[Outpost VIII] PFS2 #6-08 Upon Wheels and Rime

Game Master cmlobue

Subtier 3-4, 20 CP

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Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Feel free to introduce yourselves in the Gameplay thread. The first official post of the game will be on March 2. Please also complete the >SIGN-IN SHEET< add your token, perception and initiative to the >SLIDES<.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2034 | Male Kobold | Crystal Healer| Psychic Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Focus: 2/2 HP 23/23 | AC 16 (17 w/shield) | F/R/W/P 5/6/7/5 (DV) | Spell Attack: +8 | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Spells: -/1/ | Exploration Activity: Defend |

4 glyphs
Probably need a level bump; test driving a psychic. Playing this for the first time though I'm currently running 2 tables (1 for Outpost).

Given we're heading towards high tier, I do object to friendly fire (just because he's a new PC and is really squishy)...

|Spells: Lay on Hands, Weaopn Surge Foc:2/2 | Exploration: DEFEND | Hero Points: 1 GENDER Male CLASS Champion LEVEL 2| Perc +5 (low-light) | Speed: 20' | HP: 34/34 | AC: 20 (22 shield) | Fort: +9 Ref: +5 Will: +7 2

so I've only played by post on discord. Is there a user guide I can look out for getting started?

Radiant Oath

2396852-2034 | Male Kobold | Crystal Healer| Psychic Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Focus: 2/2 HP 23/23 | AC 16 (17 w/shield) | F/R/W/P 5/6/7/5 (DV) | Spell Attack: +8 | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Spells: -/1/ | Exploration Activity: Defend |
Skorche01 wrote:

so I've only played by post on discord. Is there a user guide I can look out for getting started?

Paizo Guide

Radiant Oath

|Spells:Lay on hands, Weapon Surge Foc:2/2; | Exploration: Defend | Hero Points: 1 GENDER Male CLASS Champion LEVEL 2| Perc +5 (Low-Light) | Speed: 20' | HP: 34/34 | AC: 20 (22 with shield) | Fort: +8 Ref: +5 Will: +7 2nd level champion
Huang Tong Dragonkin wrote:
Skorche01 wrote:

so I've only played by post on discord. Is there a user guide I can look out for getting started?

Paizo Guide

Thank you

Horizon Hunters

male human ranger 3 | ♥️41 | ⛨20; resist cold 1 | F +7 R +10 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +8 | speed 25ft | Focus☐☐ | Arrows 21 | Hunted Prey: None | Exploration: Search | ⚕None

FYI I'll be away in nature this weekend, 3/1-3/2 without access to post. I'll return Sunday evening (US/Pacific time) to continue posting (including to kick of Outpost games!).

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Looks like 20 CP, so high subtier. Huang Tong gets a level bump, and if anyone has mentor boons, they can benefit from up to two of them. Mentor boons are free and only require 20 reputation with a faction, so pick them up if you are eligible!

Guide to Organized Play wrote:

Mentorship and PC Level Bumps

To provide low level players a more fun and fair experience, PCs at the lowest allowed to play the adventure (such as a 3rd-level PC playing in a Level 3–6 Scenario) gain a temporary boost when playing in the higher level range called a "Level Bump," to represent the higher-level PCs’ mentorship and support. Apply the following adjustments:

* Increase every DC the PC has by 1.
* Increase the attack modifiers, attack damage, spell damage, saving throw modifiers, skill modifiers, Perception modifiers, and AC of the PC by 1.
* Increase the total hit points of the PC by 10 or by 10%, whichever is higher.

Apply the relevant adjustments to the PC's animal companions, eidolons, and familiars as well. If a value is already increased by applying the adjustment to a PC (such as a familiar's save modifiers and AC), do not increase the value a second time. Remind higher-level PCs to apply any Mentor Boons they might have purchased as well.

Vigilant Seal

CG female changeling fey sorcerer 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 | F +6 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6 Darkvision| speed 40 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Forgot to check in with Gwen! She's here and is fabulous.

Horizon Hunters

male human ranger 3 | ♥️41 | ⛨20; resist cold 1 | F +7 R +10 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +8 | speed 25ft | Focus☐☐ | Arrows 21 | Hunted Prey: None | Exploration: Search | ⚕None

Nikma can contribute:

Rugged Mentor (Horizon Hunters) wrote:

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced

colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the
Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Vigilant Seal

CG female changeling fey sorcerer 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 | F +6 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6 Darkvision| speed 40 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Gwen has the combat mentor boon (+1 to attacks). I believe this includes spell attacks.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2034 | Male Kobold | Crystal Healer| Psychic Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Focus: 2/2 HP 23/23 | AC 16 (17 w/shield) | F/R/W/P 5/6/7/5 (DV) | Spell Attack: +8 | 25 feet | Class DC 18 | Spells: -/1/ | Exploration Activity: Defend |

Apologies folks. This game slipped my mind. I'll catch up / retcon over the weekend.

EDIT - Level Bump complete; Took Mentor Boons from "Auntie Gwen" and Nikma

Verdant Wheel

Catfolk Monk 3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | ♥️ 41| AC 21| F +8, R +11, W +6 | Perc +4 | Deception +10 |Acrobatics, Stealth, Thievery +9 | Athletics +7 | Underworld Lore +5 | ◆

You may have noticed that I like spreadsheets wayyyyyy too much.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺
Hadrimos wrote:
You may have noticed that I like spreadsheets wayyyyyy too much.

I understand each of those words individually but they make no sense combined in that way.

Verdant Wheel

Catfolk Monk 3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | ♥️ 41| AC 21| F +8, R +11, W +6 | Perc +4 | Deception +10 |Acrobatics, Stealth, Thievery +9 | Athletics +7 | Underworld Lore +5 | ◆
cmlobue wrote:
Hadrimos wrote:
You may have noticed that I like spreadsheets wayyyyyy too much.
I understand each of those words individually but they make no sense combined in that way.

I can set up a spreadsheet that will interpret what each word means individually, and in combination. Would that help?

Radiant Oath

|Spells:Lay on hands, Weapon Surge Foc:2/2; | Exploration: Defend | Hero Points: 1 GENDER Male CLASS Champion LEVEL 2| Perc +5 (Low-Light) | Speed: 20' | HP: 34/34 | AC: 20 (22 with shield) | Fort: +8 Ref: +5 Will: +7 2nd level champion

You can only make 1 roll for each camp correct

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺


Radiant Oath

|Spells:Lay on hands, Weapon Surge Foc:2/2; | Exploration: Defend | Hero Points: 1 GENDER Male CLASS Champion LEVEL 2| Perc +5 (Low-Light) | Speed: 20' | HP: 34/34 | AC: 20 (22 with shield) | Fort: +8 Ref: +5 Will: +7 2nd level champion

I'm hoping someone who is better at those skill checks can step up and complete this room so will go if I have to hoping next room will have better skill checks for Lan

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