Pathfinder Battles Preview: Kobolds, Kobolds Everywhere

Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm visiting family in Minnesota this week, but even the ties of blood cannot stop the inexorable march of Pathfinder Battles previews! This week we continue our look at this month's Legends of Golarion set of prepainted plastic miniatures. Unlike previous sets like Rise of the Runelords, Shattered Star, or Skull & Shackles, Legends of Golarion does not focus on a specific Pathfinder Adventure Path. Rather, the set travels around the whole of Golarion to cover monsters and characters from the entire breadth of Pathfinder products.

This week, we travel back to one of the earliest adversaries ever to appear in a Pathfinder product: KOBOLDS! These little buggers appeared in the now-classic Nick Logue adventure Crown of the Kobold King, a module so early that it predates the official birth of the Pathfinder brand itself. The scheming Kobold King was one of Paizo's first archvillains, even eventually coming back from the dead to hound player characters in the free adventure Revenge of the Kobold King. Given all that, we thought he made a great candidate for inclusion in Legends of Golarion, along with several of his (un)trusty kobold servitors.

Here he is in all his scaly glory, the Kobold King Merlokrep himself! This fighter/sorcerer, the scourge of Falcon's Hollow, is one buff dude. WizKids did a great job with his physique, his cool crown, and his armor and cape. This Small, rare figure definitely commands the respect he deserves.

Here we have the Kobold Archer, a black-scaled sniper ready to put an arrow into the eye (or perhaps more likely, the kneecap) of your player characters. If you doubt his deadeye aim, do your best not to pay attention to the human skull hanging from his quiver. The Kobold Archer is a Small common figure.

Straight from the pages of the Pathfinder Bestiary comes this spear-wielding soldier. The Kobold Warrior is a Small common figure.

This green-skinned Kobold Mystic (clearly an alchemist) comes complete with a potion in both the hand AND the tail, so you know he's ready to carpet bomb any attackers. The paint job on this guy is really superlative, and I can't wait to field him against my players. "Oh nooo. I kobold. I'm soooo scar—BOOM!" The Kobold Mystic is a Small uncommon figure.

The last kobold today is the Kobold Chieftain, a shamanistic ruler that easily doubles as some kind of cleric or mystic. Watch out for his spear, his bone club, and his overall nasty disposition. The Kobold Chieftain is a Small uncommon figure.

Since the set has so many kobolds, I wanted to sneak in a Paizo-original creature that goes right along with them—the Slurk! Long ago, dwarves bred subterranean toads to create the ultimate beasts of burden, but things did not work out as intended. Slurks exude a stinky, sticky slime making them repulsive to dwarves. Since kobolds are already repulsive, they took to the creatures and use them as mounts. My favorite thing about the Slurk miniature is that the whole thing was cast in clear plastic, and you can really see the slime dripping off its skin. Ewww! The Slurk is a Medium uncommon figure.

That's it for this week! Stay tuned to this space next Friday for another Legends of Golarion preview containing never-before-seen figures from the set! See you then!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Clear plastic to represent slime? That's just brilliant! These are the best kobolds that I have ever seen! Bravo!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Excitement plus. Saw the kobolds in the gen con pics, but nice to see them here, makes details so much easier to make out. Incredibly happy to get the full set of the little blighters! Does this mean a builder series could be in the works? Fantastic looking minis, especially given the small size - look to be a good match for the other one from runelords. Now I should be able to retire my old DDM kobolds.

Slurk looks to be a good mini, can't wait to see in hand top really appreciate the use of clear plastic, doesn't really come across in the pic. Could even cut down the fangs for traditional creepy giant toad/frog.

So that's around 45 previewed now? Including the orcs, demons and droogami(?) from gencon. That leaved 10 to go - 18 if you want clear pics of the 8 gencon. Two weeks until release, another set only 8-10 out from that, bring on more previews...

Liberty's Edge

This really looks to be the best set yet. Kobolds, flying apes, kobolds, cool looking NPCs, kobolds, demons. And kobolds. Might be hard to get from this post but I really like the kobolds.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

No word on builder series sets for the near future. To be totally honest, I think WizKids wants them to sell better before they slate more of them. I've been building minis in anticipation of more builder series sets, but so far WizKids is reticent to do more in the immediate future.

It's too bad, because I think they're a great option for the line. If you agree and haven't yet bought any, that's probably the most important thing you can to do ensure that there will be more in the future.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's a bummer to hear Erik :( I've purchased all of them so far. Here's to hoping we see more of them!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I am well prepared. :)

I agree the builder sets are awesome especially for beginner GMs who want to build up their mini collections. I however haven`t bought them only because I don`t need them. I will buy a case of every new set however and with the Wrath of the Righteous minis I will be getting 2 cases as I will be running that game fairly soon. (January)

Hey Eric what kinda builder sets would you like to see in the future? Just curious....

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Obvious ones would be orcs, kobolds, and townsfolk.

I'd like to see townsfolk also.

Erik Mona wrote:

Obvious ones would be orcs, kobolds, and townsfolk.

I'd like to see a snow leopard named Droogami to go along with our iconic druid Lini.


I'm putting in a request for summoned monsters, summoned allies, and animal companions.

Erik Mona wrote:

Obvious ones would be orcs, kobolds, and townsfolk.

Townsfolk would be phenomenal.

I really hope the builder series begins to sell better. That's a bummer to hear that they are not selling as well as hoped for. :( Myself, I've bought two boxes of each one.

Erik, I know you obviously cannot give numbers, but how have the sales been for Skulls and Shackles? Has it done well? And has sold better or about the same (or less) as Shattered Star?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

About the same. Pretty good overall.

That's good to hear.

I think the real tests will be with Legends of Golarian and Wrath of the Righteous due to them coming out so close together.

I understand why it was done, but I can see sales going down for at least one of them because people will buy one or the other. I hope it's not the case, but I would not be surprised.

With me, I will of course be buying at least one case for each set. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

It will be very interesting to me to see how things play out based on:

1) When Wrath of the Righteous actually comes out.

2) People's reaction to the Wrath of the Righteous figures themselves.

Grand Lodge

First, I really like the Slurk. Love the concept. I want a bunch.

Second, I like the variety in the Kobolds. I look forward to getting a small army.

Third, I am happy to hear about the sales of the last two full sets. But I am very sad to hear about the builder series. Has the planned January release of Wrath been moved? Though I plan to buy a case whenever it is released, stretching it out to February or March may not be a bad idea to give those on a budget a little time to catch up.

Erik Mona wrote:

No word on builder series sets for the near future. To be totally honest, I think WizKids wants them to sell better before they slate more of them. I've been building minis in anticipation of more builder series sets, but so far WizKids is reticent to do more in the immediate future.

It's too bad, because I think they're a great option for the line. If you agree and haven't yet bought any, that's probably the most important thing you can to do ensure that there will be more in the future.

I really wish I could financially afford to buy more minis. But in reality it is usually just one case with the gargantuan incentive and every now and again 2 cases. Also because I have a large established minis set the builder sets has as of yet been unable to help me build anything. And buying minis I don`t need is a bit frivolous, as I already have opening parties with every new case that arrives in which I give away the minis I don`t need from the case. That being said you produce a townsfolk builder set and I will buy a case of that no problem maybe 2.

Erik Mona wrote:

It will be very interesting to me to see how things play out based on:

1) When Wrath of the Righteous actually comes out.

2) People's reaction to the Wrath of the Righteous figures themselves.

Why number 2? Is something different about the WotR set? I saw on the box art a repaint of the chimera with the name of "mythic chimera." Can we expect a lot of "mythic" repaints in that set?

Shadow Lodge

Ah, finally, some Paizo kobold minis! These should come in handy for people with the Dragon's Demand, or just ones who find kobolds cute somehow.

Erik Mona wrote:

It will be very interesting to me to see how things play out based on:

1) When Wrath of the Righteous actually comes out.

2) People's reaction to the Wrath of the Righteous figures themselves.

As for #1 Erik, I was only going by the scheduled release of the set. I wasn't trying to be critical in saying the sets are scheduled to release too often, as I understand why it's the case (at least from what you told me at GenCon).

For me, it's fine, as I plan to buy both sets.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Eric, while we're all happy that there's a preview this week, I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say please go and enjoy your very well deserved holiday with the family rather than hanging around this thread answering our little questions!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Erik, do you know if there will be pictures of the front & back of the kobold minis posted when they are available for singles (or sooner)?

These current pics look sort of look like a compromise for not taking 2 pictures, however they do not really do the miniatures justice (especially the kobold archer). If only singles pictures will be coming for these, then just a picture of the front "side" of the mini might be best?

Swiftbrook wrote:
I'd like to see a snow leopard named Droogami to go along with our iconic druid Lini.

I'm fairly certain Droogami is in this set, but so far all I'm going on is the very blurry photo at: Legends of Golarion Gallery

I'm looking forward to these minis a lot, but deciding how much to buy is going to be really hard, given how recently I plunked down a ton for Skull and Shackles, and how much it looks like I'm going to spend on the new Reaper Bones Kickstarter. My wife is very patient with my minis habit, but there are limits....

Even at the common, I have a feeling one case will not provide enough of these little scaly terrors to challenge a party. Looks like I'm going to have to chase down more of these guys. The slurp is a nice surprise, but now it's got me hoping for a mounted version!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Brocimus wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

It will be very interesting to me to see how things play out based on:

1) When Wrath of the Righteous actually comes out.

2) People's reaction to the Wrath of the Righteous figures themselves.

Why number 2? Is something different about the WotR set? I saw on the box art a repaint of the chimera with the name of "mythic chimera." Can we expect a lot of "mythic" repaints in that set?

This one is easy to answer. Because the sculpts and paints are, generally speaking, even better than those in previous sets. I am completely gobsmacked by some of the stuff coming in Wrath of the Righteous. It's a GORGEOUS set.

Dark Archive

Sorry to hear about builder sets... I've been buying them like crazy, and I was really looking forward to seeing townfolk/commoner and orc sets. :(

Erik Mona wrote:
This one is easy to answer. Because the sculpts and paints are, generally speaking, even better than those in previous sets. I am completely gobsmacked by some of the stuff coming in Wrath of the Righteous. It's a GORGEOUS set.

This is me, feeling uncomfortable. Erik, if I can offer some feedback, I've been looking at the Skull & Shackles and Shattered Star minis I've got... and I think there's something going on. The sculpts are definitely improving since the first (spectacular) set. The ambition is also improving, which is incredible. The execution... maybe not so much.

If I compare my Ezrin and Kyra to say Lirianne and (especially) Seltyiel, there's something kind of obvious; the same level of care isn't present. Both the former two have some spectacular aspects (Kyra's pattern on her cloak and Ezrin's trim), but ultimately those two are fairly simple minis. Four or five colors, tops. The newer two have little bits all over the place. Seltyiel doesn't look (to me) like he's from the same company at all.

Now, I could have just got a couple meh paints. But I think I'm seeing a trend. Maybe. All I'd like to convey is... be cautious about reaching for more detail and "even better" because I'm not so sure that's what the end result is.

Just some feedback. Love the product line and I keep buying plasticrack but if nobody says anything...

Dark Archive

I am a little disappointed at seeing Serpent Folk, Kobolds, Orcs, Bugbears, and Goblins in this set. I fully agree that more sculpts of these creatures need to be made but I disagree in placing them in a set called "Legends of Golarion". From this set I was hoping to see more notable NPCs as well as named creatures of Golarion. I just feel that these somewhat mundane creatures do not belong in a set of this caliber and potential.

With regards to Anguishs' comments mentioned above, I do agree that I feel the Beginner Box Heroes Set is a far better paint job and sculpt than most of the miniatures presented in the later sets. Though the later sets seem to represent the feel of Golarion and all those within it much better than Heroes & Monsters.

Just my 2 cp.

Needs more kobold. Besides that, awesome!

The Darkmoon Vale stuff remains some of the best Paizo product. Love to see a Merlokrep figure.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I'm glad to see a variety of kobolds coming in this set. They will work well for the Dragon's Demand game I have planned in a few weeks. :D


Hey Erik, any chance we can get the Reta's Bridgemaid out of jail?

It's been about a month and I'm worried Konkrud will go out of stock before I can order both together ><

I finally updated the Legends of Golarion Gallery with these latest minis, except the Kobold Archer. Compared to the photos that were taken at GenCon, this round of photos on this blog didn't seem to display the minis as well as they normally do. These photos still give you a pretty good idea of what the mini looks like though, with the exception of the archer... whom I cannot really even tell is holding a bow.

For now I am leaving the old GenCon photo up as I think it displays and promotes the mini far better. Once all the photos have been released for the set I will likely revert to the one in this blog.

So what specifically is the release date for this set? I know it's soon.

Today, I believe.

Official release is tomorrow (16th)

I got my case and my Dragon today though :P

Haven't opened it yet so still no clue what are the missing 10 minis.

gorrath wrote wrote:

Official release is tomorrow (16th)

I got my case and my Dragon today though :P

Haven't opened it yet so still no clue what are the missing 10 minis.

Let us know when you do!

I think I found the set list, however I don't know if it would be frowned upon by Paizo if I were to post it here.

I have now updated the Legends of Golarion Gallery.

I have not yet activated the display of the mini numbers, as I am hoping Paizo will release their "official" images this Friday. On Friday I will show the minis with their numbers, in their series order.

I wonder when subscribers will begin to get their case(s).

Hobbun wrote:
I wonder when subscribers will begin to get their case(s).

I thought I read they began to ship yesterday. So I guess it will depend on where you are on their list and how far the case has to go to get to you.

Ok, thanks Danielc. But yesterday was the street date, correct?

I will admit, that is one thing that has bugged me with Paizo's subscriptions, with the exception of ones that have a PDF, you are not able to get the items more quickly.

If they don't have the miniatures in from WizKids yet, that is one thing, but it would be nice if the subscribers started having their cases shipped out a week before the release date. I know with a couple of the sets, I didn't receive my cases until a week and a half after the street date.

It's a small complaint in the end, but just something that has bugged me a bit.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think there are two problems with the late mini subscriptions (they haven't actually started shipping yet...)

The first is that the minis probably only turned up last week.

The second is that there have been some system problems with the subscription authorisations, which has meant they missed the start of the window.


Also note: Most wizkids products go directly to the distributor(s). So Wizkids/Paizo have little if any control over what time frame. This means paizo may (or may not, depending on the license contract) have to wait for the distributor to get them the products just like any other business in the US.

Grand Lodge

Hobbun wrote:

I will admit, that is one thing that has bugged me with Paizo's subscriptions, with the exception of ones that have a PDF, you are not able to get the items more quickly.

That's actually a function of geography. Folks close to Seattle often get products before the release date.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

Friendly local gaming store contacted me today and said my case had arrived. The miniatures look really good.

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Also note: Most wizkids products go directly to the distributor(s). So Wizkids/Paizo have little if any control over what time frame. This means paizo may (or may not, depending on the license contract) have to wait for the distributor to get them the products just like any other business in the US.

Yes, I understand and agree. I actually had assumed that WizKids sent the product to the distributors, and in turn, the distributors sent the miniatures to Paizo (the amount they ordered).

However, I guess I was assuming (and maybe inaccurately) that Paizo received their miniatures well ahead of other retailers to fill their subscriptions, and considering it is also their miniature line (their name on it). But as I said, I could be assuming incorrectly.

However, as I indicated, it was only a very minor issue I had. Nothing that is going to keep me from continuing my subscription.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

*Usually*, WizKids sends separate shipments from China to Alliance (their main US distributor) and to us; due the vagaries of international shipping and US Customs, though, those shipments don't always arrive at the same time. Sometimes we get them well ahead of the release date, sometimes we get them right around the release date.

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