Hatashi Iancu, or Ianku Hatashi, depending on the language spoken, is a disgraced ninja from the Frozen Shadows Clan of the lands of the Linnorm kings. Born out of a dalliance between a wandering Varisian trader and a Tian-Min ninja of the clan, he has served the clan for a good 20 something years. All that changed when he refused to kill someone who got too close.
On the run from his former colleagues, he decided to settle in the last place he knew his Varisian mother to be settled in: Sandpoint, in Varisia. Home to certain... events prior to his arrival (Rise of the Runelords), the town certainly has quite a history, and he seems to be hiding fairly well as a local locksmith, the skills of a ninja and a rogue being eerily similar.
Of course, given the chance to sell his skills as a ninja to MINKAI of all places, the birthplace of the tradition? Where the mere knowledge of existence of a clan isn't exactly grounds for immediate assassination? The half-Minkaian man will gladly take the choice to join a caravan.