Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Legends of Golarion

Friday, August 9, 2013

Most of you probably won't start seriously thinking about Gen Con Indy until next week, but for Paizo, it's only a matter of hours away. Many of us (including yours truly) leave for the Big Show on Monday morning, making today the very last office day before we head out for Indianapolis.

Accordingly, I want to make sure we leave you guys with an amazing Pathfinder Battles preview! With the formal release of the Skull & Shackles set of prepainted fantasy miniatures less than a week away, we've already revealed all of that set's figures. So what's left? Let's look to the future. Let's look to the NEXT set, October's LEGENDS OF GOLARION!

Unlike many of our previous Pathfinder Battles sets, Legends of Golarion is not based on a specific Pathfinder Adventure Path. Rather, it spans the whole Pathfinder world, and includes characters, monsters, and heroes from a wide variety of Pathfinder products going back to the very beginning. This gave us a chance to fill a couple of key holes that we haven't plugged with the first four Pathfinder Battles sets, and also to visit some key characters and creatures we knew we wouldn't otherwise be able to get to for several more sets. Generally speaking, the emphasis is a bit more on monsters and Golarion "types" (such as Hellknights) than on specific characters, but trust me when I say there's a little bit of everything in this set.

So let's get right to it, shall we?

Here we have one of Pathfinder's most beloved iconic characters, Lini! Lini, Gnome Druid, as the figure is called, is our archetypal druid, appearing first on the cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #11 and then on to the Core Rulebook and just about every Pathfinder game book released since then. She's got an enormous amount of detail for such a small figure. She is, of course, size Small, and she's been slated at the rare rarity.

We continue to fill out the ranks of Pathfinder's iconic characters with Sajan, Human Monk. WizKids did an excellent job portraying Sajan in a cool fighting pose, and again it's amazing to see how their sculptors and painters have managed to work in all of the detail of Wayne Reynolds's ultra-complex art for the character. Sajan is a Medium-sized rare figure.

Bugbears are one of those ubiquitous humanoid creatures that never seem to get their due with cool figures in prepainted plastic, even though they come up in play again and again. This Bugbear Warrior, inspired by the art in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, is a great addition to the humanoid ranks. When partnered with the Bugbear Champion in the Rise of the Runelords set, the pair make the beginnings of a cool bugbear-themed encounter. While this is the only bugbear in Legends of Golarion, there will be more in future sets for sure! The Bugbear Warrior is a common figure.

One of my favorite things about this set is that it gives us the opportunity to bring a lot of original Pathfinder monsters—not drawn from gaming history or real world legend—into prepainted plastic for the first time. Such is the case with the frankly disgusting Seugathi, an intelligent wormlike monstrosity from the pages of Bestiary 2. These servants of even larger underground worms played a creepy role in James Jacobs's "Shadows Under Sandpoint" office campaign, and left quite the impression with our players. Now, with this amazing miniature, you can creep out your players as well! The Seugathi is a Large, uncommon figure.

I dream of a great Djinni miniature. My dreams have delivered. This Large rare figure may get my vote for coolest sculpt in the entire set. He is definitely a jaw-dropper.

And last up in this week of six previews is the hideous Sandpoint Devil, a cryptozoological menace of the Sandpoint Hinterlands. This figure is very important to me personally for two reasons. First, it's a great example of a very specific Pathfinder monster that made his debut in the Inner Sea World Guide (and it doesn't hurt that he was based on the Jersey Devil of real world myth). Second, and WAAAAY more importantly, my unarmored barbarian OSTOG THE UNSLAIN managed to strike the killing blow against this thing in James's aforementioned "Shadows Under Sandpoint" campaign, and this figure will make a fitting desk trophy to commemorate the legendary deeds of Golarion's greatest hero. He'll be fun for your players to battle, defeat, and make into a trophy as well!

And that's it for this week. I'm ready to get packed and head out to Gen Con! We'll be showing off several more Legends of Golarion figures in the Paizo booth (#203), including the whole set of October's Undead Horde Builder Series. Of course, you'll also be able to buy the new Skull & Shackles minis, make personal suggestions for figures directly to me, and celebrate the best four days in gaming!

Oh, and we'll also be giving away the promotional Konkrud goblin figure for folks who spend $50 or more at the booth, AND we'll also be selling an ADDITIONAL Pathfinder Battles goblin repaint we haven't showed off anywhere for folks who buy a copy of the newly released Pathfinder: Goblins! #1 comic book! More details on that special figure from the show floor itself! Both promo figures will be available here on after the convention.

See you there!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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Genie link is broken - Genie.jpeg

Love the iconics, any possibility of a revamped iconic boxset with all of 'em?

Nice work, eager to see the Djinni though O.O

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

These are very cool, especially the Seugathi and the Sandpoint Devil. Great detail!

I can't comment on the Djinni mini, because as I write this the picture link is broken and no image is in the place holder. That Erik calls it "the coolest sculpt of the set" just makes it all the more frustrating!

I think the djinni must be using its invisibility spell-like ability...

Ha! I knew you guys were going to add in the Sandpoint Devil for this one! He was the first monster I thought of when I heard 'LEGENDS of Golarion'.
Awesome set :) I'm really glad to see Sajan and Lini - two miniatures we were sorely missing. Hopefully we will be seeing Droogami as well?

Oh my god Eric you're the man! I knew you'd pull through! Haha i've been waiting for these two iconics for a while. And yeah the other ones are badass too, I'm just really stoked that people at Paizo listen and give the fans what they need/want. I think I'm gonna have to set up a subscription.

Until they fix the Genie link, you can find it here:


Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Until they fix the Genie link, you can find it here:


And now we see why Erik said what he did. That's a really nice looking mini!

Digital Products Assistant

The link to the Genie image is now fixed.

Dark Archive

Umm, no it's not.

sooooo cool :)

Grand Lodge

finally! Lini and Sajan! But... when we will get the mini of OSTOG THE UNSLAIN, to impersonate his battle against the Sandpoint Devil?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

For the time being, I consider adding Ostog to the Pathfinder Battles line to be a bit too self-indulgent, especially since we still have unfinished iconic characters.

That said, if there is a big groundswell of support.... ;)


I'm going to be the odd man out and say the Sandpoint Devil looks horrible.The jaw sculpt is too deep into the face and the color is way off. The rest look great though!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

WOW! I seem to be repeating myself every set. This could be the best ;looking set yet. I am thoroughly impressed by the minis in this set. The first preview was great enough with the Efeeti and the green dragon but now...very impressive set.

Lini and Sajan: Fantastic detail and sculpt. I really like the pose on Sajan. Two very nice iconics. Since each set seems to include only two such iconics my only question is will this set be diffeent? Are these the only two in the set?

Bugbear: Looks great but want to see the face up close, something about the teeth doesn't strike home in the pic. Other than that nice detail and scale, should be a very imposing bugbear - looks like I'll can retire ye olde wizards fuzzy bugbears since I'll know have an archer and a melee man...err bear

Seugathi: Surprisingly this one impresses me the least. I love the scuplt and the large size will certainly make it impressive but the mini itself seems to lack depth of shading - the colours appear flat and the lack of shading on the teeth in the mouth is quite jarring. Shade those teeth and this is a real winner.

Genie: Clearly this is the set of the impressive genies. First the Efreet and now this. That is one truly magnificent mini.

Sandpoint devil: Nice. Now sure how much use he'll get at my table, probably a mount for the Evil types. It is certainly very nicely done, excellent sculpt and paint. I assume it's large and rare?

Enjoy Gencon - would love to go but it's just too far for this Aussie at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to get the convention goblins (especially since I was a kickstarter backer and goblins buyer). Can't wait for his set.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:

Lini and Sajan: Fantastic detail and sculpt. I really like the pose on Sajan. Two very nice iconics. Since each set seems to include only two such iconics my only question is will this set be diffeent? Are these the only two in the set?


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Sandpoint Devil is (quite) Large and rare.

Bugbear teeth actually look awesome. I spent a ton of time on that aspect of the mini, because even in the base illustration the teeth are kind of jacked.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Not sure how you'll top this set? Wrath is going to have to be pretty awesome, but then I said that after Skull and shackles.

As for the sandpoint I think it's the oddly deep jawline that adds to the creepiness of the devil. Matches the artwork almost perfectly. In my mind a good mini but we all differ in our opinions, whats your take on the seguthi Icaste?


I can't take it seriously. It looks like a gravloid from tremors. Thats not a bad thing. The paint job is a bit flat, I agree. A dark gloss would help bring out the creep appeal to me.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

The Seugathi is all about texture. When you see it you'll know what I mean. It's pretty awesome looking and makes up for the apparent lack of shading.

Has the release of the Builder Series been pushed back to October or was that just a mix up with the LoG release?

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So what do I have to sell to be able to buy all the minis Paizo is putting out. A leg, arm and a leg, soul? Gods I wish I could afford them all.

Maybe someday.

Grand Lodge

You did the Sandpoint Devil! That is awesome. Good choice. There really is nothing quite like it out there. It is iconic in its own right.

Lini is really cute. And as I mentioned in other threads, cute is hard to achieve in prepainted plastic. Especially one that is small in size.

The Seugathi is disgusting. Another good thing in PPMs.

I really like Sajan's pose. He may be the best Monk yet in PPMs.

The Djinni is truly special. The wispy beard is a nice touch.

Pathfinder's take on Bugbears is slowly starting to grow on me. This mini will do a lot to further me along my transition. I like its apparent girth. And with it being a common, I may have to start putting away my DDM versions. Though I will always have a fond place for the Bugbear Footpad from Giants of Legend, the mini I used when I ran The Sunless Citadel.

And we're off and running.

Erik, since you have said wait until it's in your hand I'll reserve judgement on the Segauthi.

And now the others in order:

Lini, nice! - An Iconic, a gnome, and a non-bardic little person.

Sajan - He's a monk, and while I would have preferred an unarmed version the action of this pose more than makes up for his goofy-looking blade.

Bugbear Warrior - I like him, and this one I thought would be a hard sell when it finally came out in a set, since I really liked the old DDM "fuzzy" bugbears, and the Bugbear Hero from RotRL blended so well with them. Consider me official sold on Golarion bugbears now.

Djinni - There are several Djinni's available in PPM so far, but this one blows them all out of the water. Speaking of water, with a little modding I might be able to use this guy as a Marid as well and finally replace the awful DDM one.

The Sandpoint Devil - I want one. This is what I thought of when heard Legends of Golarion, iconic monsters and NPCs (Other stand outs whom I hope may appear, but don't suspect will include Tar-Baphon, Baba Yaga, and The Beast of Lepidstahd). Easily the best preview from the set so far.

So the count stands now at - 2 Iconic Heroes, 2 Genies, 3 Goblinoids, The Segauthi, and 3 Legends of Golarion. Keep the previews coming!!

Lini is a very welcome addition to my somewhat limited gnome collection. I like her green hair. But she's missing a snow leopard!

I like Sajan's pose and the fact he wields a weapon. My gaming group will get good use out of him. In most of our games, the monks do use weapons.

The Bugbear Warrior is a marvelous addition to what I hope will eventually replace my existing bugbear army. I like the original bugbear, although I consider him an archer since he isn't wielding any other weapons. This Warrior will start to fill out the ranks nicely, offering some tanking ability to the front lines. Keep bugbears coming, even at a trickle pace.

The Djinni appears to be the best I've seen made so far. I'll need to see him in hand to be sure, but I've got high hopes for him.

Then, Erik, you pulled out a couple of beasts from your pocket that I had to do some reading about. A child stealing horse devil? I don't know what to think about that. And that would be the exact reaction I'd look for from my gaming group when they see it for the first time! Especially since this sculpt looks to be pushing the bigger side of large!

I thought the Sandpoint Devil was strange and fantastic, but then I read about the Seugathi. A giant many eyed sword and wand wielding worm that causes madness and use poison? Are you kidding me? This one is over the top. I was wondering why I'd need more than one of them, until I found out how they are created. You realize now that we're gong to be expecting a Neothelid! Oh my, that would make for a great adventure.

Lini! Wooohoo!

Man, I was thinking I was going to skip this set due to financial constraints, but already with the limited previews we've been given, I'm thinking I'm going to have to find some way to come up with the cash.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Brocimus wrote:
Man, I was thinking I was going to skip this set due to financial constraints, but already with the limited previews we've been given, I'm thinking I'm going to have to find some way to come up with the cash.

You could always take out a loan... ;)

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Feros wrote:
Brocimus wrote:
Man, I was thinking I was going to skip this set due to financial constraints, but already with the limited previews we've been given, I'm thinking I'm going to have to find some way to come up with the cash.
You could always take out a loan... ;)

Ah yes, spending money you don't have, the American way :)

My problem is that they're threatening to come out with no less than three sets from August through December.

Really? Three sets? Where the heck do they think people will find the means to afford this? :(

As a Jersey Guy, I definitely will be getting this mini. It looks sweet!

Dark Archive

By only buying this set!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gbonehead wrote:

My problem is that they're threatening to come out with no less than three sets from August through December.

Really? Three sets? Where the heck do they think people will find the means to afford this? :(

An issue to be sure. I'm looking at it a bit and I suspect that WizKids is looking at possibly one full set every four months. That would be pretty marketable given the somewhat rabid demand. They would also want one released every year for GenCon, so having one come out at the beginning of December would place them on the correct schedule. What we may be facing is an attempt to get on that schedule without losing potential sales and dealing with a product line already in production.

This is all estimation and guess-work. I may very well be wrong and they could be going with a five-full-sets-a-year model. If so they will be losing me for a number of the sets as I couldn't afford that.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Feros wrote:
gbonehead wrote:

My problem is that they're threatening to come out with no less than three sets from August through December.

Really? Three sets? Where the heck do they think people will find the means to afford this? :(

An issue to be sure. I'm looking at it a bit and I suspect that WizKids is looking at possibly one full set every four months. That would be pretty marketable given the somewhat rabid demand. They would also want one released every year for GenCon, so having one come out at the beginning of December would place them on the correct schedule. What we may be facing is an attempt to get on that schedule without losing potential sales and dealing with a product line already in production.

This is all estimation and guess-work. I may very well be wrong and they could be going with a five-full-sets-a-year model. If so they will be losing me for a number of the sets as I couldn't afford that.

Oh I get it; the Battles line seems to be doing great so far, but that was with the existing light production schedule. I have a suspicion that ramping it up too much will have an effect on that.

Personally, I can probably pull off three a year. But three in 5 months (which would make it 4 this year)? I'll keep the subscription as long as I can, but don't have my hopes up. Heck, when the next set is released, I'll probably have to take advantage of the 30 days grace period that a failed authorization gives; October is only two months off :/

I think Ferros is on to something. The speed is probably only a temporary thing to get back on schedule. Although you guys should count yourselves lucky. I don't have enough money to buy any full set, although i might very well have to save up for this one if all the minis are this gorgeous. If i was in your shoes though, and the choice was which set to skip.... hhmmmm... I'd have to take a leap of faith on the wrath of the righteous set and instead choose to pass on skull and shackles for right now.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marcus Moroe wrote:
I think Ferros is on to something. The speed is probably only a temporary thing to get back on schedule. Although you guys should count yourselves lucky. I don't have enough money to buy any full set, although i might very well have to save up for this one if all the minis are this gorgeous. If i was in your shoes though, and the choice was which set to skip.... hhmmmm... I'd have to take a leap of faith on the wrath of the righteous set and instead choose to pass on skull and shackles for right now.

Heh, I'm currently setting up for a Skull & Shackles/Razor Coast/Freeport mash-up campaign. So skipping that particular collection will only be an option if I have to choose between that and food. ;-)

I know Pathfinder bugbears have diverted from the "classic" look, but I'm wondering why the bugbear ROTRL mini wasn't re-imagined in the Pathfinder format rather than being kept as a fuzzy, d&d style bugbear?

I think most collectors would like some continuity in race appearances.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Everthefool wrote:

I know Pathfinder bugbears have diverted from the "classic" look, but I'm wondering why the bugbear ROTRL mini wasn't re-imagined in the Pathfinder format rather than being kept as a fuzzy, d&d style bugbear?

I think most collectors would like some continuity in race appearances.

Because the art for Bramathus was done before the art for the Bugbear in Classic Monsters Revisited, which was the one used for the Bestiary and is the basis for this bugbear mini.

As for why new art wasn't prepared for the Bramathus mini- art is expensive, and probably not viable for just a battles mini.

Feros wrote:
Marcus Moroe wrote:
I think Ferros is on to something. The speed is probably only a temporary thing to get back on schedule. Although you guys should count yourselves lucky. I don't have enough money to buy any full set, although i might very well have to save up for this one if all the minis are this gorgeous. If i was in your shoes though, and the choice was which set to skip.... hhmmmm... I'd have to take a leap of faith on the wrath of the righteous set and instead choose to pass on skull and shackles for right now.

Heh, I'm currently setting up for a Skull & Shackles/Razor Coast/Freeport mash-up campaign. So skipping that particular collection will only be an option if I have to choose between that and food. ;-)

okay then you best skip wrath of the righteous then. Idk if Legends of Golarion looks passable from the minis we've seen so far haha.

gbonehead wrote:

Oh I get it; the Battles line seems to be doing great so far, but that was with the existing light production schedule. I have a suspicion that ramping it up too much will have an effect on that.

Personally, I can probably pull off three a year. But three in 5 months (which would make it 4 this year)?

I've certainly seen comments from the Paizo powers-that-be which would suggest three in five months is unlikely to be the norm.

I think I also read that Shattered Star was delayed - so although we got it in January (making four sets this year) it sort of 'counted' as the third set of 2012.

I suspect that an April-August-Christmas release schedule will be what they aim for in 2014.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:
I suspect that an April-August-Christmas release schedule will be what they aim for in 2014.

I can't tell you how much I hope you are right. That I could pull off without worry. I do want to support Paizo.

Yeah, I'm lucky enough to be able to afford more (I think once every two months would be about right for me) but it's a fair whack and some people lead more responsible lives than I do. :p

To be honest, I'd rather they not try for a GenCon release. Presumably that's as sacrosanct to WizKids as it is to Paizo, WotC and pretty much every other RPG company out there, but I always find myself overcommitting when GenCon comes around - if the mid-year minis released a month earlier at Paizocon it would suit me down to the ground.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope there is a Droogami mini in this set as well. After all, where would Lini be without her best friend?

So when are these going to be coming out

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Joey Virtue wrote:
So when are these going to be coming out


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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
graywulfe wrote:
I hope there is a Droogami mini in this set as well. After all, where would Lini be without her best friend?


Lini without Droogami is like french fries without gravy and cheese curds: still good, just not poutine.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marcus Moroe wrote:

okay then you best skip wrath of the righteous then. Idk if Legends of Golarion looks passable from the minis we've seen so far haha.

Actually, I should be good to get them all. But it will be tight, and I am hoping for a three/year schedule. I won't be able to keep getting them all if this three-in-five-month event becomes a recurring thing.

So, for now I'm good. I just want it to stay that way! :)

Grand Lodge

Feros wrote:
graywulfe wrote:
I hope there is a Droogami mini in this set as well. After all, where would Lini be without her best friend?


Lini without Droogami is like french fries without gravy and cheese curds: still good, just not poutine.

I actually hope that Droogami will be available as an Uncommon, as he is a more commonly useful mini. We can always use more animal minis, and I don't recall any leopards yet.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are certainly lots more figures to reveal, including several that will leak at Gen Con. In fact, I'm about to start working on the display in a few minutes!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:
There are certainly lots more figures to reveal, including several that will leak at Gen Con. In fact, I'm about to start working on the display in a few minutes!

Oh you evil tease. :-)

My god when will the pics be up!?!?!?

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