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"You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may select from the following options."
In our game last night, I was telling another player he had to choose from the list of command words in the spell description but he was saying since it only says "may" and not "must" that they were only examples and that he could choose any word he wants.
Who was right?
8 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
The spell description says:
This abjuration grants a creature limited protection from damage of whichever one of five energy types you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The subject gains resist energy 10 against the energy type chosen, meaning that each time the creature is subjected to such damage (whether from a natural or magical source), that damage is reduced by 10 points before being applied to the creature's hit points. The value of the energy resistance granted increases to 20 points at 7th level and to a maximum of 30 points at 11th level. The spell protects the recipient's equipment as well.
Since it doesn't say anything about "per caster level", I was wondering if the "at 7th level" and the "at 11th level" don't take caster level into account?
For exemple: Would a 7th level Paladin gets a resistance of 20 since he is 7th level or only 10 since his caster level is only 4?
Thanks for your help
I'm worried about something else.
With only 3 players you're always missing a class.
They know they can't do it without a Rogue and a Cleric, traps and healing must be a pain when you don't have those and they want a big hitter so the 3rd player will be a fighter. As usual, the missing archetype will be the wizard, but I'm a little worried this time since there will some very high level stuff in this campaign and arcane magic can solve a lot of problems.
How important is the wizard in Rise of the Runelords?
I lost a player recently just when I was about to start RotR.
Do you guys think it's possible to run this AP with only 3 players without tweaking everything?
They'll level a bit faster since xps will be divised only by 3, but I'm not sure if having like 1 more level would compensate for having one less player.
I was thinking about using the 20 or even 25 points buy method to help them a bit.
Do you think it would be enough? Too much?
Thanks for your help
Let's hope the next set won't be even worse since it's going to be released in only 2 months.
Sounds like they'll have to rush it even more...
Official release is tomorrow (16th)
I got my case and my Dragon today though :P
Haven't opened it yet so still no clue what are the missing 10 minis.
Yeah I usually use dice rolls for stats but wanted to try a game with balanced PCs for once lol

In my group, players never lower STR too much, the carrying capacity penalty is too annoying for many players. Yeah, at higher levels, it's not that big a deal when you have mounts, magic bags, etc
But some players hate not being able to carry their own gear lol
Just like every stat??
Which class would not care of having less hit points, less AC and penalty to saves??
Well, anyway, my point was that every other stats(well not CHA) have their penalty mattering more the lower you go in that stat, but in INT, if you got 9 or 7,or even 5 if you could lower you stat that much, you still get the same amount of skill point and you're still not able to speak languages other than your racial languages.
Kinda more interesting when your choosing your stats and thinking "damn, if I lower that one even more, I'll get more penalty, should I do it?" instead of "Guess I should lower it more since it's gonna give me more points but I'm not gonna lose anything"
After so many editions, would be nice if there was no more "dump" stats

"You apply your character's Intelligence modifier to:
•The number of bonus languages your character knows at the start of the game. These are in addition to any starting racial languages and Common. If you have a penalty, you can still read and speak your racial languages unless your Intelligence is lower than 3.
•The number of skill points gained each level, though your character always gets at least 1 skill point per level."
One of my players is doing a human paladin with 7 INT.
7 INT gives a -2 penalty.
So he has 2 base skill points from his class minus 2, but can't get less than 1 skill point so 1. Then +1 for human for a total of 2
2 base skill points +1 for human minus 2 from INT for a total of 1 skill point
Would be weird if he correct answer is the second option because he would be getting the same amount of skill points if he was playing a race without a skill point bonus...
Also, if you can't get less than 1 skill point per level, is it just me or lowering INT isn't enough penalizing?
8-9 INT = 2 points minus 1 point for a total of 1
7 INT = 2 points minus 2 points for a total of 1
But you get 2 additional stat points when lowering your INT to 7. Just getting an additional -1 to INT skills isn't all that bad. Kinda like CHA but even less of a drawback since there is way less useful skills in INT for a class with low INT anyway.
Thanks for your time
Anyone has tried playing PFRPG with that program?
Does the fan made stuff for PFRPG work well?
How good is Fantasy Grounds?
Is there better program out there?
What are the best Paizo modules (3.5 and PFRPG)??
Vic Wertz wrote: Amazon has verified that some of the listings aren't showing up correctly, and they're working to fix them. They are continuing to carry these items (and they do actually have current inventory of many of them). Awesome!
Thanks for looking into it.
Anyone from Canada has checked Amazon.ca this week?
It seems like they removed every stock of their PF books.
There is not a single one in stock except for the GM screen.
Same thing for FFG games like Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader.
Anyone has any idea what's going on?
It would really sucks if they stop selling RPG books...

Kierato wrote: For starters, there are only 20 languages in the base book (not including Druidic), a character with a 10 int and only common for a starting language will be able to speak every language at level 19. I don't think this is excessive, if you wish to play a master linguist you should be able to (the average tour guide in Napal can speak 6-8 languages). if you wish to limit it, I would suggest down to only 1 language every even rank, or else very few people will pick up new languages. Maybe, but that's all they do (the tour guides)
Killing a bunch of trolls in a cavern in a few days between 2 levels doesn't seem right to learn a new random language when you level up.
Maybe if you bring books about different languages and say that your character is trying to learn a bit on a new language every night before going to bed could do it but still, it all depends on the time you spend on this.
We all know how quick you can level up in D&D.
Just doesn't feel right to be able to learn a bunch of languages in 2-3 months.
mdt wrote:
One per five ranks would, quite honestly, be unplayable and nobody would waste ranks on the skill at that point.
I disagree, the skill isn't only useful for language like it was in 3.0/3.5.
It now includes decipher script and forgery.
"Learn a Language: Whenever you put a rank into this skill, you learn to speak and read a new language."
So, if you put one skill point in this skill at every level until level 20, you're gonna be able to speak and read 20 language + your base languages?
This seems a little excessive...
Anyone has made some house rules about this skills?
I'm thinking maybe giving a new language for every 5 ranks or something like that.
The player would also needs to study this language for a long while as well.
If there is one thing I hate about PFRPG it's the possibility to cast detect magic at will lol
If you use meld into stone and someone cast detect magic, will he be able to see you?
I'm guessing yes because detect magic always seems to f**k everything lol
But today, it happened and I didn't let the PCs find the hidden dude in the stone.
Was wondering if it would work or not?
Anyway, the dude in question could have taken a potion of non-detection or something similar lol
Anyone has some house rules about detect magic?
I'm really tired of my players doing this all the time.

Goraxes wrote: gorrath wrote: I'm not a big fan of the mites in this adventure.
I think I'm gonna replace them with goblins.
Instead of the big Sycamore, I'm gonna use a ruined tower built there a long time ago in an effort to establish a trade road or something there(this hex is in the middle of the path to the three bridges so it's not a bad spot for a random tower lol).
I'm gonna write a bit of background on that tower.
After it's been abandoned, a wizard could have made it his new home but he died somewhere else. Bandits and goblins would have pillaged the tower since then, but didn't find the hidden door leading under the tower where the wizard kept his most valuable things guarded by a golem or something.
The PCs could wipe the goblins and find that hidden door (trapped) and might come back later when they are strong enough to bypass that trap or to kill the guardian(if they can bypass the trap right now). Mites are flavor, and i think you should keep them. They are there because they are fey. It is your call though. :) That's true but still...really don't like them! lol
Just took a look at the list of feys on the PFSRD and saw one that I didn't know...the Redcap!!
Really looks like a fun and interesting monster!
I might fit some of those later somewhere to keep the fey flavor if I remove the mites.
I'm not a big fan of the mites in this adventure.
I think I'm gonna replace them with goblins.
Instead of the big Sycamore, I'm gonna use a ruined tower built there a long time ago in an effort to establish a trade road or something there(this hex is in the middle of the path to the three bridges so it's not a bad spot for a random tower lol).
I'm gonna write a bit of background on that tower.
After it's been abandoned, a wizard could have made it his new home but he died somewhere else. Bandits and goblins would have pillaged the tower since then, but didn't find the hidden door leading under the tower where the wizard kept his most valuable things guarded by a golem or something.
The PCs could wipe the goblins and find that hidden door (trapped) and might come back later when they are strong enough to bypass that trap or to kill the guardian(if they can bypass the trap right now).
Well, back to topic now.
Just thought about some more details to add to this event.
The cult is going to be lead by a man but all his followers will be pregnant girls and woman(all made pregnant by that same guy).
If they succeed with their rituals (if the PCs are too slow or fail to stop them), not only will they have desecrated the shrine to Erastil, but the area will now be a strong source of Lamashtu influence.
All babies born inside the shrine area will be tainted by Lamashtu and be either deformed or monstrous.
If they stop them, then I could use the cult in the event in RRR to complete this ritual and start kidnapping pregnant woman in the PCs kingdom to make them give birth in the Lamashtu shrine.
I think it would add a lot of unrest in their kingdom when more and more deformed kids start walking around their cities.

Shady314 wrote:
Quote: (Last week, she cried after seeing a dead cat on the highway!) Holy crap! I can't believe she gave a s#~% about another living creature dying senselessly. What the hell is wrong with her?
I never said she should not care about other beings dying.
I just think crying is a bit over the top.
And I don't think crying when you see a dead cat and not giving a s%&! when you see a dead marmot(not just a theory, she actually doesn't care) has anything to do with sensibility.
It's the same absurdity as for the dead babies joke.
If it's cute and it dies, it's a bad thing.
If it's ugly and it dies, it doesn't really matter.
Shady314 wrote:
Anyways you know your players better than we do. Just try to remember the game is meant to be fun for everyone and not just to amuse yourself.
Well, my games are always dark and gritty and my players love this.
I'm not about to change our way of playing because a girl wanna join the group.
English isn't my first language so my other post might not have sounded like it was intended to.
I didn't plan this encounter FOR that girl player.
I've known she's gonna play since only a few days and I've already planned this encounter.
I'm just gonna add more details now that I know she'll be there so that her character feels more involved personally. She'll probably be pissed at this cult and gonna want to kick their asses next time she hears about them.
Bah...maybe "pissed off" was a bit exaggerated.
But it's always funny to see how girls are always angry when you talk about something cute getting hurt.
(Last week, she cried after seeing a dead cat on the highway!)
Like a few years ago when the website www.dead-baby-joke.com was very popular.
Most of the jokes could be about old people instead of babies and nobody would care, but people were getting mad about those jokes because they were involving babies.
And that was exactly the goal of those jokes.
I've known his girlfriend(well, his wife now) for like 10 years and I know she won't be mad for real but it's gonna be a lot of fun to see her reactions in this part of the adventure.
It's also gonna be funny when she sees the dead unicorn because she LOVES unicorns! And this one is actually part of Kingmaker! lol

I was trying to create some new events to replace some encounters I don't really like in "Stolen Land".
I saw someone's idea of making Svetlana very pregnant and thought that was a good idea that I could use.
So, I thought about making some dudes, from a cult to Lamashtu or something like that, steal the baby while they were spending the night at Oleg's.
Then they would bring it in the forest at some good deity shrine to sacrifice the baby to complete a ritual to desecrate that shrine or something like that. (Would be the 8th and final baby sacrifice needed to do so, so a bunch of baby skulls would be laying around the shrine just to pissed off my friend's girlfriend who's gonna play a RPG for the first time)
But then, I started reading "Rivers Run Red" and saw the Event #3 about that Gyronna cult stealing babies in the PCs kingdom...
WTF...I really didn't think baby stealing would be something I would find in a published module!
Great job Paizo! lol
I'm wondering if it could be idea to play my idea even if there's something similar coming?
Could be a recurrent theme? lol
Anyone has some ideas of special random encounters for any part of Kingmaker instead of just rolling and fighting a random encounter?
Or any ideas for things found in hexes besides what's in the AP?
I remember seeing some ideas while reading the hundreds of messages on each part of the AP but I can't remember them...
I'm looking for some ideas for the pranks done on the PCs by the faerie dragon and the grig.
What did you do to your PCs?
I keep seeing references to the First World in the Kingmaker AP and was wondering in which book I could find more informations on the First World?
Who's and what is the main bad guy?
How's this part of kingmaker compared to the previous three?
"Benefit: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus."
Critical hit modifier = critical hit multiplier?
DMcCoy1693 wrote: Its on the way!! Downloading!!! *smacking the vein in my arm* So, how is it?
One of my players just asked me if he could take the skill Profession: Philosophy to make money with teaching lessons and selling books.
I never thought about philosophy in a D&D world that way.
Would it be a viable profession?
I'm thinking unless you're in a big city with some nobles interested in philosophy, you won't make any money with this profession.
Also, he's a cleric. I'm having trouble picturing a cleric talking about some random theories(because he wants to teach a bunch of different ones) instead of talking to people about his god.
Any ideas how to integrate this in a D&D campaign?

Tem wrote: gorrath wrote: Any other idea for the Stag Lord?
Any of you found something for Kressle? A female with 2 hand axe...
And for Auchs?
For Tatzlwyrm I think I'm gonna use Displacer Serpent. On the Tatzlwyrm picture they look like a big serpent with tiny arms...
Color won't match though...
I'm gonna use the Bullywug Thug for Garuum the Boggard.
For the mites I was considering the Blue, but also the Dark Creeper.
He's not blue but he's ugly and he's using a dagger.
I was going to use the Druid of Obad-Hai for the Stag Lord since he's got the antlers (you'll just have to imagine that he's weilding a bow).
I used the Doomguard for Kressle. Female with dual swords but close enough to be rather iconic.
Another option for the mites are the Lolthbound Goblins who are purple. I used a combination of them with Blues.
All great ideas!
Any suggestions for a Slurk and a Thylacine?
I didn't buy any DDM since Desert of Desolation!
I'm missing a lot of cool minis!
I don't even have a giant centipede! grrrr
Any other idea for the Stag Lord?
Any of you found something for Kressle? A female with 2 hand axe...
And for Auchs?
For Tatzlwyrm I think I'm gonna use Displacer Serpent. On the Tatzlwyrm picture they look like a big serpent with tiny arms...
Color won't match though...
I'm gonna use the Bullywug Thug for Garuum the Boggard.
For the mites I was considering the Blue, but also the Dark Creeper.
He's not blue but he's ugly and he's using a dagger.
Morgen wrote: What kind of minis are you wanting a list of? Reaper Minis? D&D Collectible Minis? Citadel Miniatures? Privateer Press? D&D Minis
I don't have any of those other kinds of minis...and I guess that's a good thing...I've got wayyyy too many DDM. lol
Anyone has a list of the minis they are using for Kingmaker?
I haven't touched my minis since 2 years and it's gonna take me a while to remember which minis would be good for every fights.
Got those books on my shopping list and would like to know how good they are. If I can't buy them all right now, which one should I buy first?
-Pathfinder Chronicles: Book of the Damned Volume 1- Princes of Darkness
-Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Treasures Revisited
-Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited
-Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms
-Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic
How useful is "Guide to the River Kingdoms" for someone about to start the Kingmaker AP?
Is the "Classic Treasures Revisited" only about 10 magic items?
Right now I only have those books:
-Pathfinder RPG Core Book
-Pathfinder Bestiary
-Kingmaker part 1 and 2
Is there any "must have" books that are not on my list?

Helic wrote: gorrath wrote: Then, I open a small stall in a market and put a sign that says:
"We buy your magical items for 55% of the selling price"
This way, you'll easily spend your 6000gp.
Let's say you get 5 +1 weapons.
Just switch you sign for this one:
"We sell magical weapons with a 10% discount"
INSERT STEP: Wait 5 years to sell magic swords.
Quote: You sell your 5 weapons and make a profit of 3500gp. Seriously, who buys magic swords other than adventurers? Buy a 2310gp (before discount) +1 Longsword to get +1 to hit and damage...or 310gp for +1 to hit. The local guards won't buy them - they don't have that kind of scratch. The local adventurers MIGHT, but if they're adventuring they probably found their own +1 weapons (just like the PCs who sold you those swords did). So yeah, you might do a turnover of one per year to some rich merchant's son or young noble who 'must have' a magic sword. Or they'll spend the extra cash on gold and gem encrusted masterwork swords, you never know. Or they'll wait until an adventurer comes into town with 5 MORE +1 longswords and buy them off him at 1/2 price (hey, it happened once...).
I more and more doubt the ability to 'flip' magic items - people who buy them are buying them to use them, not re-sale them IMO. A system where they can be broken down for 'enchantment juice' (4th edition had this, did it not) would improve things, as it makes magic items a commodity - that +1 longsword could be used to enchant a Ring of Protection +1 or Cloak of Resistance +1.
Well, the weapons were just an example. It's obvious the merchant would make some research to know which items are in demand and he won't buy any magical crap people are trying to sell.
The merchant could also be a wizard and he might only craft cheap items that sells well (cloack of elvenkind, bag of holding, hat of disguide, etc).
He could also take custom orders. That way he would sell 100% of his items and always sell them as soon as they are finished.
You need only to find one high level party and you'll make a ton of money crafting them some +6 stats items. lol

Starbuck_II wrote: gorrath wrote:
Was hard to make a living as a magical items crafter when you needed a 8th level spell and a CON point to make one single magic item.
As well as some different rares ingredients for each items.
Incorrect. The con was a percentile chance of happening: it was not a automatic loss.
The rare ingredient part was a variant rule not the official one (although likely your DM used it as official one or you wouldn't be vouching it). You're right about the CON.
The automatic loss was for casting permanent spells on you.
It was only a 5% chance of losing a point in CON when crafting magic items.
Still, it makes you think twice before starting to craft a bunch of items.
About the ingredient, well, I just checked in my Black PHB.
First option, you need to hunt for special ingredients like monsters parts.
Second option, you need to find weird ingredients with no idea on how to get them.
It doesn't say which is the official rule.
Anyway, with both options, you need to find rare ingredients and it might take a while.
Also, the crafter needed to be high level. Now any low-level wizards can start crafting a bunch of stuff.
It was kinda cool to have to cast "contact other planes" to get the informations needed to craft an item. You weren't even sure if they had told you the real recipe. lol
James Jacobs wrote: gorrath wrote: Is this worth buying even if it's not using the PFRPG rules?
Is this mostly a fluff book or is there a lot of things I would need to adjust to the PFRPG rules?
Any PFRPG Gods & Magic revised edition planned?
Thanks We don't have plans at this time to do a revision/reprint of this book. That said... it's pretty compatible with the current rules. The crunch is limited to spells and magic items and those transfer over quite well. There's also a LOT of flavor in the book too, especially for GMs or players who are interested in adding a lot of religion details to games or characters. WOW, that was fast!
Is this worth buying even if it's not using the PFRPG rules?
Is this mostly a fluff book or is there a lot of things I would need to adjust to the PFRPG rules?
Any PFRPG Gods & Magic revised edition planned?
thenovalord wrote:
i do have a set of random weather cards based on a website someone pointed out. as luck would have it they havent yet had an encounter in detrimental weather
Link to that website please?

I know I can't ask much from the D&D economy, but I need to talk about it, it's just so stupid!
Let's say I'm the son of a rich family and my father gave me 6 000gp or maybe I'm a retired level 5 adventurer with 6000 spare gp.
Then, I open a small stall in a market and put a sign that says:
"We buy your magical items for 55% of the selling price"
This way, you'll easily spend your 6000gp.
Let's say you get 5 +1 weapons.
Just switch you sign for this one:
"We sell magical weapons with a 10% discount"
You sell your 5 weapons and make a profit of 3500gp.
Must take a lot more time for other kind of merchants to make that much easy money.
Do this a few more times and you'll be ready to put your 2 signs up at the same time and make stupid amount of money doing nothing.
Just need to be in an area visited by a couple of adventurers party and you'll see them often because you pay more for their stuff and sell for less.
Maybe everything should just cost a lot less and treasures be a lot smaller...
That way, maybe the magic items merchants wouldn't be able to buy themselves a bunch of castles.
AD&D 2nd was way better for magic items (well, for me).
They were hard to make and hard to find.
Was hard to make a living as a magical items crafter when you needed a 8th level spell and a CON point to make one single magic item.
As well as some different rares ingredients for each items.
I know it's more fun for the classes with magical items crafting skills now...but it's still stupid (IMO)
Anyone came up with some house rules for this?
In the Kingdom building section it says the PCs gain XPs when they reach some milestones in their kingdom.
e.g.: Reaching a kingdom size of 5: 1600 xps
Is this a reward for each PC or a party reward that needs to be split between all PCs?