Ratfolk Troubleshooter

"Nibs"'s page

20 posts. Alias of eriktd.


|| eidolon HP 11/11 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Per+4 SM+0 | effects: none || familiar HP 10/10 | F+3 R+5 W+3 | CMB-2 CMD11 | Init+3 | Per+5 SM+2 | effects: none


M ratfolk fighter 1//summoner 1 | HP 13/13 | AC17 T13 FF15 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | CMB+1 CMD13 | init+4 | Per+6* SM+1* | SM 4/4 | spells 1st-2/2 | effects: none

About "Nibs"

The scion of the underground ratfolk community must investigate strange events transpiring in the capital of Krionberg to ensure that his people retain a place on the council of nations.

Nibs is a lesser heir to the rat king, who decided at a young age to devote himself to arcane studies instead of statecraft. He has put most of his enthusiasm into learning how to alchemically summon a sort of ratfolk avatar spirit, which looks almost exactly like himself. While he was able to purchase a place in the magical academy in the big city, he was certainly treated as a lesser student and often had to defend himself in scraps and scuffles with human children, who believed he was unworthy of the same education that they received. It was perhaps the isolation he felt at the hands of these bullies that led him to form such a close bond with his eidolon and his familiar. Consequently, he is generally wary of humans, though he is practiced at giving them precedence and the security of believing they are better than him.
Nibs is a well-groomed young ratfolk with black fur, who wears a chain shirt and carries a spell components pouch at his belt. He might come across as a little pompous for ratfolk, but still obsequious to humans. Other ratfolk believe he thinks too highly of himself. Deep down, Nibs has a secret desire to be a hero, accomplishing great deeds and being lauded by others for his selfless acts of puissant might, but he knows it is very unlikely that he will ever be in a situation where he could indulge this fantasy.

Race Ratfolk
Alignment CG
Deity Triumvirate (ostensibly)
Class(es) Fighter // Summoner

Str 12 (+1) (14[base]-2[race])
Dex 14 (+2) (12[base]+2[race])
Con 14 (+2) (14[base])
Int 12 (+2) (10[base]+2[race])
Wis 10 (-1) (10[base])
Cha 13 (+1) (13[base])

HP 13 (10[1d10 HD]+2[CON]+1[FCB])

AC 17 (10+4[armor]+2[DEX]+1[size])
AC, touch 13 (10+2[DEX]+1[size])
AC, no Dex 15 (10+4[armor]+1[size])

Initiative +4 (2[DEX]+2[trait])

Speed 20' (slow speed, light armor)

Fortitude +4 (2[base]+2[CON])
Reflex +2 (0[base]+2[DEX])
Will +2 (2[base]+0[WIS])

BAB +1
CMB +1 (+1[BAB]+1[STR]-1[size])
CMD 13 (10+1[BAB]+1[STR]+2[DEX]-1[size])

• masterwork tailblade: +4 (1d2+1* slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+1[STR]+1[size]+1[enhancement]; damage: 1d2+1[STR], +1[*Ratfolk Avenger])

• chain shirt (armor: +4, max Dex: +4, ACP: -2)

Ratfolk Darkvision (60'), Rodent Empathy (+4 Handle Animal vs rodents), Slow Speed, Small, Swarming (can flank from shared square), Tinker (+2 Craft Alchemy/Perception/Use Magic Device); favored class bonus (summoner): +1 hp

Traits Ratfolk Avenger (+1 damage vs enemies who have injured allies), Reactionary (+2 initiative), Rich Parents* (+900 gp)

Feats Scurrying Swarmer (level 1)

Skills (adventuring) (ACP -2)
Perception +6* (1[ranks]+0[WIS]+3[class]+2[race], +2[*Alertness, from familiar])
Sense Motive +1* (1[ranks]+0[WIS], +2[*Alertness, from familiar])
Stealth +6* (0[ranks]+2[DEX]+4[size], -2[ACP])
Use Magic Device +7 (1[ranks]+1[CHA]+3[class]+2[race])

Skills (background) (ACP -2)
Craft (alchemy) +7 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class]+2[race])
Handle Animal +5* (1[ranks]+1[CHA]+3[class], +4[*vs rodents])

Languages Common, Undercommon

Fighter 1 (Eldritch Guardian / Mutation Warrior) familiar (level 1)

Summoner 1 (Twinned Summoner) eidolon, life link, spellcasting (CL 1), summon monster i, twinned eidolon

Summoner spells (CL 1)
cantrips: acid splash, guidance, message, read magic
1st (1+1/day): enlarge person, mage armor

Equipment alchemist's fire x2 (40 gp), chain shirt (100 gp), cold iron tailblade (22 gp), fighter's kit (canteen for waterskin; 10 gp), grappling hook (1 gp), masterwork tailblade (311 gp), scroll of enlarge person x4 (100 gp), scroll of enlarge tail x3 (50 gp), scroll of infernal healing x4 (100 gp), scroll of mage armor x3 (75 gp), silver tailblade (31 gp), small animal chain shirt barding (200 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp), traveler's outfit (free); 5 gp remaining

Name Jacques
Type Biped Size Small
Alignment CG
Deity Triumvirate (ostensibly)
Class(es) Eidolon

Str 12 (+1) (16[base]-4[size])
Dex 14 (+2) (12[base]+2[size])
Con 13 (+1) (13[base])
Int 7 (-2) (7[base])
Wis 10 (+0) (10[base])
Cha 11 (+0) (11[base])

HP 11 (10[1d10 HD]+1[CON])

AC 15 (10+2[DEX]+2[natural armor]+1[size])
AC, touch 13 (10+2[DEX]+1[size])
AC, no Dex 13 (10+2[natural armor]+1[size])

Initiative +2 (2[DEX])

Speed 30' (no armor)

Fortitude +3 (2[base]+1[CON])
Reflex +2 (0[base]+2[DEX])
Will +2 (2[base]+0[WIS])

BAB +1
CMB +1 (+1[BAB]+1[STR]-1[size])
CMD 13 (10+1[BAB]+1[STR]+2[DEX]-1[size])

• bite: +3* (1d4+1* bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+1[STR]+1[size], -1[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d4+1[STR], +2[Power Attack])
• claws: +3*/+3* (1d3+1* bludgeoning/slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+1[STR]+1[size], -1[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d3+1[STR], +2[Power Attack])

Maximum Attacks 3

Eidolon size: Small; speed: 30'; +2 natural armor;

Feats Auspicious Birth (Conjunction) (level 1), Power Attack* (Extra Feat evolution)

Skills (adventuring) (ACP 0)
Acrobatics +6 (1[rank]+2[DEX]+3[class])
Escape Artist +6 (1[rank]+2[DEX]+3[class])
Perception +4 (1[rank]+0[WIS]+3[class])
Stealth +10 (1[rank]+2[DEX]+3[class]+4[size])

Languages Common, Undercommon

Eidolon 1 darkvision (60'), link, share spells

Evolutions 3
• Bite (1 point)
• Claws (0 points)
• Extra Feat: Power Attack (2 points)
• Limbs: arms (0 points)
• Limbs: legs (0 points)

Equipment: none

Name Bower
Type Donkey rat
Alignment N
Class(es) Familiar

Str 6 (-2) (6[base])
Dex 17 (+3) (17[base])
Con 13 (+1) (13[base])
Int 6 (+2) (6[base])
Wis 13 (+1) (13[base])
Cha 4 (-3) (4[base])

HP 10 (6[half master's hp]+1[CON]+3[Toughness])

AC 19 (10+4[armor]+3[DEX]+1[natural armor]+1[size])
AC, touch 14 (10+3[DEX]+1[size])
AC, no Dex 16 (10+4[armor]+1[natural armor]+1[size])

Initiative +3 (3[DEX])

Speed 30', swim 20' (light armor)

Fortitude +3 (2[base]+1[CON])
Reflex +5 (2[base]+3[DEX])
Will +3 (2[base]+1[WIS])

BAB +1
CMB -2 (+1[BAB]-2[STR]-1[size])
CMD 11* (10+1[BAB]-2[STR]+3[DEX]-1[size], +4[*vs trip])

• bite: +5 (1d3-2 bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[DEX]+1[size]; damage: 1d3-2[STR])

• chain shirt barding (armor: +4, max Dex: +4, ACP: -2)

Donkey rat low-light vision, scent

Feats Toughness (replaced Skill Focus)

Skills (adventuring) (ACP -2)
Perception +5 (1[ranks]+1[WIS]+3[class])
Sense Motive +2 (1[ranks]+1[WIS])
Stealth +7* (0[ranks]+3[DEX]+4[size], -2[ACP])
Use Magic Device -2 (1[ranks]-3[CHA])

Skills (background) (ACP -2)
Craft (alchemy) -1 (1[rank]-2[INT])
Handle Animal -2 (1[rank]-3[CHA])

Familiar 1 (Mauler) alertness, bond forged in blood, empathic link, improved evasion, mauler skills, natural armor adj +1, share spells

Equipment chain shirt barding

(in progress)