Vote on the Costume Contest!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

We’re back from Gen Con, and in addition to the usual scramble to meet deadlines and recovery from horrifying illnesses contracted by shaking hands with approximately ten bajillion people, that means it’s time for everyone to vote on the contestants in the Third Annual Gen Con Pathfinder Cosplay Contest!

We had an extraordinary number of contestants this year, and all of them did bang-up jobs! Yet only one can be the official winner of the grand prize (both a pile of Paizo store credit and bragging rights), which is where you come in. At the bottom of this blog, you’ll see a link for comments. Sound off and place your vote for the best costume in that thread. You have until the end of the weekend to make your selection. On Monday morning, we’ll tally all the votes, and announce the official winner in a blog post next week.

Ready? Here are this year’s fine contestants, in no particular order:

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch. Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist.
2009 contest champion Kelly as Harsk, the iconic ranger. (Maybe he’s a little tall for a dwarf, but how can you say no to a hand-made crossbow and his adorable animal companion, Biter?) Blake as Nethys.
David as a paladin of Iomedae. Corienne as a Tien monk.
2008 contest champion Tiffany as the Harrower from the campaign setting hardcover. (You can’t see her wayfinder here, but it came with its own ioun stone!) Jean-Marc with his adventurer’s sash from Seekers of Secrets.
Noel as Trifaccia from Pathfinder Adventure Path #12. Look out, he's got a whip! Honorable Mention: Jodi as Amiri, the iconic barbarian, who despite her amazing costume has removed herself from the running, on account of already being Sean Reynolds' girlfriend (and isn't that prize enough?).

So what are you waiting for? Cast your votes now!

James L. Sutter
Fiction Editor

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Tags: Alchemists Amiri Barbarians Community Costume Damiel Dwarves Elves Feiya Gen Con Harsk Iconics Iomedae Nethys Paizo Paladins Pathfinder Society Tian Xia Varisia Witches
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My Vote: Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

I have to give Lora props. Her Feiya, outfit is pretty dead on and looks to have involved a good bit of accessorizing to boot!

Also Jodi's Amiri costume looked really cool. It's mighty big of her to abstain from the voting. :)

The Exchange

Man, some amazing costumes. First I have to say, props to Jodi for removing herself from the contest. Though she definitely had one of the best costumes. Besides, I'm sure Sean is prize enough. :-)

As for my vote... I'm gonna go against my inclination to vote for a hot babe... they all were and how to pick only one?

So, my vote goes to Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist. That's a great looking costume.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Laithoron wrote:

My Vote: Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

I have to give Lora props. Her Feiya, outfit is pretty dead on and looks to have involved a good bit of accessorizing to boot!

Also Jodi's Amiri costume looked really cool. It's mighty big of her to abstain from the voting. :)

+1. Laithoron sums up my sentiments pretty well.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My Vote: Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

Sovereign Court

I vote for Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch as well.

All of those costumes look great! It's hard to pick one!

I also vote for Lora. Excellent costume and she pulled it off perfectly. Plus, I'm a sucker for a little cleavage.

Definitely Lora as Feiya the Iconic Witch. I got to see that one in person, and the detail is amazing.

Though I also vote Jodi get some sort of actual prize, given how awesome her costume is.

There are a lot of great costumes to choose from. It's hard to pick. But I can only choose one, so it's going to have to be Lora as Feiya.

I vote for Kelly as Harsk :)

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

My vote goes to Lora. It had to be a chore getting all those accessories together.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Lora for me as well

The Exchange

My vote goes to Jason as Damiel because that is a very good looking outfit he's put together.

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

Great costume and form!

Sovereign Court

MY VOTE: Lora as Feiya.

+1 for Lora

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

i'd like to vote for corienne.

then i'd like to vote for corienne again. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

Her costume is incredibly detailed, and she looks as if she was the model for the illustrations.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Vote: Lora

Really tough choices!


I can't vote but I wanted to give Tiffany props for getting this whole crazy ball rolling. I'm never going to forget her coming up to James and me at Gen Con in 2008 and being like "Hi! I'm a cleric of Desna" and our jaws hitting the floor. That was the best! And I can't believe how this has taken off! Thanks to everyone who came in costume, they all look fabulous.

Now who's for the multi-man Rovagug costume next year!?

(If you want to take this as a challenge - which you totally should - I promise some great reward!)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Put me down for a Tiffany Vote

Shadow Lodge

Definitely throwing my vote to Lora. I got to see the costume close up at the show and it's amazingly detailed and awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch

Tiffany as the Harrower, for me.

Lora as Feiya! I was super impressed!

Scarab Sages


Though the alchemist and too-tall-for-a-dwarf both get honorable mention nods from me.

Good job all. :)

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Definitely gotta throw my vote for Jason as Damiel. That costume looks awesome.

(And as an added bonus, he could get drunk, trashed, and just claim he drank a mutagen.)

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Gotta for for Lora

Even though I wrote that sash :)

Shadow Lodge

A ton of awesome costumes this year. It was a toss up for me between Lora and Tiffany, but I've got to go with Tiffany. Her Harrower costume was awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Blake as Nethys has my vote. Anyone willing to paint HALF their face is a true believer...


I'm going to go against the flow and cast my vote for Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist.

It was a really tough call, though ... bravo to ALL the cosplayers!

The Exchange

+1 Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

They are all really good but I'd have to give my vote to Lora. So much detail work there.

I'm posting my vote in the correct thread now I guess, I don't know why there are two threads, so don't count my vote twice.

Jason as Damiel

My vote goes for Nethys!

For me it was between Lora as Feiya and Blake as Nethys, but in the end I have to cast my vote for Lora as Feiya.


F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

Now who's for the multi-man Rovagug costume next year!?

(If you want to take this as a challenge - which you totally should - I promise some great reward!)

I'm up for being in it - can't sew worth a darn though

I'm gonna have to go with Tiffany

I got the privilege to see Jason's costume up close. Admittedly, it was in passing on an escalator. However, the attention to detail blew me away.

Count my vote for Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist.

Dark Archive

I've gotta toss my 2 Chellish-Government-Minted copper pieces in the direction of Feiya, the iconic witch.

Liberty's Edge

All wicked costumes, but I'll have to go Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist, for the detail was frickin' sweet on that one!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Lora gets my vote.

Shadow Lodge

Full Post EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, I think Tiffany the Harrower looks better. She gets my draconic vote!

Liberty's Edge

Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist gets my vote.

Dark Archive

Kelly as Harsk
hands down...the work to make that crossbow and animal companion

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

It was very close for me between Lora and Jason, but in the end...I too vote for Lora!

Jason for sure!

One vote for Jason as Damiel, although there are only winners!

Dark Archive

Close for me, but in the end...

Lora as Feiya, the iconic witch.

Dark Archive

If I'm allowed to vote, and allowed to vote for a costume I created... I really think I would vote for Blake as Nethys...not only because I did the costume but that's just such a badass outfit. He looks fierce in person wearing that thing! I heard people ooo-ing and awe-ing about him when we were walking through the halls!

If I'm not allowed to vote for Blake then my vote would go out to Tiffany as the Harrower! The reason I like Tiffany's costume so well is because look how exact it is! Sometimes, it is the more simple costumes that are the most difficult to create! She looks the part!

Good grief, can't I just vote for them all?!

And Sutter, you're totally right--Sean is a nice prize! **Censored** ;o)

Scarab Sages

My vote:
Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist.

All are awesome!

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