EltonJ |
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Astrid Ørsted wrote:Guess the question is do any of her skills come into play? Feeling mechanically useless.Let me tell you a secret that I learned in the theatre: the spotlight moves.
So while it may not be Astrid's moment right now right here in the living room of a mushroom, her time will come. Let's call a thing a thing too, she has magic missle. So when the time does come that everyone else is rolling to hit, she is going to simply CHOOSE who is damaged ... and that may very well save everyone's "arse"
He's right, the spotlight does move.

Romilen d’Lyrandar |
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FYI: ‘Captain Rom’ will have no trouble making decisions and keeping things moving, but you guys/gals don’t hesitate to offer opinions or suggest new avenues of exploration. He’s just pushy and self-centered…not stupid.

EltonJ |

I know this will come as a shock. But . . .
My cousin, Eric Gibbons (Soulcleave) has died. And I'll be going to his funeral (Celebration of Life). Since I was his best friend. I don't know the date of his viewing or his funeral, but it's sometime this week.
I won't be posting much during that day, or I might not at all that day. It's been a time of ups and downs. I'll get his RPG library, so that's a plus.

Astrid Ørsted |

I know this will come as a shock. But . . .
My cousin, Eric Gibbons (Soulcleave) has died. And I'll be going to his funeral (Celebration of Life). Since I was his best friend. I don't know the date of his viewing or his funeral, but it's sometime this week.
I won't be posting much during that day, or I might not at all that day. It's been a time of ups and downs. I'll get his RPG library, so that's a plus.
My sincerest condolences, these are trying times. I can never know exactly what you are going through, and would never compare.
But, I was with my best friend's family and we withdrew life support (his Dad), just yesterday. We do the best we can to maintain composure.
Blessings, thoughts and prayers.

EltonJ |

Hello, everyone!
The funeral for my cousin Soulcleave was great. There weren't any flowers, but my mom had a tree planted. Also, a lot of people got up to speak about their memories of my cousin. I did too. There was a lunch, plus I got to take home a miniature -- and of course I got his big, red, fire breathing dragon.

Himo Naïlo |

EltonJ, for a number of reasons, I am now forced to withdraw from most of the PbP games where I am currently participating. Thank you for choosing my character for this adventure. Good luck to all the players!
GM, please remove me from this game. Thanks!