At the onset of Season 5, the means by which characters earned Prestige Points changed dramatically. No longer was fame tied to performing faction missions, but rather its award would be tied to secondary success conditions—"secret" missions that were tied to going above and beyond the primary success condition or seeking out additional, perhaps unforeseen ways to further the goals of the Pathfinder Society. As part of this change, we retired the existing model of faction missions, but the earlier scenarios did not have any secondary success conditions established already as replacements.
I'm pleased to announce that we will have the Secondary Success Conditions—all 126 of them—available for download. After considering how best to distribute these, we decided it would be best to make the entire file available for download instead of adding an extra file to each download. I recognize that this makes it easier for the unscrupulous to peek at the secondary missions, but it also makes it far less onerous for GMs to acquire the updates all at once. I'm trusting the community to use this resource responsibly
These will become available tomorrow, so this means that the the temporary fix issued in August will no longer be in effect. Any games started on or after October 1, 2013 must use these secondary missions.
No doubt some of you are curious as to what these look like but don't want to spoil any scenarios by peeking at the reference document. To provide some examples, I shall recreate here the entries for three scenarios that do not exist.
#3–14159: Death by Pie
Primary: The PCs recover at least three pastries and return them to Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch.
Secondary: The PCs use the cipher found in area B3 to learn the next five digits in the sequence: 2–[blueberry]–5–[rhubarb]–5, thus giving the society advance warning of a major attack on the Grand Lodge.#5–513: The Doppelganger's Prey
Primary: The PCs defeat the doppelganger.
Secondary: The PCs accidentally slay no more than one of the following during the course of the adventure: Sheila Heidmarch, Drandle Dreng, or Ambrus Valsi.#4–117: All the Doors are Trapped
Primary: The PCs successfully escape the dungeon.
Secondary: The PCs trigger and are damaged by no more than two of the traps in the scenario.
My thanks to those campaign volunteers who helped out in reviewing my drafts and suggesting lots of possible secondary missions.
John Compton