Pathfinder Battles—Builder Series: Undead Horde

4.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

Display Discontinued

Pack Unavailable

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Undead are on the prowl in this latest Pathfinder Battles offering! Boasting new paint decos of out-of-print Pathfinder Battles undead plus four all-new sculpts, Undead Horde features 12 different Pathfinder miniatures to add to your Pathfinder Battles miniatures collection.

Displays contain 24 packs; each pack contains one random prepainted plastic miniature.

Buyers who purchase factory-sealed displays should get a complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

This product is not part of the Pathfinder Battles subscription, but Pathfinder Battles case subscribers may use their Encounter Pack/Builder Series discount on a display (not a pack).

Undead Horde Set List

Common Rare
1  Skeleton
2  Lady Ghoul
3  Ghoul
4  Zombie
5  Wight
6  Festrog
7  Wraith
8  Mummy Lord
9  Lich
10 Ghost
11 Vampire
12 Graveknight

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WZK71174Skeleton WZK71174-LadyGhoul WZK71174-Ghoul WZK71174Zombie
WZK71174Wight WZK71174-Festrog WZK71174-Wraith WZK71174Mummy
WZK71174Lich WZK71174-Ghost WZK71174-Vampire WZK71174Graveknight

Product Availability



This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer or is no longer being carried by our distributor.



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See Also:

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Average product rating:

4.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Should have Purchased a Display


Sculpt Quality: Excellent; Paint Quality: Good
Recommendation: Essential *Review based on 7 minis of consistent quality.
Comment: These minis are so good, and will be so commonly used, that I regret not picking up a display instead of getting them piecemeal. I'll be spreading out my enjoyment as I pick up a few here and there instead :)

Love the Builder Series


In terms of this being a series meant to boost your number of one type of creature, the builder series gets 5 stars. It was just what I wanted and needed, and buying the display gave me a nice cross section of minis with doubles just where I need them. Also, the bubble pack inside the bag is a nice touch for transport after opening (it is two piece and locks onto the mini base)

Impressive entry in the Builder Series


This review is based on the following three minis I picked up on a whim at the FLGS:

1 Skeleton
2 Lady Ghoul
4 Zombie

This second installment in the Builder Series represents an ideal selection of well-sculpted commonly-used figures. Just as in We Be Goblins, there is a lot to like here:

* The plastic is flexible where it needs to be (weapons, etc), but remains hard in the bases.
* The paint jobs are very strong, with effective use of both dry-brushes and washes.
* The cost per figure is reasonable, and the individual packaging makes a figure or two an easy impulse purchase (though it's possible that isn't an improvement, exactly ;D).

One minor complaint remains:

* There are black plastic "blobs" where some of the minis attach to the bases.

...but that's not enough to knock off a star.

It's hard to imagine a more ideal theme for a Builder Series set. Recommended without hesitation.


Great set!


You can never have too many undead. I got a display case and got a fair distribution of common, uncommon, and rare minis. The paint quality is superb, the re-paints are I think better than the originals (mainly the wraith and vampire), as well as the new sculpts are original and well made (personal favorite is the new zombie mini).

Overall a great set, highly recommend it.

Great set


The sculpt and paint on the Lich and Wraith are fantastic. Good distribution in my first batch as well.

Undead are everywhere! This is a good, practical set of figures that would make a valuable addition to anyone's collection.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced here!

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't this be listed under the Pathfinder Battles link with all the rest of the Pathfinder Battle miniatures?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Deran Castillian wrote:
Shouldn't this be listed under the Pathfinder Battles link with all the rest of the Pathfinder Battle miniatures?

It should! It's been fixed. :D

Are the individual packs going to become available prior to shipping of subscriptions? I'd like to add some to my order if so.

(Would adding to my sidecart get them shipped with the order next week?)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

They should be off preorder now. I'm running the order spawning right now, so make sure you check to see if you need to add it to a pending order before submitting the order.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Updated product description with set list.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I purchased a display case of the Undead Horde from my local retailer. Taking it home, I opened the packages to find I received at least one of each of the 12 figures. I got 3 of each of the Skeleton, Lady Ghoul, Ghoul, Zombie, Wight, and Festrog figures. All-in-all, I was very happy with the collection and appearance of the figures in the case.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Y'all just don't want me to have any money do ya?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

so will we see a daemon army builder set next?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How about slimes, oozes and swarms? That would be cool :)

Or familiars and animal companions?

(of course, the issue with those is that they won't have quite the draw that undead and goblins do)

gbonehead wrote:

How about slimes, oozes and swarms? That would be cool :)

Or familiars and animal companions?

(of course, the issue with those is that they won't have quite the draw that undead and goblins do)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gbonehead wrote:

How about slimes, oozes and swarms? That would be cool :)

Or familiars and animal companions?

(of course, the issue with those is that they won't have quite the draw that undead and goblins do)

Familiars/ animal companions/ summon sets seem to be a pretty popular suggestion, actually.

The Exchange

City Guards






I'm sure Eric has been thinking of all of these things.

Scarab Sages

I love the idea of a summon monster/ally set!

lower level monsters should be more common because they are more likely to be cast as higher level for 1d3 or 1d4+1.

Has anyone received their Undead Horde yet?

I got mine today and all three of my skeletons are primarily a grey color. There is splash of white on the torso area below the ribs, but other than that is mostly a charcoal grey.

Is it supposed to be like that? Those who have received their Horde, are your skeletons the same?

The photo given for the skeleton looks like it is supposed to be white.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

My skeletons are the same.

I am very happy with the set.

I ordered two from Paizo, then a couple of more festrogs and wraiths on ebay.

Yeah, looked up the skeleton on ebay, and an actual photo taken of the mini (not stock photo), and it does have the charcoal grey look.

With the Paizo stock photo (or maybe it was done by WizKids), the bone on the skeleton does look white. I think I’m going to touch it up with some ‘dirty’ white and then dry brush it and see how I like it.

Dark Archive

Additional sets like this would be great for new GMs or potential GMs without hundreds of dollars to drop on cases. Commonly used lower level monsters, animal companions, familiars, summons, etc. I'd like to be able to start a collection while still sending my kids to daycare and without the wife freaking out on me :-)

CigarPete wrote:
Additional sets like this would be great for new GMs or potential GMs without hundreds of dollars to drop on cases. Commonly used lower level monsters, animal companions, familiars, summons, etc. I'd like to be able to start a collection while still sending my kids to daycare and without the wife freaking out on me :-)

Erik mentioned in one of the Miniature Blogs that the builder packs weren't selling well enough to continue making more :( So it may be awhile before we see anymore of these sets.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6, Contributor

Just opened my Undead Horde, and most of the figures are excellent, but the lich is horrible, and not much like the paint master. So bad I'm going to see if I can pay (sigh) Wizkids for a replacement, because a rare has no business having that many errors and missed paint steps.

The other rares thankfully came through, as did the non-rares.

Mostly posting because of the questions about quality control with regards to Legends of Golarion - I've got one from this set (of 24) that's really off-model, and unfortunately it's one of the six rare figures.

Dark Archive

After so many boosters, still no graveknight, lady ghoul, mummy cleric or wraith! *snif*

My players better beware the wrath of the wight horde...

Dark Archive

Russ Taylor wrote:

Just opened my Undead Horde, and most of the figures are excellent, but the lich is horrible, and not much like the paint master. So bad I'm going to see if I can pay (sigh) Wizkids for a replacement, because a rare has no business having that many errors and missed paint steps.

The other rares thankfully came through, as did the non-rares.

Mostly posting because of the questions about quality control with regards to Legends of Golarion - I've got one from this set (of 24) that's really off-model, and unfortunately it's one of the six rare figures.

Hmmm... I think my lich was okay, although probably not as well-painted as the paint master.

Asgetrion wrote:
After so many boosters, still no graveknight, lady ghoul, mummy cleric or wraith! *snif*

That is why I bit the bullet and bought a full box. I wanted to make sure I got them all.

I do like the Grave Knight and I liked the Mummy Cleric so much he replaced the original as the leader of my desert undead. :-)

Dark Archive

danielc wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
After so many boosters, still no graveknight, lady ghoul, mummy cleric or wraith! *snif*

That is why I bit the bullet and bought a full box. I wanted to make sure I got them all.

I do like the Grave Knight and I liked the Mummy Cleric so much he replaced the original as the leader of my desert undead. :-)

Heh, that was a wise choice; I may have to do that, too. I have also bought something like 50+ goblin boosters so far, and have got maybe three or four rares. That isn't so bad, because I need tons of common and uncommon goblins; the next session in my campaign is going to feature an army of 500 goblins, and I want to scare my players by the sheer number of minis on the flip-mat! ;)

Asgetrion wrote:
...the next session in my campaign is going to feature an army of 500 goblins, and I want to scare my players by the sheer number of minis on the flip-mat! ;)

Don't forget to take pictures. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Asgetrion wrote:
I have also bought something like 50+ goblin boosters so far, and have got maybe three or four rares.

Why on earth would you do that if you were trying to get the rares? You could just do what I did, and buy two entire displays (48 packs). That would probably end up with you getting two each of the six rare figures, and six each of the six common ones. (That's exactly what I got).

Dark Archive

JohnF wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
I have also bought something like 50+ goblin boosters so far, and have got maybe three or four rares.
Why on earth would you do that if you were trying to get the rares? You could just do what I did, and buy two entire displays (48 packs). That would probably end up with you getting two each of the six rare figures, and six each of the six common ones. (That's exactly what I got).

Well, the reason is simple: money. As a librarian I may have a steady income, but it's not that much, considering that I live in a country where taxes and prices are high (and librarians are not paid very well). I may have something like 200-300 euros to spend on RPGs on a good month, but usually it's far less than that. And Paizo keeps putting out great books and maps I want to buy as well. So I might have something like 50-100 euros set aside for minis, and that includes the PF Battles sets, too. That is why I usually buy a few boosters at a time.

Also, I thought that it's okay, because I'll need a horde of goblin minis for the battle anyway, especially common ones. I *do* want the rares, so I'm probably going to do what you suggested once I've saved some money to pay for my student loan (yeah, even after all these years I still have a few thousand euros to pay). Or I might get them on the secondary market.

a set i would love to see:
minotaurs, serpent folk, there-anything etc.

and i think there's enough figures to do it already...

Got my box and distribution was a little off in mine.
i got the usual 1 of each rare and 3 of each common except i had no
zombies, 3 mummy lords and an extra wight.

i like the mummy lord a lot and since i am planning a naval/aquatic campaign i welcome the extra wight.

anyways i love the format of these sets and can't wait til my goblins get here.

also can't wait for the next sets to be announced.
i'm gonna guess the next one is going to be kobolds since there are
a bunch of new models in the LoG set. there's like 6 or 7 sculpts now.

Anyone willing to make some trades?

My son loves the skeleton. We have probably purchased over 30 undead horde models in trips to the FLGS. We almost always nab him a few of these or the goblins.

I have a squadron of zombies, a flight of festrogs, and a murder of mummies. However, we only had one skeleton, and it broke last weekend after years of priority play time.

I have almost every model from the Pathfinder Battles line, except Heroes and Monsters or Legends of Golarion. Send me a PM if you are interested.

Thank you!


Edit: I live in Maryland

there is the unpainted "Bones" skelly figures available spear, sword and shield, and bow, just a quick wash of dilute black/dark Gray to fill in cracks and a quick clear coat and ready to go, add detail as needed. I cant remember who distributes them, but they also had pre-painted versions in three packs. Deep Cuts should work as well, though haven't had time to test paint on them yet. the Dungeon Command "Curse of Undeath" set is also good to look at. I do have a bit of a collection, but I share it with friends here in town for gaming sessions as they come up and are needed.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I put this item in my cart and the below message appears:

This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer or is no longer being carried by our distributor.

It looks like I can proceed with the purchase, so I am wondering why the message is there.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It means that once they sell out whatever they have in their warehouse, they won't be getting any more.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

It means that once they sell out whatever they have in their warehouse, they won't be getting any more.

I see. Thanks for the prompt reply!

Chief Operations Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fumarole wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

It means that once they sell out whatever they have in their warehouse, they won't be getting any more.

I see. Thanks for the prompt reply!

Yes, this is correct. They originally released in 2013 and were never reprinted. The fact that we still have some in stock is surprising to me.

Dark Archive

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Fumarole wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

It means that once they sell out whatever they have in their warehouse, they won't be getting any more.

I see. Thanks for the prompt reply!
Yes, this is correct. They originally released in 2013 and were never reprinted. The fact that we still have some in stock is surprising to me.

Unfortunately both of the "Builder Series" were notoriously bad sellers, so Wizkids discontinued the series after this second one. ;-(

Personally i like all the sculpts, though the commons could be a little more generic.

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe I'll get a second case. SO MANY UNDEAD. ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Kalindlara wrote:
Maybe I'll get a second case. SO MANY UNDEAD. ^_^

I'm doing this. If others can't see the value, that's their problem! :)

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Jacob Blackmon wrote:
Lady Ghoul,

That's no lady, that's my Ghoul-friend !

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