Deflection Aura, Channel 3/day (2d6, DC 12), Deific Obedience
Common, Halfling, Elven
Wizard (sort of)
About Zelligar the Mystic
Halflings are not renowned as great warriors, nor are they counted among the very wise. They don’t make the most powerful wizards, nor the greatest priests, though their natural charisma lends itself to sorcery. Some Halflings lack that charisma and just don’t have The Gift. One such Halfling, born about 50 years ago in a quiet farming village on the shores of the Andoshen River, decided he would take matters into his own hands. He studied and he prayed, and he devoted himself to Nethys. Taking the name of a great wizard of legend, he set off to make his fortune in the world, and to bring credit to his people through his magical prowess and exceptional knowledge.
So what brings him to Kintargo?
The bells.
After saving the Elsir Vale from the depredations of the Red Hand of Doom, and playing an instrumental role in the Battle of Brindol, Zelligar continued researching magical theory. He learned of the mysterious pattern of the Devil's Bells, and found it too tempting a mystery to ignore.
Although he is properly wary of anything having to do with the Archfiend, he came to Kintargo to investigate the mystery, five years ago. However, the city's inept rule and overbearing Hellknights have begun to grate on him...
Zelligar is versatile. While he does not command especially potent spells, he has access to the full range of cleric spells and a flexible list of domain spells, plus he has two "any-spell" casts per day - one from his bonded item and one from his Magical Epiphany feat. He also has decent defenses, with good saves and the ability to hide with Stealth behind Medium-sized allies. He has immense staying power, since he does not need to cast a spell every round of every combat; he has his Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents as well as his Blessing of the Faithful. He will also fit very well into any party since he is Neutral and does not really try to sway anyone on moral or ethical arguments - he will go with the flow.
Appearance and Personality:
This Halfling stands just under 3 feet tall, with sandy blond hair. He wears a robe embroidered with stars, and a pointy hat embroidered with eyes. His mother made these for him.
Like all followers of Nethys, Zelligar is a lover of magic. He scorns the sorcerers who use their powers without understanding them (in part due to jealousy that it comes so easily to them), and enjoys discussing magical theory. Zelligar is brave and curious; he has no particular like or dislike of any race, save that he is fascinated by those with innate spell-like abilities.
Character Sheet:
Halfling Cleric 5 (Ecclesitheurge) of Nethys; Domains Defense (Primary), Knowledge (Secondary)
N Small Humanoid
Init +7; Perception +15 (+4 Wis, +5 ranks, +1 trait, +3 class skill)
AC 14, touch 14, flatfooted 13 (Dex +3, Size +1)
HP 38 (5d8+10)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +11 (+2 resistance); racial +2 vs fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents +5 (1d4+1)
Ranged 2 Magic Missiles (2d4+2)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16 (18), Cha 11
BAB +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Magical Epiphany (prepare spell in open slot as standard action 1/day), Improved Initiative, Deific Obedience
Traits Pattern Seeker, Magic is Life
FCB Cleric +5 skill points
Skills (4 per level)
Perception 5 +13
Stealth 5 +12
Knowledge (Arcana) 2 +6
Knowledge (Religion) 3 +7
Spellcraft 2 +6
Acrobatics 3 +6
Languages Common, Halfling, Elven
Alternate Racial Traits Human Shadow
Special +2 resistance bonus, Deflection Aura (1/day, 5 rounds, +2 deflection), Channel Positive Energy 3/day (2d6, DC 12), Blessing of the Faithful, Bonded Holy Symbol
Spells Concentration +13
Secondary domain for spells today: Destruction (Catastrophe)
0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Guidance, Light
1: Protection from Evil, Bless, Air Bubble, Shield, True Strike (D)
2: Resist Energy, Silence, Barkskin, Gust of Wind (D)
3: Communal Resist Energy, Open Slot, Call Lightning (D)
Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents (5,050)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 (4,000)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50) (750)
4 Scrolls of Mage Armor (100)
Scroll of Communal Resist Energy (375)
2 Holy Water 50
Pathfinder’s Kit 12
Silver Holy Symbol 25
Remaining: 138