The Chronicles of Urliek

Game Master Critzible

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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

"Well it allows me to have necessary funds for bribes. You know to negotiate with the gangs or you know other rogues"She says as she leads the way.

"As for my abilities well, I am an amazing cook, guide, seamstress, provocateur, former nun, and if you have the coin I can give you one hell of a night!" She says as she winks at Elara.

As she does she begins to pull out a small badge and put it on her chest in clear view.

Perception 15:
It is a Brass Brooch with a Raven's skull on it

Know Local 15:
You know that that is the symbol of The Nevermore, a group of powerful guild of adventurers and rogues

M Tiefling Rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender) 1 HP 11/11| AC: 19, T: 14, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Init +3, Darkvision 60'; Percept: +5, Sense Motive: +5 | Saves: F: +4, R: +5, W: +3 | CMB +0 / CMD 13

Perception: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 21
1 ranks +3 trained +1 wis

K Local: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 3 + 3 = 14
1 rank +3 trained +3 int

Maxim spies that the badge is brass, embossed with a Raven's skull. He figures it's some sort of recognition symbol, but he does not know what it represents... He keeps his mouth shut, not wanting to look a fool.

Female Human Bard(Arcane duelist)/Gunslinger (Firebrand) gestalt 1: HP 11/11 : AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13: Fort: +2 Reflex: + 5 Will: +2 (+4 Fear) : Perception +0, Init +3 : Performance 7/7 : Grit 3/3

Tonobia arches an elegant eyebrow as she notices the badge, taking note of the Raven's skull, and beginning to pay closer attention to the surroundings of where they are headed.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Alchemist (Vivisectioninst) / Slayer (Executioner, Sniper) 1 | HP 12/12; AC 17, TAC 13, FFAC 14| F:+3, R:+5, W+0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)| Init +3; Per +4(+2 in dim or darkness); Darkvision; Extracts: 1st: 2/2

Perception vs DC 15: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 2 = 22

"That's quite an extensive and interesting list of occupations, I'll give you that" Elara replies with a small chuckle, as her eyes focus on her badge for a moment.

It's obviously a symbol of some sort, but what does it mean? And who is it intended for?

She looks at their surroundings, trying to spot anyone looking at them or that seems to react to Rayna's badge.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

"But going back a bit to what you said, about gangs and rogues... Is that something that we should be on the lookout for? Is it likely we'll get targeted, especially as we get further and further from the city's center?"

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