There are hundreds of games over the years that I have thought were awesome and sank alot of time into but below are the ones that I find myself re-installing or finding the disk/cartrage for over and over. Final Fantasy 4 SNES version (FF2 in the US): first RPG I ever played. Mass Effect: entire trilogy awesome story, great characters, lots of re-playability. Skyrim: took what I loved about oblivion and made in 10x more awesome. Fallout 3 and New Vegas: took what I loved about oblivion and added guns, mutants, ghouls, and a post apocalyptic earth. Castlevania SOTN: Timeless gameplay and hidden endings. Father of the Metrovania genre need I say more. Diablo II: this game ate a few years of my life lol.
"Judge Dread" with Stallone. Every time I see a character with a LN in the alinment block or hear a referance to hellknights I hear "I AM THE LAW!" in the signature Stallone voice lol.
If im not mistaken the title is just "Mr. Smith" the one where Kevin Costner is a serial killer. EDIT: it is Mr. Brooks
To answer your questions: 1) 10 years old , 2) c (depends on what I have captured and what character I am playing) I find that if the baddie has harmed or endangered a child my group skips straight to A though. Might have something to do with 5 of 6 of them being parents. Infact this made GMing Reign of Winter intresting to say the least, I can't think of one group that my players hate more than the winter witches.
Spoiler: I loved that Felicity told Ollie what she knew about Thea so quickly. For a moment there I thought they were going to hold that over head for a while with lots of scenes of her struggleing not to tell him.
Also I concur Rynjin, Laural=bad person Skye=bad character....infact IMO the team on AoS is 4/6 bad characters...which is sad I really want that show to be good.
Overall I like it, the voice commands work well and it even understands my wife (philipina accent). But I mostly only use them for netflix and to switch between TV, netflix, and game lol. I have it kooed up to my satelite box (dish net) and while i messed around with using the built in guide (and voice commands) and changing channels ect. But I find that using the normal remote and guide is alot faster. That being said it is worth it to have the TV box hooked up to the Xbox if for no other reason than to be able to switch back and forth quickly (no changeing imputs or moving cables and you can tell it to switch) So far I have played AC: black flag, CoD: ghosts, Ryse, and Halo:spartan assualt. AC: BF is good because pirates but looks like a 360 game. CoD is decent and looks slightly better than a 360 game. Ryse is frikkin beautiful but has lackluster repetitive gameplay, and Halo:SA is a pretty decent top down shooter. My only real complaint is the lack of launch titles but that was a problem with both then new gen consoles IMO.
Since your using drones make sure they are set to aggressive (its in the little box in the upper left corner of the drone window). If they are on aggressive and the drones are out (of course) they will auto-attack anything that shoots at you even if you dont have it locked. (90% of the time they can be a little odd).
I agree with the rest of the posters that how much system mastery is required is determined by the GM. But I also think that the ammount of system mastery that the other players in your group have used is also a determining factor (assuming that your GM scales to you group). I don't think that anyone wants to play ineffective (but interesting) character amongst the DPR olympics champions...nor do you want to be superman and steal the spotlight from the rest of the players. **also a huge +1 to everything Dr deth said above.
james jacobs said wrote:
Good I hear the first time you watch it you have to make a DC 20 fort save or take 2 points of INT and WIS drain. I'm not sure how good your saves are but we need you at your best so no taking chances...
If you can find a copy of the Hackmaster 4th ed. players guide has and entire chapter on dice ediqute and mojo/luck/superstition. Complete with various ways of testing new dice, blessing new dice, removing curses, and a list of circumstances that a die should be thrown away and the proper disposal procedure. The chapter also has various rules about where to place dice when not being rolled and "fame rubs" signatures of various TT gaming superstars like Gygax that you rub your dice on for luck.