Argent Wings Take Flight (Hell's Rebels AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: In Hell's Bright Shadow
In which a tyrant rises, argent birds take flight, and a secret history is uncovered.
Date: Toilday, the 12th of Abadius (I) 4715 AR
Time of Day: Midmorning
Season: Mid Winter
Weather: 33° F (0° C), Clear Skies

4715 Calendar

Kintargo Skyline

Rumors Gathered & Leads to Follow

Geographical Maps
Ravounel, Cheliax

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Moonday, the 11th of Abadius, 4711 AR

The midday sun, never particularly warming during these cold winter months, is fully obscured by the thick clouds, preventing the normally beautiful Aria Park from being quite so welcoming as it often is. Of course, the weather is not the only disruption to the air of the park, as raised voices echo through the air, all directed at the large building that sits before the Park.

Once a place of culture, art, and delight, the Kintargo Opera House's exterior seems somehow colder than ever before. It is a lifeless place now, a corpse that symbolizes all that Kintargo has lost. For as long as the Victocora family has been in charge of the Opera House they always ensured it was open to the public, even when performances weren't taking place. But alas, all things change, and now the Opera House has become High Inquisitor Lord-Mayor Paracount Barzillai Thrune’s home away from home. Ever since the previous Lord-Mayor’s flight from the city - something many have doubts about - and Barzillai was appointed her replacement by the Queen herself, the people of Kintargo have become increasingly upset at the martial law and his frankly bizarre proclamations.

It is for this reason that, despite the chill in the air, dozens have assembled outside the facade of the Opera House in protest of the recently arrived Lord-Mayor and his policies.

”Open the Opera House again!”
”Free Kintargo!”
”Stability from unity, order from strength!”
”Kintargo belongs to her people! We have the right to elect our own mayor!”
”Let us drink tea!”
”Where’s Lord-Mayor Bainilus? We demand to hear from her!”
”The guilds demand a return to the taxes they’ve always paid!”
”Greedy bastard, taking our Opera House as a home!”
”We’re true Cheliaxians here! Hail to the Queen!”
”This stupid war is in the southeast! The Revolution isn’t an excuse to oppress us!”
”Go back to Egorian!”

Of course, not all of those assembled are here to protest against Thrune's heavy-handedness in this new imposition of martial law, however - a handful are present to counter-protest against the first group, though whether they do so because of true belief or in the hopes of being spared any punishment that is forthcoming is a difficult question to answer.

Fortunately, thanks to some industrious protesters, there are six or so bright-burning braziers, keeping the chill from the crowd - or at least mitigating the worst of it. Each one is the center of a cluster of densely packed Kintargans, though many more are forced to huddle in between the much-needed heat.

Even they, however, aren't as misfortunate as the dottari - the city guards - who are guarding the Opera House’s doors and perimeter, all dressed in their signature black-and-red armor... and nowhere near enough layers to fully protect them from the cold air. Despite their best efforts to remain disciplined, a great many take the occasional chance to rub their gauntleted hands together, or to otherwise try to move and keep their blood flowing.

By contrast, an unfortunately ugly woman who stands at the doors, a polearm firmly gripped in one hand, shows no signs of feeling even slightly cold, simply gazing disdainfully at the crowd. She clearly does not want to be here... or perhaps she would just rather the protesters not be here. Whatever the case, she remains completely still, showing no signs of movement other than the occasional sweep of the crowd with her gaze - there is something almost unearthly about that disregard for the weather. Perhaps that is why no one seems to be wiling to harangue her directly, despite the fact that she's the most obvious face of Thrune's new regime.

Knowledge (local) DC 10:
That is Nox, Barzillai’s favored bodyguard and, some whisper, a half-devil - though that is likely simply malicious gossip.

Despite all these signs of governmental authority, the Lord-Mayor himself is nowhere to be seen, and hasn't been all day, despite the fact that the outcry on what no Kintargan wants to admit is now effectively his front lawn. Moreover, although the doors to the Opera remain tightly shut, more and more people are already drifting into the protest as bells across the city - save for the infamous bells atop the Temple of Asmodeus - ring out the hour of noon. Surely Barzillai can’t ignore the protest for much longer…

I’ll let you all decide how you’ve ended up in Aria Park, and whether or not you’ve arrived alone or with a companion. There's a sort of pseudo-subsystem that the demonstration has rules for, and it's described in more detail in the spoiler below.

Protest Mechanics:

So, the protest is divided into rounds, each one equivalent to an hour. Each of you can choose to make one of several actions per round, but to be completely clear: you may roleplay with one another in between the actions you've taken. This would represent time spent together in between performing your actions for the hour. The actions are the following:

Listen for Rumors: Anyone wandering the crowd can listen for rumors and learn more about what’s going on in Kintargo’s new political landscape. The character must succeed at a DC 15 Diplomacy check to gather information or a DC 15 Perception check to overhear something of note.

Pilfer: Criminal-minded characters can use the large gathering to line their pockets, lifting purses or goods from the street vendors by succeeding at DC 20 Sleight of Hand checks. There may be significant penalties for failure here.

Rabble Rouse: Persuasive characters may want to better organize the protest by attempting a Diplomacy or Perform check. Success means your character gets a (cumulative) bonus to Charisma checks for the next 24 hours, as well as a distinct benefit come the end of the protest.

Silence Undesirable Elements: With five distinct factions among the protesters, the message delivered is a jumbled mess. Characters can try to silence or outshout elements of the crowd they disagree with. To silence a group, a PC must succeed at a DC 15 Bluff or Intimidate check—with a successful roll, that group’s message is silenced or oppressed for the duration of the protest. Only one group can be silenced at a time, and no more than four of the five groups can be silenced.

Factions at the Protest: Kintargo partisans, who are thoroughly anti-Thrune; democracy advocates, who are upset that Barzillai was appointed rather than legally elected; economic interests, who are mostly infuriated at the taxes and such - these are the guilds’ representatives, mostly; would-be rioters, who want to turn the protest into a Galtan-style revolutionary bloodbath; and Chelish loyalists, whose interests are probably pretty obvious.

Watch the Crowd: The PCs can simply choose to watch the crowd for anything unusual. A PC who does so can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check. This could give you interesting information about what’s going on in the protest itself.

Finally, if any of you want to do something else, let me know, and I’ll try to figure out how to handle it.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Ginetta had debated long and hard about whether to show up at the protest at all, much less who she should show up as. But after much soul-searching, she had decided that the desire to find out more about the Silver Ravens and what had happened to Vivia outweighed any potential troubles that the protest might cause her. In a sense of compromise, she wore her leathers under a heavy cloak and stowed her rapier on her back. She hadn't donned Rose's fiery red hair, but she hid her lower face with a thick scarf - not out of place in the cold weather - rather than the carved mask that was Rose's trademark.

Hoping to find her contact before the crowd grew too unruly, Ginetta kept her eyes out for the man she was looking for. He was said to be wearing a black leather glove on his right hand and none on his left. He shouldn't be too hard to find.

Watch the Crowd - Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 2 = 10

Okay. Not the best way to start the game.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Hasty and belated addition: I missed one of the important actions! That's what I get for copying the previous AP's list. Anyone coming to the protest to search for a contact (I believe that's Ginetta and Celi) may make a Perception check to Search for Contact and see if they spot a man with a black leather glove on his right hand and going barehanded on his left. (I will take your roll above for this action, Ginetta.) That being said, if you fail the roll, I will retroactively allow that roll to apply for Watching the Crowd... which actually does matter here!

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Knw Local: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 7 + (5) = 16

That's Nox then. Hmm... Adolina muses, her hands tucked deeply into the pockets of her fur-lined pelisse. The long garment is serving double duty by keeping her warm and also concealing the rapier at her side. She wouldn't have worn it at all, but her mother insisted and after the near incident some two weeks prior Adolina had been taking her own safety rather more seriously.

That was a very strange woman. The vision of rich green eyes tug Adolina's attention away from the crowds. I wonder if she'll ever come for her favor. That would be... nice.

What is not nice are the small, but extremely noisy group of Chelaxian loyalists, spouting the kind of nonsense Adolina is sadly familiar with from too many dinners with the Sarinis and the Tanessens. They've been lingering near brazier where she found warmth for over an hour and Adolina finds herself tired of their parrot-like protests of loyalty. Fortunately this has also given her ample time to plan a withering put-down or two.

When she finally does step over to the group though she finds herself shying away from the confrontation she'd planned and simply murmurs in a soft voice. "There are at least three hundred people here sirs, and only a dozen of you. H-have you thought about what might happen if the hooligans in the crowd stir up tensions?"

Diplomacy to Silence Chelish Loyalists: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 9 + (2) = 15

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

K Local Untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Perception to watch crowd: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Now *that* is how you start an AP

Screaming, yelling, chanting...the noises of the outraged masses filled the air. Somewhere, deep within the crowd stood a dwarf. On her were all of her worldly possessions, for the "Lord-Mayor" had taken all else that she owned. Her house, her business, her best tools, and especially her savings, all had been devoured by the legal system. She had come to attend the protest out of pure anger, for what else could she do? She felt angry and powerless, and that was a horrible combination. And yet, at the moment, she wasn't making any noise. Instead, a look of cold hatred was etched onto her face, as she tried to see what was going on. Her strained her neck, stood up on her toes, went left and right...but it turned out that being shorter that everyone around you made watching a crowd you were part of very difficult. Trying to push her way through the crowd, all she could see were the dottari failing to remain professional in the cold, and little else.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Perception to Search for Contact: 1d20 ⇒ 2 LMAO

"Oof. Excuse you! Hey, watch where you're going!" Celi scowls as she tries to make her way through the mostly human crowd. She might have underestimated how many people would be here. And overestimated how much attention they would pay to people significantly shorter than them. Her rainbow-striped knitted scarf and bobble hat should be bright enough to let the other protesters know she's there, but that's humans for you. How is she supposed to find a male human with one black glove in this mess?

The crowd parts briefly, enough that the gnome can get a good look at the person standing in front of the opera house doors. Ah, ol' Barzie has his favorite thug on guard duty. That explains why nobody has tried to rush the door. Yet.

Well. It's a good thing Celi brought her crossbow, bolts, and backpack. From the looks of it, this could get ugly in short order.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

That's Lady Jhaltera.

The presence of her patroness distracts Ginetta from her search for her contact. Indecision again plagues her. The whole idea was for no one to recognize her here. But it just felt rude not to at least say 'Hello'. There wasn't anything compromising about her appearance so it should be okay.

Moving closer to where the young noblewoman was engaged in conversation with ... the pro-Chelaxian faction? ... she approached the group carefully.

"Lady Jhaltera," she offers by way of greetings. "I didn't expect to see you here." She glances nervously around before she continues. "I'm kind of glad to see someone here I know. It doesn't feel like the safest crowd."

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

"Miss Cicerdos, h-how nice to see you." Adolina replies, rather gratefully taking the conversational exit that has just been offered. She leads the singer back towards the brazier, grateful for the increased warmth. "There was t-talk that the Opera House might be reopening. So I wanted to be here if things go well. I have a protege whose future I am investing in. She is quite talented and I want to see her p-perform at the Opera one day."

She manages a smile, hoping that the young woman gets the joke. Is it a joke though? You probably just sound odd. Stop staring! The smile fades quickly.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

As they walk, Ginetta takes the small risk of lowering her scarf slightly. Conversation feels so natural with Adolina, but Ginetta knows that she needs to keep up the facade of the 'simple' singer. To reinforce that image, she lets confusion play over her face.

"Another protégé?" she questions, her voice filled with worry. She waits just a beat. Then another beat.

"Oh!" she declares with a bubbly laugh. Giving Adolina a nudge with her shoulder, she continues in a happier tone, "You almost had me going there. You are a naughty one, aren't you?"

The nudge brings her closer and she remains there as she looks around at the crowd again.

"Father was going to come with me," she lies, "But he had a last minute engagement. I'm so glad you're here. I would feel so nervous with this crowd all by myself." She leans in closer. "I don't think some of them have the best intentions."

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Ginetta’s disguise, such as it is, certainly helps keep her warmer than the majority of the people at the protest. However, it also seems like it’s making it harder to spot any signs of the contact that Vivia (or, at least, the person claiming to be Vivia) mentioned.

As she failed the roll to find her contact, Ginetta is going to end up rolling to Watch the Crowd.

As she spends time watching the crowd - looking in vain for her contact - however, Ginetta does spot something about the crowd’s mood - although the people are discontent and agitated, it looks like the more inflammatory words are just that - words - at the moment. There’s no chance of this spiraling into a riot, at least as things stand now... but there's definitely more and more Chelish loyalists coming in.


Don't forget that you get +2 to Diplomacy and Perform rolls while at the protest.
Adolina takes some time wandering through the crowds, looking for information and gossiping with some strangers - most of whom are focused primarily on the protest itself, or on bemoaning the state of Kintargo and Cheliax. Eventually, however, she comes across a particularly loquacious halfling, who smiles a greeting up at her.

"Have you heard? Despite all this nonsense," she nods at the Opera House and its resident, "about martial law and restoring order, did you know that the Thrashing Badger burned down recently? Nobody in power even did a thing! Not the dottari, and certainly not his high and mighty paracount." She gets on her tip-toes to whisper something. "Now, supposedly it was a drunken brawl, but the clientele there was always just a bunch of old professors and barristers, so I have my doubts."

Dropping back to the flats of her feet, she spreads her hands. "Seems like an awful lot of fires happened recently - the Badger, the Silver Star, and even the Victocora estate. All within one night. They're calling it the Night of Ashes. If I were a suspicious sort, I might think it was arson."

Knowledge (local) DC 15 lets you read the next spoiler.

The Thrashing Badger was, in fact, a tavern over in Yolubilis Harbor. Adolina recognizes it - she may even have spent some time there herself. It was certainly a hotbed of free thought and criticism of the government, and a decent clientele of sailors and scholars alike. Despite what this woman's saying, it's not impossible that a bar brawl burned it down, because it was rather rowdy.

The smith is pushed about by the crowd as she attempts to keep an eye on the happenings. Between her relatively short height and the growing passions of the crowd, she finds it very hard to notice anything significant. It is very cold, though. Surely it shouldn't be this cold this close to the coast, right?

Celi is small enough that it's hard for her to make her way through the crowd - although her head is roughly at the level of the majority of the humans' hands, she doesn't see any signs of a man with a single glove. Most people are wearing gloves on both hands, though.

Even as Adolina and Ginetta take the chance to chat in between their respective work, things grow increasingly heated - more and more people arrive as the hour stretches on, and the cries grow louder.

"No Asmodean ruler!"
"Down with Thrune!"
"Cheliax forever!"
"Our city, our ruler!"
"No more martial law!"
"To our new Lord-Mayor!"
"Your Proclamations are as moronic as you are!"
"Liberate our trades!"

The bells across Temple Hill ring out once each - save for the ominously silent bells of the Temple of Asmodeus as Aria Park becomes increasingly packed with people, some of whom are beginning to hawk their wares - heavy coats to keep out the cold. This is probably somewhat illegal, but not even the dottari seem interested in stopping it, let alone the demonstrators - some of whom are already buying them. You may buy cold-weather outfits for 9 gp (one more than typical market price) if don't want to retroactively purchase them. In fact, the dottari are looking increasingly cold - stomping their feet or huddling closer to one another than they're probably supposed to.

The spoiler below can be rolled for regardless of whether or not you’re taking an action that requires a Perception roll.

Perception DC 20:
Wait… there’s something there, in one of the windows of the Opera House. A figure watching from behind a curtain. Is… is that Barzillai? It must be, surely.

GM Rolls:

1d10 ⇒ 5

Feel free to continue RPing, but also give me your next action, please.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Perception vs DC 20: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 2 = 10

Her conversation with the Lady Jhaltera occupies her enough that she doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. What it doesn't do, however, is prevent her from keeping an eye out for her quarry.

Search For Contact - Perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 = 22

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Listen to Rumors: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Still straining to see, Ghorza elbowed her way through the crowd. The shouting and jeering was a chaotic noise that seemed to all merge together. She grimaced, feeling completely out of place. Lost within the throng of people, she desperately looked around for anything that could offer some stability.

Within the sea of people, she found it. The hilt of a rapier. For a moment she froze, and it wasn't due to the freezing weather. A sense of familiarity washed over. "Rose?" She said, despite herself, as she walked over. "'Scuse me, miss. But that be your name, aye? I'd recognize that blade anywhere." She said, motioning to the rapier at her side.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

The cold feeling sinking down her chest and into her stomach couldn't have been more real if someone had shoved a steel blade into her mid-section. Her immediate response is to clamp down on the rising sense of panic just as she did before taking the stage. Breath. Breath. Center. Play the part.

"I'm sorry?" she says turning to the dwarf addressing her in innocent confusion. It's only then that she notices that the hilt of her rapier has slipped free from under her heavy cloak. With a practiced movement, she shifts it back into hiding.

"You must have me confused with someone else, Miss ...?" she declares in the most conciliatory voice she can muster. "My name is Ginetta. Ginetta Cicerdos. This is my friend and patroness, the Lady Jhaltera. You have me confused with someone else."

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

”Oh.” The dwarf said, her face dropping. ”Caught a glimpse of the hilt there. Recognized it. It was commissioned by…” Feeling incredibly foolish, her face was flushed and not just because of the cold. ”It’s your business, of course, how the blade got to your hands. Was just…eh. Anyways. Ye alright? Lost someone in this fookin’ mess of a crowd?” She asked, noticing the way the half-elf was looking for her quarry. She was willing to keep an eye out, especially if it gave her a way to change the nature of the conversation so she could extricate herself from it in a way that was less embarrassing.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Happy to move the attention away from her weapon, Ginetta debates for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, a friend of my father's," she says, justifying the lie to herself as just one more to be dropped into her mental bag of 'Necessary Falsehoods'. "He's supposed to be wearing a single dark glove."

Besides, she continues internally, one more set of eyes searching out for her contact can only remove her from this potential hotbed faster.

She does notice that the armored woman hasn't provided her name, but decides not to press the issue.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

I'll take 10 on Knw Local so 17+d6. I'm happy for you to do all info on that basis if you want. Equally I'm happy to roll, but figured that might be easier.

Adolina was just starting to relax into conversation with Ginetta, who is always so reassuringly chatty, when a dwarven woman nearly barges her over. Adolina's anxiety immediately kicks itself up to eleven and she looks awkwardly around to try and not intrude as the two women fall into conversation.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Her attention focused on anywhere but here she catches sight of odd movement in the opera house windows.

That must be the Lord Mayor. This is the chance to make him see!"

With a new goal in mind Adolina continues sweeping her gaze across the crowd, trying to figure out how she is going to make an impact on a crowd this large.

Diplomacy, Organise the Crowd: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 + (4) + 2 = 17

It takes some time but Adolina eventually picks out some key figures and, bidding a temporary farewell to Ginetta, sets off to awkwardly try and convince people she doesn't know that they should do what she says.

It's terrible

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Grateful that she wouldn't have to skulk away in shame, Ghorza turned from her new aquaintance. "Ginneta? Ginneta." She said to herself, committing the name, and face, to memory, lest she forget and confuse the woman for someone else again. The embarrassment of doing so would likely kill her. "Name's Ghorza. If I see someone with a single dark glove, in this weather, I'll let ye know." She felt somewhat bad that her interruption seemed to have driven away Adolina, but given the chaos that was the gathering, it was natural enough.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

I just remembered, those of us who are Meeting a Contact get Perception +2 at the protest.

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Perception to Locate Contact: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Celi decides to make a circuit of the park, slowly spiraling inward toward the opera house. Hopefully she'll get close enough to One-Glove Man to spot him this way. But in looking for the mystery man, she isn't paying as much attention to where she's going. The gnome manages to bump into a young human woman in a long fur coat. "Whoops! Excuse me." She looks up at the human, long purple braids sticking out of her bobble hat and framing her face. Huh, she looks familiar somehow. Where have I seen her before?

That's you, Adolina! Celi might have spotted Adolina at a bookstore in the past, or maybe even a book signing.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

"Oh, um, excuse me." Adolina says, pivoting awkwardly around the small, purple woman. There's an alarming number of shorter people in the crowd and it makes life difficult, even for someone who customarily walks around with her eyes pointed to the ground. "Sorry. I err, need to go that way."

Talk again in the next scene? She's in a rush to do some terrible diplomacy right now. ;)

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List


Another switch to Watch the Crowd.
As Ginetta continues scouring the ever-growing crowds for the man she was told to look for, she notices a strange series of movements - a subcurrent of people moving through the crowds in an organized way. Though the half-elf spots a few different people moving in those patterns, all of them are dressed in heavier clothing and hoods, making it hard to identify them, and her conversation with Adolina makes it equally difficult to follow up on pursuing them.

Ginetta gets a special bonus at the end of the demonstration!

”-heard her wife is going to have to go sell all the mint she’s purchased over the past few months. No one’s buying it!”
”Really, I’d think that his bullies would’ve come to burn it or the like.”

Ghorza tries to pay attention to the rumors, but between the cold, the crush of the crowd, and the incredibly loud chanting of slogans and hurling of invectives, she only catches incredibly mundane stories.

Oof. Unlucky rolls.

The crowd’s growing yet denser, and Celi’s circumnavigation of the Park’s protesters leave her no closer to discovering any sign of her contact. She does, however, notice that the sky’s looking a bit darker. Is it going to snow?

”Damn, why’d they have to pick today to come out in force?” She hears a man mumble to his neighbor. It seems like she’s not the only one to have noticed the darkening skies. ”It looks like it might start snowing at any moment.”

”Nah, my ma used to be a sailor, worked the coast up to Korvosa and down to Westcrown. She taught me a thing or two - it’s not gonna snow or rain today. Just… be overcast.” The second man replies.

”You sure about that?” The first man sounds dubious, but his friend repeatedly assures him that he is.

Adolina spends much of the second hour of the protest organizing and inspiring the people around her. She even manages to get some of her own statements into the broader chants.

To her surprise, she’s able to get more and more people to focus on objecting to the government and Thrune - the voices seem more focused now than ever.

A few people even thank her for helping out and giving them something more to stand on.

Adolina gains +1 to all Charisma-based rolls for the next 24 hours.

The wind begins picking up, tearing heat from bone and causing the protesters to huddle closer. Still, it doesn’t seem to have put a damper on their activities, as their voices raise even higher.

”Kintargo doesn’t need outsiders’ interference!”
”We demand our own leadership!”
”Let us drink tea!”
”Fines for grain spills are absurd, you f$$$ers!”
”Thank you, Lord-Mayor!”
”Let us wear what we want!”
”Cheliax needs your strength!”
”Give us our Opera House back!”
”The guilds demand compensation for your ridiculous taxes!”
”Ingrates, demanding more when the Empire’s in chaos!”
”Go back to Hell, Asmodean!”
”Tyrant! Get out of our city!”

Distant tolling punctuates another round of slogans and shouts, but no one is willing to get any closer to the Opera House’s facade. The dottari have been closing ranks for the past hour, and while it’s likely due to the cold, it’s also possible they’re expecting trouble.

Fort Saves vs. Cold:

Adolina Fort vs. Cold, Hour 1 vs. DC 15, cold-weather outfit, near braziers: 1d20 + 1 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 5 + 2 = 19
Ghorza Fort vs. Cold, Hour 1, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 15: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 19
Celi Fort vs. Cold, Hour 1 vs. DC 15, cold-weather outfit, near braziers: 1d20 + 2 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 5 + 2 = 19
Ginetta Fort vs. Cold, Hour 1, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Nonlethal Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Adolina Fort vs. Cold, Hour 2, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 1 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 1 + 5 + 2 = 20
Ghorza Fort vs. Cold, Hour 2, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 15
Celi Fort vs. Cold, Hour 2, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 2 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 5 + 2 = 14
Ginetta Fort vs. Cold, Hour 2, cold-weather outfit, near braziers vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 2 = 16
Nonlethal Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 6

The icy chill of the air drains the four women's stamina. Celi and Ghorza feel their fingers going numb, the heat leaving their lips, and their ears growing colder and colder. Ginetta, meanwhile, feels the frost seep into her fingers, leaving her a little less able to act than usual.

See, this is why I was concerned about the cold weather effects. Ghorza and Celi both have suffered 6 NL cold damage. Ginetta has suffered 2 they were the first hour, one has healed, leaving her at 1/8 NL. Adolina got away with 0. This means that the first three are also fatigued. If you'd like, we can adjust it so that it's a little less... Merciless somehow.

Finally, give me your third hour actions.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
3, 1, 3, 7, 9, 5, 5…Did someone switch my d20s for d10s?

Resolute 1/day, can I use this?:

Resolute: Whenever she is required to make a Fortitude or Will save, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to roll twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before he rolls the saving throw.

Usually this wouldn’t be allowed as I should say it first. But these cold rules are brutal enough that maybe allowing it would be alright?

Roll twice to avoid the 6 NL: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

If allowed then she avoids the brutal damage. If not, then I suppose I’ll use it to remove fatigued.

Feeling frozen, Ghorza couldn’t focus on much of anything besides getting feeling back into her fingers. Pulling her fingers up into her gloves she made her hands into fists as she stomped her feet. Determination was written on her face. She had lost far too much to sneak off now due to the weather. She had come here to make her voice heard!

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

With the chill starting to truly bite Adolina gratefully puts aside her attempts at 'organisation' and heads for the edges of the park where some enterprising fellows have set up stalls. A few minutes after that Ginetta finds a familiar face next to her with a truly heaven sent gift - a mug of a steaming, hot chocolatey beverage.

"You look f-frozen." Adolina says, offering the clay beaker. "Drink this. You'll feel better." She seems to have purchased a large flask of the stuff, along with a couple of crude clay cups to drink it from and Ginetta can feel the warmth of the drink seep all the way to her toes.

"If you're feeling better," Adolina says, leaning in closer. "C-could you talk to those men over there? Try and persuade them to..." She makes a vague shoo-ing gesture in the direction of the Chelish loyalists.

She, rather than talking to anyone else for a while, sets off through the crowd, keeping her ears open for any interesting rumors or gossip as she goes.

Gather Info: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 251d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 2 = 18

Since she's actually paying attention this time Adolina manages not to knock over the purple haired gnome this time as their paths cross - perhaps because the gnome is huddled near a brazier and shaking like a leaf in a storm.

"Here." Adolina says, managing not to stutter as she pours another drink for the warm flask she still has stashed under her pelisse. "Drink this. You'll feel much better."

Socialising isn't her strong suit, but she's done enough charitable visits with her mother that moving through a crowd and handing out warm drinks isn't the worst thing in the world.

Opening up communication with Celli again. :)

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Gratefully receiving the warm beverage, Ginetta nods and tries to keep her teeth from chattering.

"I'll see what I can do," she replies, lowering her scarf to take a careful sip. She remains there a moment, warming herself, before heading off to attempt casual conversation with the loyalists.

Silence Undesireables - Bluff vs DC 15: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Current Status:

Current HP: 8/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: 1 NL damage

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor
Adolina d'Jhaltera wrote:

Since she's actually paying attention this time Adolina manages not to knock over the purple haired gnome this time as their paths cross - perhaps because the gnome is huddled near a brazier and shaking like a leaf in a storm.

"Here." Adolina says, managing not to stutter as she pours another drink for the warm flask she still has stashed under her pelisse. "Drink this. You'll feel much better."

Socialising isn't her strong suit, but she's done enough charitable visits with her mother that moving through a crowd and handing out warm drinks isn't the worst thing in the world.

Celi gratefully accepts the cup from the fur-clad woman she encountered earlier. Gnomes are tougher than they look, but they don't have a lot of body mass to keep them warm in this kind of weather. Maybe I should have splurged on a fur coat myself... but the colors were so boring! Quilted wool should have been warm enough. "Oh, thank you so much!" She takes a long sip of the hot drink. "Nice to meet you, I'm Celi." The gnome reaches up to offer a handshake.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Whoops, forgot to make my roll.

Perception to Locate Contact: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Ghorza, you absolutely can use Resolute there - I’d forgotten you had it.

The dwarf’s scan of the crowd does reveal something of note - despite the increasing viciousness of the slogans and shouts, there’s no real risk of the crowd breaking out into violence at the moment.

As she is picking up a quick warm drink from a (probably illegally operating) saleswoman, Adolina manages to catch the woman in conversation. ”So, I live in Redroof, right? It’s usually a nice enough place, especially outside the Nursery,” Adolina recognizes the name of the neighborhood where most tieflings in Kintargo live, ”but things’ve gotten dangerous lately.”

The older woman shoots a glare at the dottari, Nox, and the Opera House where Thrune has made his home. ”But despite their insistence on martial law, they’ve done absolutely nothing to stop the gangs there from getting… violent. I’ve heard the Jills’ boss in particular’s gone crazy.” She smiles at Adolina. ”So you’d best be careful if you’re out and about in Redroof after dark - or even in Temple Hill!”

The noblewoman knows that the Red Jills are a violent gang of tiefling women who haunt - as the merchant says - Redroof. They typically do muggings and protection rackets, but the escalation that the woman’s implying… that could be bad, especially if they’re getting bold enough to attack people - even individuals - in the open.

The smile fades and she spits. ”Just don’t get caught outside after curfew, ‘cause then the dottari’ll get all aggressive about good honest citizens wandering around!”

Giving up, for the moment, on finding her contact, Ginetta takes the chance to go and have a few words with the Thrune loyalists who have become increasingly vocal in the past two hours.

She doesn’t threaten them - she doesn’t need to. Instead, she simply indicates that the rest of the crowd is getting increasingly violent - the loyalists should probably escape to serve the Queen and Lord-Mayor another day, rather than risking sticking around and getting hurt by the rioters here - or, at the very least, keep themselves quiet so as not to paint targets on their backs.

Most of the loyalists hastily look around, thank Ginetta for her concern, and make good their escape. The rest, though unwilling to leave behind the protest, at least fall silent for the time being.

Celi continues her search of the protest in the vain hope of seeing a man with one black leather glove and the other bare hand, but the cold is tremendously draining. Hopefully Thrune will show his ugly face before they

As the clocks strike three across the city, the shouts get more focused now, clamoring for attention and - more than that - justice. Even the clouds above seem darker as the protesters’ voices grow louder.

”Thrune, come out and answer us!”
”You coward, hiding away from the people of the city you’re supposed to oversee!”
”Give us our own leadership!”
”Your demands are outrageous! Give us our rightful place and trade!”
”Martial law is only going to hurt everyone here, Thrune! Give it up!”
”Kintargo belongs first to her people, then to Cheliax, and only then to Thrune!”
”Free the tea!”
”Release Kintargo!”

Fort Saves vs. Cold:

Adolina Fort, cold-weather clothing, near the braziers vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 1 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 5 + 2 = 25
Ghorza Fort vs. Cold, cold-weather clothing, near braziers vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 12
Celli Fort vs. Cold, cold-weather clothing, near braziers vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 19
Ginetta Fort vs. Cold, cold-weather clothing, near braziers vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 2 = 26
Nonlethal Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 3

There is yet no sign of any response from the Opera House, save the increased huddling of the dottari, but nine minutes after the hour, the bells of the Temple of Asmodeus ring out thrice. A moment later, a window is thrown wide open, its curtains following suit, and the Lord-Mayor of Kintargo deigns to look out upon “his” people for the first time today. He is an imposing man dressed in red, orange, and black clothing emblazoned with the pentagram of Asmodeus and the cross of Cheliax. Middle-aged, with short, dark hair and a wine glass delicately gripped in one hand, the lord-mayor of Kintargo addresses the crowd with a condescending sneer and a surprisingly high-pitched voice.

”Ah, my darling little chickadees. I am quite sorry to say that I have yet to adapt to your… quaint, country ways. I am, as you might imagine, quite accustomed to Egorian’s sophistication and learning.” He takes a sip of his wine as though to illustrate the point. ”Nevertheless, know that I have heard your concerns, and that I deeply appreciate your valued feedback. Indeed, I know we shall eventually find a mutual understanding in the fullness of time. I take pride in updating Kintargo’s quaint, outdated laws to the modern standards that your - nay, our,” there is a definite note of smug mockery in his voice in that word, ”beautiful city deserves. However, it seems I have obviously approached my duties too aggressively.

”You say you chafe at the presence of nonnatives in positions of power? That the authorities of this city have no place as its leaders? That you will not be yoked by intruders?” He smiles patronizingly. ”Your lord-mayor hears you. And so it is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation, in response to your demands. Henceforth, all ships’ captains are barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo docks or streets under pain of… let’s say…” Barzillai considers for a few moments. ”Ah! Squassation!”

Knowledge (local) DC 15 - Squassation:
Squassation is a form of excruciation - public torture in order to intimidate the populace into obedience - whereby the victim’s hands are tied together and raised above the head; the victim is then hung from the hands while a weight is suspended from the feet, and dropped down several times, allowing the victim to drop until their fall is suddenly checked by the rope and causing intense pain to the arms and legs.

There’s a long moment of silence before the crowd explodes in fury.

”You know what we want, Thrune! Don’t think this will pacify us!”
”We want you out, not honest ships’ captains!”
”They never had authority in the first place! You’re the problem!”
”Don’t play dumb!”
”You and your cronies should be the ones facing squassation!”
”Get out of our city, you damned bastard!”
”Are you collecting dogs for your harem, a!*#~+~?!”
"We don't need your Hell here, Thrune!"

No further rounds - that was the last one, so the specific protest mechanics have finished. Now you can react normally.

GM Rolls:

CCG 1 vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 22
CCG 1 vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 13
CCG 2 vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 29
CCG 2 vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 12
CCG 3 vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 14
CCG 3 vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 26
CCG 4 vs. DC 16: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 30
CCG 4 vs. DC 17: 1d20 + 3 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 5 + 2 = 28
Wow, the thugs got... remarkably lucky. I'm starting to seriously wonder if the Silver Ravens are cursed.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

"Interestingly, two cups of coffee reduces the penalties on fatigued! But I'll say... a 5 cp cup of various hot beverages on sale here would allow a reroll of the Fort save (with, say, an additional +2 bonus) and, if successful, negate that nonlethal damage from the last hour.

Coffee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

The cold bit sharper than a blade, and for the second time that day Ghorza thought that she was going to lose her fingers. While she truly hated to spend coin that she couldn't spare, she knew that losing her extremities, or getting sick, would cost her even more. Seeing that there were (of course) people seeking to make some coin off of the spectacle, she bought herself a cup of coffee. It was, as far as she could tell, bitter bean juice. But it was hot. Even holding it seemed to bring feeling back, and drinking it (as vile as it was) warmed her inside. Warm enough that she got her voice back, and raised it with her fellow citizens in decrying the Govenor's proclamation. She didn't know what squassation meant, but it sounded *bad* and she was tired of bad things happening to innocent people. People like her. "Fook off back to the pits ye came from!" She yelled out, her breath misting, as if though her words hung in the air.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

"Adolina." The noblewoman replies, offering her gloved hand in return. "M-m-miserably cold isn't it?" That seems to rather exhaust her conversational abilities and she falls silent, before refilling the gnome's mug with more deliciously warm drink.

Take 10 on Knw Local.

Having cut off a conversation with the purple-haired gnome when Thrune appeared, Adolina winces at the Lord Mayor's proclamations. She knows exactly what squassation is and it is not going to make anyone happy.

It's almost as though he wants a riot to break out.

That thought sends a chill down her spine that even hot chocolate and a warm fur coat can't fix and she turns to her new conversation partner.

"We should leave. Now." She says, words surprisingly clear. "I think the Lord Mayor wants to provoke everyone. We'll have a riot soon and then he'll respond with force. We should leave."

She rises up on tiptoes, craning to try and see Ginetta. The young singer is perfectly capable but in this kind of crowd any warning is helpful.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Having seen to the task that Adolina set for her, but, at the same time, having failed in her own, Ginetta's annoyance is visible for a moment or two on her face before it vanishes beneath a scarf pulled back up against the cold.

She has no idea what 'squassation' is, but is sure that it's something horrible.

A moment later as Adolina gazing about looking for her, Ginetta takes a measure of pride approaching unseen from behind the young noble-woman to tap her on the shoulder.

"I don't think everyone here has as good of intentions as we do," she offers. "I need to find my father's friend and then we should probably leave."

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Since this next post is going to happen either way, I'm going to move us forwards. Celi's reaction can come in her next post either way. If she's not fatigued, it won't impact the rolls below much.

Though she tries to escape the Park, Adolina finds that she is unable to force her way through the crowds at all effectively. They are simply too furious to listen to her, and her strength isn’t sufficient to get more than a few feet out. Ginetta, meanwhile, can't spot any sign of her "father's friend," either - the people are far too restive.

Amidst all the screaming and fist-shaking, someone - it’s impossible to tell whom - hurls a clod of hardened dung at Barzillai. For a moment, the whole crowd seems to go silent as it arcs gracelessly through the air… and splatters on the wall next to him. However, it is a close enough call that Barzillai flinches away from the putrid projectile - and spills his wine across his clothing. The smug amusement on his face vanishes, replaced with a dark fury. ”Enough of this! Nox, run them off, arrest them, or kill them. I don’t care which!” With that shriek, he slams the window shut.

At the front of the Opera House, Nox slams her the butt of her glaive against the cobblestones. ”You heard the Lord-Mayor!” She growls, lifting her weapon. ”Move!” The dottari hastily draw weapons, beginning to move through the crowd dispensing brutal “justice” via their maces.

More pressingly, dozens of people throughout the crowd pull back their cloaks, revealing lightweight maces, matching armbands, studded leather armor, and malicious grins. They swiftly wade in and begin administering beatings to anyone within arm’s reach.

Knowledge (local) DC 15 - Armbands:
Those are markers of membership in a new organization - a militia of sorts known as the Chelish Citizens Group. They rallied against the Glorious Revolution as soon as news arrived in Kintargo, and have (evidently) taken up Barzillai’s banner.

Screams erupt as the crowd of protesters swiftly begins scattering as quickly as they can. However, with the sheer numbers packed into the area in front of the Opera House makes it incredibly difficult for anyone to make good their escape. 
People crash into one another, shoving and cursing, children bawl, and chaos erupts throughout the area as four thugs bring out their clubs nearby, eyes on the four women.

Ginetta’s been wary ever since she noticed the strange movements in the crowd earlier, and thus she is more prepared than most when the thugs (who must be the ones she saw) reveal themselves.

Combat Start


Adolina: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Ghorza, fatigued: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 - 1 = 3
Celi, fatigued: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 2 - 1 = 20
Ginetta, Prepared: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 4 = 8

CCG Thugs, fatigued: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Round 1

A dagger whirls out of the crowd towards Nox, and catches her dead in the throat. However, rather than falling in a bleeding heap as one would expect, she tears it out with a snarl and tosses it aside. The injury swiftly heals, but rather than taking vengeance, she throws the doors behind her open and steps in, slamming them shut behind her.

Initiative Order is Celi, Adolina, Ginetta, Ghorza, thugs. You may all post in any order. Bolded characters are up.


Adolina: HP: 10/10; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Inspiration: 4/4, A Quiet Word 1/1
Celi: HP: 8/8 (5/8 NL); AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11; Arcane Reservoir 4/4, Eternal Hope 1/1, fatigued
Ginetta/Rose: HP: 8/8; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Ghorza: HP: 13/13; AC 18, touch 12; flat-footed 16; Resolve 0/1, Panache 1/1

The map is up to date in my profile, and all terrain is difficult for everyone until further notice. That means no 5-foot steps and every square counts as two for the purposes of movement, etc. Additionally, everyone has soft cover from anyone who’s more than a square away from them.

Note that this is absolutely a battle that you won’t be able to win - even if you deal with the thugs attacking you, there’re plenty more beating up civilians throughout the crowd, plus the dottari coming in from the front. (I’m not going to put tokens for the extra thugs or the dottari at the moment - they’re distracted by the other hundred-odd protesters.) Getting to the edges of the map would mean you’ve escaped.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

As the thugs press through the crowd towards them, Ginetta makes a quick decision; Their lives are more valuable than her secret. With a twisting step, she spins away and steps to flank the arm-band wearing enemy. At the same time, her left hand slips under her cloak and returns with her rapier.

Avoid AoO - Acrobatics vs CMD: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

She then stabs at the thug that threatens Adolina.

Partial Hidden Strike Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13 Flanking with Ciri
Partial Hidden Strike Rapier Damage - P: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + (2) = 8

"We need to leave!" she shouts at the others.

Current Status:

Current HP: 8/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: n/a

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Well, this is going more or less as Celi expected. Barzillai Thrune is too proud for a public protest in front of the building he's claimed as his home to go any other way. He's a textbook Villainous Overlord, and this is what Villainous Overlords do. "Agreed! Let's get out of here!" The gnome pulls out her crossbow (already loaded, thank you Past Celi) and starts squeezing through the panicked crowd.

Draw weapon and move 2 squares, equivalent of 20 ft.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

I don’t think Ghorza is fatigued due to the coffee

Hit Orange: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

”Fooking hell!” Ghorza cursed, even as she swung her pick at the militiaman facing her. She knew that the man wasn’t personally responsible for what had happened to her, but his armband showed that he was at least on that side. And that angered her to no end. She *knew* that she had to flee. But she wanted to spill some blood first.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Knw Local, Take 10: 17 + 1d6 ⇒ 17 + (3) = 20

Adolina frantically pulls her blade from under her coat and looks around wildly. With danger on every side the best she can do is not to get crushed by the stampeding people around them.

Pull rapier (standard), no move because AOO's.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Round 1 Wrap-Up

As Celi doesn't have a melee weapon out, she doesn't threaten the square and therefore give the flank, unfortunately.

Ginetta easily dodges out of the way of one of the thugs' - a woman with a craggy face and short black hair - lined in black way, then thrusts viciously at the bearded man lined in red with her rapier. Unfortunately, his armor catches the point of her blade and deflects it from his more vital areas.

"Th-this one's getting violent! She tried stabbing me! Kill 'er!" The man manages through chattering teeth.

Celi swiftly attempts to get away through the crowd, dodging and ducking around the legs of terrified adults, and has to avoid more than a few heavy-footed humans as she does so.

Ghorza whirls her pick and tears through the orange-lined man's armor, stabbing him deep in the stomach. He gapes at her, and she sees that he's barely more than a teenager as he topples to the ground, blood flowing rapidly out of his deep wound. Almost immediately, several people stomp and rush over him with visceral crunches.

"Halleck! The dwarf's just killed him!" The green-lined woman near the fountain cries out. "I'll kill you for that, you b$&&&!"

Adolina draws her rapier trying to remain calm, and the CCG take their chance to attack.

"Asmodea, f-focus!" The bearded man says, whirling and swinging a heavy blow at Ginetta's head. He puts his whole body behind the swing, likely hoping to adjust for the tremors the cold has left him with. Although she manages to deflect the worst of the blow away from her fragile skull, it lands painfully on the half-elf's shoulder instead, cracking bone and sending pain burning down her arm.
Red-lined vs. Ginetta, fatigued: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 - 1 = 19
Damage, fatigued: 1d6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 2 - 1 = 2 Ginetta is at 6 HP.

"You're in for so much more than a beating, rebels!" The craggy-faced black-lined thug says, shoving aside an elderly woman with a shoulder as she attacks Ghorza with a flurry of heavy blows. "Remember when you lie bleeding out, you made this deadly." Despite her bold words, however, the smith doesn't even need dodge her hapless flailing.
Black-lined vs. Ghorza: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Her green-lined counterpart, Asmodea steps forwards, hurling herself through the crowd with reckless abandon as she swings relentlessly at Ghorza. "D-die! Die, damn you!" The dwarf woman proves more than adept enough to evade and parry the oncoming blows, leaving the woman gasping and frustrated.
Green-lined vs. Ghorza, fatigued, flanking: 1d20 + 3 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 3 - 1 + 2 = 14

"Ravius, get over here!" The first woman calls, looking into the crowd. "This one just killed Halleck!"

Round 2

Screams, wails, and the sounds of heavy strikes fill Aria Park. A finely-dressed woman staggers away from her attacker, clutching her head, as he follows after her, chuckling. The woman Ghorza's first black-lined attacker shoved aside has been trampled thoroughly by the panicked crowd, while a young man nearby watches in horror. "Grandma!"

A thug near Ginetta stops to tear a valuable-looking necklace - is that real gold? - from a fallen man's neck before rushing off to attack a halfling with a battle cry. "For His Glory!"

Meanwhile, the dottari at the front of the crowd are cracking skulls, breaking limbs, and generally making a mess of the protesters unlucky enough to not get out of their way. Are they even interested in accepting any surrenders?

Everyone is up.


Adolina: HP: 10/10; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Inspiration: 4/4, A Quiet Word 1/1
Celi: HP: 8/8 (5/8 NL); AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11; Arcane Reservoir 4/4, Eternal Hope 1/1, fatigued
Ginetta/Rose: HP: 6/8; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Ghorza: HP: 13/13; AC 18, touch 12; flat-footed 16; Resolve 0/1, Panache 1/1

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Hit Green: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Asmodea threw herself wildly at Ghorza with the reckless abandon of a true fanatic. Unfortunately for her, Ghorza turned and swung her pick with both hands. The woman’s leap met the momentum of Ghorza’s weapon, and the result was explosive. She didn’t have time to rethink her life choices, as Ghorza’s pick went through her face. Blood and bits of brain froze on the ground, even as shards of bone cracked underneath the feet of the crowd. Vengeance. Ghorza told herself. That this was justified and it was what they deserved. Regardless of whether they were old enough to grow a beard. Everyone with an armband had brought this on themselves.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Noting that Adolina has a weapon and the gnome doesn't, Ginetta moves again to put Adolina's attacker between them

Avoid AoO - Acrobatics vs CMD: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 - 1 = 10

She then stabs again.

Partial Hidden Strike Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 2 - 1 = 19
Partial Hidden Strike Rapier Damage - P: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + (3) = 6

Current Status:

Current HP: 6/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: fatigued

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Ginetta is showing her the way so Adolina tries her best to remember what she was taught and put it into play in a much less controlled scenario.

Stab?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d6 ⇒ 6

The rapier slides in and out so smoothly she barely realises what she's done.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Celi shoves her way forward, out of reach of the thug fighting Mystery Rapier Lady (not Adolina, who is also a Rapier Lady but not as much of a Mystery). The crowd is too thick for her to get a clear shot from a sensible distance. Which means that she'll have to shoot from a distance that is not at all sensible for a wizard, which means she needs magical protection. The gnome pulls a tiny piece of leather out of her belt pouch, chanting the ancient words of gnomish wizards. A layer of magical force shimmers into being around her body.

Move and cast mage armor.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Round 2 Wrap-Up

Ghorza whirls on Asmodea, striking her down in a visceral blow that sprays the dwarf with hot blood. The remaining woman gasps, then growls. "You'll pay for that, murderer!"

Ginetta attempts to dodge through the crowd, but in so doing allows her enemy the chance to lash out at her with his mace again. This time, he's not nearly so lucky, and she's easily able to avoid the heavy swing, responding with a fearsome thrust that catches him in his flank.
AoO vs. Ginetta, fatigued: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 1 = 6

He gasps, agony writ clearly on his face as he stumbles, just in time for Adolina to stab him again, this time in the back. He topples gracelessly to the ground, and the nearby protesters shriek, shrinking back from this new burst of violence.

"Aspex!" The black-lined woman shouts. "Dammit, everyone, we've got resistance - murderers!"

Celi moves through the panicked crowd, shoving and dodging as best she can, and then summons a suit of force-created armor around herself.

The remaining thug launches another series of swings at Ghorza, aiming at her torso, then at her head. The dwarf woman doesn't even need to dodge or parry, simply letting the mace pass her by.
Black-lined Light Mace vs. Ghorza: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Another few thugs begin moving towards the melee, though only one is close enough to be a threat - for now.

Round 3

Dottari Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Two dottari also take note of the actual fight, and smash aside the intervening individuals. "Surrender now and you will be given the justice of the court!" One, a woman lined in red declares as she arrives next to Adolina, swinging her heavy mace. The noblewoman isn't able to get her guard up in time, and she takes a crushing blow to her shoulder. The collarbone snaps under the sheer force of the attack, and pain nearly blinds her.
Yellow-lined Heavy Mace vs. Adolina: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Adolina is at 1 hp. Retreat is the advisable action here!

Another dottari joins up with her, smashing at Ginetta with his own weapon. The half-elf is much better able to defend herself, and she dodges out of the way of the oncoming mace - albeit with the intimate awareness that that blow could've easily knocked her down and out.
Red-lined Mace vs. Adolina: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

New initiative order is dottari, Celi, Adolina, Ginetta, Ghorza, thugs. Everyone is up.


Adolina: HP: 1/10; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Inspiration: 4/4, A Quiet Word 1/1
Celi: HP: 8/8 (5/8 NL); AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Arcane Reservoir 4/4, Eternal Hope 1/1, fatigued, mage armor 1 hour
Ginetta/Rose: HP: 6/8; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Ghorza: HP: 15/15; AC 18, touch 12; flat-footed 16; Resolve 0/1, Panache 1/1

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Move towards map edge if the enemy falls. We really need to leave

With her back turned to the last of the militia, Ghorza spun on her heel and brought her pick down low. It sailed through the air, coming up as the dwarf turned. The woman’s mace was raised to attack as the pick came up, hitting her under the jaw. The weapon went in, stopping within the woman’s head. Her eyes rolled back and the mace fell to the ground, followed by the body as Ghorza ripped the pick free. ”Right!” She declared. ”Time to leave!” It seemed like there was no end to the dottari. She had no illusions that if she stayed then she would be overwhelmed.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Quick clarification to my post that I missed: The second dottari attacked Ginetta, as the text says, rather than Adolina, as the roll says.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

He's dead, he's dead, he's dead. he's dead.

Adolina has never killed anyone before. She's never even hurt anyone really, aside from the panicked moments a few weeks before and her mind just shuts down as her blade skewers the man.

The distraction costs her dearly and the next thing she actually realises is blinding pain as her collarbone snaps under a heavy mace. It's a minor miracle (and extremely fortunate) that it's her off-shoulder that is broken so she keeps hold of her rapiers and reels away into the crowd - head spinning with pain, adrenaline and a desperate desire to vomit.

Withdraw. Heading for the edge of the map as fast as possible.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

"Madam Gnome," Ginetta calls out not having heard the woman's name in the confusion, "It would be best if made our exit."

With that said, she pirouettes between the two dottari and then skips through the crowd, following after Adolina and Ghorza.

Avoid AoO - Acrobatics vs CMD: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Current Status:

Current HP: 6/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: n/a

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

"Yes indeed!" Celi is doing her best to get through the crowd. Unfortunately, her legs are a lot shorter than those of the tallfolk, and there are Thrune thugs between her and the edge of the park. Oh gods, please don't let them hit me.

Double move. I know I provoked an AoO from Red, but there's really no other way out.

Encounter Maps | Dramatis Personae | Kintargo Gazeteer | Loot List

Round 3 Wrap-Up

Ghorza slashes down her last attacker, leaving her bleeding out onto the ground for as long as it takes for her to be trampled by the panicked crowd, and begins rapidly retreating - as rapidly, at any rate, as she is able.

Adolina falls back, shoving through the terrified masses as she ensures she doesn't leave herself open to retaliation from the brutal dottari, and Ginetata attempts the same, dodging out of the way of both dottari. At the last moment, she slips up just enough to allow the second of the two dottari lined in yellow a swing at her, but the half-elf is too swift, and dodges away.
Acrobatics vs. Red & Yellow CMD 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Acrobatics vs. Red CMD 3: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Acrobatics vs Yellow CMD 3: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Yellow Dottari AoO vs. Ginetta: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Celi rushes towards the west end of the park as she's able, but the red-lined dottari is able to take advantage of her rush, and swings his mace at her, but between her small size, the armor of force surrounding her, and the shoving mass of people, he does little more than cause her hair to flutter in the aftermath of his strike.
Red AoO vs. Celi: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

GM Rolls:

50%, low is good: 1d100 ⇒ 20

The CCG thug that had been called over by his compatriots lined in white pauses upon seeing the fleeing women and their dottari pursuers, and then turns his attention to punishing other 'rebels.'

Bodies crash to the ground as the dottari and their thuggish compatriots begin seizing prisoners. Brokenhearted wailing and hysterical cries of surrender echo over what was once a peaceful protest. No one wants to be here any more.

Perception DC 14:
While most of the thugs have been beating people down nonlethally - their own foes excepted - the dottari aren't wasting any time with that. However, one does stop to ensure that a man she's knocked down doesn't bleed out - they may not want to leave corpses, but definitely aren't trying very hard to avoid it.

Round 4

The yellow-lined dottari shoulders a heavyset man aside and brings her mace down on Ginetta again, swinging a brutal staccato of strokes towards the half-elf. However, she steps wrong on the cobblestones of the park, and her attack goes extremely wide, nearly shattering the ribs of another protester instead.
Heavy Mace vs. Ginetta: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

The red-lined dottari pursues her as well. "Surrender, and this won't go any worse than it has to!" He declares, but rather than giving her any chance to do that, he attacks himself. This time, a half-orc passing by shoves the dottari aside, sending him staggering and the blow far from its target.
Heavy Mace vs. Ginetta: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Everyone is up.


Adolina: HP: 1/10; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Inspiration: 4/4, A Quiet Word 1/1
Celi: HP: 8/8 (5/8 NL); AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Arcane Reservoir 4/4, Eternal Hope 1/1, fatigued, mage armor 1 hour
Ginetta/Rose: HP: 6/8; AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
Ghorza: HP: 15/15; AC 18, touch 12; flat-footed 16; Resolve 0/1, Panache 1/1

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Celi ignores the dottari's calls to surrender. She's not stupid, she has a pretty good idea of what Barzillai Thrune will do to anyone who takes them up on that offer. Instead she does her best to lose herself in the crowd, squeezing between panicking tallfolk as she makes her way to the western edge of the park.

Double move.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

The singer is sorely tempted to turn and give the dottari a lesson in weapon handling, but she hasn't survived this long by ignoring that inner voice that knows when it's time to leave a party.

Slipping between other fleeing demonstrators, she continues moving through the crowd.


Current Status:

Current HP: 6/8
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: n/a

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Adolina is operating entirely on instinct at this point and her instincts are screaming Run! so that's what she does.

Withdraw/Double Move as appropriate.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Part of Ghorza wanted to stay and fight. So much anger and resentment was bubbling up and this was the release. She had been wronged! The grudge stood unavenged! But…she was not stupid. She could see that the dottari were not wasting time arresting people. This was a massacre, and the longer she stood her ground the sooner she would be overwhelmed. With a heavy heart she retreated, following the only people in the crowd who had done anything to put up a fight.

Double move. Can’t do it right now, but will get to it as soon as I can

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