
Traddles's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

Lighting and clothing are coming along very nicely.

However, while the town aesthetics look "good," they seem rather monochromatic and "boring"--lacking identity. That being said, I'm assuming this is something that has yet to be addressed... or is simply a part of the current stage of development.

Liberty's Edge

Any news yet as to whether it will provide for integrated character sheets (aka Fantasy Grounds) or not (aka Roll20)?

EDIT: If not, my vote is for integrated character sheets. (drops the mic)

Liberty's Edge

Stand back, guys. My damage threshold is pretty high. You'll get blinded....

Or at least greased.

Bard 1 FTW

Liberty's Edge

Traddles wanders in to the sound of his favorite childhood instrument, its duck-like quacks jumping from one pitch to the next amid a chatty sea of voices. He reaches into his backpack and pulls outs a fiddle of dark-stained wood and grinds his strings to the beat of the infectious kazoo.

Perform (stringed instruments): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Liberty's Edge

With the growing and growing amount of content, including the upcoming Pathfinder Online, does Paizo have any plans to market its products to a broader market... a la the TSR commercials of the 1980s?

Anyone have any comments on the possibility of broader market advertising for tabletops?

Liberty's Edge

Yes, please do let us know how to sign up for the open beta... whenever that time comes.