Chemlak |

And just the other day, I was thinking "what's the November hardcover? I can't remember! Is there one? Must be. I'll look it up later..." and promptly forgetting to do so.
This book is one I'm seriously looking forward to, and it looks great so far!

Axial |

I can see the Demon Knights being dropped into Wrath of the Righteous; specifically as problem-solvers sent by Deskari or Baphomet to get rid of those pesky mythic heroes...
I could also see the Diabolical Church in Hell's Rebels, under the command of Barzillai Thrune. Considering that AP already has a church of Asmodeus present in Kintargo.
It looks like the "Hierarch" might be a Tyrant Antipaladin of Asmodeus.

Mark Seifter Designer |

I can see the Demon Knights being dropped into Wrath of the Righteous; specifically as problem-solvers sent by Deskari or Baphomet to get rid of those pesky mythic heroes...
I could also see the Diabolical Church in Hell's Rebels, under the command of Barzillai Thrune. Considering that AP already has a church of Asmodeus present in Kintargo.
It looks like the "Hierarch" might be a Tyrant Antipaladin of Asmodeus.
Whether or not it's the hierarch, there is indeed at least one tyrant in the diabolical church.

Mark Seifter Designer |

This seems like it's taking a lot of the Campaign Setting (specifically deities) into the setting-neutral RPG line. Is that a new approach?
The deities have been in the RPG line since the Core Rulebook, and Villain Codex isn't any different in that regard (it uses the deities but is otherwise setting-neutral). While it wouldn't be hard to add any of these organizations into Golarion, you'd want to make a few tweaks to add some of them (especially those that imply the state of a particular nation, like the Regal Court, since it's a setting neutral kingdom's court, not one that corresponds to any nation in Golarion).

Mark Seifter Designer |

Thanks, I hadn't realized that the deities were setting-neutral too. Makes sort of sense, compared with how 3.0 used the Greyhawk deities as "examples" in the core rules too.
Yep, it's also useful when adding things like domains, subdomains, and inquisitions, since you wind up needing examples of deities who might possess them, as well as for ordering cleric art, since they'll wind up needing some sort of holy/unholy symbol at least.

Samasboy1 |

Chances the "Cult of the Eye" will be in here?
From Pathfinderwiki:
"Complete sections for 20 villainous organizations, including an arcane society, brutal slavers, carnival troupe, corrupt guard, cruel musketeers, death cult, demon knights, diabolical church, fang monastery, merchant caravan, merry outlaws, nature’s scourge, regal court, ruthless brigands, savage marauders, scandalous pirates, secret society, sinister cult, slayer’s guild, and a thieves’ guild. "
Maybe the "sinister cult?"
Though this is a core book, not a setting book, and while they do use the same gods the Cult of the Eye seems much more setting tied. So I doubt it.

Mark Seifter Designer |

Dansome wrote:Chances the "Cult of the Eye" will be in here?From Pathfinderwiki:
"Complete sections for 20 villainous organizations, including an arcane society, brutal slavers, carnival troupe, corrupt guard, cruel musketeers, death cult, demon knights, diabolical church, fang monastery, merchant caravan, merry outlaws, nature’s scourge, regal court, ruthless brigands, savage marauders, scandalous pirates, secret society, sinister cult, slayer’s guild, and a thieves’ guild. "
Maybe the "sinister cult?"
Though this is a core book, not a setting book, and while they do use the same gods the Cult of the Eye seems much more setting tied. So I doubt it.
Yep, it won't have any Golarion-specific organizations. However, as you mention, we do have the Sinister Cult, and it wouldn't be too hard to use the Sinister Cult as an even-more-sinister offshoot of the Cult of the Eye (interested in the devastation of the deluge more so than protecting themselves from harm by sacrificing others).

Mark Seifter Designer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Any hints on the new rules elements from the book? Specifically for the Demon Knights? Please?
The hint for Demon Knights is that they have demon-themed rules to help them emulate demons. So with balor as an example because we know the leader is Merciless Balor, there might be something in there to help him with the ol' sword and whip combo, and there could be something for a succubus-themed demon knight that helps with seduction, and so on!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I very interested in the Death Cult and the Brutal Slavers. I like necromancy and Undead stuff, and recently became quite fond of fleshwarping (distilling the mechanics for it from several sources, with Horror Aventures adding more to it). So let's get some inspiration for the Evil campaign I'm playing in.
I do have a nitpick. The presented stats of the Grand Caller has 2 errors as far as I can see, both have to do with the Spell Perfection feat. First, the DC of his Aqueous Orb falls 1 short. Spell Perfection doubles numerical bonusses of other feats, in this case Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus. That would be 10(Base) +3(Spell level) +8 (Modifier) +2(Spell Focus+Perfection) +2(Greater Spell Focus+Perfection) = DC25 for his Aqueous Orb spells, while the stats say DC24
The other thing is that he has an illegal spell, namely Quickened Dazing Aqueous Orb. I do not see any ability in his stat block that allows him to lower the metamagic level on his spells. As of now, the spell counts as a lvl 10 spell (3(base) +3(Dazing) +4(Quickened)), which is not allowed to exist according to his own feat.
Benefit: Pick one spell which you have the ability to cast. Whenever you cast that spell you may apply any one metamagic feat you have to that spell without affecting its level or casting time, as long as the total modified level of the spell does not use a spell slot above 9th level.
Bolding mine. So even though he ignores the spell level increase of the Quickened Spell Metamagic feat, it still is counted for final spell level.
Now this is easily fixed if he is given a trait like Magical Lineage. That allows him to cast his Quickened Dazing Aqueous Orb as a lvl 9 spell in a lvl 6 slot, but also his Dazing Persistent Aqueous Orb as a lvl 4 spell.
Or give him a Unique ability which states: "The Grand Caller can lower the final spell level of the spell chosen with the Spell Perfection feat by 1. In doing so, the DC of the save required by the spell is also lowerd by 1." Or something like that.

Dansome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Samasboy1 wrote:Yep, it won't have any Golarion-specific organizations. However, as you mention, we do have the Sinister Cult, and it wouldn't be too hard to use the Sinister Cult as an even-more-sinister offshoot of the Cult of the Eye (interested in the devastation of the deluge more so than protecting themselves from harm by sacrificing others).Dansome wrote:Chances the "Cult of the Eye" will be in here?From Pathfinderwiki:
"Complete sections for 20 villainous organizations, including an arcane society, brutal slavers, carnival troupe, corrupt guard, cruel musketeers, death cult, demon knights, diabolical church, fang monastery, merchant caravan, merry outlaws, nature’s scourge, regal court, ruthless brigands, savage marauders, scandalous pirates, secret society, sinister cult, slayer’s guild, and a thieves’ guild. "
Maybe the "sinister cult?"
Though this is a core book, not a setting book, and while they do use the same gods the Cult of the Eye seems much more setting tied. So I doubt it.
Thanks to you both, I am very excited to see what I have to work with!
What is this "Cult of the Eye" people keep mentioning?
A cult mentioned within "Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles".
They believe the Eye of Abendego is the birth pangs of a new god (which they call the "Deluged God"). They offer sacrifices to be saved from the mass floods that will undoubtedly come once their deity arises.

Mark Seifter Designer |

I very interested in the Death Cult and the Brutal Slavers. I like necromancy and Undead stuff, and recently became quite fond of fleshwarping (distilling the mechanics for it from several sources, with Horror Aventures adding more to it). So let's get some inspiration for the Evil campaign I'm playing in.
Eeexcellent! The experimenter isn't quite there yet on mastering the secrets of fleshwarping, but it's only a matter of time. As to the Death Cult, they certainly have some undead in the mix, as you suspect...after all, I said someone killed the Reaper, and yet she's the group's leader.

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It is really nice to see a well-built NPC making use of some of the newer options. And I love me some Spell Perfection!
You can't have everything in an NPC stat block. I was very excited to see that the contingency focus was actually included in his gear, then disappointed to realize he didn't have an eye ointment for true seeing. Sometimes you just have to make a sacrifice to the deities of word count, formatting, and (especially) deadlines and trust that GMs (and players) won't get too nitpicky in actual play.

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** spoiler omitted **
It's but a nitpick, for sure. I doubt that players would whine about a DC that is lower than it could be. And there are ways to explain away the Quickened Dazing Aqueous Orb spell level as a GM. I just noticed it and decided to point it out (actually, I saw it and felt the need to point it out, it is a bad character trait...)
But for the rest the NPC's stats look fine, and I especially like the way the contingency is set. He teleports the moment he gets attacked, that could seriously surprise your PCs. One should never let a conjurer out of their sight, who knows how much back-up it brings forth. And Magic Jar options... I hate it when you think you took someone out, and it was just a scapegoat...

Mark Seifter Designer |

Belafon wrote:** spoiler omitted **It's but a nitpick, for sure. I doubt that players would whine about a DC that is lower than it could be. And there are ways to explain away the Quickened Dazing Aqueous Orb spell level as a GM. I just noticed it and decided to point it out (actually, I saw it and felt the need to point it out, it is a bad character trait...)
But for the rest the NPC's stats look fine, and I especially like the way the contingency is set. He teleports the moment he gets attacked, that could seriously surprise your PCs. One should never let a conjurer out of their sight, who knows how much back-up it brings forth. And Magic Jar options... I hate it when you think you took someone out, and it was just a scapegoat...
I'm not surprised a few errors slipped into a high level statblock; this guy was really complex to work with because of all of his options, but he should be an interesting challenge both in combat and as a recurring character in the campaign. Also, a shout-out: this group in general stood out to share because of the fine work of Amanda Hamon-Kunz.

Axial |

The death cult of Urgathoa, and its leader the Reaper, believes that death is the ultimate form of equality and an end to suffering in a world full of oppression. While they do want to spread killer plagues, they're equal-opportunity employers, even if you opposed them before you died. In fact, one of the Reaper's most trusted advisors was once an adventurer who helped kill the Reaper.
Ah yes, the Reaper! An undead villain ALLEGEDLY leading a cult of Uragathoa. Eh, we have dismissed that claim.

Mark Seifter Designer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

14 con and that body? That's pretty dang fit for a "physically lazy" guy.
Turns out that when you make dark dealings with otherworldly powers, you can come out looking great! You should see the Eminent Spellqueen; she looks fabulous, all things considered, and it's all thanks to the power of good old fashioned hard work*
*And maybe whatever that horrible ritual thing was in the first picture.

Luthorne |
Why does the Grand Caller have only one opposition school?
Looks like he took opposition research for his other opposed school - necromancy.