The Chronicles of Urliek

Game Master Critzible

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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

The Vast Empire of Urliek is at the height of its prosperity. Guns, Gold, Mercenaries and more as they seek to keep the Empire strong and the various forces of Chaos away.

However strange things have been occurring throughout the empire. Missing Children, Magical Storms, Alchemical Geysers, Goblin Raiders, Alien entities and more seem to be happening. One house, HOuse Vosk has summoned you to Kroinberg to the infamous Vosk manner. Here the current Mistress of the house Lady Emilia Vosk, a pallid lady who dresses in all black, with a parasol to hide what many say are inhuman eyes.

As you arrive you see you are not alone.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim's yellow eyes survey the room, his face hidden behind his mask, thinking to himself "Your learn more with your ears open and your mouth shut."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Once Lady Vosk makes herself known, Lord Zumstein bows to her in a courtly manner."Your Grace."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Elara, an elegant noblewoman wearing a formal blue dress with silver accents and matching silver jewelry adorned with small saphires, gives a quick glance to each of the others in the room with a respectful smile before focusing on the lady of the house.

Nothing much to see about the other two nobles, at least not yet. Probably in a similar situation to mine? The man with the mask and the ratfolk, though... A bit... Unexpected. Wonder what the Lady Vosk needs, bringing us all together.

With an elegant curtsy, she addresses the Lady Vosk. "I am honoured by your invitation, my Lady. How can I be of service?"

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs crouches back behind the others, as far back as he can be without leaving the room, trying to hide within his black half-cloak and hood. He sniffs the air anxiously and seems like he doesn't know what to do with his hands. (He still believes his presence here is some sort of mistake, and is hesistant to draw too much attention until he knows where he stands.) Two other rat-like figures crouch behind him, one with a faintly glowing rune upon his forehead (similar to the one that Nibs has on his own forehead) and the other more closely resembling a dire rat in chain barding. They all look at each other with worried expressions and fidget slightly.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

In the main parlor she sits, her Parasol obscuring her face save the chin. The woman satin chairs were black and the lights where magically lit. Bookshelves littered the walls, books a varying size and age, smattered with trinkets and scrolls.

Other seats were arranged the parlor. Most were made of dark wood and upholstered with beautiful satin black cushions. Each chair had a exquisite Elven crafted darkwood side tables. A well dressed butler, a halfling brought a fine black porcelain tea pot with silver, gold, and platinum trees, as wolves and bats adorn it. Matching ups rested on the tray.

The halfling uttered a word which the tray hovered. He pulled out a cup and poured a heady earthy tea into a cup. A silver knife appeared and the halfling pulled the cover off the butter dish. he cut a small section of butter before dropping it in the tea. After that a small sugar spoon is dropped into the cup and then mixed with a teaspoon.

"Thank you Roubert, see if guests wish any tea, then make sure Matlide brings the cookies and sweet buns. I bet they are famished" a husky yet feminine voice was uttered from the shadows.

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

While punctuality was considered a virtue by most, the impact of a well-timed late arrival was not something to be underestimated, by any measure.

Sweeping into the receiving parlor with the fluid ease of a dancer, the slight rustle of silks draws the eyes of those within to the tall, athletic woman, adorned in an elegant burgundy gown with black accents, dramatically cut in the style of Propeta D'Oro high court, allowing much in the way of freedom of movement. Dark eyes, perfectly matched with silken hair, with the exception of a prematurely silver streak up front, greet each of those assembled in turn with a warm smile, before coming to a stop at their host.

Dipping in an elegant curtsy she speaks in a rich welcoming voice, with the lively melodic accent of the island kingdom’s southern region.

” It is a great honor to be invited into your presence My Lady. I am here but to serve.” she says before flowing into the empty chair.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
Critzible wrote:
"Thank you Roubert, see if guests wish any tea, then make sure Matlide brings the cookies and sweet buns. I bet they are famished" a husky yet feminine voice was uttered from the shadows.

Can Felix tell the husky voice is a different one that Lady Vosk's voice. The narrative seems to be from another person in another location.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim takes a chair (picking a spot where his back it to a wall and he can see the entrances to the room, as well as Lady Vosk) and directs Roubert regarding his tea, "Black, please".

He shifts his focus to the Lady, "Lady Vosk, I am not much for small talk. Why have you called us here today?"

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs sniffs, reluctant from years of training to refuse free food, but still nervous. He involuntarily licks his lips and his whiskers twitch. He seems to be practiced at making himself unobtrusive, even with his ratlike companions hovering close. He watches those assembled, his eyes flicking back and forth, and waits for their host to elaborate.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Some tea would be nice, thank you." Elara gives the halfling buttler a curt nod as she sits down, her eyes scanning the shadows for the source of the voice.

As the man with the iron mask poses his question, she turns her attention back to him and Lady Vosk, taking note of how she reacts to the man's words.

Rough, straight to the point, and with little love for social niceties. A mercenary, perhaps? Meant to escort us 'frail' nobles to whatever the Lady has planned for us?

Using studied target on Lady Vosk, for the +2 to Sense Motive checks.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
Lord Felix Zumstein wrote:
Critzible wrote:
"Thank you Roubert, see if guests wish any tea, then make sure Matlide brings the cookies and sweet buns. I bet they are famished" a husky yet feminine voice was uttered from the shadows.
Can Felix tell the husky voice is a different one that Lady Vosk's voice. The narrative seems to be from another person in another location.

It is coming from her

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix dutifully sits down on the overstuffed chair and takes the offered tea. The nobleman gives a simple but respectful nod of his head to the servant.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Roubert gracefully fulfills the tea orders. he will set the pot on the tray and bow. He doesn't go far as setting beside the doorway he came in. Soon a teenage girl holding a spread of pastries and jams comes in. She walks awkwardly as seems to drag a foot behind her.

This girl has pallid skin, solid white eyes and seemingly sharp teeth and long nails. She sets the trap down with similar porcaline on it. This girl was dressed in a more gothic style maid outfit, with lace. By the time she gets back to Lady Vosk, the noblewoman took her satin black glove to touch Matlides hand. a squeeze is had the the girl nods leaving the room.

"Yes, I doubt you are." She smiles slowly rising to her feet. She stands a good six feet at least in height. Strangely as she does several squeaks come from the distance.

"Ignore that Matlide has gone to feed the bats" Came her reply.

"I have brought you all here for work. I have heard from reliable sources that you are all the unique talents I need. which is one of the two necessary requirements to be in the employ of House Vosk."

"So brave nobles, I offer you a chance to earn money, rare magical items, other ancient treasures and opportunities to move up in whatever manner you choose."

The woman stops in front of a bookshelf and reaches up to grab the skull of an imp. As she does it reveals a small hand lever.

" Before I continue on, do any of you mind bats?" She says her parasol still obscuring her eyes.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Knowledge (religion) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 3 + (2) = 23
"In as so long as we are not fed upon", Lord Felix said as delicately as possible.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13
Lord Felix Zumstein wrote:

"In as so long as we are not fed upon", Lord Felix said as delicately as possible.

Lord Felix's comment has Maxim sitting up more alertly in his chair, but he makes no comment himself...

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

A throaty laugh utters from her lips and she looks at Felix.

"My Lord Zumstein, have you met a vampire before? Or have you had to deal with Vampire Bats? I assure you the Bats we are about to see are larger. Though Nibs, I would be cautious they do feed on small mammals and such." She paused. Slowly she looked to Lord Zumstien.

"If you wish, you can always check me for a pulse." She said as she then looks to the others.

She pulls the hand lever and the ancient Oldobileu in the center of the room drops an finger width and slips under near the floor. Rough hewn stone stairs lead down. She places the skull on the shelf and then begins to descend. This prompt her to finally put the parasol down and use it as a cane. she descends then pauses when her head is just above the floor.

"Yes, Roubert, Candle rods for them" With that the halfling clapped and another halfling comes out holding Candle Rods for you to use.

"Now please follow me" And with that she finishes descending into the depths

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tenobia accepts the tea with both butter and sugar, giving the maid a smile before reaching for a pastry.

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Sense Motive DC 8 (lol) :
She is the last to take a sip or a bite of what is presented, after waiting just long enough to see that the others are fine

She arches an eyebrow, turning to face the masked man as he breaks decorum, noting his blunt approach. The talk of vampires widens her eyes ever so slightly before she lets out a throaty chuckle. Finishing her tea, she rises, popping the final piece of the delightful pastry into her mouth. ” Fascinante.” she says quietly as she takes one of the candlerods and follows.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Elara smiles slightly as she sees the Propeta D'Oro woman rather obviously waiting to see if the food and tea are safe.

Cautious. I like the way she thinks. Could be a bit more subtle, though.

She takes her own cup to her mouth, but drinks nothing as she looks to the others for a reaction.

She listens intently as the lady finally hints at what brought them here, even if she remains elusive about the actual task.

So we're all nobles, and she picked us for our 'unique talents'... Hmmm. Wonder just how much she knows about my talents.

She holds her breath as the young lord Zumstein decides to politely imply their host is a vampire, and lets it out with a small chuckle as the lady Vosk seems to take it humourously.

She follows Tenobia and picks up a Candlerod as well, lighting it up. "Wondrous things, are they not? While not as flashy as magic" She gestures to the tray that was hovering just a few moments ago "There's quite a lot you can do with alchemy alone. It's quite an interesting subject."

As they descend after lady Vosk, Elara inquiries further.

"I am curious, my lady. You said our unique talents were but one of the two requirements for us to be in your employ. What would be the second one?"

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3
Elara von Silbermond wrote:

She follows Tenobia and picks up a Candlerod as well, lighting it up. "Wondrous things, are they not? While not as flashy as magic" She gestures to the tray that was hovering just a few moments ago "There's quite a lot you can do with alchemy alone. It's quite an interesting subject."

"Oh, definitely!" Tenibia replies with a grin, all too aware of some of the more spectacular things that could be done with alchemy.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 6
1 rank +3 trained +1 wis

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Emilia chuckled. Well none of you will cost much should you perish in my employ. Which is a possibility. Though we have yet to get to the contracts"

Sense Motove:
all reads on her tell you she speaks th3 truth and that she doesnt seek to harm you but legitimately hire you. She does hold back, but its no different than any other noble

" Now as for magic versus alchemy, well the formulas work off the more archaic rituals of Arcanists past. The Dwarves had some of this from thier unique treatises, but it was the Gnomes who refined and prefected them. Leading us to the modern innovations of firearms and much more. The gold fulminate has made the powder more stable is one such advancement. A Baron Kubric Von Cleese, from Matrose, I believe. Maybe fake it is dubious" she says continuing into the cavern.

Dire bats flutter dimly at the edges, and a clear path is kept clean, though no servants just bats sound. As they walk yoincan see some glints in the pale light of golden eyes of the large bats staring at you.

" Apologies for redorecting you through the Dire Cave, My Grandfather Otto Vosk is in the library. He isnt one for guests. So to protect him and you we are taking the long way around."She says coming to a fork and turning.

perception DC20:
Those who look notice similar golden eyes like the bats, as well as more feral features then other women

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

" Sorry I trailed off. But Magic is rare now. Many fine crafters exist, and with only the Saints holding dominion over thier school, it makes even harder for us to have access. Though I did not bring you here to unravel the mysteries of that sort. I do have a strange occurance that needs taking care of. Something that does not coincide with the plethora of intrigue of the capitol and Empire as a whole. At least as my scources have deemed yet." she says slightly frustrated about the topic.

" As you know the Vosks used to be the arbiters of the Arcane here in Urleik for years until the Mana Storm of the Ancient empire of Eyoeyan, across the Dragon Sea, somehow strained the use of magic for all but the beings we know now as Saints. This had been the way some two centuries. At least that is what the longer lived races have said, and the works of the day have well as other scorces" The woman added leading them through a cave of more Dire Bats.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Perception: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 18
1 rank +3 trained +1 wis

I have 60' darkvision, which will let me see much more than the candlerods will illuminate. Is this a stable for mounts, or just a bat rookery?

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
Critzible wrote:

"My Lord Zumstein, have you met a vampire before? Or have you had to deal with Vampire Bats? I assure you the Bats we are about to see are larger. Though Nibs, I would be cautious they do feed on small mammals and such." She paused. Slowly she looked to Lord Zumstien.

"If you wish, you can always check me for a pulse." She said as she then looks to the others.

The noble bard waves a hand in acquiesce. "No need."

♦ ♥ ♣ ♠
Lord Zunstein ducks low as to not spook the resting dire bats.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
Maxim von Mekkhan wrote:


1 rank +3 trained +1 wis

I have 60' darkvision, which will let me see much more than the candlerods will illuminate. Is this a stable for mounts, or just a bat rookery?

The Bats are those large Fox Bat that have the 5 foot wing span.. none of them would be a mount for a medium creature. Its mostly a Rookery

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Perception: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9

"I see." Elara replies as neutrally as possible as the lady Vosk explains exactly why they were picked.

So, pick some skilled and eager nobles from insignificant families, and get them to work for favours and promises, rather than pay whatever a mercenary would ask for the same job. Shrewd, and effective. Telling us upfront was a bold move though, but it did its job in underscoring just how far below her family ours rank, I suppose. We're disposable pawns, and she wants us to know it.

She listens intently as the lady rambles on about magic and another hint at their task.

"Well, alchemy is an hobby of mine, as I am sure you know. I was merely expressing an appreciation for my craft. But as interesting a subject as it is, I am sure the others are just as curious as I am about these strange occurrences that have you worried so."

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs ponders what the noblewoman tells them, unsure of what 'talents' he might have that would be useful to her purposes, whatever they may be. When she asks them to follow, he shrugs with a quick look to his companions, and waves his hand to decline candlerods. He is surprised that several of the others present are familiar with alchemy, and almost speaks up to discuss one of his favorite subjects, but thinks better of it and clamps his jaw shut.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

He shivers slightly when she hints that there are bats large enough to threaten a creature of his smaller stature, but he straightens himself proudly and steps forward to show that he is not afraid. The second ratfolk that looks like his twin follows him closely, almost circling him like a mirror image spell, and his rat familiar (who is slightly bigger than he is) crawls behind him as closely as it can. All three puff themselves up slightly and bare their teeth as if to frighten the dire bats into seeking other prey, should they be hungry. Nibs's twin has a particularly impressive set of fangs that flash white in the dim light.

Perception (DC 20): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

He notes their host's golden eyes, unusual for humans, and wonders what it means. Perhaps she is some sort of shifter, he thinks. The magic of lycanthropes isn't something I've heard much about, but it could explain why the Vosks have deep insight into subjects hidden from the rest of us.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"Yes alchemy is a wonderful topic, and I do have one of the largest private Alchemy labs in the capitol. If you agree to my patronage, You all can have use to it. As well as my magical laboratories, library, Antiquities and Relics in my family's possession" She states with an earnest tone.

" Ah we are here, follow me, Apologies that it is a ladder" She says as she begins to climb the lady. As she goes up the ladder she turns another hand crank and steps up.

Those who follow are greeted with a huge office. It has more book shelves, but map cabinet, a few display cases with items resting behind glass. One of which is a skull with two different colored gems for eyes. The Skull was not human, but clearly elven. It had ancient runes carved in it. Another was a broken sword of Dwarvish Make, all beautiful and ordered lines that lacked the extra charm of other races. it had different runes. More items still rested with in the various display cases.

Emilia went over behind the desk and pulled out a map and began to unfurl it. A divan and two extra chairs rested before the desk, with a small coffee table that housed a negative mirror of the other tea set. This time small sandwiches and fruits rest neatly on trays.

'Please sit down and help yourselves." She said.

Once you all sit and arrange yourselves she will speak again.

" Each of you have been chosen for your talents, as well as the fact should you perish in this first endeavor, Your families won't retaliate. However should you choose to go on this mission you will be compensated. the group as a whole will be granted 1000 gold pieces. On top of this you will have lodgings at the Gentleman Ghost, a Tavern my family patrons and have agreed to set aside the guest housing level for as long as i deem fit. Should you perish your money will either go to next of kin or we can arrange it to go elsewhere in your name."

"Lastly I may have more work for you in the future, some could grant you access to more wealth and status. Seems the Vosk name carries a lot of weight. though its up to how you do on this first mission. Any questions?" She says looking up at you all showing her Golden Bat eyes. In fact she she smiles her teeth are more like that of a bat, as well as her ears being tapered a bit. Cleary she is something more than human, though she doesn't seem to be to bothered by revealing it to you.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Knowledge (nature) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 3 + (3) = 20
"Thank you, Lady Vosk", Sir Felix smiles as he takes one of he offered sandwiches. The bardic investigator sits down in one of the nearby chairs. As he takes a bite, Felix uses the sandwich to mask his mouth as he casts message on Lady Von Silbermond.

message, Perception DC 25 to overhear:
"Lady Vosk has all the telltale signs of a werebat."

Felix eats the small sandwich. "Sounds intriging. What is the mission?"

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Tenobia perks up at the mention of access to the Vosk alchemy lab, her mind racing at the possibilities. As she adjusts her gown to climb the ladder, a stylized bell-mouthed pistol can be seen at her hip.

Climbing up into the office, her eyes take in the wide variety of artifacts and objects of artistry decorating the well-appointed lair. Taking a seat, she reaches for the food, popping a piece of fruit into her mouth and savoring the taste as she listens to the details of their contract.

"Your terns sound both fair and, amenable so far My lady." she purrs, looking to see the others' thoughts and reactions. As the group's apparent questioner poses the matter of the mission itself, she sits back, seemingly relaxed yet attentive, awaiting the reply.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs follows up the ladder. When offered food this time, he huffs slightly and looks at his two companions before crossing to the divan and perching on it-- his twin beside him and his familiar curled up before him. He takes several sandwiches into his tiny hands and distributes them among the three, almost devouring one himself. As he licks the crumbs off of his fingers, he looks sideways at Lord Felix when the bard casts a spell. His manner is that of one who is curious what sort of magic Felix could be doing but obviously not knowledgeable enough in spellcraft to recognize the words and gestures.

Perception, familiar: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 2 = 28

(It is apparent to Felix and Elara if they care to look that Nibs has overheard the whispering, for he looks immediately at their host and his eyes narrow as if to say Oh, that's what she is. He makes no apparent effort to hide his thoughts, as if he doesn't think anyone would be interested.)

"You require all of our talents, Lady Vosk?" he asks quietly. "Or are some of us more perishable than others?" His nose twitches as he cranes his neck slightly to look around at the medium-sized humanoids. "Uh, forgive my directness, ma'am, but in my experience people usually want my kind not to participate in their affairs." The otherworldly ratfolk sitting next to him snickers at this.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Spellcraft to ID Felix's spell: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 1 + 3 + 3 = 25 vs DC 15
1 rank +3 trained +3 int

Perception to overhear: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 11 vs DC25
1 rank +3 trained +1 wis

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

"Plenty of honey, but what about the bees?" think Maxim, even as Lord Felix asks...

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Elara raises an eyebrow as she suddenly hears Lord Zumstein whispered message. She gives him a slight nod and an approving smile in response as she sits down as well. As she notes some of the others take notice that something is going on, she refrains from whispering a reply back.

Attentive, knowledgeable and quick thinking, even if his idea seems to have brought a bit more attention than I imagine he wanted. The ratfolk at least seems to have picked up on it. Not that it changes much for our current discussion, I think.

She turns her attention back to their host, as she finally talks payment in more concrete terms.

So, two hundred gold pieces each, for a potential lethal job. With promises of future work, wealth and status, of course. Access to the Vosk alchemical lab and libraries are pretty enticing, though. But with the way the Lady Vosk has been avoiding saying exactly what she requires, I'm starting to wonder just how dangerous this will turn out to be.

She surpresses a chuckle as Tenobia calls the terms "fair", and waits for Nibs to voice his very valid concerns before adding her own thoughts as well.

"The terms are indeed... intriguing. I am sure everyone here will be crucial to the success of this mission, or you would not have invited them along. But perhaps filing us in on the details of what will be expected from us will help both set our minds at ease, and let us evaluate the terms fairly in light of the task you require."

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

" Yes, its a sour business that" Emilia says as she looks up and stares at Nibs.

" My Uncle Vernard Vosk, spoke highly of the ratfolk. He was a wonderful man, who brought me many of the bats I have today. Still he was more a spelunker and archeaologist than I," she paused as her face looked over at an object on a nearby bookshelf. The pause lingered and she cleared her throat.

" I shall give you a badge of livery with the Vosk family crest on it. Infact each of you will recieve one. They allow for me to communicate with you, as well as locators and indentifiers. If needed they can be masked magically"

" With these most reputable establishments, a few solicitous establishments and the wiser of the noble houses will not harm you. Though they may impede you or try to maneuver you away from the truth. I doubt though this endeavor will have much need for that "

" So a little more information before you agree. Its a 1000 gold for each of you, access to my labs and libraries, potential earnings of titles and gifts, possibly more. This mission should keep you here in the capitol. Though should you need to leave, send word as I can prepare possible needs. Such as losging, bail, ecetra. If you are okay with these terms please say 'I'" the noble womans says as she comes around the desk to grab some tea and a sandwich.

" I guess you are true in that the terms seem light. Though if we can figure out the cause then the lost wealth will be but a mere drop in the bucket" she says a bit abscent mindedly.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs chokes slightly when Emilia clarifies that it is one thousand gold each, rather than divided among the five of them. (He's obviously not got much of a poker face.) He clears his throat in a poor attempt to cover his initial reaction and looks around at the others to see if they are similarly surprised and impressed.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

"That is quite a sum", the investigative bard remarked. "What shall our first task be again?"

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Elara raises her eyebrows as the Lady Vosk clarifies on the sum and additional perks.

That is indeed quite a sum. And being able to easily present ourselves as agents of the Vosk family is not something minor either.

She leans forward slightly in her chair, waiting eagerly for Emilia to answer Lord Zumstein's question.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Once all the affirmations come in Emilia smiles a predatory smile."good" she utters and then heads back around the desk. Once she is back there she opens a drawer and begins to pull out a folder.

" In the city children have gone missing, Most have been in the slums, the orphanage the Nuns have reported missing children not only of the children who refuse to stay but children in side the orphanage." She slaps down a rendering of the Saint Mara the Kind's Orphanage.

"To make matters worse many homeless have been disappearing. The taskmaster Sir Volg of Koenig, has found less able bodies to work the many city projects. Which is profitable to him, but has also put a bullseye on him and his lack of service. the strain has made him more amenable." She goes into showing the middle aged knight of the Capitol.

"Lastly many gnomes have come to the city looking for something lost. They are not very forthcoming and well they don't seem to be easy to crack about this topic in particular" She says as she places the rough sketch of Halftown the home to gnomes and halflings.

" The gnomes seem to currently be a dead end. Though keep an eye out. the influx of gnomes may correspond to the disappearances. Otherwise see what you can find out in the slums about these disappearances. the Church and Guilds are worried and its beginning to bleed into the lesser houses here that their hiers maybe in danger"She says finally handing out keys to the tavern.

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tenobia frowns as she hears the nature of their investigation. The disappearance of children was doubtless the result of something vile, and needed to be stopped. With the added detail of the adult homeless missing, people who many of the upper-tier citizens and law enforcement would be unlikely to miss, the likelihood of something well planned and orchestrated rather than some random occurrence.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Elara nods gravely at their task, narrowing her eyes as she considering the implications.

There's clearly something going on. The scale seems to be too great for these to be random occurrences.

She nods as she reaches for a key. "Grave matters, that definitely should be looked into as soon as possible. I am honoured you chose us for this task, my lady, but I am curious - or worried - that you felt the need to come to us. Should not the city guard be looking into this as well? The targets seem to have been purposely chosen to avoid making too much notice, but it has clearly come to a point where it cannot be ignored."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix sat in his comfy chair, looking into the distance; the tips of his index fingers pressed against his lips deep in thought.

Slavers. Sex rings. Forced labor. Necromantic or arcane experimentation. Could be any or all of these.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Feeling somewhat mystified, Nibs accepts the key. He looks over the sketches of the orphanage, Sir Volg, and Halftown.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"I agree, If you wish I have some information based off vetted sources. Its' completely up to you, though it should help narrow down your search. If you do well, I may give you privy to my methods, but not yet." She says as she sighs looking at another object on the desk.

"I say this first none of the missing we know of have not turned up in the slave market, or so far any of the known houses of flesh, or even in the dungeons be them legal or illegal. Even the churches blacksites have no sign of these people." Lady Vosk says as she looks back up.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Any lead you could provide us would be most welcome." Elara nods as she considers the information just shared. "Especially as it seems the more obvious reasons behind these nefarious acts have been ruled out already, which might make tracking down those responsible much harder."

She ponders on their options for a bit, and then chines in again. "Those badges you mentioned... You said they could be used to locate us. Could you use them to track one of us and share their location with everyone else? If so, getting one of us captured might be an option to find out where they are being taken. It is a risky option, to be sure, but it is always best to have all options on the table as we consider the best course of action. It might be our only choice if we fail to find out anything else."

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"They can be yes. Oddly enough, its only humans and mostly the poor. Does that mean some of those among you are...talented in ways I was not aware? Interesting" She says with a devilish smile.

She crosses her arm about her chest and then other touches her chin as she looks over the map.

"The best would be to go to St. Mara's Church in the Slums. The orphanage is there. The area has several homeless as its down wind and stream of the foundry and Alchemical areas. Careful of potential Miasma from the chemicals in use. Still that seemed to be where these predators stalk. it also seemed to happen in the dead of night and the largest amounts abducted coincide with the new moon"

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13
Elara von Silbermond wrote:


She ponders on their options for a bit, and then chines in again. "Those badges you mentioned... You said they could be used to locate us. Could you use them to track one of us and share their location with everyone else? If so, getting one of us captured might be an option to find out where they are being taken. It is a risky option, to be sure, but it is always best to have all options on the table as we consider the best course of action. It might be our only choice if we fail to find out anything else."

Maxim replies: "A plan of last resort, I think, as we have no way of ensuring our enemies actually take the bait. As Lady Vosk mentions, we would have to take steps to fit in with their apparent selection criteria."

He turns back to Lady Vosk and continues "I mislike the coincidence ... how fervently have you pressed the gnomes about what they are looking for?"

ie have you just been listening to the rumor mill, and perhaps whatever one of these gnomes will let drop socially, or have your grabbed one of them and hung them upside down over a low fire for a while?

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2
Maxim von Mekkhan wrote:

Maxim replies: "A plan of last resort, I think, as we have no way of ensuring our enemies actually take the bait. As Lady Vosk mentions, we would have to take steps to fit in with their apparent selection criteria."

He turns back to Lady Vosk and continues "I mislike the coincidence ... how fervently have you pressed the gnomes about what they are looking for?"

Elara nods at Maxim's words. "Oh, definitely a plan of last resort, I just wanted to know if it was even possible. Even if it ends up being out only option, we would be able to try and capture one of them instead, with the same setup, which seems like a better approach. But I think even that only makes sense if we fail to turn up any information that we can act upon first."

She turns back to the Lady Vosk at his question about the gnomes. "I agree about the gnomes. The timing and their reluctance to talk is troubling. I am curious about the means by which you have already tried to get information from them, as well. There are numerous methods to get someone to talk, after all, some of which could prove more effective."

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"the methods of House Vosk vary, usually through a throughough investigation plying the varied avenues at the Houses disposal. Be it Divination, footwork, greasing palms, bribery and more. As for some of us we have more unique methods, that as of right now you do not need to know about" She says the last words she flashed more prominent fangs and her hand was now exposed and long black fingernails that faintly gleamed like metal in the light could be seen.

"As for the gnomes, they are searching for some lost gnome stronghold that was hear in Koenig. Before the Sacred Imperial Seat was moved, and abandoned when the laws of magic were rewritten" She sighed as strangely her fangs and claws vanished.

'Which seems to coincide with other reliable sources"

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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

We will take time to Iron out your Families.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Hi everyone! Glad to be here.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim von Mekkhan at your service...

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

"My Lords and Ladies, I am Lord Felix Zumstein of House Zumstein. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
The handsome young noble performs a courtly bow.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

So family Sigils, What your family is known for, where they are at and any secrets you want to add.

Also if any of you want more details of the Vosk family.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

House Zumstein coat-of-arms is a flaming phoenix behind a stark tower.

The family sigil is a Z, wrapped in flame. It is that sigil that Felix has on his signet ring.

House Zumstein is known for producing limestone from their quarries, with occasional veins of topaz and citrine. The farms are humble, producing wheat, rye, and pumpkins during harvest season.

Put House Zumstein anywhere on the country you need.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Do you want us to make up our family crests? If so, I guess Nibs's sigil would have six tails knotted in the middle on a gray field with a golden crown just above the knot. His particular device would probably have the crown in black rather than gold. The Rat King is known for overseeing the underworld, such as it is, and mostly trades in secrets. It is said that agents of the Rat King can hear everything that is going on in the realm, and sell this valuable information to the highest bidder. They are not generally considered nobles in the same category as those in the human realm, and the Rat King is very sensitive about that. To prove that he is just as capable of fulfilling noble obligations, he has sent his sixth son Nibs to represent him on this little mission.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Hello everyone! Glad to be here with you all.

As for the family information, below is what I had already written down on my backstory, but will be happy to come up with more details on anything you feel is missing.

Sigil:The family's crest is a silvery crescent moon against a blue background. Their sigil is the same crescent moon with an intricate S over it.

What is known about the family: Her family is still relatively unknown, but has been on the rise after a string of successes in the recent decades, which has mostly been attributed to the cunning mind of her father, Friedrich von Silbermond, a sharp witted diplomat who has continuously managed to outsmart and outmanoever his rivals through his sharp mind, shrewd negotiation skills and a good deal of luck.

Secrets: Her family's recent success is in a great part because of her mother, an half-elven assassin her father hired to deal with his opposition, and who he eventually married.

Location: Don't have any particular place in mind, wherever you think makes the most sense.

And details on the Vosk family would be welcome. Elara would have at least tried to get the basic details on the family before coming to the meeting.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Vosk is one of the oldest families. Long ago abandoning thier ancestral home for the capitol. They were the forefront of Magic. Having prolific Wizards, Summoners, Arcanists, Sorcerers and more until the Sundering Sundering and the seven saints. Now they are a family shrouded in mystery.

They fund mostly education, archaeology,and many other endeavors such as research. They are now shrouded in mystery and the occult and helped refine magic and more.

The Vosks seem to have become reclusive. Onky Emilia and her brother Karl are known of but Karl is a powerful Kineticist who works in the court as a part of the Kings guard

Emilia runs the Estate and many of the schools, projects ectera

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Sigil: A tower inside a triangle.

The tower is symbolic of the family's seneschalship over the town of Passholdt. (Passholdt occupies a pass on what used to be the border between the Dutchy of Bergemann and the wilds of Bolvadut Nordur; now Passholdt is the southern border of the Marquet of Venterdeiger and is protected by the Great Wall.) The triangle for the Triumvirate faith.

The von Mekkhan family is not large, nor prominent. They have a reputation of stubborn loyalty to the Lord General and the empire.

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Happy to be here. I'll work on the family background information later this evening.

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

House Covalestra Sigil: A rapier engulfed in flames on a black background.

House Covalestra is known as among the most martial of the noble houses of Propeta D'Oro, and is a reknowned source of both fine honed weapons, and trained guards and mercenaries.

Not really sure of location without a map, not sure if it’ll matter since she’s not in her home country anyway.

Secrets: While well known for producing experts in the art of warfare, there are small secretive groups of soldiers, trained in the blending of martial combat and weaponry (martial bards, magi…and the most closely guarded secret arcane gunslingers solely devoted to protecting house principals.)

I didn't realize gameplay had already started.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

I am travelling until Aug 14th. I should be able to post, but things may be sporadic...

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Ok good to know

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Just to make it clear, I (as a player) was in no way disappointed or wanted to complain about the proposed reward, and I deeply apologise if it came across that way (and I can definitely see how it might have seemed so), and you felt the need to change it on my account.

I have no intention of derailing the game by refusing, and there was plenty on the table that would be enough to motivate Elara to join (Access to the labs and libraries, and being close to a powerful house being the main ones).

Feel free to ignore Elara's thoughts - they're mostly there to let me (and everyone else) get a feel for the character. You can trust me that I'll do my part to keep the game on track.

If something truly isn't working out for the character (and I very much doubt that will happen), I'll let you know and we'll work it out.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

No it was more i noticed that it wasn't clear that she was offering 1000 gp per person.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs's familiar has scent, so he might be able to track things if the trail is relatively fresh.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Post will becoming later today.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Ok, I am travelling from 25 Sept to Oct 2. I hope to be able to keep up with posting, but if not, feel free to bot me...

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

I'm going out of town for a long weekend, and my internet access will be spotty on just my phone. I should be back to full posting strength on Sunday evening.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
Maxim von Mekkhan wrote:
Maxim waits patiently as Rayna readies herself. He thinks to himself "What services has Felix purchased, beyond just a guide? Or is this simply a case of a fool and his money are soon parted..."

Yeah. Yeah. Felix realized he screwed up and paid all the money up front. Now the bard is just hoping his 10gp doesn't ditch them at the worst moment!

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13
Lord Felix Zumstein wrote:
Maxim von Mekkhan wrote:
Maxim waits patiently as Rayna readies herself. He thinks to himself "What services has Felix purchased, beyond just a guide? Or is this simply a case of a fool and his money are soon parted..."
Yeah. Yeah. Felix realized he screwed up and paid all the money up front. Now the bard is just hoping his 10gp doesn't ditch them at the worst moment!

It's not the money up front, it's what are we hiring here? Silver standard makes that 100gp in normal pricing. What kind of city guide asks for 100 gp up front? What does she do to justify that kind of pricing? (And this place was recommended by the staff at The Gentleman Ghost, who are probably pretty reliable for that kind of thing.)

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