More About Paizo Game Space

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Swallowtail Festival from Rise of the Runelords in full swing! We still don't know who invited the dragon...

At the PaizoCon 2012 banquet, we announced we've been working on Paizo Game Space, a virtual tabletop that runs right in your web browser. We've shown some screenshots, and clarified why we're doing this (hint: it's not to crush our enemies). But now it's been a few months, and the VTT isn't available yet, so we'd like to give you an update on where we are and answer some big questions: "When can I use it?" and "How much will it cost?"

When can I use it?

We're going to be starting public beta testing in the next few weeks. This beta test will be open to anybody who bought a ticket online for PaizoCon 2012. This gives us a reasonably limited group of people to bang on it and break the obvious stuff so we can fix it before opening it up to everybody. Ideally, the beta test will last just a few weeks, but that will depend on what breaks.

How much will it cost?

As we've said before, it'll be free to play. But we'll have ways for you to give us money. Since we're talking about selling access to digital data, pretty much anything is possible, but initially, we're focusing on maps, tokens and adventures.

We've also settled on some basic principles:

  • If you buy it, you keep it. That means no limited number of uses, no monthly fees, no pay-per-play, no rentals. If you buy a token set for Paizo Game Space, you can use those tokens whenever you like. Period. There's no extra charge to use the same token in multiple games. You won't have to pay us again next year to keep using it. And if you buy a campaign and want to run multiple groups through it, you can do that, too.
  • If someone at the table has it, everybody can see it. Rather than make GMs have to purchase everything, we think it's important for players to be able to help out. So if Karzoug is running a campaign, and needs Flip-Mat: Country Inn, Merisiel can just let him use hers.*

So how much does that Flip-Mat cost Merisiel? We're still working out pricing for things like Adventure Paths and token packs, but we can tell you this: Flip-Mats and Map Packs will be just $1.99. And if you already bought the PDF for a Flip-Mat or Map Pack? You can use it in Paizo Game Space, free.

Gary Teter
Senior Software Developer

*Little-known fact: rogues love to share. And runelords make great GMs.

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Eagerly awaiting the beta test for the rest of us!

I think it's in the works, but I'll just emphasize... it would be an amazing toolset if you guys prepped NPC's, Monsters, and Maps for the AP's. Complete with AC, hitpoints, attack macros, saves, etc.

It would be a real boon for all the GMs currently doing all that work individually.

Game Space Beta Tester

Just throwing my name out there as interested in the Beta testing! Really looking forward to trying this VTT out.

My group and I have been using roll20 for a while now and we can't wait to get a chance to try this out so if you all need another group of testers let me know.


Shadow Lodge Game Space Beta Tester

How do we register our interest for wanting a beta invite?

Liberty's Edge

Yes, please do let us know how to sign up for the open beta... whenever that time comes.

Game Space Beta Tester

I've been using Maptools and Roll20 for a little while, now, an I like to think I have something to add...
so here's me asking pretty please can I get into Beta Testing?

Here's hoping that its as good as it sounds.

Also make sure we can import character sheets from Hero Lab (html/xml copy n paste support) and have Google Docs support eventually.

My vtt group uses shared google docs for party swag, timelines, etc.

Not thrilled. I'd rather have Paizo work with existing VTTs (personally I prefer Fantasy Grounds 2 - that one already has a very nice Pathfinder component, it just the lacks the official nod, apparently).

IMHO right now there are too many offerings on the table, diverting the scarce money in the niche of a niche, so that they all may fall short in the long run.

The Exchange

Arven wrote:

IMHO right now there are too many offerings on the table, diverting the scarce money in the niche of a niche, so that they all may fall short in the long run.

Paizo Gamespace is free to use.

It seems some of you haven't noticed that there is a whole board about it now. :)

What's to notice? The only thread I see is this one. What am I missing?

AinvarG wrote:
What's to notice? The only thread I see is this one. What am I missing?


Everything's already a little blurry...

Oh! On the thread! Ahem. (Thanks, Belle.)

As an original Kickstarter backer to the MMO, I must tell you that I am more excited about and hopeful for Game Space. I have used other VTTs and this is just what I've been looking for. Being a software developer, I recognize the difficulty of the task but it is the care that has been taken with this project that shines.

Keep up the great work and keep us posted.

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

only just found this.. personally i dont get the point. i think piazo could have just teamed up with the roll20 guys and had something up and running 12 months ago. surlying just linking the piazo and roll20 shopfront would have been a easier. why dosent piazo sell maps etc on roll20? seems obvious to me.
is this going to have g+ functionality also?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Mr Chickins wrote:
personally i dont get the point. i think piazo could have just teamed up with the roll20 guys and had something up and running 12 months ago. surlying just linking the piazo and roll20 shopfront would have been a easier. why dosent piazo sell maps etc on roll20? seems obvious to me.

I believe at one of the convention panels, Paizo said they had talked to other companies about licensing, but were unable to find a common ground.

Game Space Beta Tester

Mr Chickins wrote:
only just found this.. personally i dont get the point. i think piazo could have just teamed up with the roll20 guys and had something up and running 12 months ago. surlying just linking the piazo and roll20 shopfront would have been a easier. why dosent piazo sell maps etc on roll20? seems obvious to me.

Because people have already bought the things from Paizo in a digital format. Roll20 is already cut out of a bunch of the profit they'd end up making on it because of that. Paizo likely doesn't want to alienate their users by forcing them to buy everything from scratch. Therefore, Roll20 is going to be hosting a lot of content they're not making any money off of.

It would be like me rolling up to your restaurant and saying, "Hey, I've sold a bunch of people some food, but I need somewhere to let them sit while they eat it. Is it okay if I take up half your restaurant with my people while they eat my food?" You'd kick me out on my ear. Sure, the people I brought in might order dessert, bu that's not the point.

Buying content twice hasn't stopped Lone Wolf and Paizo from having a successful relationship.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
ZanThrax wrote:
Buying content twice hasn't stopped Lone Wolf and Paizo from having a successful relationship.

I think a large part of that is OGL content, the art assets are in a different category. There are free alternatives to Hero Lab, but Lone Wolf makes the UI work well, and this is where they add their value.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Well most of the roll20 content etc is really average. ive really had to work at making the content work , getting alot of commity stuff into it. If i could by a physical copy of an adventure and get all the handouts maps etc all ready to go. that might be nice.
Also as long as gamespace is adaptable to any other system and future games then it could work. i think the G+ hangout is really what make roll20 easy to grab and use. the last thing you want is people being limited to hardware or app based stuff. if it just works in a browser then that would be cool.

Sovereign Court

Updates? I'd like to check it out. Can anyone get me in?

It seems some of you haven't noticed that there is a whole board about it now. :)

Note that you should unfocus the board/forum to see the other posts.

Silver Crusade

So is this a dead project? It seemed like a great idea, but maybe Paizo needs to focus on aligning with a company that is already doing a VTT if this project has died. I am using d20pro for 4 gaming groups, and would love to see this, but it seems a Mary Celeste project..... the page is still up, but nobody is on board.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

No change: Not dead, but not currently in active development, and not all that near the top of our task list.

Vic Wertz wrote:

No change: Not dead, but not currently in active development, and not all that near the top of our task list.

Any idea when we might be seeing it available? VTTs like Roll20 work fine, but have certain buggy issues. Would absolutely love to see a VTT designed specifically with Paizo's adventure path maps in mind.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sorry—I couldn't hazard a guess at this time.

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Been waiting for this for a long time. I would love something that when I buy digital products from Paizo I can just plug it in and my friends and I enjoy the game. I have a group of friends who I have played table top games with since 1985. We now live in different areas of the country but we still get together on skype and roll20. As the GM for pathfinder and pathfinder society it takes 10 times as much time as it did to prepare for a true table top game. I not only have to retype everything but have to enter values and make maps. The maps never come out right cutting and pasting although that does save time. And the cut and paste of the text is also not formatted the way I like. This is not a video game, not Pathfinder online. Will we see any development on this? It was a great concept and I would love to see it out. Did the closed beta ever get going? Can we see an open beta?

The Exchange


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We did run the beta for a while, but with no active development for the scheduled future, we have turned the test server off for now.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

<_< Well, I guess I can still hope for more Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds support in the future

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Are there plans to offer any Adventure Path map packs and tokens on Roll20? I would totally buy those.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Aaaand now Wizards is doing both Fantasy Grounds & Roll20 support with official D&D material.

I have to say, even if Paizo didn't offer modules and APs in roll20, map packs and such would be nice indeed

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I for one would love to have official support for Roll20 from Paizo. In a perfect world it would be a subscription option even. If actually setting up a proper module, I would even be satisfied with a bundle of digital assets (tokens, portraits, maps) to go along with the module/AP.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:

Aaaand now Wizards is doing both Fantasy Grounds & Roll20 support with official D&D material.

I have to say, even if Paizo didn't offer modules and APs in roll20, map packs and such would be nice indeed

Yep, saw that yesterday.

This is rather disappointing. I have the ability to extract images from a .pdf, but it's tedious, and I don't have the ability to share the work I've already done, meaning it's tedious for another GM who offers to run online as well. I'm not interested in sharing map pack or pawn images or other intellectual property, but the custom maps, in particular, would be nice.

Sovereign Court

Paizo, your community wants Roll20 integration. Scrap whatever assets you have and drum up an Adventure Path/Module subscription service for Roll20 -- or be labelled a bunch of gelatinous cubes.

Rados Ellart wrote:
Paizo, your community wants Roll20 integration. Scrap whatever assets you have and drum up an Adventure Path/Module subscription service for Roll20 -- or be labelled a bunch of gelatinous cubes.

Here is a new you might have missed.

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