Meet the Iconics: Zadim

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Zadim the slayer. Zadim will also be a playable character in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous set due for release in February 2015.

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Open hostilities between the kingdoms of Taldor and Qadira ceased more than 200 years ago, but subtle squabbles and sub-rosa schemes continue to the present. Often these intrigues take the form of economic influence or political stratagems, but occasionally, when the stakes are high enough, they extend to outright atrocities. Triggering these strikes (or answering them in kind) without sparking an open war requires an agent with particular expertise. An agent like Zadim.

Zadim, the so-called "Shadow of Sarenrae," travels the lands of the Inner Sea as an associate of Sarenrae's church, providing deadly solutions to problems the religion cannot resolve through diplomacy and forgiveness. The world of Golarion teems with misguided folk who can be turned from darkness, but it also contains multitudes who are beyond redemption, who revel in evil, wickedness, and selfishness. Zadim is one answer to their depravities, and his response comes with an unmistakable air of finality. Zadim was born into Qadira's influential Cult of the Dawnflower, a militant sect devoted to rooting out evil and spreading Sarenrae's light throughout foreign lands cloaked in the darkness of ignorance. His early studies at the great temple in Katheer distinguished Zadim as a dedicated servant of the cult. True, Zadim lacked the divine connection to the goddess that granted many of his fellow cultists command over fabulous magic powers, but his acumen in other affairs soon gained the attention of the cult's inner circle. Zadim excelled in battle training, easily besting his young peers in combat. He also proved himself an expert in observation and understanding, often taking advantage of personality quirks and tells among his fellows that they weren't even aware they had. The cult's leaders knew exactly what they had in Zadim—a weapon to strike killing blows against their enemies.

Zadim's masters began tempering their stories of Sarenrae's mercy and redemption with encouragement to bring justice to the irredeemable. They revealed the scope of their designs not just on familiar foes like the creaking "empire" of Taldor to the north, but also on places like Osirion, Katapesh, and Absalom. Zadim was trained to stand in the shadowy vanguard of their efforts throughout the Inner Sea region, clearing away enemies with blade and garrote long before the more visible elements of the Dawnflower Cult made their presence known.

As the depth of the cult's plan became clear to him, Zadim began to realize that his masters were just as interested in spreading the political influence of Qadira—and its distant puppetmasters in the Padishah Empire of Kelesh far to the east—as they were in spreading the doctrine of the Everlight, but the revelation came too late to inspire a change in Zadim's direction. He had trained for years to become a killer, and kill he must, in the name of Qadira, Kelesh, or the cult. Sarenrae had blessed him with unique talents, and he intended to put them to use in the field.

Zadim's first assignment outside Qadira was meant to be easy, a clear-cut case of a true villain deserving of the cult's final justice. The noble Sir Gordreth Chrysolian—Gordreth the Butcher—had been an administrator in the Taldan caravan city of Yanmass when he publicly executed twenty clerics of Sarenrae about 30 years ago, during a particularly vicious Taldan pogrom against the Cult of the Dawnflower. Shortly thereafter, the Butcher vanished, escaping divine retribution for his unholy crimes. Recently, though, agents of the cult spotted the aging aristocrat in Yanmass, and Zadim was dispatched to put him to the blade.

Upon arriving at the caravan city, Zadim learned from his informants that the Butcher had sought asylum at the manor house of a respected paladin of Abadar named Jevantus, who had gained widespread acclaim in the city after using his god-given abilities to cure hundreds of children infected with the deadly dvezda plague. Further investigation revealed that the paladin Jevantus and Gordreth the Butcher were one and the same man. The decades in hiding must have taught the vile Taldan noble something of chivalry and honor, for Abadar himself blessed the one-time villain with miraculous powers of healing.

A chance encounter with a fellow servant of Sarenrae, an earnest young cleric named Kyra, triggered a crisis of faith in Zadim, and the killer revealed his role in the plot to the young woman. Kyra, who subscribed to a far less militant doctrine than that preached by the Dawnflower Cult, rejected Zadim's bloody tactics, reminding him that Sarenrae herself valued goodness, redemption, and healing over murderous tactics, no matter the quarry. If Gordreth the Butcher had truly been redeemed, killing him for past deeds meant directly violating the most holy values of Sarenrae, erasing the man's redemption in an act of bloody murder.

Such an affront, she assured, would be enough for Sarenrae to withdraw her favor from a dedicated follower, stripping away the divine bond so important to the servant's faith and work. But Zadim was not a cleric, and had no spells to lose. His duty was not just to Sarenrae, but to his masters in the Cult of the Dawnflower, and to Qadira, and to the Padishah Empire of Kelesh. If they decreed that Gordreth the Butcher must die, who was Zadim to deny their wisdom? He assured Kyra that he would not strike against the paladin, but to himself he resolved that he could not make the decision of whether his target would live or die until he could look him in the eye and judge the quality of his character for himself.

That evening, Zadim crept into the private gardens of Jevantus, kukris in hand, his pounding heart nearly giving him away with its thundering. At the center of the garden he discovered the old paladin praying to Abadar before a beautiful fountain. Statues of children rescued from the ravages of disease peered over the paladin's shoulder as Zadim stepped silently toward his prey. As he approached, the paladin turned toward Zadim, a strange expression of calm and acceptance marked upon his visage. It was as if he had expected such a visitor for many years, and knew that final judgment had finally arrived.

As he looked into the eyes of his quarry at last, fists clenched around the hilts of his hungry blades, Zadim made his choice.

Erik Mona

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Slayer Wayne Reynolds
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Dark Archive

Well Eric I hope your happy now I can't wait for AP #100.

Paizo Employee Developer

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I have passed a career milestone. I have Erik writing an article for me. :)

Erik Mona wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Really interesting backstory for this iconic. Very well written and intriguing. One of my favorite stories so far. One of my other favorites was Balazar, also written by Erik Mona.

Conclusion: Erik needs to write more fiction!

Hey, thanks! I really appreciate the sentiment.

And with this "Meet the Iconic" out of the way, I now only have one article for Pathfinder #100 on my schedule, and then I can write whatever I want.

The Design Team, especially Jason, must envy you. ;-)

Out of all the Iconics, ever, this is one is also of my favorite stories.
Rynjin is absolutely right in that the new Iconics are better than the others, or to be fair they are generally better.

Erik Mona wrote:

And that article is going to be a doozy.

Sounds exciting!

Tels wrote:
I think Zadim is my favorite bit of art by Wayne Reynolds. Other than his obsession with weird feat, Zadim's art is just really, really good. I'd love to have him as a mini.

Zadim and Quinn are awesome, but I also love Jirelle.

Agree on the feet thing, but it's no big thing.

Best art?
Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn?

I think the feet thing can explained. Specifically, that Zadim is standing on the balls of his feet, with his heels off the ground. Not sure why he's standing like that. Maybe Jevantus was really tall.

Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.

Erik Mona wrote:

Is the paladin dead? You'll have to ask Zadim.

If you can find him!

On Kelish Qadira, Slayer finds YOU.

Tels wrote:
Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.

Maybe he has got a shoe fetishism, or a feet fetishism? That would be cool :)

Regardless his art is awesome!


Zark wrote:
Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Zark wrote:
Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn?


Dark Archive

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Zadim feels a little like The Operative from Serenity.

Wow! Thought won't be seeing anymore iconic background that would surpass my current favorite,Quinn! But this one easily did!

The name is perfect, the illustration is perfect, and the background jut makes me giddy with excitement. It's the perfect golarion mitch rapp/jason bourne I've always tried to imagine. Zadim was excellently realized here!

I also like the why of the cliffhanger. It does indeed help players own the character. That's really thoughtful of you, Mr. Erik.

My gold Maer's court ring is yours, Mr. Erik for this excellent writing :)

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Tels wrote:
Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.

Wayne Reynolds: feet inspired by Rob Liefeld nsfw

*Finishes reading* Oh snap.

Dark Archive

Easy kill for Zadim if he did do it. The Paladin has aging penalties and can't use Smite Evil on Neutral Zadim. He loses his Sneak Attack for creeping up and then looking the guy in the eye, but he gets the studied/favoured enemy bonus thing.

Is this an optimised Iconic? TWF is not great when done poorly, but twin kukris with all the Slayer's Combat Style feats is a very efficient DPR method.

Tiny, tiny concern that this religious fundamentalist is a professional killer and looks Arabic... Golarion reflects the real world in funny ways.

Zadim is a total badass as appropriate for our Slayer. Good work, Mona.

Sovereign Court

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Another reminder that we're still waiting for Erik's Pathfinder Tales debut.

Reckless wrote:
Tels wrote:
Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.
Wayne Reynolds: feet inspired by Rob Liefeld nsfw

The difference is that Wayne Reynolds is a respectable human being.

Lantern Lodge


While I am worried that the Slayer will be unbalanced against some of the core classes. Zadim, the Iconic Slayer is a total winner!

I mean... wow, just WOW.

THIS is the way to start off an Iconic! I really can't wait to see and read more on Zadim in any future product.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anybody else think he looks a little...stumpy? He looks like he's 5 feet tall, if that.

Lantern Lodge

Rynjin wrote:
Anybody else think he looks a little...stumpy? He looks like he's 5 feet tall, if that.

I think it has to do his cloth-like armor and all that gear he has on him. The skirts don't help with height as well.

However, if he IS 5 feet tall, that only makes him a lot more scarier...

David knott 242 wrote:
I think we have Schrodinger's Paladin here -- the question cannot be resolved until some official source shows the paladin as alive or dead.

I think if we open the box we'll find that the vial is labeled "Zadim"

Another great piece of Iconic art!

The character write-up is excellent as well. The link to Kyra was a nice touch.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to say: this isn't what I expected from the Iconic Slayer. I mean that in the best possible way. I figured (s)he'd be a generic skulking assassin type. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see the artwork on that given the generally high quality of Pathfinder's artwork.

But this was totally unexpected for me and I like it. It's cool having an assassin-type character that doesn't look like a Medieval European rogue. And bonus points for having another Arabic-style character. We don't get enough of them in fantasy (besides Aladdin and Ja'far knockoffs.)

Erik Mona wrote:


And with this "Meet the Iconic" out of the way, I now only have one article for Pathfinder #100 on my schedule, and then I can write whatever I want.

And that article is going to be a doozy.

too bad we wont get to hear how it ends...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Larkos wrote:
It's cool having an assassin-type character that doesn't look like a Medieval European rogue. And bonus points for having another Arabic-style character. We don't get enough of them in fantasy (besides Aladdin and Ja'far knockoffs.)


I hope some day we get one or two iconics with Hispanic / Latin look as well.

Captain K. wrote:
Easy kill for Zadim if he did do it. The Paladin has aging penalties and can't use Smite Evil on Neutral Zadim. He loses his Sneak Attack for creeping up and then looking the guy in the eye, but he gets the studied/favoured enemy bonus thing.

Not to mention the fact that the paladin had "a strange expression of calm and acceptance marked upon his visage." He may not have even tried to fight back, just accepted his fate.

Assuming, that is, that Zadim actually went through with it.

See I prefer to think of it like this.

One Paldin not as evil as everyone thinks...before his atonement. Ie: He was following the law when he executed these cultist using terror tactics in his city.

Felt remorse anyway...became a Paladin of Abadar. Maybe he was aleady a cleric of Abadar? Or a high ranking cavalier or aristocrat.

Either way this Paladin might have handed Zadim his ass, but let him live of course.

That being said best story of this release as far as I can remember. Good job.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain K. wrote:

Easy kill for Zadim if he did do it. The Paladin has aging penalties and can't use Smite Evil on Neutral Zadim. He loses his Sneak Attack for creeping up and then looking the guy in the eye, but he gets the studied/favoured enemy bonus thing.

Is this an optimised Iconic? TWF is not great when done poorly, but twin kukris with all the Slayer's Combat Style feats is a very efficient DPR method.

Tiny, tiny concern that this religious fundamentalist is a professional killer and looks Arabic... Golarion reflects the real world in funny ways.

Zadim is a total badass as appropriate for our Slayer. Good work, Mona.

I get it, but I don't think he's supposed to be a middle eastern terrorist. If anything, Zadim is a Hashishin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote:
Captain K. wrote:

Easy kill for Zadim if he did do it. The Paladin has aging penalties and can't use Smite Evil on Neutral Zadim. He loses his Sneak Attack for creeping up and then looking the guy in the eye, but he gets the studied/favoured enemy bonus thing.

Is this an optimised Iconic? TWF is not great when done poorly, but twin kukris with all the Slayer's Combat Style feats is a very efficient DPR method.

Tiny, tiny concern that this religious fundamentalist is a professional killer and looks Arabic... Golarion reflects the real world in funny ways.

Zadim is a total badass as appropriate for our Slayer. Good work, Mona.

I get it, but I don't think he's supposed to be a middle eastern terrorist. If anything, Zadim is a Hashishin.

That's exactly what I thought Axial. Hells, the word Assassin comes from Hashishin.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What's this? An iconic whose backstory involves a heavy dose of religion WITHOUT being a divine caster? Madness! (JK of course, love it)

Webstore Gninja Minion

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GeraintElberion wrote:
Another reminder that we're still waiting for Erik's Pathfinder Tales debut.

Did you miss Two Pieces of Tarnsihed Silver ? :D

Dark Archive

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14 sided die wrote:
What's this? An iconic whose backstory involves a heavy dose of religion WITHOUT being a divine caster? Madness! (JK of course, love it)

Feiya as well, as her 'Patron' may well be Desna (or some servant of Desna, like Black Butterfly?).

Although Zadim does take it a step further in that there's nothing about the Slayer class (like a Patron) that even has a potential divine tie, so he's just religious because he's religious, without it being anything at all to do with his class features.

And that is indeed cool.

The gods should be relevant to the characters in the setting, and not just to people who get special powers from them, and Zadim is a nice iconic representation of that.

Tels wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Zark wrote:
Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn? Zadim or Quinn?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Head butting for justice!!

Dark Archive

Blackvial wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Biztak wrote:
Tels wrote:
If he were still bound by the other two masters he had, he wouldn't have gone off and become and adventurer. I suspect the Paladin is still alive.
unless his adventures are missions from the cult like for example killing an old man in a distant land
maybe an old man who claims he is a living god?
AFAIK, the Quadirans and the Dawnflower Cult have no beef with the nation of Razmir.
Razmir's goal is to spread his false religion/protection racket everywhere

Not entirely's just a false religion...for now.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Almost two decades later after he had made his choice and slain "the Butcher"; Zadim would be horrified to learn that the children whom Gordreth had saved from disease had sworn vengeance against Zadim's masters and had founded an organization of shadow-magic wielding magus's called "the Duskblades"! Dedicated to bringing death and misery to the followers of Cult of the Dawnflower, Qadira, and to the Padishah Empire of Kelesh; the Duskblades are already responsible for the deaths of dozens of Zadim's closest friends.

I think Mr Mona has written pathfinder's version of Richard Marx' hazard. Truly well done.

This reminds me of the Holy Slayer kit from the Al Qadim setting. Was that an influence here?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Not really.

Excellent work, Erik. You made a very intriguing character from a class that would otherwise just be "character who kills things martially." I applaud your injection of flavor into the Artemis Entreri base class.

Grand Lodge

Blackvial wrote:

finally someone uses kukris

i am guessing because they are the closest thing to a scimitar that can be used in two-weapons fighting and are close to Sarenrae's favored weapon?

The head of the Qadarian faction of the PFS uses twin kukri's in The Dalsine Affair

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Twin kukris works well because a kukri is only averaging one less point of damage than a scimitar, and yet still retains the awesome crit range (which might be better to hand off with Butterfly's Sting to the dude with the earthbreaker, greataxe, mattock or scythe sometimes, but still...). If he paired up two different weapons, like the longsword/shortsword of Valeros, or a kukri with a scimitar, he'd lose half of the value of feats like Improved Critical, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
Another reminder that we're still waiting for Erik's Pathfinder Tales debut.
Did you miss Two Pieces of Tarnsihed Silver ? :D

Oh, I remember that piece of teasing all too well.

Give me a novel or give me death!

Actually, let's just scrap the death bit...

12 people marked this as a favorite.

I've decided of my version of the ending to this backstory:

Zadim's backstory wrote:

It was as if he had expected such a visitor for many years, and knew that final judgment had finally arrived.

As he looked into the eyes of his quarry at last, fists clenched around the hilts of his hungry blades, Zadim made his choice.

Zadim charged the old man who quietly awaited his punishment with his arms open offering no resistance.

Zadim kicked him in the chest and the old paladin fell on his back.

As Jevantus closed his eyes and awaited the final strike, he felt the slice of two blades across his palms, the sudden warm dampness of his blood, almost without pain, and then silence but for the sound of his still beating heart.

He opened his eyes to see Zadim standing over him.

"In the name of Sarenrae, I declare that Gordreth Chrysolian of Yanmass — Gordreth the BUTCHER! — is dead and I have my blades stained in his blood as proof for my masters. And I have you Jevantus of Abadar as sole witness."

The paladin silently nodded.

Zadim slowly turned and walked away, fading into the darkness with his final words: "If by some happenstance the Butcher should return, so shall I. And there will be —no— witnesses."

Silver Crusade

As much as I have become a curmudgeon and troll about various bloat and power creep....dang it. Now I want to play a slayer. Grumble grumble.

Zark wrote:
Tels wrote:
Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.

Maybe he has got a shoe fetishism, or a feet fetishism? That would be cool :)

Regardless his art is awesome!

it may be as simple as he just can't draw feet

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blackvial wrote:
Zark wrote:
Tels wrote:
Nah, Wayne Reynolds always draws weird feet. Go look at all of the other iconics, they've got weird feet.

Maybe he has got a shoe fetishism, or a feet fetishism? That would be cool :)

Regardless his art is awesome!

it may be as simple as he just can't draw feet

Considering the amount of details he puts into something he "can't" draw, I'm inclined to disagree.

I just say it's his "thing" that distinguishes it from other artists. Many artists have styles that are often instantaneously recognizable. Wayne Reynolds is well drawn small dainty pointy feet.

Rob Liefeld on the other hand is a case of foot phobia, a fear of body proportions, a love of intense frowny faces and big pouches.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hedley Lamarr wrote:
How did he do such fantastic stunts, with such little FEET?

Grand Lodge

Great movie.

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