimes, but they're properly a furred race anyway.

Of course they do! A member of any race can have a big personality; it is not dependent on what their race is at all. Personality always boils down to how they are played by the GM or the players, no matter the race. I just happen to want to get a scaled party campaign together and have fun.

As far as kobolds go, this is Pathfinder and Starfinder source material being referenced and they are reptilian with scales in the Pathfinder Bestiary and we know nothing thus far of Starfinder kobolds beyond that at this time. So, kobolds being a furred race holds no water here with Paizo's kobolds. I do get your reference from old D&D, but this discussion is about Paizo's products, not TSR's.

The Raven Black wrote:
I hope the Vesk reproduce through cloning :-)

That's not a bad idea. There is a lizard that does essentially do that. I can't remember the name but they are all basically female and birth what are effectively clones. Kind of an evolutionary dead-end though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lemartes wrote:
Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

Seeing as how the Vesk are lizards, differences in gender may be far more subtle, if they are to be compared with earthly lizards.

They are not mammals after all and would lack mammal specific glands and features on their females. Heck even the males may be radically different.

As for unarmored midriffs how much you want to bet the Vesk have a Natural Armor bonus or have a cultural bias about 'being less armored means your more dangerous' for certain professions?

I'm aware of the vagaries of reptile gender. I had pet lizards and I have no idea what their genders were.

I bet they do have natural armour. I still dislike the midriff armour.

Hm, and here I was expecting a 2nd Small race... (last race looks like Medium insect). Meh.

As to how Vesk would get along with Hobgoblins... I assume look down on them.
Because they play same game, but Hobgoblins failed to conquer their original planet, much less system, like the Vesk.

I do like idea of Akitoni Humans being major part of Human culture as David Knott brought up.
Although I assume Absalom Station originating from Golarion would be mostly Golarion-centric... Even if Golarion Humans developed space travel earlier than Akiton, the number of Humans on other worlds would probably not outnumber the entire Human population of Akiton.

It does sound like the Kasatha have interesting history with Golarion's system and Akiton, could very well be they originated from Akiton but moved to other system(s) before some returning.

Maybe Vesks are true hermaphrodites?

Voss wrote:
Do 'assorted scaled races' have personalities at all? Sure kobolds do sometimes, but they're properly a furred race anyway.

Sure they do! Lizardfolk are proud isolationists who are generally pragmatic and secretive. Serpentfolk are cunning and manipulative, and envy the current rule of humans. Troglodytes are basically reptilian Gollum. Nagaji are honorable and courageous, but subservient. Vishkanya are seductive, secretive, and subtle.

On another note, I like that these guys actually seem to have a unified look. In the past we've started out with these great designs for lizardfolk and troglodytes, but then every other illustration of them ignores that design and just bases them off of random lizards. These guys look like a cross between agamas, iguanas, and dimetrodon, and it works really well.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
On another note, I like that these guys actually seem to have a unified look. In the past we've started out with these great designs for lizardfolk and troglodytes, but then every other illustration of them ignores that design and just bases them off of random lizards. These guys look like a cross between agamas, iguanas, and dimetrodon, and it works really well.

That's one of the major things that left me worried about the vesk, Troodos.

I really liked the design of the reptilian Vesk race - specially their heads and bulk - but just as the lizardfolk or serpentfolk, I'm afraid that they will lose this originality and become a bunch of random bipedal lizards (like frilled-lizard vesk or chameleon vesk). That would indeed support the assumption that they are merely the "space lizardfolk".

I hope there are no such variations. They are aliens after all, and as such, they shouldn't be based on Golarion and Earth's fauna.

Liberty's Edge

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Maybe males and females have different colors. The very colorful one could be the male.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I like them...the design is so far more appealing to me than the standard lizardfolk design.

I've already said I like them but I'll go a bit more into my thoughts.

I always liked Lizardfolk, so having a similar race as core is nice. The core races were lacking a strong guy type outside of the dwarf sized male Lashunta, and I'm not a fan of dwarf size. Anything that isn't Dex/Int (assuming current stat bumps of known races stay the same) is greatly appreciated. And as for their story: Proud Warrior race guy is a super common trope in both fantasy and sci-fi, so presenting it in core is good. The fact they have the added layer of an uneasy alliance against a common enemy can provide some tension for mor rp focused groups. I think it's a solid pick for something that can be a focus in sci-fantasy but not in normal fantasy tat has story potential.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think they're pretty fun. Not the most out-there races but I have enough fond memories of the AAnn and similar races that this seems pretty fun.

I was wondering at first if they were actually the real name of the reptoids but it seems like they would scorn the sneaky subversion that reptoids seem to adopt, which makes me suspect they would both hate each other...though I suppose they could still be related. Presuming reptoids are even canonically a part of the Starfinder universe, anyways...

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I personally would prefer a society where (much like hobgoblins) 'showing off too much' is actually frowned upon, and fancy/pretty is only good in certain niche situations (say, perhaps, mating season?).

ie, 'One's actions speak louder than any amount of frippery or utterances they make, make them count.'

Also, we haven't seen much in the way of 'space elves', so perhaps they are longer-lived(under 'non-lethal life conditions'), taking more to what draconic lifespans are like?

It could dramatically explain WHY they have such a violent past if population pressure forced them to fight one another at first.

Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Play as a youth or a character that was stunted somehow that rejects Vesk society?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Not mentioned that I've seen so far, but perhaps they can have something like 'At Character Creation' character Feats? (in general, not just the Vesk)

Heavy-Worlder: +2 STR/-2 DEX, living in a higher gravity environment has made one stronger, but not as agile?

Light-Worlder/Orbital: +2 DEX/-2 STR, living in a less than standard gravity has made one more agile, but at the cost of muscle strength?

Heavy Radiation Environment: +2 CON/-2 INT, living in a place with hard radiation and surviving has done wonders for one's durability, but at a cost of mental bandwidth?

Highly Technical Environment: +2 INT/-2 CON, living in a world with computational devices and not needing to do much in the way of physical labor has dramatically impaired one's health with the benefit of an increase to one's mental capabilities?

Also jumping on the variant bandwagon, lets see some frills, horns, feathers etc. Are they warm or cold blooded, some hybrid system? color changing based on emotions instead of facial expressions perhaps? racial weapons of some kind?

... Did that Vesk just duct tape three torches together to make an axe/sword?

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Not mentioned that I've seen so far, but perhaps they can have something like 'At Character Creation' character Feats? (in general, not just the Vesk)

Heavy-Worlder: +2 STR/-2 DEX, living in a higher gravity environment has made one stronger, but not as agile?

Light-Worlder/Orbital: +2 DEX/-2 STR, living in a less than standard gravity has made one more agile, but at the cost of muscle strength?

Heavy Radiation Environment: +2 CON/-2 INT, living in a place with hard radiation and surviving has done wonders for one's durability, but at a cost of mental bandwidth?

Highly Technical Environment: +2 INT/-2 CON, living in a world with computational devices and not needing to do much in the way of physical labor has dramatically impaired one's health with the benefit of an increase to one's mental capabilities?

That seems to fit more into the purview of traits or whatever they're the theme analog.

I really want to play that character with that laserblade. He looks awesome.

Lemartes wrote:
Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Is it female? Not sure if you're joking about the midriff. I like females with armour that makes sense.

*sigh* I had assumed it was an obvious joke. That's what I get for assuming. Probably should have put a ":p" after it. Yes, armor should make sense. Fantasy female armor often doesn't, hence the joke.

Torbyne wrote:
Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Play as a youth or a character that was stunted somehow that rejects Vesk society?

That might work for her. Or perhaps some of the suggested variants could work. Those might even make them hit the "different enough" button for some who currently don't like the Vesk.

Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
Eviljames wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Lukewarm on this race. Seems too much like the Jem'Hadar.

The art is good, especially the skirt. Not too crazy about the mid-riff armour as that makes little sense to me. Otherwise well done.

Is there much difference between males and females? I'm going to assume we are looking at two males?

TerminalArtiste mentioned variants...I think that might make me more interested.

Awaiting the final race. :)

Midriff armor is how you know that it's female.

I like them. I see that a number here do not, but I like them. One reason being, that I already have minis for them. They are even already painted.

My wife was disappointed that they're tall though, she has a short lizard alien mini with a big gun that want's to play at some point.

Is it female? Not sure if you're joking about the midriff. I like females with armour that makes sense.
*sigh* I had assumed it was an obvious joke. That's what I get for assuming. Probably should have put a ":p" after it. Yes, armor should make sense. Fantasy female armor often doesn't, hence the joke.

You never know. I was sorta giving you the benefit of the doubt. :)

Creative Director, Starfinder Team

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Cellion wrote:

Where is my race of squid aliens? Amorphous blob aliens? Walking tripod aliens with 11 arms and 300 eyes? (OK maybe that last one is way too far)

Alien Archive. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What are we calling the lightsabers, I wonder?

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Given that the armor could be an energy shield projector no bigger than a belt buckle, I don't think it should matter how much skin is covered. We're not talking medieval fantasy bikini mail here.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Voss wrote:
Well, Kasatha probably deserve a question mark. They might be from Kasath (if it's actually nearby and not in Androffa's galaxy), but they might be from the bunch stranded in Numeria, and they had some sort of population boom in the intervening years and spread from Golarion into the local system. So they could be natives at this point.

Minor point, as I've been rereading Iron Gods.

Minor Iron Gods spoiler:

The Kasatha were picked up before Divinity encountered the Dominion of the Black, so Kasath would have to be in a different galaxy than Golarion.

Creative Director, Starfinder Team

32 people marked this as a favorite.

A couple of quick notes:

*Yes, there will be a bunch of really out-there races for Starfinder, just not as the core races. In a new game like this, where we need to appeal to a really wide audience, we didn't feel like we could count on enough folks wanting to play a 10-legged crab or a giant floating brain to safely make them core. (It's the same reason why all of Pathfinder's core races are fairly standard humanoid fantasy tropes, rather than proteans and grodairs.) That said, *I'm* the sort of person who always wants to play the weird race, so you can rest assured that you'll get a bunch of those soon!

*In the vesk art, the mechanic is female and the soldier is male. Vesk females have bright colors, while the males are more drab (hence his need to show off those abs, presumably). They have similar body shapes because that's true of a lot of reptiles, and because we all swore a blood oath at the beginning of this game that there would be no lizard-breasts in Starfinder.

(To paraphrase the Trix commercials: Silly artists, mammary glands are for *mammals*!)

James Sutter wrote:

A couple of quick notes:

*Yes, there will be a bunch of really out-there races for Starfinder, just not as the core races. In a new game like this, where we need to appeal to a really wide audience, we didn't feel like we could count on enough folks wanting to play a 10-legged crab or a giant floating brain to safely make them core. (It's the same reason why all of Pathfinder's core races are fairly standard humanoid fantasy tropes, rather than proteans and grodairs.) That said, *I'm* the sort of person who always wants to play the weird race, so you can rest assured that you'll get a bunch of those soon!

*In the vesk art, the mechanic is female and the soldier is male. Vesk females have bright colors, while the males are more drab (hence his need to show off those abs, presumably). They have similar body shapes because that's true of a lot of reptiles, and because we all swore a blood oath at the beginning of this game that there would be no lizard-breasts in Starfinder.

(To paraphrase the Trix commercials: Silly artists, mammary glands are for *mammals*!)

I appreciate the passion for the weird races. :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Sutter wrote:

A couple of quick notes:

*Yes, there will be a bunch of really out-there races for Starfinder, just not as the core races. In a new game like this, where we need to appeal to a really wide audience, we didn't feel like we could count on enough folks wanting to play a 10-legged crab or a giant floating brain to safely make them core. (It's the same reason why all of Pathfinder's core races are fairly standard humanoid fantasy tropes, rather than proteans and grodairs.) That said, *I'm* the sort of person who always wants to play the weird race, so you can rest assured that you'll get a bunch of those soon!

*In the vesk art, the mechanic is female and the soldier is male. Vesk females have bright colors, while the males are more drab (hence his need to show off those abs, presumably). They have similar body shapes because that's true of a lot of reptiles, and because we all swore a blood oath at the beginning of this game that there would be no lizard-breasts in Starfinder.

(To paraphrase the Trix commercials: Silly artists, mammary glands are for *mammals*!)

Well, I understand even if I'm a bit disappointed there won't be some really out there races as core races...will have to see how Starfinder Society goes and if I can even get on that, but hopefully a few exotic options will be possible.

I do like the details about the vesk, though, it's always frustrated me that so many fantasy races adhere to traditional human norms when it comes to biological sex when nature does so many interesting things with the subject. Though I suspect there will be no three to five gendered races in the Starfinder Core Rulebook...

James Sutter wrote:
Cellion wrote:

Where is my race of squid aliens? Amorphous blob aliens? Walking tripod aliens with 11 arms and 300 eyes? (OK maybe that last one is way too far)

Alien Archive. :)

Really glad we don't have to wait too long on that one. Thanks for making it a priority!

I still kinda wish there were one or two totally out there races in Core just to give that weird alien feel. As it is now, I can totally see GMs saying "no Alien Archive PCs in my games", and my dreams of Flumph-like adventurers will be dashed. :<

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