Argent Wings Take Flight (Hell's Rebels AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: In Hell's Bright Shadow
In which a tyrant rises, argent birds take flight, and a secret history is uncovered.
Date: Toilday, the 12th of Abadius (I) 4715 AR
Time of Day: Midmorning
Season: Mid Winter
Weather: 33° F (0° C), Clear Skies

4715 Calendar

Kintargo Skyline

Rumors Gathered & Leads to Follow

Geographical Maps
Ravounel, Cheliax

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Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 0/2 |Insp: 1/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 26 | Active:

"Stop!" Adolina commands as Rose starts to move and her voice is the firmest any of the group have ever heard it. "You aren't going anywhere."

She places one hand on Rose's arm Goodness me, that muscle! and pulls the wand she purchased from the sheathe on her hip.

"H-hold still." She murmurs, before tapping the woman's other arm gently with the wand.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

"Now you can go adventuring." She says firmly, once Rose's wounds are closed.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

"Is it dead dead, or only mostly dead? Because mostly dead is slightly alive." Celi eyes the lemure distrustfully. She loads another crossbow bolt just in case.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Her smirk at Adolina's commands dropping, Ghorza glanced back at the devil. "Don't rightfully know." She said. So she walked over with pick in hand and obliterated its' head. "That should do it, aye?"

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Round 4 Wrap-Up

Ghorza brings down her pick on the lemure, and it shudders, nearly dead... but when Rose attempts to pull out her potion, she leaves herself just open enough for the devil to lash out and claw at her. Fortunately, it misses, and then falls back to a slowly draining pile of infernal slime.
Lemure AoO vs. Rose: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Combat Over


Adolina: HP: 10/10; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Inspiration: 4/4, A Quiet Word 1/1, carrying light
Celi: HP: 8/8; AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16; Arcane Reservoir 3/4, Eternal Hope 1/1, mage armor 58 minutes
Ginetta/Rose: HP: 8/8; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Ghorza: HP: 11/15; AC 18, touch 12; flat-footed 16; Resolve 1/1, Panache 1/1

Do try to remember that until I post the combat's end, not every enemy's down. As I said, only disabled, not dying/unconscious. Try not to assume you've taken it out until I've posted.

Ghorza finishes off the lemure with a pick to its "head", and it splats into full death.

Rexus emerges, coughing at the powerful stench striking. "Gods, that was... surprising." He shakes his head. "We should be careful. That could've ended badly." He looks around the room, frowning. "This is... hm. This almost certainly wasn't here when the Ravens were." Glancing at Celi, he continues. "Can you figure out anything about this place? I think I know why it's shaped like this, but nothing else."

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'
Adolina d'Jhaltera wrote:
"Now you can go adventuring." She says firmly, once Rose's wounds are closed.

Rose's eyes crinkle with a smile and she gives the lady another bow.

"Your wish is my command, My Lady,"

She turns to Ghorza. "Assuming the slimy beastie is dead dead, we should continue our explorations and let Miss Wordsmith determine what she may determine."

Current Status:

Current HP: 8/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: n/a

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

"That we should." Ghorza said, silently hoping that there were not any more devils or demons around. Especially any more powerful than what they had just faced.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor
Kintargo GM wrote:
Rexus emerges, coughing at the powerful stench striking. "Gods, that was... surprising." He shakes his head. "We should be careful. That could've ended badly." He looks around the room, frowning. "This is... hm. This almost certainly wasn't here when the Ravens were." Glancing at Celi, he continues. "Can you figure out anything about this place? I think I know why it's shaped like this, but nothing else."

Celi beams up at their... patron? Rebel leader? Whatever Rexus is. At last, she can be useful! "Of course! These are merely my preliminary findings, I may be able to discern more with further examination. This area appears to date from before the city council raised the street level to reduce flooding on Argos Isle. They turned many of the old streets into sewers and the ground floors of buildings into basements. If I had to guess, I would say that this was a plaza with a fountain."

She pauses for a moment to see if anyone has questions, then continues. "Now, the runes and carvings on the walls! Those were part of an attempt to open a portal to Hell, most likely using the pool as a focus. It may have functioned once, but if it did, the effect was temporary. Some of the key symbols are missing, so it certainly won't work now."

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

"Well, the fountain has certainly seen better days," Rose comments, eyeing the foul water with distaste. "But I am thankful that the runes won't be summoning any more devils in the near future."

If a search turns up nothing of interest ...

"Onward into the unknown," the vigilant gestures towards the northeast. "Who knows what else we'll find, eh?"

Moving out of the fountain chamber, she leads the group towards the eastern branch of the northeast exit.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

"I'd guessed at the historical period of this," Rexus nods, "but I wouldn't have been certain about these runes. Especially whether or not they were at all... active." He looks warily at the walls.

He chuckles at Rose's comment. "Yes, it has. Gods alone know why it hasn't flooded or drained away entirely."

The search of the stinking cistern proves fruitless - there's nothing there of note - at least, not outside the vile pool, which no one is eager to enter. Unless you specifically do want to investigate there, I'm going to assume that you don't do so.

The rooms to the northeast, the Ravens discover, have fallen mostly into disrepair. Chunks of plaster hang from the walls, exposing rough stonework beyond. Scattered furnishings that once outfitted bunkrooms, a kitchen, and even an armory lie scattered about in states of complete disrepair, and doors hang from hinges in the crumbling archways that lie between the chambers.


Adolina: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Ghorza: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Celli: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Rose: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

A search of those rooms, however, does result in everyone save Rose noticing something strange - a small nest in the northeasternmost corner that was probably used by a humanoid creature the size of those monsters from the room upstairs. However, it's impossible to say for certain - there's not enough material evidence to determine anything else.

"Strange..." Rexus looks warily around the area. "I hope we're not going to need to fight another one of those things."

Nearby, however, is a more interesting find - three small crates.

In the first crate, the Ravens discover a finely crafted suit of leather armor, a composite shortbow with +1 Strength bonus, an master-crafted hand crossbow, a simple grey cloak with a hood, stitched with the finest craftsmanship, a masterwork morningstar made from silver, a pouch with eleven pearls, and a bomb of some sort that shimmers with silver dust a silver blanch bomb.

The second crate seems to have been dedicated solely to a firmly locked iron coffer, which Rexus, Celi, and Adolina all agree has something magical in it - six auras in total. Unfortunately, there's no sign of any keys. It has Disable Device DC 25, break DC 20, hardness 10, hp 15. Rexus will strenuously object to any attempt to break it open, lest you damage what's inside.

The final crate, at first glance, is the most disappointing - it looks like it is filled with ancient straw. However, a more thorough investigation reveals that it holds six silver figurines carved in the shape of ravens.

Spellcraft & Appraise Rolls:

Celi Spellcraft - Armor: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Celi Spellcraft - Cloak: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Adolina Spellcraft - Armor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Celi Appraise Pearls: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Adolina Appraise Pearls, Perfectionist: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 - 2 = 10
Rose Appraise Pearls: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Ghorza Appraise Pearls: 1d20 ⇒ 16

The cloak is something that Celi recognizes from her experience with her mother's shop. It's a cloak of elvenkind. Siv never made any herself, but she did once have one to trade - a retiring half-elf adventurer from Varisia sold it to fund his attempt to get to Andoran.

The leather armor is enchanted to protect the wearer more than it would otherwise. It's a suit of +1 leather armor.

Once again, Ghorza is lucky enough to have seen her aunt appraise some stones as precious as the pearls. Each of them could easily sell for 100 gp.

Unfortunately, without vision on whatever is in the iron coffer, none of the three mages can identify what is causing those magical auras.

Rexus sighs. "I fear that what we were seeking - the documents - lie within this box." He taps the iron container. "And I equally fear that I don't know of anyone who could possibly unlock it - certainly not anyone who could be trusted... But I do know someone who might know someone." He looks to the women. "How would you feel about taking a sojourn over to the Long Roads Coffee House?"

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

"I'm not one for an appearance in such a public place," Rose replies. "How about I take a rain check? I'll appraise Miss Cicerdos of what we found here. I'm sure she would be inclined to join you there."

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

"Ah, look at these beauties."[/b Ghorza said. [b]"I think that each of these pearls could go for a hundred gold, each. Give or take." With a smile she stashed them away.

When Rexus suggested meeting his contact, Ghorza nodded. "Makes sense to find the expert. I'll go, but we shouldn't move as a large group. Too easy to be spotted. I'll see to getting these stones sold, and will arrive at the location with Miss Cicerdos."

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 0/2 |Insp: 1/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 26 | Active:

"The armour is e-enchanted." Adolina says. She starts to say more and then finds her voice fading away again. To answer Rexus's question she simply nods. It's a fine coffee house and she wouldn't look terribly out of place there - although she'll need to tidy up first.

"T-thank you." She says to Rose. "It was nice to work with you. Try to st-stay out of trouble?"

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'
Adolina d'Jhaltera wrote:
"T-thank you." She says to Rose. "It was nice to work with you. Try to st-stay out of trouble?"

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Rose replies, giving the young woman a broad wink.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Did any of us magical types scan the silver raven statuettes for magic?

"Ooh, a cloak of elvenkind! It'll make a sneaky person even sneakier." Celi holds the cloak up, admiring the workmanship. "Anyone else want this? And if that armor is enchanted, one of you should take it."

Rexus wrote:
"How would you feel about taking a sojourn over to the Long Roads Coffee House?"

Celi nods to the human. "Sure, that's pretty close to my apartment. I could go for a pastry." She has enough coin on hand for that. Hopefully Ghorza will be able to sell the pearls for a decent price. "Anyone here an expert in haggling? If not, I can probably sell the equipment we won't use at the Newt Market."

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Uh, oops. I forgot. Those are magical too.


Celi Spellcraft Figurines: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Celi recognizes that all six of the figurines are silver raven figurines of wondrous power, able to transform into ravens and be sent to others to relay messages.

Rexus looks at Rose, stroking his beard. "Hm... I suppose. I would much prefer that Laria meet you in person, and Miss Cicerdos is... hm. Well, I suppose it will do." He doesn't seem pleased by the notion, but is willing to accept it for now.

Glancing at Celi, he shakes his head. "If you'd excuse the unseemly modesty, I'm rather good at speaking with others, but I can't really risk being seen in public at the moment."

I'll send you over to Long Roads Coffeehouse on my next post.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Celi picks up one of the silver raven figurines, examining it. "Ooh, figurines of wondrous power! We can use these to send messages to each other! Or other people, if we manage to recruit more rebels."

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

”Sounds invaluable. That will help us avoid the guards.” Ghorza said, eyeing the figurines approvingly.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

"If no one has any objections," Rose says as she examines the discovered leather armor, "I could make good use of this." She picks up one of the raven figurines. "As well as one of these."

She moves to make her exit, but pauses next to Adolina. Taking the noblewoman's hand she lifts it to her lips. "Until we meet again m'Lady." Her lips softly touch the back of Adolina's hand, but her eyes never leave Adolina's.

Without another word she makes her exit.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

"Very well, Miss Rose. But pray tell Miss Cicerdos to visit the Long Roads Coffeehouse as soon as she is able!" Rexus nods at the half-elf. "I hope we shall meet again." After she's gone, his brow furrows. "I know that Miss Cicerdos recommended her, but I am troubled by her unwillingness to meet with Laria."

He sighs heavily. "Well. This place has little enough to recommend it. Let us be off and onwards towards the Coffee House... Unless any of you have business to attend to elsewhere?" When no one does, he leads them off and out of the foul-smelling Livery. Kintargo's streets. The chill breeze whispers past them as they take the back road northwards, passing by a bevy of brick houses and citizens going about their day.

Soon, they arrive near the main road northwards, and spot a group of children playing in a park under the careful eyes of several adults. Rexus shivers at a particularly strong wind, but smiles. "This," he says softly, "is why we do what we do."

Still, he doesn't allow the Ravens to tarry long, drawing up his hood as he leads them to Bleakbridge. The marketplace-bridge has a squad of dottari at checkpoints on either end, collecting the Lord-Mayor's new fee. "Morning, citizens." The lieutenant says as she collects their coins. She makes no comment on Rexus' hood - it's cold enough to not be noteworthy. Subtract 3 cp from each of your accounts (including Ginetta, unless she's trying to sneak past.

GM Rolls:

1d100 ⇒ 75

Crossing over Bleakbridge reveals that the people here aren't as relaxed as they normally are - there's a fear overlaying the normal businesslike cheeriness. Perhaps the bridge tax is already causing business problems... or maybe they're just anticipating that it will.

After crossing over the Argo, they meander along the main streets, looking for all the world like folks on business, and almost half an hour after they left the Livery, they smell the first hints of the warm baked goods that wafts from the Long Roads Coffeehouse.

"Come on in." Rexus ascends the stairs leading up to the door and pushes it open. After they file in, the women have the chance to take in the warm glow of the Coffee House - possibly for the first time.

Nine large tables are spread neatly throughout the open dining area. Most are empty at this time of the morning, but there are a handful of humans scattered across them. Two halflings and a human (a man, a woman, and a woman, respectively) are busy cleaning and baking in the vast oven that is attached to the western side of the room - a bakery area, no doubt. Above the bar that sits between the dining hall and the bakery there's the newly mandated portrait of Queen Abrogail II.

The halfling woman glances up at their arrival, and smiles broadly. "Ah! Valentina, go grab some coffee for my friends." She herself picks up a platter of pastries and moves quickly to greet them. "Come in, come in. Let's go back to my office, we need to catch up on old times."

You'll probably want to request she wait for Ginetta, unless you want to "serendipitously" meet outside or something. Also, if your character knows Laria, feel free to greet her as such - I'm just not sure who would. Adolina, maybe?

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

As the halfla arrives with pastries, Ginetta bustles through the door in a swirl of her cloak. Slightly out of breath, she sees the group and quickly joins them.

"I was hoping that I found the right place and that I wasn't too late," she says. Her cheeks are flushed as she lowers the hood of her winter cloak and her auburn hair spills down loose upon her shoulders. Adjusting the long bag she carries, she attempts to calm her breathing.

"Rose gave me an abridged version of what you discovered, but I hope you can relay the story with more details later," her question is directed at the group, but her green eyes seek out Adolina's. "It sounds like it would make an epic tale."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 0/2 |Insp: 1/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 26 | Active:
Rose Nightfall wrote:
She moves to make her exit, but pauses next to Adolina. Taking the noblewoman's hand she lifts it to her lips. "Until we meet again m'Lady." Her lips softly touch the back of Adolina's hand, but her eyes never leave Adolina's.

Adolina's hand hangs in the air after the vigilante leaves and Adolina feels her skin sing with pleasurable warmth after the gentle imprint of soft lips. That was... nice? Is she flirting? She must be flirting? But she and Ginetta? Aren't they together? Maybe she wants... no, don't be silly. She just wanted to thank you for the healing. That's all. It's not like that. No-one wants you like that. Not when she has a pretty woman like Ginetta. But that was a kiss...

This jumble of thoughts rolls round and round inside Adolina's mind, carrying her across the Bleakbridge and through the tolls without making the least conscious imprint on her mind as she walks arm in arm without Rexus. It's a blessing else she'd have likely ended up in a ditch or the Yolubilis itself, such is her distraction until they reach the Cafe and Laria's famous cinnamon rolls tantalize her nostrils.

"G-good to see you Laria." Adolina says, a genuine smile creeping onto her lips. The halfling woman has always been kind to her, never looking askance when she stutters so badly that she can barely order and deflecting more than one overly keen student with banter or (on one memorable occasion) a rolling pin.

SM: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 6 + (4) = 30

Then Ginetta comes bursting in just as Adolina was about to say something about her and she turns to see gorgeous (Wait, when did they become gor-) green eyes and several things just click into place. Whatever else might be said about her Adolina has a spectacular mind and half a dozen small, barely comprehended things and one big comprehended-but-not-realised thing all come together with a flash of perfect insight.

Her breath hitches and her voice betrays her for a long moment, but that is a normal enough thing that no-one pays it much mind. "Y-y-yes." She manages eventually and then turns to follow Laria into her office, unable to say anything else.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

The others made pleasantries, but Ghorza just felt tired. The walk to the coffee house showed her how normal the rest of the city was, with people going about their daily lives as if though there hadn’t been a massacre in the streets. As if there weren’t rodents of unusual size, and literal devils, lurking within the city. As if though….she pushed the thoughts away, as they were not helpful in the slightest. But as she wasn’t feeling up to being friendly, it was some comfort that her comrades were able to take that burden.

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