The Chronicles of Urliek

Game Master Critzible

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Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

"Lady Vosk, might you have means of disguise? I am afraid your agents, as they are, might be a bit to 'flashy' for The Slums.
Perhaps a hat of disguise or some other method?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

"We will certainly attract attention," Nibs mutters, "But maybe that's a good thing. If some of us are loud and noticeable, others of us may be able to recognize who wishes to avoid their scrutiny."

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tenobia raises an eyebrow at Lord Felix's suggestion that they be provided with items of powerful disguise magic in addition to the already generous offer of reimbursement.

Nodding at Nib's idea that the attention drawn by some of them might benefit those with more stealth, she takes in her those with whom she would be working, wondering as to their assorted talents.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Vosk laughs as she steps from behind the desk and steps towards Felix. She stands tall looking into his eyes with a smug smile on her face.

"Oh I see, one to barter for precious magical resources? I thought you more clever than that, You are Felix Zumstein, one of the Zumstein clan. As well as a competent observer and highly perceptive. Now you all could easily pose as homeless beggars. Save one. Yet you didn't ask for that did you?" The woman says her nail running under Felix's chin before she pulls away and laughs.

"Should your stalwart noble of the underappreciated race asks I would gladly give them one. The rest of you I deem confident and competent enough to make yourselves look the role. Or even remain hidden while the best thespian among you lures your quarry" The woman says seemingly unphased buy the question, but also also not unwilling to do so.

'You are correct Nibs, Sometimes getting noticed is better than not. Others get overlooked all the time. Unseen agents and eyes are sometimes the best informants."

"Now if there is anything else you wish to discuss, we will depart here. Should you find anything you can always leave a letter to be delivered the Tavern will make sure it is discreet, so fear not. Otherwise, go to the tavern learn about each other, you are a team after all, then when you believe yourselves ready venture forth and solve this mystery" Emilia said as she finally sat back down behind the desk. She rang a small bell that had a beautiful tone. This signaled for a clearly Half-Orc servant, His tusks long and apparent that he drooled a bit. His eyes were gleaming gold, and his head was bare. His greyish green skin that was exposed seemed dotted with scars. Strangely he wore the servants uniform well. unlike the others he did have an exposed weapon a knuckle guarded knife by the size.

"Dayan, when the guests are ready please escort them out and get them into a carriage for the Tavern. Oh and tell the chef I am ready for my meal"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Lord Felix bows to his host, and leaves with the others.
Before he exits, the impertinent bard casts message once more and directs it toward Lady Vosk.

message, Perception DC 25:
"Tempting. But I don't think the fangs would add much to my facial asymmetry, as it does yours."

Once the chamber door is shut, Felix claps his hands with determination.
"Well, Dames and Fellows! Let us find this predestined tavern, and hatch some plans, shall we?"

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Stifling a smile at Lady Vosk's response, Tenobia notes Felix casting another spell of some sort, as the group takes their leave.

'This should be very interesting.'

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Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Thank you, my Lady. I hope we bring you good news the next time you hear from us." Elara stands up and gives the woman a respectful nod as she turned to leave.

Lord Felix Zumstein wrote:

Once the chamber door is shut, Felix claps his hands with determination.

"Well, Dames and Fellows! Let us find this predestined tavern, and hatch some plans, shall we?"

"Indeed." Elara responds with a smile. "Although I do believe some introductions are in order. Elara von Silbermond, it is a pleasure to be working with you all." She nods at each of the others with a smile. "As I mentioned earlier, I do have some knowledge of Alchemy, and I am guessing that was the primary reason for the Lady Vosk wanting me along."

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M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

As they enter the carriage, Maxim gives it a quick once over...

Perception: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 22
1 rank +3 trained +1 wis

Once the group is ensconced within the carriage, Maxim speaks up "Lady Elara, I think you miss your guess. Lady Vosk has selected a bunch of expendables from minor houses, none of whom have met before, all of whom have never been part of Kroinberg noble society before, and thus have limited local connections. She tasks us to investigate an urban mystery about the city; without those connections we are thoroughly ill suited for this task. Pull the other one, it has bells on!"

"Intrigue is very rare on the northern frontier - the stakes are too high for humanity and the dark simply cannot offer much of the rewards that such conspirators are after - but Lady Vosk suspect treachery or corruption in her normal servitors. Here in the capitol though, such things are much more common. Your first qualification was that it is extremely unlikely that you, or any of us, would be part of whatever conspiracy she suspects. Your second was that there's no known ties linking you to any of the rest of us. These two facts are true for all of us. Thus, there is very little chance that this group will be suborned to the intent whatever she suspects infects her servants... at least from the start."

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Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Perception (Maxim): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Hmmm.
Sense Motive (Maxim): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Interesting.

Lord Zumstein leans back in his comfy carriage seat, listening to the discourse between Lady Elara and the Masked Man.

"Regardless, Lady Vosk wishes 'boots-on-the-ground' to address this problem. We have become her Hands: Some scaly or more clawed than most. Perhaps a trip to a nearest store of thrift might suit us better than our normal livery", the investigative bard poses.

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Poor choice of words on my part, I am sorry." Elara replies with a smile to the masked man's words. "I think you are spot on in ascertaining her primary reasoning for picking a group like ours, however. But there is no shortage of lesser nobles which should fit the same requirements you listed. Between just the five of us, we could probably work out enough names for two or three such teams at the very least. I would like to believe, however, that from those options, she took some manner of care to select a team with a decent chance of success, based on our specific skills, and it was to that selection I was referring to."

"And at the very least, I wanted to give you all my name. I believe the lady Vosk only called Lord Zumstein by name during our meeting, so I am at a bit of a loss in how to refer to everyone else."

"As for our next steps." She turns to Lord Felix as he makes his suggestion. "I do agree that something a bit less conspicuous would probably be better."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

I hope Critzible will forgive me, but I'm gonna play up Lord Felix's knowledge and insight.

(Nibs) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
(Nibs) Knowledge (nobility) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 7 + (3) = 25

(Elara) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
(Elara) Knowledge (nobility) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 7 + (4) = 20

(Maxim) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
(Maxim) Knowledge (nobility) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 7 + (3) = 16

(Tenobia) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
(Tenobia) Knowledge (nobility) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (6) = 14

"Yes. Lady Elara von Silbermond. The von Silbermonds are rising stars in Urliek. In no small part to her father, Friedrich von Silbermond and his diplomatic efforts for his house and country. I believe your older brother has chosen service in the military."

"Please pardon my vocabulary, but the being simply known as "Nibs" is a member of the Krionberg ratfolk community. Well educated in the arcane, as his pouch of magical components denotes. Well spoken. With a great desire to prove his worth to not only himself, but his home community." Felix blinks.
"Is there a more ..diplomatic term for your people? Is so, I have not found it."

"Sadly the Man in the Iron Mask is still a mystery. He's only known as Maxim, an agent of House Mekkhan. Prefers Venterdeiger fashion, so that's no small coincidence. And is some associated deviant human lineage. I can't make up my mind if it's draconic or fiendish."

"Last, but certain not least, Lady Tenobia of Covalestra, I believe. A bard, like myself, but her prefers instrument is the firearm she allowed us to view from her gown as he climbed the ladder in The Vosk Manor. The muscles in her left arm more developed due to her diligence in marksmanship."

Lord Felix leaned back in his seat smugly. "I am Lord Felix Zumstein. My elder brother, paladin Manfred will likely inherit Zumstein Manor and title upon my father's death. I, as second son, did benefit from a top education and a curious, and you no doubt have noticed, attentive mind. My preferred instrument is the lute, but I can play most any string instrument more than adequately. I am an agent of my house and it's vital I know other agents", the nobleman gave a small nod to the masked man. "Along with music, I enjoy learning, politics, and the company of the Fairer Sex."

"And, our benefactor is a were-bat. In case it was not made apparent."

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M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs slinks into the carriage with his familiar and his eidolon hovering around him seemingly for protection, and has obvious trepidation about the journey as his fur is ruffled and trembles as they start moving. He alternates between watching the others and what he can see of the view out the windows.

He looks back as introductions are made, and sighs to himself. In answer to Felix he says "You could call us 'furries'?" His eidolon snickers again, and he bares his teeth slightly as a sort of half-smile. "We usually simply say 'ratfolk'-- either plural or singular-- and ignore the grammatical problems that causes. It's better than 'vermen' or 'ratmen'. If you really want to impress us for some reason, use 'people'."

Later, he continues. "I suppose in the interest of our new partnership, I should present the rest of my little coterie. As a ratfolk, I am always more comfortable in a swarm, so to speak. My eidolon, who I often refer to as my valet, is named Jacques." (pronounced zhock) He points to the otherworldly creature that looks almost a twin of Nibs, who bows floridly. Then Nibs indicates the rat next to him that is slightly bigger than he is. "And this stalwart creature is Bower." Bower doesn't bow.

Finally, Nibs looks around at the group through narrowed eyes. "Do you want me to use your titles when I address you, milords and miladies, or may I use a more familiar mode when we are alone? Also, should I pretend I can't hear you when you're whispering to each other?"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
"Nibs" wrote:
He looks back as introductions are made, and sighs to himself. In answer to Felix he says "You could call us 'furries'?" His eidolon snickers again, and he bares his teeth slightly as a sort of half-smile. "We usually simply say 'ratfolk'-- either plural or singular-- and ignore the grammatical problems that causes. It's better than 'vermen' or 'ratmen'. If you really want to impress us for some reason, use 'people'."

"Noted, Mr. Nibs." The Zumstein noble simply replied, as he nodded to the ratfolk's companions.

"Nibs" wrote:
Finally, Nibs looks around at the group through narrowed eyes. "Do you want me to use your titles when I address you, milords and miladies, or may I use a more familiar mode when we are alone? Also, should I pretend I can't hear you when you're whispering to each other?"

Felix leaned back in thought. "I feel that if addressing just our new coterie when we are out of public eye, a familiar term is acceptable. But in circumstances of court and those of higher rank in public, the formal address would be appropriate."

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tenobia observes the introductions with a sense of both intrigue and amusement, noting who was forthcoming, who offered not even so much as a name, and who sought to impress them all with their knowledge.

Ironically also showing who could likely be trusted with a secret

” Yes. Tenobia Mariella Tição Covalestra…I suppose Lady should precede that in formal introductions” she says with a grin, her accent holding a warm, romantic rhythm to it. ”I am 4th in line of House Covalestra in Propeta D'Oro, here through our diplomatic and long-lasting friendship with your House Schiefbau. I am trained in the arts, as well as some dabbling in the use of magic, and as Lord Felix pointed out, skilled in gunplay….though I actually shoot with my right hand….the development of my left arm is from much practice with the rapier.”She says with a smirk.

”I am perfectly fine with being called simply by name,” she says to Nibs.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13
Lord Felix Zumstein wrote:


"Sadly the Man in the Iron Mask is still a mystery. He's only known as Maxim, an agent of House Mekkhan. Prefers Venterdeiger fashion, so that's no small coincidence. And is some associated deviant human lineage. I can't make up my mind if it's draconic or fiendish."

Felix's exposition draws a yellow eyed glance; the word 'deviant' has that glance narrow sharply...

"I am Maxim von Mekkhan. The von Mekkhan family are seneschals of the town of Passholdt, on the border between the Duchy of Bergemann and the Marquet of Venterdeiger."

Turning to Nibs, he replies "Sir Nibs, you may call me Maxim when we are in personal conversation. Lady Elara, Lady Tenobia, feel free to do the same."

"Let us proceed then to this tavern and establish a base of operations. Then we can plan our attack on this problem."

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Likewise, you can all feel free to use only my name when are by ourselves." She gives the group a smile, and then turns to Felix with an approving nod. "And I must say, I am rather surprised at your knowledge. Despite my father's efforts, I hold no illusions about how unknown our name is yet, at least outside the relatively minor circles we currently move in."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

"I swear, sometimes I feel Lord Frederich is the only noble working for Ulriek's best interest", Lord Felix confessed.
"The von Silbermond name is respected in our home."

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs winces. "Uh, far be it for me to correct your speech, but if you call me 'Mister' or 'Sir' Nibs in public, you'll certainly draw attention, and if you call me that in private I will want to claw my own ears off. Thanks for the honor you intend to do me by using a title, but really just 'Nibs' is fine. I hope you won't feel offended if I similarly use only your given names, at least in private. We rarely use titles among my people, so it is sort of a compliment to you if I don't, like we are friends or family. If you'd prefer I didn't, well, I'll try to remember."

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

"Just Nibs it is", Felix acquiesced.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

"While there would be a certain amusement value in seeing if you would actually claw your own ears off, Nibs it shall be."

Ok, unless someone has something more to add, scene switch to this tavern. There, does anyone have any ideas about what to do to investigate these missing children? @Nibs - can your rats do scent tracking? We could try to follow one of the known missing kids from the orphanage?]

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

The Carriage stops outside well manicured hedge rows in front of what looks like a manse of a minor house. However a sign of a well dressed man with no face or hands gestures for you to come inside. Below the image are the words 'The Gentleman Ghost'.

As you all get out and the luggage taken off but the coach man, a window on the third story opens and a man similar to the image on the sign. Which by that time you look back the coach man was already set to leave.

"Hello" Came a gravely voice from a man who seemed to appear out the faint mist emanating from the very manor grounds.

Slowly the figure comes into view. a tall bean pole of a man dressed in old retainer garb. His skin was pallid and sagged, his hair thinning and grey. Atop his head was a raggedy top hat. The light dancing from his lantern gave him even more eerie feel. Though he seemed to bare no weapons save the standard dagger.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

The Zumstein noble lets out a surprising nervous laugh. "Ah haha. Yes. We are here to lodge under Lady Vosk's name."

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

" Yes,We are expecting you. Youll be on the third floor master suite. Its basically a floor with 8 dmall rooms and a meeting dining or sitting room." He says as sevwral invisible forces begin to grab your luggage.

As he does, He turns and heads around to the side of the building where staurs lead up to the side of the building and a door resides

" The lady and her brother made sure to make the top floor an apartment suite for advwnturers, agents and other clandestine groups or individuals. Beware though a ghost does roam this floor. Often making tea and stealing minor things like undergarments, towels, whetstones, small things that are often personal. If it happens ir is usually in the attic. So if it is important just exchange it with something similar. If you dont well...he is a Ghost so best not anger him" this man says as he bgins to climb the stairs and fiddles with keys. The Luggage is held vaguely by some invisible force.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix gave a satisfying smile. "Wonderful, really. Our hostess has made sure we are all lodged together but with plenty of space to be apart.
So thoughtful."

"I can't imagine you have too many clerics staying the night at The Gentleman Ghost", the Zumstein noble joshed with the gravely voiced man.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim inquires: "Does your establishment have stabling for my horse, or will I need to find a livery stable?"

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"Oh a Horse, I, we have Stabling. It is round back, but, Apologies Master, erm I see no Horse?" The Footman says as he blinks. Then looking to Felix.

"M'lord Cleric haven't been around the magical cataclysm?" he says confused not understanding the joke.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

"No, it's not here. I took a room at the Three Black Hounds when I got into town, before we met with Lady Vosk. I will have to go fetch it, and the rest of my baggage..."

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Following their supernatural host up the stairs as she takes in the unique settings, Tenobia arches an eyebrow at the report of a mischievous ghost, chuckling in amusement.

"I will make a point to keep track of things."

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs looks up the stairs with a hint of nervousness, but gamely leads his followers up.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
Critzible wrote:
"M'lord Cleric haven't been around the magical cataclysm?" he says confused not understanding the joke.

Felix blushed at faux pas. "Of course, of course. Thank you, good sir."

Turning to the others, Felix claps his hands. "Well. I shall stake my claim on a room." The investigative bard rushes off to find the largest and nicest room for himself. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

the top floor is grand, though a bit old-fashioned. In fact a few things show signs of styles and art work from the Last Emperor's reign. It is however well maintained. The rooms all have four post beds and exotic silk sheets of Elven make. No gold or silver candle holders but pewter does exist.

Old Bookshelves litter a few open spaces, but a small Library office is one of the rooms. The books vary in age, but most are common works. The works vary from the cheap copper tales to epic legends, Romance to Realism, and last are a variety of religious and more Scientific/Arcane books.

A dining room has a simple Darkwood table with matching chairs. The padding is a deep forest green with golden leaf embroidery. the table cloth matches the chair pattern. Next to it is a simple kitchenette for coffee, tea and liqour as well as to reheat food. All in all it felt like a Mistresses quarters from the palace.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim looks at Lord Felix, rushing about like an impatient child, and turns to Lady Elara: "After you..."

Following the rest of the party up to top floor, he selects a room for his own. Most of his baggage being at the Three Black Hounds, he is soon in the dining room, awaiting the others to plan their next move...

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Thank you. Although I am not as picky about whatever room I get as our knowledgeable but excitable companion." She replies to Maxim with a grin as she nods towards Felix rushing into every room.

She waits for Felix to make his choice, and then takes one of the still unchosen bedrooms for herself. She takes a small moment to inspect her room, before making her way back to the dining room as well, not having her luggage with her, either.

"I'm guessing we start by going to get our things from wherever each of us was staying, but we should start thinking of our next steps." She says to whomever is already present. "Should we follow Lady Vosk's suggestion and head for the church when we're ready?"

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Smiling in amusement at Felix' antics as well, Tenobia selects one of the vacant rooms, taking the time to check the room's layout as well as any windows or other possible exits, before rejoining the others.

"Once we have any luggage and equipment we might need, that sounds like an excellent course of action." she replies to Elara's suggestion.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs seems indifferent to where he stays, and waits in the dining room while everyone else gets settled. "The church seems like a sensible place to start," he says.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim looks at Ladies Elara and Tenobia, nods, and proposes "All right, we split up, get our luggage from our various lodgings, and meet here again in two hours? Then on to the church?"

That's 3 for get our baggage, then onto the church (Elara, Tenobia, and Maxim); so I assume that's carried.

Assuming we carry through:

Maxim is quick to his feet and downstairs. He offers a silver to a link-boy to guide him to the Three Black Hounds (concerned about having been turned around during the carriage rides to and from Vosk Manor). Its takes him almost an hour of walking to get to the inn, but he is quick to grab his gear, and his horse - which lets him get back to The Gentleman Ghost with 10 minutes to spare from the two hours. He also finds the tiem to change from his formal noble's outfit to much more utilitarian garb. He is in the dining room waiting as the other troop in... Admittedly, most of his gear is still packed, on a pile on the floor of his new room, but he does make it...

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Once settled into his room, Felix goes downstairs in inquire about a low-cost clothing store, hopefully nearby.
Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

A buxom woman with long red hair that has streaks of white, stands behind the bar. As she looks up she smiles and curtsies to the young lordling.

["M'lord I hope your room is to your liking. If you wish I can send up anything you need. Booze, Food, Women, Men, whatever you desire" She says then pauses as she pauses and begins to hum in thought.

As she does a younger woman with bright red hair and similar features though not as handsome, but more elvish in feature she carries a tray out to a table to some locals and then heads back to the bar.

"Ah yes, their is a lovely local seamstress named Ursula down the block in the carpenters and woodcutters district, Her shop is Tough Stuff. Mostly worker grab, but she is hoping she can get noticed by nobles and be able to afford the garment district!Sold work and will be able to make common fair or more at a lower cost. As she also has a nose for business"The woman says as she pours a drink of liqour and takes a swig then offers you a glass, having yet poured anything in the second.

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3
Critzible wrote:

A buxom woman with long red hair that has streaks of white, stands behind the bar. As she looks up she smiles and curtsies to the young lordling.

"M'lord I hope your room is to your liking. If you wish I can send up anything you need. Booze, Food, Women, Men, whatever you desire" She says then pauses as she pauses and begins to hum in thought.

Lord Felix grins at the meal before him. "Yes. The room is cozy. Thank you. I shall keep your service in mind for later."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Critzible wrote:

As she does a younger woman with bright red hair and similar features though not as handsome, but more elvish in feature she carries a tray out to a table to some locals and then heads back to the bar.

"Ah yes, there is a lovely local seamstress named Ursula down the block in the carpenters and woodcutters district, Her shop is Tough Stuff. Mostly worker grab, but she is hoping she can get noticed by nobles and be able to afford the garment district!Sold work and will be able to make common fair or more at a lower cost. As she also has a nose for business"The woman says as she pours a drink of liqour and takes a swig then offers you a glass, having yet poured anything in the second.

"Thank you very much, ladies. I shall take your advice. Have a good evening" the investigative bard gives a thankful nod, then turns to leave for Tough Stuff.

Felix keeps his guard up as we walks the rough streets, hand resting on the pommel of his rapier.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Quickly heading out to collect the rest of her things, Tenobia makes a detour to one of the more tucked away streets to obtain a disguise kit, before making her way back to where she'd lodged the day before and settling her account, then hiring a carriage back to the Gentleman Ghost.

Getting things sorted in her room she changes clothing, opting for more utilitarian garb, leather breeches, and a linen shirt, over which she layers her armor and cloak, the latter helping obscure both the rapier and Dragon pistol adorning her hips.

Heading back to the common area, she awaits her other companions.

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Maxim looks at Nibs and Tenobia as they wait in the dining room and breaks the silence "All right, it's been two hours and more. Shall we leave a note for Elara and Felix, and head off to the church?"

It's now Tuesday, and last post was on Saturday. Time to move on?

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs nods. "It might be that we can discover some information that we can then put together as a group afterward." He sighs. "I suppose I will have to leave Bower behind-- I do not want to draw undue attention to us, and though you are mighty you are quite memorable my friend. Jacques can be summoned and unsummoned as necessary, of course."

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

"Sorry that took so long." Elara replies as she steps quietly out of her room, her new soft leather boots barely making a sound as she approaches the group. Her noble outfit has been changed to a much less ostentatious outfit - a black cloak, covering a fine chain shirt worn over a shirt and fitted pants, their dark colours matching her cloak and boots.

The cloak also helps conceal whatever else she might be carrying on herself - including her set of twin curved daggers, and pouches filled with her alchemical reagents, weapons and potions.

"Bower might be able to tag along as well, depending on how we approach." She says to Nibs, with a ponderous expression. "If it keeps its distance and sticks to the shadows, he might get by unnoticed. And even if it is seen, I am not sure how many would not simply disregard him as just an unusually large rat. Especially considering we are going to a place so close to alchemical waste - I would not be surprised if such things are a relatively common sight."

"Having Felix along might prove useful, as well, but with no idea where he is, perhaps the note might be the better choice. Shall we go then? And maybe discuss our options in how to approach our investigation on the way there?"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Lord Felix has a nice conversation with Ursula in Tough Stuff. Though flustered by the appearance of a nobleman in her humble shop, Ursula sells several pieces of clothing to make an outfit for darker alleys. Sadly, the clothes couldn't hide the chainmail armor completely; his bracers and legging poking out of the cape. Yet, the voluminous cape did immediately hide his rapier, so not bad.

Dressed in his new garb, Felix walked back to The Gentleman Ghost, to raised eyes from the redheads on the main floor.

The investigative bard reentered the third floor with a flourish. "Ready as I will ever be, coterie."

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

And there we go...

"All right, now that we are gathered, do any of us know the city well enough to find St. Mara's Church on our own, or do we need to find a local guide?"

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Knowledge (geography) + Inspiration: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 6 + (6) = 31
"I believe I do", Felix interjects.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

You all know Kreonig is a Sprawling Metropolis with its center designed in the wheel and spoke pattern of old, with the rest of the surrounding area a jumbled mass of twists and turns, with some gondolas only accessible areas.

You are towards the center of the city as House Vosk is known to be in the center, nestled in the shadow of the Academy of Magic, The Occult Observatory and strangely enough the House of Antiquities.

You seem to be in the Carpenters and Pavers district. Here the city has more of the poorer folks as several day laborers reside. you have another ring before you get outside the city proper and into the slums.

As for finding a local guide well thier is the tap room down stairs, but you are in the district for daylaborers who deal with the streets and buildings.

You know the layout of Kreonigburg, or as locals call it Kreonig. The Old City is simple Wheel and Spoke known signage and layout, the new city is a choatic mess, and then the slums shift constantly. [its similar to Tokyo and Ancient Egypt] You do know for the Old and New City you can easily navigate it, the Slums, well you may need a guide. Still you know the church is just outside the new city gate on the road to the Dutchy of Vichenzerg

Bluff +2|Diplo +3|Kn. Arc +7*|Kn. Nob +7*|Kn. Geo +6*|Kn. His +6*|Percp +5|Perf. string +9|SM +6|Spell +6
HP 10/10|F 1R 2W 3|Init 0, +2 if Luck Points|AC 15, 10 (T), 15 (FF)|BAB +0 CMB+1 CMD +11
Bardic Performance 6/6 rds./day|Inspiration Pool 3/3x/day|Sleuth’s Luck Pool (Ex) 3/3

Felix scratches his chin. "But. Perhaps we could use a guide. If nothing more than to blend in better. I believe one of the ladies in the tap room boosted in finding us a guide. Let's go downstairs and inquire."

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

With a shrug, Tenobia follows along as Felix leads them downstairs.

M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none || eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none

Nibs follows, taking a position with Jacques at the back of the party. He decides to let Bower come along, but cautions his familiar to stay behind him and keep to the shadows when possible.

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