Monster Pets

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thank you so much for sharing your pets with us! After receiving over 50 emails and posts, we randomly selected Tink, an adorable sugar glider, to monsterize. According to Perram, her owner, Tink has deemed certain miniatures to be hers, and will dig through bins of hundreds of minis before squirreling it away to her nest. Thanks to both Perram for offering up his pet and to Sean K. Reynolds for helping with the design. Enjoy!


This timid creature has wide, almond-shaped eyes, sleek fur, and razor-sharp claws. Its long, segmented tail ends in a cruel stinger.

Kopinao CR 3

XP 800
CG Tiny magical beast
Init +4; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +3


AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)
hp 13 (3d10–3)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4


Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Melee claw +9 (1d2–4), bite +9 (1d3–4), tail slap +4 (1d3–4)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th)
 5/day—accelerate poison (DC 15), acid arrow (DC 15), glitterdust (DC 15)


Str 3, Dex 19, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 17
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 11
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +12, Fly +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +16; Swim +4; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +4 Sleight of Hand
Languages Common (can’t speak)
SQ compression, glide


Environment temperate or warm forests or jungles
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (see table)


Illustration by Caeli Anna Smith

Glide (Ex) A kopinao cannot use its fly speed to hover. When flying, a kopinao must end its movement at least 5 feet lower in elevation than where it started. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 12; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con and confusion 1/round; cure 1 save.

Merchants across Golarion covet the thick and colorful coats, razor-sharp claws, and potent venom of the kopinao. This makes these timid creatures subject to widespread hunting and trapping. Fortunately for kopinao, catching one is no easy task. They can climb almost any surface, wedge themselves into impossibly small spaces, and glide from tree to tree using the loose skin between their limbs. Kopinao prefer to nest in tangled treetops. They only venture from their nests to hunt for food in the dead of night, and flee at the first sign of danger. The most people ever see of a kopinao is a flash of color in the tress or the glow of luminous eyes in the firelight.

Many kopinao live along Golarion’s well-traveled forest trails. Like dragons, kopinao delight in hoarding, frequently liberating small items from those camping in their territory during their midnight hunts. A typical kopinao’s nest contains everything from bits of quartz to silk scarves to magic rings. Careless adventurers camping nearby may find their pockets growing lighter overnight.

Kopinao have a soft spot for bedraggled travelers with no treasure to call their own. Good-aligned characters in obvious need may convince a kopinao to part with some of its hoard, particularly if they have something shiny or tasty to trade. Unfortunately, kopinao have only a dim concept of how much the items in their collection are worth—trading with a kopinao can be either a tremendously lucrative or bitterly disappointing venture (at GM’s discretion).

Those lucky enough to discover a kopinao’s nest or trade with a kopinao may roll on the treasure table below.

01-05 Peacock feathers (5 gp)
06-10 Yard of silk (10 gp)
11-15 Five malachite stones (50 gp)
16-20 Four bloodstones (200 gp)
21-25 Jade armband (350 gp)
26-35 Five pieces of amber (500 gp)
36-45 Seven amethysts (700 gp)
46-55 Jeweled spyglass (900 gp)
56-65 Mithral pendant (1,250 gp)
66-75 Three black pearls (1,500 gp)
76-85 Two emeralds (1,750 gp)
86-90 Two blue star sapphires (2,000 gp)
91-93 Three fire opals (3,000 gp)
94-97 Jacinth (5,000 gp)
98-99 Ring of Protection +2 (8,000 gp)
100 Luckstone (10,000 gp)

Cassidy Werner
Editorial Intern

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well that's just adorable. I'll feel bad for killing them to get their treasure :(

Go Perram!

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The cutest monster!

And good plot hooks to boot, thanks Paizo :)


Silver Crusade

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Congrats, Perram! I laugh every time I can hear Tink on your Know Direction podcast!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


But I think perhaps a climb speed is in order.

Sovereign Court

As a rough guesstimate, what sort of Wizard level would I need to be to nab one of these buggers as an Improved Familiar? This seems like a perfect it for the Pilferer archtype.


DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:


But I think perhaps a climb speed is in order.

Its fluff certainly points it into having a Climb speed. At CR 3, I'm also a tad surprised that it doesn't have an Improved Familiar entry. But nevertheless, the entire package, from statblock to artwork, is pretty adorable!

Good lord, who do I have to bribe to have one as a familiar? Sugar gliders are adorable, and this is almost too cute to bear.

Liberty's Edge

So when will this become PFS legal? ;)

Also: sugar glider familiars next, too? Paizo pls.

Having known some people who had sugar gliders as pets, the missing thing from this write-up is "Vulnerabilities: Everything. Any and every change to the living environment of a Kopinao has an 85% chance of afflicting the beast with a fatal illness, causing death within d4 days. All energy types do 200% extra damage to a Kopinao. Any physical damage to the Kopinao will result in the beast's instant death (Fort save 25 negates). All breath attacks automatically have maximum effect on a Kopinao (no save allowed). Creatures without breath attacks can still cause severe damage to a Kopinao by exhaling heavily (Kopinao takes 3d6 Con damage, fort 25 for half)."

Shadow Lodge

Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ArVagor wrote:
Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

This week?

I live in Australia... so like thirty? Fourty?

They're like rats over here. Except they go for the head.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why aren't these things statted for being a Familiar?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

This week?

I live in Australia... so like thirty? Fourty?

They're like rats over here. Except they go for the head.

I know right? They're getting to be worse than the drop bears... I've started wearing my motorcycle helmet just walking around out of fear of the little buggers.

El Ronza wrote:
Good lord, who do I have to bribe to have one as a familiar? Sugar gliders are adorable, and this is almost too cute to bear.

Actually, if you look carefully I think it was supposed to be one.

The skill line has an extra "+4 Sleight of Hand" tacked on the end even though the critter already has a "Sleight of Hand +8" earlier in the stat block.

So, I'm going to hazard a guess that this is an improved familiar that grants +4 Sleight of Hand to its master.

I think SKR might clean up the post a bit when he gets in on Monday.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Smear some vegemite behind your ears. Generally keeps the drop-bears from bothering you. Though it has a nasty habit of attracting bunyips.

Editorial Intern

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Virgil Firecask wrote:
El Ronza wrote:
Good lord, who do I have to bribe to have one as a familiar? Sugar gliders are adorable, and this is almost too cute to bear.

Actually, if you look carefully I think it was supposed to be one.

The skill line has an extra "+4 Sleight of Hand" tacked on the end even though the critter already has a "Sleight of Hand +8" earlier in the stat block.

So, I'm going to hazard a guess that this is an improved familiar that grants +4 Sleight of Hand to its master.

I think SKR might clean up the post a bit when he gets in on Monday.

The +4 Sleight of Hand is a racial modifier. :) I didn't think about statting them as familiars, but I'm happy to do so and post an update on the forums at some point.

Editorial Intern

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

This week?

I live in Australia... so like thirty? Fourty?

They're like rats over here. Except they go for the head.

I once had to give a presentation as part of a job interview. The title? "Australia: Land of Everything that Can Kill You." Kudos on staying alive, my friend.

These would be great familiars - though I agree that the fluff implies they have a climb speed. In fact I would probably suggest that they shouldn't have a Fly speed at all - they should have a climb speed and an ability to use the Glide spell as an at-will power.

Further I think their fluff points to them having slight of hand/ranged ledgerdermain types of powers - but their spell like abilities are actually fairly fierce - acid arrow and glitterdust are very potent offensive spells. In particular Glitterdust seems odd for this creature given that it already has amazing vision (blindsense 60', darkvision 60' and low light vision). And acid arrow while powerful also seems strange.

I would probably have given them a very different suite of Spell Like abilities or given them actual sorcerer levels (ala Faerie Dragons). Stuff like - mage hand at will (perhaps with the ability to use it for slight of hand checks at range ala arcane tricksters) and then perhaps one defensive higher level spell and one or two offensive higher levels spells or abilities that are both defensive and potentially offensive (dimension door for example is quite potent).

In any case I also love good aligned monsters - they are great opportunities to force a party to rethink their normal course of just attacking everything they encounter...

Oh! Please stat a familiar version. I think pretty much everybody would love it. =)

The title of the blog made me think that the critter there is a pet option.

I can imagine some wealthy Vudrani owning one of these, as well as other exotic pets.

Cassidy Werner wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

This week?

I live in Australia... so like thirty? Fourty?

They're like rats over here. Except they go for the head.

I once had to give a presentation as part of a job interview. The title? "Australia: Land of Everything that Can Kill You." Kudos on staying alive, my friend.

I love that we have that reputation. That said, what the hell kind of job were you applying for that you gave a presentation like that?

Apparently Madagascar is pretty bad for deadly creatures too, to the extent that the writers over at Cracked have started calling it Little Australia.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Cassidy, the text refers to merchants valuing them for their "potent venom", but apart from having the spell-like ability to accelerate poison, there doesn't seem to be any other reference to poison, can you explain?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Cassidy, the text refers to merchants valuing them for their "potent venom", but apart from having the spell-like ability to accelerate poison, there doesn't seem to be any other reference to poison, can you explain?

True. Also the CL for the abilities seem high, the creature has 3-HD, so it should be CL 3. Tail slap should be replaced with a sting (1d3-4 plus Poison)

Editorial Intern

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Cassidy, the text refers to merchants valuing them for their "potent venom", but apart from having the spell-like ability to accelerate poison, there doesn't seem to be any other reference to poison, can you explain?

Hi Tim! It looks like some of the formatting got lost. You can find the poison details tacked on to the end of Glide, under the "Special Abilities" header.

Editorial Intern

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Tail slap should be replaced with a sting (1d3-4 plus Poison)

Good point. I'll ask for that to be changed. :)

Editorial Intern

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tinkergoth wrote:
Cassidy Werner wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
ArVagor wrote:
Well sure, sugar gliders *are* that fragile. But this is the mighty Kopinao! (Seriously, how many sugar gliders have you seen with purple and green stripes and poisonous tail stingers?)

This week?

I live in Australia... so like thirty? Fourty?

They're like rats over here. Except they go for the head.

I once had to give a presentation as part of a job interview. The title? "Australia: Land of Everything that Can Kill You." Kudos on staying alive, my friend.

I love that we have that reputation. That said, what the hell kind of job were you applying for that you gave a presentation like that?

Apparently Madagascar is pretty bad for deadly creatures too, to the extent that the writers over at Cracked have started calling it Little Australia.

College admissions counselor. :D

I live in fear for and in awe of Australians. In Seattle, we have just have to worry about hobo spiders.

Dark Archive

I'm suppriced Perram hasn't posted here yet...

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Love it! Thanks for selecting the little devil to be the monster. Her obsessive collecting is likely to only get worse.

Lantern Lodge

I am curious though, how she happened upon a fob watch with numbers sequenced X, XII, XII.

Grand Lodge

Wanted to point out that the Agile Maneuvers feat is wasted on this little guy. All Tiny creatures automatically use their Dex instead of Str for CMB.

EDIT: Also being the owner of 4 sugar gliders myself at one time, I second the climb speed suggestion.

Liberty's Edge

Perram wrote:


Love it! Thanks for selecting the little devil to be the monster. Her obsessive collecting is likely to only get worse.

Just came here to make sure Perram saw this. That is all.

Scarab Sages

Okay, so this then begs the question, will this appear in Bestiary 4?

Cute, but is this just for a joke or is this from a future product?

Paizo Employee Developer

Dragon78 wrote:
Cute, but is this just for a joke or is this from a future product?

This is a result of this blog post.

to this going in an official product :P

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
True. Also the CL for the abilities seem high, the creature has 3-HD, so it should be CL 3.

There is no required correlation between HD and caster level. They are often the same, but don't have to be. For example, a succubus has 8 HD but is caster level 12th.

The difference between a creature with a climb speed and a creature with a +12 Climb bonus is almost insignificant.

The creature's poison is there, there's just formatting error that's attached it to the glide ability.

Good catch on the Tiny/CMB rule, I need to update the stat block spreadsheet to catch that.

Enough with the nitpicks already, Cassidy did a good job for her first time as a monster designer. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
... Enough with the nitpicks already, Cassidy did a good job for her first time as a monster designer. :)

Agreed, it is clever and interesting without being ridiculously overpowered. I like it.

However, some of the people on these boards would 'nitpick' a free bar of gold.

Overall I really like the concept - most of our nitpicks are signs that we would love to see something like this "for real"....

In general as a GM I would love to see more of this type of monster - ones that have lots of plot hook potentials, that aren't just "kill on sight" (or if the players do they may later regret it) and which have many possible roles. As noted this could be a really fun improved familiar - similar but also quite different from a Faerie Dragon or the like.

Re my nitpick about Glide - just seemed like instead of making a new ability you might just reuse the existing spell.

Re movement speeds as a GM at least I generally enforce a fairly big difference between having a climb speed and having a high climb skill. A climb speed means you can just climb most surfaces (unless they are smooth) without any checks. A climb skill means you have to make checks - and it typically means your movement speed will still be slower (even if you nearly auto make the DC for moving quickly on the climb). And specific to this creature - given the restrictions mentioned in Glide I'd suggest having a climb speed and no fly speed - just a glide ability (or at will use of the glide spell) - the difference there being Move action vs Standard Action so that's a consideration as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance of this lovely critter making an appearance in Bestiary 4?

It's probably too late for that, but hey, we can always have hope! ^^

Haha awesome! Congrats to Perram and Tink for being selected for this honor. Very awesome indeed.

Grand Lodge

Hey now...

I know I'm the King of Nitpickery, but I never mean any offense by it. I LOVE sugar gliders and think this post and creature is both hilarious and awesome.

Editorial Intern

Thank you for all of your feedback, everyone. I'll address the redundant feat issue when I post the updated improved familiar stats. The climb stats will stay the same.

There are no plans to include this in any products; this was something fun I wanted to do as an intern project. While I'd be happy to march over to Mr. Mona's office and demand that it be included in the Bestiary 4, I'm pretty sure the fact that it went to print months ago stumps any intern demands. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
True. Also the CL for the abilities seem high, the creature has 3-HD, so it should be CL 3.

There is no required correlation between HD and caster level. They are often the same, but don't have to be. For example, a succubus has 8 HD but is caster level 12th.

The difference between a creature with a climb speed and a creature with a +12 Climb bonus is almost insignificant.

The creature's poison is there, there's just formatting error that's attached it to the glide ability.

Good catch on the Tiny/CMB rule, I need to update the stat block spreadsheet to catch that.

Enough with the nitpicks already, Cassidy did a good job for her first time as a monster designer. :)

I missed that there didn't need to be a correlation between HD & CL. Now I'm educated!

I thought the same thing about the climb speed/climb bonus but there are a few other bonuses conferred by a climb speed. I guess it's a design philosophy difference.

The only problem with the poison was a lack of delivery system which frankly is no big deal.

I love the little beasty and I agree it was a good job for a first time monster designer :)

Cassidy Werner wrote:

Thank you for all of your feedback, everyone. I'll address the redundant feat issue when I post the updated improved familiar stats. The climb stats will stay the same.

There are no plans to include this in any products; this was something fun I wanted to do as an intern project. While I'd be happy to march over to Mr. Mona's office and demand that it be included in the Bestiary 4, I'm pretty sure the fact that it went to print months ago stumps any intern demands. :)

Bestiaries aren't the only products that contain critters. I get a product monthly from Paizo that has a bestiary tucked in the back. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that for about the next year the theme of those monthly bestiaries will either be demons or critters who wander around in the sand.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am going to be a bit of a downer here.

If you are going to have a Sugar Glider or any other "exotic" animals as a pet, please make sure that you buy the animal from a reputable supplier. Ask them where it was bred and the breeding conditions and make sure that they follow the rules of your local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Because there is a lot of money in exotic pets, organised crime syndicates capture and smuggle wild animals, destroying wild populations and their habitats.

While Sugar Gliders are not endangered, many possums such as the Mahogany Glider look very similar and they are endangered and wildlife smugglers are a real threat.

Also please remember that these are wild and not domestic animals they are both fragile and unpredictable.


Liberty's Edge

I always found it weird that sugar gliders can be pets overseas. Aren't they completely illegal to keep as pets here?

(They're hella cute though, I have to admit!)

Alice Margatroid wrote:

I always found it weird that sugar gliders can be pets overseas. Aren't they completely illegal to keep as pets here?

(They're hella cute though, I have to admit!)

They are legal as pets in Victoria & South Australia.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, it's a state based thing? TIL.

We have a pet lorikeet, and have had a pet magpie in the past - but both were raised from chicks that fell out of their nests and would have died without our care. I wonder why birds are OK but the marsupials aren't?

Most marsupials are protected/endangered, removal of habitat in the last 200 years has had a devastating effect.

Some like eastern grey and western red kangaroos have adapted to the point where they can become pests

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