
Friday, December 19, 2014

As a famous pin-headed man once said, "I have such sights to show you."

Only the timing's off. WizKids has not yet solicited the spring Pathfinder Battles set, and until they do (which should happen imminently, but at this point is unlikely before the Christmas holiday) I can't show off any of the numerous awesome images I'd love to unleash on you as a special gift from Santa.

But leaking images out of the elves' workshop before their time is a good way to disappear in a suspicious sleigh accident, so I'm afraid there's nothing I can do but look over these images myself and smile about what's in store.

What is in store, you ask? Let's do a quck recap of what we (I) know so far:

  1. Starting in January we've got at least six monthly Iconic Heroes Sets, each featuring six premium sculpts with premium paint jobs and six exclusive cards for use with the smash hit Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. We've already revealed the contents of the first three sets in digital form. For the first set, we've shown every step in the process, from digital sculpt to paint master to final production figures. I'm looking at my own sample of those final figures right now, and I'm still amazed we were able to pull of the quality of detail on the set. It's really going to set a new standard for paint application on prepainted figures.

    Folks have been asking for nonrandom "visible" prepainted plastic figures since the very beginning, and at least as far as Pathfinder Battles is concerned, this is exactly what people have been demanding from the start. I certainly hope all advocates for the line have plans to buy these. If for whatever reason they don't sell well, I think it's fair to say we'll probably never see another release like this in the future.

    No pressure.

    We're currently shipping the most recent full set, The Lost Coast, to positive reviews. If you're considering an Ongoing Pathfinder Battles Subscription, now would be a great time to sign up. Subscribers who have had at least one full release ship to them will be eligible for a 30% discount on Iconic Heroes sets. In order to unlock this discount for the first set, which releases in late January, you've got to have a full set ship before then. No time like the present for a present to youself!

  2. We currently plan to release two full sets in 2015, one in the Spring and one in the Winter. I've approved paint masters for the entire Spring set, and I've got to say it includes some of my favorite models we've produced to date. This will be the first set to benefit from digital sculpts, and the degree of control that's given us over fine details is really staggering. As usual, this set will "flesh out" a couple of key monster types (including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set).

    Both sets will include a type of figure we've also never done before, and these special figures will be in addition to the normal number of figures per set (45). I can't reveal more on pain of death, but this is one of the elements I'm most excited to share with you.

  3. The second set in 2015 is currently scheduled to include a VERY special case incentive figure unlike anything we've ever done before. I'm super stoked about it. It's so special that it may not happen. The workshop elves are still measuring and evaluating, but ooooh, boy it'll be awesome. We're in the process of reviewing digital sculpts from this set.

  4. The line is healthy, and we're continuing to plan into 2016 and beyond. I'm currently pulling together the set list for the first 2016 set, and am always looking for new ideas to fill in the blank spots.

    What figures are you especially hoping we include in future sets? I'll give some oblique hints in the comments below if people make particularly good guesses, and I look forward to translating some of your suggestions into the setlists I'm working on now! Help a brother out!

Things are going to go dark here in the Friday Publisher Preview for the next two weeks as the Publisher takes a much-needed winter vacation. We'll be back on January 9, and I certainly hope I have some cool new images to reveal then.

In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas, and try to get some gaming in over the holidays!

Erik Mona

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Will subscribers to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game get their 20% off discount on Iconic Heroes, since it comes with exclusive PACG cards?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Sounds good, and remember Burgers are waiting if you want some. :)

First World Bard wrote:
Will subscribers to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game get their 20% off discount on Iconic Heroes, since it comes with exclusive PACG cards?

Yes, they will.

'Twill be very exciting when we start seeing totally new and unexpected minis again!

But in the meantime, a renewed wishlist:
-- FROGHEMOTH. Want this one so bad, and especially now that the Tome of Horrors Kickstarter has crashed and burned, there's an opening again to have this monster all to yourself.
-- Shocker lizard
-- Plants: Basidirond, big evil tree (like a scythe tree), assassin vine, tendriculos, yellow musk + zombie, etc.
-- Fey: little guys of various sorts (I know there are sculpting issues) and a fairy dragon
-- Undead cyclops and Vordakai the cyclops lich
-- Might be nice to have some more over-sized animals (of the sort you can't find easily in toy departments), including a couple of unusual dinosaurs like the elasmosaurus and giant mantises
-- Speaking of mantises, how can it possibly be that you have not yet done a Red Mantis Assassin? I honestly don't understand how that can be.
Same for some of the other more colorful factions that aren't represented: Aspis Consortium? Technic League?
-- Going through Serpent's Skull, it's clear there's not enough "native peoples" sorts of minis out there. Some tribesmen would be great.
-- Some rakshasas with heads that aren't tigers.
-- Another annis hag without Jaruunicka's dubious fashion choices.
-- Swarms: crows, piranha, leeches (a giant leech would be cool too), bats, wasps
-- Oozes. They've got to be cheap, easy commons to sculpt and paint, right?
-- Vegepygmies. A common low-level enemy that no one has done in a pre-paint. Another crazy oversight.
-- A shoggoth.
-- A neothelid. (I know, huges, dream on.)
-- A taiga giant.
-- More female giants. (love that we've been getting them!)
-- Male driders (which look different in PF)
-- Daemons, esp. ceustodaemons and piscodaemons
-- Keep the familiars coming, they're awesome! I'm also pretty sure that more mounted/unmounted options like Alain in WotR would be popular. A pack mule and a warhorse would be welcome too, and I'm sure the market would support them.
-- Shadows (another easy paint job).
-- Daughter of Urgothoa.
-- I'd also love to see a mini for Grigori from Kingmaker; he'd make a great NPC (the town loudmouth) with lots of uses.
-- Blackjack.

Ok, I could keep going, but I'll stop for now unless encouraged :-)

Two more things, actually: there aren't enough witches in pre-paints, esp. who aren't ice-themed. And I know my players would love to see more half-orcs too; I can think of only 2 that have come out so far in PF (the barbarian in the first set and Imrijka).

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Ah, and one more. Spriggans show up in a fair number of your adventures and paths, and they're hard to sub for since they have 2 sizes. So it would be very kind of you to give us both small and large spriggans.

Commoners. More plain looking people that can double as any character or townsperson. Best selling WOTC figure in my area is the farmer-with-pig. I've seen 10 exchange hands for 50 bucks.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Small and large spriggan would be cool.
I also await the arrival of the (un)friendly neighbourhood Gnoll, yes give me some Gnolls
We have also seen zero drow so I am expecting a few to show their faces.
Finally I want see the long awaited red mantis assassin.

As for incentives I was thinking Frogemoth, but you obscure references to something new and untried have me flustered on this front.

Final thing, I just received my lost coastinis and I congratulate everyone involved. This set is awesome. Great sculpts on the whole and fantastic paint jobs. NPC faces are excellent eith clear features and crisp paint. In fact this set exceeds my expectations for ppm

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Glutton wrote:
Commoners. More plain looking people that can double as any character or townsperson. Best selling WOTC figure in my area is the farmer-with-pig. I've seen 10 exchange hands for 50 bucks.

I second this. They are indeed always popular in the after-market. Though $5 per farmer is over-paying :-p

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
As usual, this set will "flesh out" a couple of key monster types (including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set).

I'm hoping this means fey!

Happy we have gone down to 2 sets (it was getting expensive to keep up), but... I'm worried that you didn't mean anything about evolution lines.

Are these officially off the table at this point? I was really hoping for blue / green / black dragon evolution sets.

And anyone who needs more commoners should check out Dryw the Harper's Imperfect People at One Monk Miniatures. He's done the RPG world a real service by making a large variety of cool NPC paper minis available (can't beat free!)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I am in the midst of DMing 'Lords of Rust', and would love some miniatures applicable to the upcoming adventure paths. Robots, androids, the various aliens, orcs with chainsaws, skeletal undead in space suits, clockwork soldiers, brain collectors, migo, four armed aliens, four armed alien skeletons, etc. I currently buy a few halfway relevant star wars minis.

A huge, semi-transparent shoggoth would be utterly awesome. Bonus points if it had a little button that made it repeat "Tekeli-li" endlessly, though I do personally find it fun to say 'Tekeli-li' over and over again.


A void dragon.


Jub jub birds and bandersnatches (bandersnatchi?). But in my piratey game, I am particularly fond of jub jub birds.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm very pleased to see only two sets being released this year. I can say that from what I saw the massive number of minis released in the last 12 months (both Pathfinder and D&D) was a huge financial drain (for both purchasers and stores), and ended up killing enthusiasm for the lines. Seeing it ease off a little will help drive interest again.

And I, too, hope the visible line is a big success. Considering how many requests I still get for the original iconics set, I'm confident you will see success.

I look forward to these new things you are teasing, as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will again say how nice it would be to have a Mule or Pack Horse with a full pack saddle. I would also like to have a real war mastiff with armor.

Honestly? I want more evil outsiders, more undead and WAY more humanoids. Oh and more Demon Lords. :)

a type of figure we've also never done before ... but this is one of the elements I'm most excited to share with you.

Perhaps a huge elemental? Or a lightning or magma elemental?

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Yeah, I think you're right; I think Mr. Mona is giving us a few hints along the way in there. I'll bet that one of the case incentives, instead of a Gargantuan of some kind, is going to be a set of 4 Huge Elementals.

And fwiw, I think that would be awesome. Especially if it also included a Froghemoth :-)

Cleanthes wrote:
And I know my players would love to see more half-orcs too; I can think of only 2 that have come out so far in PF (the barbarian in the first set and Imrijka).

You missed at least two more. The paladin from Wrath of the Righteous and the pistol wielding one from Skull and Shackles. But I agree that some core races need some more love, including dwarves, halflings and half-orcs.

Oh drat, you're right!

Grand Lodge

Huge creatures such as huge Dragons, Elementals and Giants. Dead bodies. Swarms that are flat.

including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set

my bet is on plants

It's a little unusual to put "flesh out" in scare quotes the way Erik did; I wonder if that's some sort of clue? I'm not getting it, though, if it is.

Flesh Golem + Carrion Golem? to "flesh out" constructs?

Edit: Fleshdreg in the abberation department

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Drow please, lots of drow........

Silver Crusade

How about a common dungeon door. Uncommon altar. Rare water well.
Nice large ettin. Gelatinous Cube. Wood Golem. Lich(es). Bone Naga. Various Spiders. Troglodytes. Mummies. Sihedron Portal.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, how about a generic cleric, but with a variety of holy symbols that could attach to the outstretched hand?

Hi Erik

I greatly appreciate your effort to give us some insight in what's going on. We have all been eagerly awaiting the next line of Pathfinder Battle figs, and at least now we know why we have to wait. I'm definitely looking forward to your next reveal, but until then I wish you lots of rest and merry days over the holidays.

Some of the things I would like to see in a new line include an auroch ox, a generic Shoanti warrior and ordinary civilians. I also like the suggestion of a red mantis assassin.

Huge elementals, commoners, and a set fleshing out summon monster / nature's ally are what my wife and I are most interested in. Daughter of Urgathoa and the red mantis would also be great.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I would love to see previews of one or two of the cards that will be coming with the Iconic Heroes Sets. Those are almost as exciting to me as the minis themselves.

Grand Lodge

Curmudgeonly wrote:
As usual, this set will "flesh out" a couple of key monster types (including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set).

I'm hoping this means fey!

Well... we've had at least two fey (redcap, faun) and a plant (vine choker), but I don't think there has been an ooze yet...

EDIT: Not that I'm arguing against more fey or plants.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Curmudgeonly wrote:
As usual, this set will "flesh out" a couple of key monster types (including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set).

I'm hoping this means fey!

Well... we've had at least two fey (redcap, faun) and a plant (vine choker), but I don't think there has been an ooze yet...

EDIT: Not that I'm arguing against more fey or plants.

Ravenous Ooze - Shattered Star #22 :)

Grand Lodge


More research needed.


That means that the Feiya and King Irovetti replacement figures will not appear in The Lost Coast, and will instead be inserted into the next set we do after that. We apologize for the delay, but I for one am impressed with WizKids taking the initiative to fix the problem. None of us needs more bad Feiya figures.

Just wanted to check that this is still happening for the next set also? Or did I miss a post somewhere?

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Well... we've had [...] a plant (vine choker)

by the book the vine choker is actually an abberation

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I suspect it's a plant, it's the only common creature type that's been totally left out.

I'm hoping for a Tendriculos.

Wait, no, it's huge.

Shambling Mound, Assassin Vine, Vegipygmy, Myceloid or a Shreiker would also all be greatly useful, and are in sizes we can do in PFB.

Yeah, a violet fungus would be great too. I've needed one a couple of times in the last few months, and the old WOTC Deathcap is the closest thing to it on the market.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

No Proteans yet. Would be nice to get some of those finally.

I would love a set based on the Inner Sea Bestiary, myself. An annihilator robot case incentive...niche, probably not popular, but...dang.

Ooh, and siege engines.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Both sets will include a type of figure we've also never done before, and these special figures will be in addition to the normal number of figures per set (45)."

For the record I'm guessing either modular or articulated.

I could use some derro. Alchemists. Advanced races in general. Love the monster codex so any holes from there. Spiritual weapon and other summoned tentacles etc.
You know what you are doing :) keep it up.

Dark Archive

What i learned from Eric´s cryptic statements:

Eric wrote:

"Starting in January we've got AT LEAST six monthly Iconic Heroes Sets"

That means there COULD BE MORE. If these sell well enough we might see more sets - maybe of prestige classes.

Eric wrote:

"We currently plan to release two full sets in 2015, one in the Spring and one in the Winter"

That means the first set comes out in March, April or May.
March is highly unlikely, as on 4th of march the "Dungeons and Dragons: Icons of the Realms 2" miniatures will be published by wizkids.
The company that publishes both d&d and Pathfinder minis won`t put out 2 sets of fantasy minis at the same time, so they will wait till MAY with the "Pathfinder Battles: Hell´s Rebels" set (as i call it).
Winter means December for the second set.

Eric wrote:

"flesh out" a couple of key monster types (including a major one people have been demanding from the start, but which we've not yet included in a single set)."

It´s not one from the 13 basic types (Abberation through Vermin), as they have all been done.
So it must be a subtype like Angels for example.
I think it´s KYTONS, as they wear their flesh inside out.

Eric wrote:

"Both sets will include a type of figure we've also never done before, and these special figures will be in addition to the normal number of figures per set (45).I can't reveal more on pain of death, but this is one of the ELEMENTS I'm most excited to share with you."

This could be a HUGE Elemental.

"The second set in 2015 is currently scheduled to include a VERY special case incentive figure unlike anything we've ever done before. I'm super stoked about it. It's so special that it may not happen. The workshop elves are still measuring and evaluating, but ooooh, boy it'll be awesome. We're in the process of reviewing digital sculpts from this set."

This is obviously a COLOSSAL miniature. The part about measuring gives it away. My bet is on the TARRASQUE but it could also be a LINNORM (probably the Tarn with two heads) which is more iconic to the Pathfinder Universe.
I really hope this happens.

Thanks again for sharing Eric, i really am very excited and anxious.
Enjoy your holidays and stay healthy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Folks have a lot of good suggestions, and I'd like to say I'd love to see some oni (the "traditional" ogre mage, but also the newer/additional types seen in Jade Regent) - honestly I'd love to see a Jade Regent set! Hint, Hint! :)

And the dragon evolutions ... with a repainted medium black dragon (from Legends of Golarion), the "huge" black dragon (from Heroes and Monsters) rebased/repainted (so that he's a large dragon), and then a NEW huge black dragon.

That's all I can think of at this time (that hasn't already been asked/said).


Dark Archive

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Folks have a lot of good suggestions, and I'd like to say I'd love to see some oni (the "traditional" ogre mage, but also the newer/additional types seen in Jade Regent) - honestly I'd love to see a Jade Regent set! Hint, Hint! :)

And the dragon evolutions ... with a repainted medium black dragon (from Legends of Golarion), the "huge" black dragon (from Heroes and Monsters) rebased/repainted (so that he's a large dragon), and then a NEW huge black dragon.

That's all I can think of at this time (that hasn't already been asked/said).


I thought the same about a BLACK DRAGON EVOLUTION Set.

I would buy it even though i own the "Huge Black Dragon".
But for another evolutions set to come out, the first two have to sell out first, i think.

So i will buy the red dragon evo set to contribute - even if i don´t like it as much as the white one. ;-)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

If the next Pathfinder Battle set is not about the next Adventure Path, I would like to see a World wide set. Creatures and NPC's from around the World of Pathfinder. Stuff from some of the other books, from Rival Guide, Undead Unleashed, Dragons Unleashed, Jade Regent, and KingMaker the art work is their and ready for use! So anyways, keep up the GREAT WORK, like what I see coming out!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I think after the last paired set/ap they vowed not to try and produce the minis for an AP before the AP was done, it was too much of a hew he getting the art and the sculpts aligned.

I hereby second the call for flat swarms!

And how about another wolf and another dire rat?

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to see a figure for Clanky from Emerald Spire. The artwork to me kinda calls for a figure!

Maybe another Hellknight or some of the Pathfinder Society venture captains.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Anything on the summon monster and summon nature's ally spell lists that haven't been done yet.

I would like a set that took its inspiration from two books, say Bestiary 3 and NPC Codex, and called something simple, like the World of Pathfinder. My favorites sets so far have been Skull and Shackles and Reign of Winter.

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