
Marcus Moroe's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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can someone do a youtube video and review the figures?

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hahaha this is beginning to remind me of an easter egg hunt where the parents have to keep reminding the kids that theres more scattered about.

Good for Cadrilkasta. (Even if rune giant is still my favorite gargantuan ;) )

You're g!& d+@n right it does! Paizo Adventure Paths Strongest there is!

oh my goodness! It's... so... beautiful...

My god when will the pics be up!?!?!?

Oh these are so cool! How much are these portraits? I'd totally pay someone at gencon to have one commissioned and mailed back to me!

Feros wrote:
Marcus Moroe wrote:
I think Ferros is on to something. The speed is probably only a temporary thing to get back on schedule. Although you guys should count yourselves lucky. I don't have enough money to buy any full set, although i might very well have to save up for this one if all the minis are this gorgeous. If i was in your shoes though, and the choice was which set to skip.... hhmmmm... I'd have to take a leap of faith on the wrath of the righteous set and instead choose to pass on skull and shackles for right now.

Heh, I'm currently setting up for a Skull & Shackles/Razor Coast/Freeport mash-up campaign. So skipping that particular collection will only be an option if I have to choose between that and food. ;-)

okay then you best skip wrath of the righteous then. Idk if Legends of Golarion looks passable from the minis we've seen so far haha.

I think Ferros is on to something. The speed is probably only a temporary thing to get back on schedule. Although you guys should count yourselves lucky. I don't have enough money to buy any full set, although i might very well have to save up for this one if all the minis are this gorgeous. If i was in your shoes though, and the choice was which set to skip.... hhmmmm... I'd have to take a leap of faith on the wrath of the righteous set and instead choose to pass on skull and shackles for right now.

Well i'm planning on a lot of role playing/skill encounters. Some of the missions may require a lot of fighting, but then they may not have to fight for a days after. It's episodic and they travel on a boat, so there'll be a good amount of downtime between missions, some of which are more based off of stealth, political maneuvering, and investigations.

sooooo cool :)

Oh my god Eric you're the man! I knew you'd pull through! Haha i've been waiting for these two iconics for a while. And yeah the other ones are badass too, I'm just really stoked that people at Paizo listen and give the fans what they need/want. I think I'm gonna have to set up a subscription.

Yeah I agree. I want them to feel a realistic fear of fights, and a realistic need for strategy. Wounds will last a long time. And good point, I'll take a look into the conan RPG then

No, actually they're the ones who asked ME to do this grittier, darker, "game of thrones" like campaign. And its not in the game of thrones/song of ice and fire universe, just in one thats similar. World creating is a big part of why i like to dm, so I figured to make the whole experience enjoyable for me, I'm making my own world, just with the GoT flavor. (in the sense that there's low magic, darker themes, and and an environment/setting that's more like our world in the dark ages plus elves, dwarves, orcs, and such). They also say they want a Firefly feel to it, with a crew (obviously on a regular sea ship, not a space ship) and episodic adventures based on criminal activities. (smuggleing and what not. the "CG" side of crime if you will) I'm thinking E6, with slow progression leveling, and with restrictions on classes. PCs can only play Fighters, Rogues, Monks, Barbarians, Paladins, and Rangers. That way no one can cast spells before 4th level. (I might also allow them to multi class into an alchemist or bard at 4th level as well although i'm not sure yet)

Oh this E6 rule set looks very promising! They'll probably get there asses handed to em, but its what they asked for! haha

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Hey guys. I've been GMing for a couple years now, and I'm finally getting good enough at it to break out of my comfort zone a bit. Now normally, I tend to run high fantasy adventures in magic heavy settings. Partially because that gives me the most wiggle room in world crafting, but mostly it's because it's become the only way I know how. After watching the first 3 seasons of Game of Thrones with my group, and delving into the book series shortly after, my group want to try a setting thats more gritty and realistic. I'm completely okay with this, but its not something I'm used to. So I was wondering if any fellow GMs have any suggestion or good home brew rules to implement. What classes and races should be allowed? What kind of monsters should they fight? What kind of special/magic arms and equipment should I give them, or should I give any out at all?

whats the hut? do the spoiler thing?

oh s@%&, depends on the gargantuan would be for reign of winter is. It wouldn't be a big smelly white dragon would it?

Nice, nothing new, but still nice looking at this stuff. Plus that skeletal dragon is gonna be on my table soon, so it's especially nice to oogle at that :)

awww i thought it was gonna be like moral lessons like don't judge a book by its cover haha. But anyway.

Stats wise:
A longspear, a high dex, and combat reflexes, means monsters can't get close to you, and you're GM will be thoroughly trolled. Tack on quick draw for when they finally do get through and you're covered.

Moral wise:
Keeping a calm head and thinking before you act can protect you and your friends just as much as a good set of armor.

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Monk minis! also more miniature of non human races. I'd really like to see an aasimar or two as well. A Treant would be really nice, and I see requests for elephants all over the forums. Also i know it probably be a long shot, but a tarrasque would be an awesome mini, if you ever decide to try some colossal case incentive minis or something.

mmmmm but Sajan! :(( He's the fastest fist in the west!

Yeah! You're the man Erik Mona!

I don't think you should be allowed to b!$*% about Miles as Spiderman until you actually read Ultimate Spiderman. I don't care what a character's race, gender, or sexual desires are. What I do care about, is how they're written, and folks Bendis made one hell of a good story. I've just finished the first volume featuring Miles Morales, and it was the perfect intro to the character. Further more the artwork is gorgeous, and the story fits neatly into the continuity of the Ultimates Universe. Honestly, I can't think of a single problem in the actual work itself, and if you have to be biased about it (as a peter parker fan, a classics nazi, or as a racist a!~~#&&) you're really only robbing yourself of a good expansion to a great storyline.

OOOOHHHH S*%@! Dude its totally iconic druid and monk! Think about it! they gotta finish the core set first right? Awww yeah I knew it! Hey Eric, if my guess is right, can those two be in the next preview? :)

Leo_Negri wrote:
Marcus Moroe wrote:
Man i love me dem sweet sweet iconics. Yall can hate all ya want, but honestly they were a necessary addition to the set in my opinion. (remember: every great adventure needs some good pcs, so wizkids/paizo needs to slide them in where they can.) Besides, prior to this set, there were no good gunslinger prepainted minis, so Lirianne fills an important vacancy in the minis world, and while, yes, there are plenty of substitutes for magus characters, i'm sure magus players will enjoy having a specific class mini.
I don't hate Seltiyel, I just didn't see what the big deal about him was. There are still several other Iconics I'd have rather seen ahead of him (Lini, Sajan, Imrijka, Alain, The Summoner, Ninja, Witch, and Samurai whose names I can never remember and they are all ahead of Seltiyel and the Alchemist on my priorities list) is all.

Alright fair enough. Actually Sajan and Lini would've been the logical next steps to complete the core iconics. Lini would've been nice to fill the role of wild gnomes and gnome druids, and Sajan would have filled the monk void.

Man i love me dem sweet sweet iconics. Yall can hate all ya want, but honestly they were a necessary addition to the set in my opinion. (remember: every great adventure needs some good pcs, so wizkids/paizo needs to slide them in where they can.) Besides, prior to this set, there were no good gunslinger prepainted minis, so Lirianne fills an important vacancy in the minis world, and while, yes, there are plenty of substitutes for magus characters, i'm sure magus players will enjoy having a specific class mini.

Yeah whats the artwork on these boosters look like? also giant wasp? that's the scariest concept i've ever thought about in my entire life... O_O

meh, I guess I'd figured Eric's comments had calmed everyone down.

SHHH! You've been outvoted! Plus Mr. Mona said these are early release dates, so there is a good chance for pushback, as in previous sets. If not, well who needs every mini? Just pick and choose what you like. (and the more there are, the more chance of seeing a mini that you've desperately needed/wanted)

Yeah, with no spell stuff, she could be a cool barkeep for some coastal town. Or maybe she's a barkeep with some magic abilities! OH OH OH better yet she's a also an alchemist that deals potions out of the back room. This could be like a magic speakeasy for a setting were magic is feared/illegal. If she pops up in one of the boosters I've ordered this is totally gonna happen. Feel free to steal this idea fellow GMs ;)

True. Good to see more female villains, that Daughter of Imerta. This has nothing to do with the minis right here (or very little anyway) but is it just me, or are almost all of the good guy npcs in these adventure paths female. It might just be that most of my knowledge on them is coming from the battles line, but it seems like most the male player character-esque npcs that turn up in these sets are for dudes your supposed to pummel. Also, why is Tsuto have a bow even though he's a monk? That could've been an awesome monk sculpt you guys! I know I know that revelation is a year late, but i only started reading through rise of the rune lords.

or you could just find those little plastic dinosaur things at all the museum gift shops haha

Also if any of the players are following the paizo blog, they're gonna get crazy spoilers!

Wow this is turning into a pretty educational thread haha

awesome. Keep em coming! It's really fun learning how other group deal with things :)

ooooooohh i see.

haha yeah... well i agree with the adventure path on that one... gotta love redheads.

wait so wrath of the righteous isn't out yet? Idk i kinda like the idea of ap's being released alongside their miniature sets. It's symmetrical haha. Plus if i wanna save up and blast a whole bunch of cash on an adventure path and its accessories, I might as well buy it all at once

danielc wrote:
Not just you, we have three female pirates all with tricorne. They are not twins (triplits) but they do look enough alike to be noticable.

okay cool I'm not the only one. but yeah I feel like this buccaneer is a really generic version of on of the two name tricornered hat gals. If i wanted a female swashbuckler min, I'd just use Sandra or Tessa or the one from shattered star. Plus yeah like Enlight pointed out, theres already a rank and file pirate dude, so she's not useful for that either. Not that the sculpt is is terrible, it's just no matter what you want her for, there's a better mini out there.

what do you mean "near concurrent"?

Very cool monsters, but i'm not to found of the buccaneer. Like Mazra, it wasn't quiet what I had i imagined. Also followed the link to I feel like Sandara and Tessa Fairwind look way too much a like after seeing them so close together. Maybe its just me though hahaha

Just looking through the catalogue and saw that it looks like these will be the last set of 2013/ first set of 2014. How does everyone feel about that? Happy, sad, mad? Also what do you hope to see. I'm not to familiar with the path, but it seems pretty sick from what i know thus far.

Oh s+$+ yeah i saw Seltyiel in the catalog and he hooks awesome!

I say that to help fill in the lack of certain races and classes, they should do a few encounter packs which more or less resemble the player's handbook heroes line from the DDM series. (the packs with three player character minis) You could even have polls on the paizo site to see which class and race combinations are in the most demand.

it certainly is ^

ooooo i forgot about that oracle chick. See I was thinking it would be the magus, but she shows up a lot on the covers too. good call.

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Shhh... don't yell at wizkids... their product is beautiful... I know it's a lot if you're buying them ALL, but you don't have to. I mean I only buy singles i need for the adventures I'm running, and a couple of boosters per set for that classic feeling of surprise. I've successfully run two and a half homebrew campaigns this way, and I've been fine. I'm a college kid, so i couldn't afford all of them even if there was only 2 cases a year. Also if you're only complaint is that you can't buy all off it, then obviously they're doing something right. Just be a little more pick and choosey.

im so excited, i'm so excited, i'm so excited! :)) Every one of these is one of the best minis I've ever seen. Also kutos to paizo for actually listening! I mean I was hopping for a nondragon gargantuan figure, but at the same time, I think green dragon was the most requested figure on the sight. (except for maybe elephant haha but we got time for that since I believe that's a large animal.) In any case, that's the sorta thing that makes me proud to say I buy paizo. Man, i remember looking at heroes and monster minis thinking they were the best minis I'd ever set my eyes on. Yet look at our most recent. These new minis put heroes and monsters to shame. My lord, pathfinder battles has come a long way, and it was already above average when it began. Best. minis line. ever.

I agree. Honastly, I think I'm more excited to finally here the music of the Pathfinder world. I've read the comics, and the books, and played the adventures, but those are all silent. I wanna know what this universe sounds like ya' know?

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