Derrin01's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Been waiting for this for a long time. I would love something that when I buy digital products from Paizo I can just plug it in and my friends and I enjoy the game. I have a group of friends who I have played table top games with since 1985. We now live in different areas of the country but we still get together on skype and roll20. As the GM for pathfinder and pathfinder society it takes 10 times as much time as it did to prepare for a true table top game. I not only have to retype everything but have to enter values and make maps. The maps never come out right cutting and pasting although that does save time. And the cut and paste of the text is also not formatted the way I like. This is not a video game, not Pathfinder online. Will we see any development on this? It was a great concept and I would love to see it out. Did the closed beta ever get going? Can we see an open beta?

Looking for players. You can be a casual player or hard core regular. We just like to have fun. No alcohol, no smoking in the house. If you would like to show up early please let us know. We are in the second area of the silverhex chronicles right now. Working on all 6. You must have a new character to attach the sheets to. If you join late and would like all 6 sheets it can be arranged for you to play and catch up on the ones you missed.

OK contact your VC. Here is what I would do for the future. I have been playing varius table top RPG's for 31 years. Have GM'd for 30 of those years almost exclusively. I would assign another GM and let him play for a while. If he does not want to play then find another player to round out your group. The only way to fix a "Bad GM" is to let him play under a good GM so he can learn. Keep in mind GM's do make mistakes. Many "Bad GM's can become great GM's if given the proper chance and training. Not everyone is meant to be a GM.

GM's must be good story tellers first and foremost. Missing plot que's and misinforming the PC's can be very detrimental to the group as a whole. Just remember though RPG's are not just hack and slash. You do have to RP to get information and solve puzzles. Some modules (not saying this one is one of those since I have not read or run it) intentionally misdirect the PC's if the right questions are not asked.