SaintMac's page
Goblinworks Executive Founder. 92 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
As an original Kickstarter backer to the MMO, I must tell you that I am more excited about and hopeful for Game Space. I have used other VTTs and this is just what I've been looking for. Being a software developer, I recognize the difficulty of the task but it is the care that has been taken with this project that shines.
Keep up the great work and keep us posted.
Longshot Hooligan wrote: Wyndyn wrote: I have been looking at various other VTTs for my next campaign. I think I'll hold off a bit and see what this one is like. It looks VERY promising! Same here, One of my cruxes is mapping scenarios this looks very awesome. Don't know if this helps,but have used Fantasy Grounds in the past. It was cool,but a lot of work and had 'player with Mac' issues. Went back to Skype or face-to-face.
Looking to play using Roll20.net until this comes to a theater near me.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote: There is an edit button SaintMac, so you don't have to make six posts in a row :) Lol,sorry. Was playing catch-up and got excited. Even peed a little!
At what point in the character's life would one feel they HAVE TO become part of a guild? The reason I ask is that you will have a large group of casual players, and unless the guild is shooting for numbers only, that player may find themselves in a delema of 'Picking a house or else' situation.
As a developer/programmer in 'real life' my play time is naturally limited. Wondering if my lack of consistent playtime will proverbially bite me in the ace.
Lisa Stevens wrote:
I know that sounds like crazy talk, to not want to crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of the women, but we are crazy like that here at Paizo. In the end, we just want people to be able to play more regularly. If that is here, then great. If it is somewhere else, that is cool too.
One of the MANY reasons I, for one, have always respected the company!
Joshua Archer wrote: This is the main reason I regret missing the banquet. This looks totally awesome and I cannot wait to try it out. Totally agree! When you do a test run, let me know. Would love to play with you sometime.
Gary Teter wrote:
Software like this is more meant to be touched and played with than to be watched.
Gary, as a programmer, I could NOT agree with you more!
Gary Teter wrote: The name may change, too. I like "Paizo Game Space" but maybe there's a better name to be had. We'll see, we're taking an iterative approach to development and rollout. Perhaps "Portal to Happiness and Pure Joy"
xorial wrote: I'm torn. I really want to use the VTT here, but I don't want my players getting accounts here, lol. Why? Because I run a bunch of ideas past people on the forums & I don't want the ease dropping. :P It is a Catch 22 isn't? Perhaps another gamer tag is what I'm thinking.
"WANT" is just not a strong enough word! No matter how it turns out, I must tell you that I proud of you all for your continued player support!
I guess I should have started this with the same confessions.
Hi All!
My name is Mac and I am old and like to game. I'm old enough to remember opening that first boxset of a rather well known table-top RPG. From there, well, its a blur from edition to edition, pc to new pc, console to newer console, etc. From teaching myself Applesoft basic to make text-based games to modding games. From running that first game to attempting a podcast about how to build your own worlds. Its been a ride!
Right now, I'm hooked on Pathfinder and the chance to mix my favorite table-top with a MMO was too much to pass up.
Bless and Keep,
St. Mac
Ghost_dk wrote: Hi my name is Lars and im a RPGoholic.
I opened my first D&D basic box at age 14 some 24 years ago and havent regreted it a minute since. Over the years I've gone from D&D over MiddleEarthRoleplaying, Warhammer, all 4 editions of Shadowrun, back to D&D 3.5 and now helplessly in love with Pathfinder.
I hope that Pathfinder Online will keep me addicted well into my 50's and put $100 in the pot in hopes of making it happen. Really looking forward to what Goblinworks/Piazo come up with and to meet you all online i a couple of years.
LOL, thanks for joining in!
W. Kristoph Nolen wrote: I looked at Ryan Dancey's Facebook page (whom it seems I have mutual friends!) ;) yes, yes you do.
neodac wrote: should be a link to ask questions somewhere on the kickstarter page methinks.... indeed a send message link right under the project title hey he looks like a rabbit... rabbits are food... can we eat him? Rabbits are like small cows, eat away my green little friend
gogojira wrote: First time posting so I figured I join the party. I was a small pledge (but every $5 helps, right?), but even for a tech demo I had to put some money toward this project. At this point, I'm willing to give a little to anyone trying to recapture what made me love MMOs back in the EQ days.
Anyways, hope to contribute some posts here and congratulations to the Goblinworks and the community that helped destroy their original target.
Welcome to this demented little party, you certainly aren't alone in your hopes
MoonTech wrote: Yeah sorry for the text-link. I'm on an iPad and can't figure out how to edit/correct the post. No worries! Figured it out. My phone will do that sometimes if I attempt to cut and paste.
neodac wrote: SaintMac wrote: neodac wrote: SaintMac wrote: neodac wrote: you talk funny funny words what surf and turf Mouse inside chicken inside goat inside donkey, tasty if burned nice a crispy! you know the magics to do this? Yes, but first we must go get those things from that soon-to-be dead farmer. you my new best friend *gives a somewhat shiny rock* lets go kill farmer soon wiggly red meat be our wonderful treat! *bows accepting shiny rock and hands sunrod* Tonight, we feast my green friend.
Hi John/Hewhocaves! Thanks for dreaming outload with the rest of us! As a kid who opened the wonder box from TSR, I'm always excited when there are things that bring back that same excitement. Hoping this will.
neodac wrote: SaintMac wrote: neodac wrote: you talk funny funny words what surf and turf Mouse inside chicken inside goat inside donkey, tasty if burned nice a crispy! you know the magics to do this? Yes, but first we must go get those things from that soon-to-be dead farmer.
neodac wrote: you talk funny funny words what surf and turf Mouse inside chicken inside goat inside donkey, tasty if burned nice a crispy!
neodac wrote: i agree very good roasted on the spit Kinda like surf and turf
The Goblin wrote: Ahhhhh I just ate dinner and it was warm and wiggling. So yes I am all in favor of ditching gnomes for goblins in this game. Makes me want to mod games again.
Thanks for letting me be a part of it!
neodac wrote: need human orc elf halfling gnome and at least a giant for a bass drum anything else is bonus Ok, I can't afford that.....will you settle with a small pony with a limp?
Justin Tanner wrote: Quote:
Just my thoughts. But a solid one.
neodac wrote: SaintMac wrote:
D*mn, where's a good goblin bard when you need to rock a party? depends how many types of skulls you bring for drums? *looks in bag of holding for skulls*
neodac wrote: SaintMac wrote:
Casts Dancing Lights for proper party lighting! *dances around trying to catch them drops his pointy stick* D*mn, where's a good goblin bard when you need to rock a party?
Flags self (diplomacy roll) LOL!
neodac wrote: WE BE GOBLINS YOU BE FOOD *grabs a pointy stick and a dirt clod then gets distracted by a piece of lint in the air* Casts Dancing Lights for proper party lighting!
coach wrote: i pledged $200 total as the elder of father and son duo at $100 each
it was a fun start
That's cool Coach!!
damnitall22 wrote: I started off at $75 on opening day but there was just no way I could pass up the $100.00.
I will also say that if I had $5000.00 sitting around there is no way that last spot would have been open. Still do what you can.
Now to wait for the goodies and "THE LOOK" from the wife when they get here. *sigh* well I guess she has to find out sometime.
Take chocolates with you, its safer! lol
Hey, I'm not sure when it popped up, but where was the coin mentioned from Goblinworks?
GrumpyMel wrote: I went for the $75 level. Psyched about PFO, and frankly the rewards are a pretty darn good value for the cash in themselves.
Hopefully there will be other ways for us to continue to show support for GoblinWorks as the project moves further along.
Awesome GumpyMel!! I'm really psyched too. Not sure how to past the time. lol
neodac wrote: Checking in which side of the room be the goblins and which side be the food? still not sure if I'm proud of myself or mad at myself from kicking up to 500 in the last minutes from 100.. but the shinies oh the shinies (and if that doesn't tell you who i am you weren't paying enough attention. my bank account is soon to be chasing me with a stick.. i still haven't decided if its edible If the food is green and has sharp pointy teeth, well at least you know their names! lol
I know what you mean. I have a feeling I will rock back and forth holding the bag repeating my precious.
Lily Orlovsky wrote: Hey guys! This is Wes from the Kickstarter group. I ponied up $1k It hurt, but I had the space on my credit card and I have a really low APR so it's all good! I just wanted to play in an alpha test group for once!
Still can't believe how awesome the roleplay community was during this. And this is JUST the technology demo. I'm not sure if they are planning on putting the actual game on kickstarter or rely on more mainstream backers, but either way we really showed them that we're starving for a different kind of game. A game that kicks mmo stereotypes to the curb.
I just hope that Goblinworks sticks to their guns on this and doesn't get wishy-washy with the sandbox premise.
Hi Wes!
I'm soooo hoping for that as well! We all rocked it, didn't we?!
Can't wait to play!!!
Wonder if there's a Goblin party around here? lol
Justin Tanner wrote: SaintMac wrote: Consider your response *liked* :) I will like her response too.
(starts thinking like a goblin for a second)
So I hit the 'FLAG' button to do that, right? LOL! Hey you little sh*ts, don't kill me until I have at least a paid-off cleric buddy. lol
Justin Tanner wrote: The Goblin wrote: Heh I want to play a goblin with a little shack with shrunken heads and an elderberry bush, maybe a nice shrubbery too. That could be the beginning of our Goblin Empire!!!
think about it The Goblin. (grabs shoulder and extends hand outward in front of him)
Goblins, Goblins everywhere. Oh Crap! What am I witnessing on this post? lol

Waruko wrote: SaintMac wrote: Is this your line of thought also Waruko? Yes, you can't make a WoW killer from copying WoW anyway. (Not that Pathfinder is trying to do that.) But a lot of developers try to cast the BIGGEST net possible to get the most amount of people and sometimes (as in not often if ever) that works like WoW or other times it works the old fashion way. AKA try to please everyone and you please no one. I backed this project because its clear the team has the balls to go and to do their own thing even if it isn't "popular". They are saying "We want to make a hardcore fantasy MMO based in Pathfinder's IP, it will most like appeal to about 100,000 people but its going to be the game THOSE 100,000 people have waited YEARS for." Yes! If anyone can take the bull by the balls, its this company, and do it well. I never fault a publisher making money, but I'll call BS when it has bows only to the almighty dollar and forgets the dream they were chasing.
Consider your response *liked* :)

LazyLeopards wrote: We could only do $50, but even that was upped from our initial pledge of $30. Between our recent car blow up (2k there alone, ouch), and the need to feed the horde (cats) and ourselves, we just couldn't do more, alas.
As for swag, that was part of the reason for the upgrade of our pledge to $50. But the reason we pledged in the first place was this is the kind of MMO we've been wanting for years. And years, and years. So we'll be trying to keep active in the threads and keep an eye on how things go. We both hope to contribute in a meaningful way to the process.
I keep saying we (and the reason its LazyLeopards plural), because both my husband and I are both PnP and computer games and sandbox MMO fans. So we'll likely both be posting under this handle.
Ok enough of the unnecessary info. :P
To the both of you, I've been hoping for this as well. I'm a HUUGGE fan of the Kingmaker AP and to hear it was based off it? Well, enough said eh? Plus, I trust them. That sounds odd, but I'm tired of companies attempting to throw me a bone and expect me to say thank you. So, I know no game can be all things to all people, this company is the one that can come d*mn close. ;)
The Goblin wrote: Heh I want to play a goblin with a little shack with shrunken heads and an elderberry bush, maybe a nice shrubbery too. Nothing too nice, and plant them side by side. lol
You'll goblin rock this!

Waruko wrote:
I think this is very much going to be like Eve, Ryan still seems to have a hard-on for the game and its systems. And to his credit he should. Its one of the very few "hardcore" MMO's out there. Its not for everyone and its not meant to be. MMOs do NOT need 200 million dollar budgets nor 2 million subscribers to be successful. You just need devolpers and backers willing to crater to smaller markets instead of trying to be the NEXT BIG THING.
Pathfinder will be the same way. Those posting on the forums about "bard classes do/do not suck" are most likely in for a rude awakening when the they find out they aren't getting Pathfinder-WoW/Everquest and are more or less getting Pathfinder-Eve/WoD. A game were as a farmer/miner I can be JUST as influential if not MORE than your "epic-ed out Wizard/Fighter". This is the game I want.
Very well said, and I think that's spot on. I wouldn't compare WOW anywhere NEAR what I think this will be. Think about WHO is heading and supporting (internally) this. I don't think for a freakin second that anyone would ask Lisa to make a "WOW-memic". The culture that this game is tied to is one of learning from others and making something new.
A puked-out, tricked out, version of WOW with Pathfinder stamped on it is sooo not going to happen.
Is this your line of thought also Waruko?
Pygon wrote: *grabs a fruit punch and watches everyone talk*
*waits for Thornkeep print copy*
*grabs a smoke and Coke and begins pacing back and forth waiting for more updates* LOL
The Goblin wrote: If they do it like eve they can keep evolving and rolling out updates as people subscribe and play. *nods in agreement* I think one, that's the plan, and two, that's why Ryan. (Although I would say there's more to Mr Dancey than just a can-do attitude).
A long drawn out production would be a tough sell to Lisa. I just think that its going to be quicker than we are use to.
The Goblin wrote: How long did dungeons and dragons online take? That game was fun but once you got to 5th level it became a turd unless you had a butt ton of pay to play money to just waste. Yah, lack luster wasn't it? But, if I may go out on a limb, Hasbro can be the freakin devil so I never can put my finger on what is their fault or forced to production issues.
Waruko wrote: SaintMac wrote: AGAIN, just my guess. If it were Blizzard, I would say 2 1/2 if preplanned. THIS is something very different. And I'm happy about that. WoW took 4-5 years, 'Titan' is still in undercover development, Starcraft II took over 3 and I don't even want to count Diablo 3's years. Remember Blizzard is NOTORIOUS for long developments and release dates of "when its done". I agree this is different and since its starting as small as you can get (4500 people) I'm sure that will count for something in development time and cost. Agreed. I like their slow open idea. No huge server crashes (I have those at work to deal with, don't want it at home)
Hon Semparatus wrote: Justin Tanner wrote: I decided that donating $500 is too mainstream. So i went with $501. Just because I could, lol. Wonder if i could give them $500 later and get into the Aplha still, hmmm. Too funny, I went with $101. Just to put me a wee bit above the "100" club. LOL! you guys crack me up.
Ravenmantle wrote: I pledged $100 and, to be honest, the real appeal for me was the book itself. While I really like the idea of Pathfinder Online, I'm not sure I'll actually get to play it much. I'm a Pathfinder collector, though, and the Thornkeep book just has to become a part of my collection.
All that said, what an amazing Kickstarter for Goblinworks. Here's to a successful Pathfinder MMORPG!
I'll more than likely be a casual gamer due to all the freakin games I've got going and the podcast, but sooooo looking forward to sit down and playing with all of you.......don't pick my pockets. lol
ThreeCrows wrote: I imagined something like a large Campaign Coin... With a Goblin on it. Would think so too. Sweet!
ThreeCrows wrote: I had a great time watching the money roll in... Especially nice to hang out with some gamers, especially when my family went to sleep. i could only do $50, but it still felt like a shared victory.
aka Kay B.
Total Victoy thanks to Rockstars like you Kay! I need a plushie.