Game Master S |

Endre coems crashing down on the traitor. With a grunt devoid of emotion, Vestralis falls to a knee. “You think justice was done here
today? You think the HighChancellor serves Iomedae?” He shakes his head vehemently. “You’d see us dine with devils and sleep with demons! You’d expose the citizens of the Pact Worlds to the evils of Zon- Kuthon, Damoritosh, and Lao Shu Po! You’d damn our people’s souls! Well, we won’t stand for it. Some of us are brave enough to fight back. Evil has two choices: surrender and repent, or die! You think you’ve beaten us? Others who will take up the sword to defend the Pact Worlds! Others will heed the call of righteousness! Soon, you’ll all have to choose: serve the Light or be destroyed by it!” He fights to stand up, but ultimately it's too much and he drops, unconscious.
The remaining accomplisses try desperately to get on the tram, but they're stopped by an impressive Eselar - a TRUE follower of Iomedae.
The remaining men drop their weapons and throw their hands up.

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Alpha swoops in, and attempts to stop Vestralis from bleeding out.
Medicine - 'Take 10' = 32.
They shake their head sadly.
"Finding common ground, and seeking an understanding, does not deserve an assassination attempt. Even Iomedae Herself worked with Asmodeus on old Golarion in order to keep Rovagug bound..."

Game Master S |

Alpha manages to save the traitor. Disarmed and surrounded, the team can bring them all in.
In the aftermath you're asked to stay and give an accounting of what happened. With Vestralis captured, Accordant-Contemplator-16 pledges their church’s assistance in tracking down the Data Scourge’s origin, pleasing Celita and Noname.
Thanks to your courage and skill High Chancellor Melorian Cadusys survived, she thanks you profusely and promises to return the favor one day. She’s shocked to discover Vestralis was behind the attack on her life but recovers after a few moments when she decides Vestralis must never have been a “true believer.”
Radaszam is thrilled with how well you handled yourself before violence broke out, and promises to get you more work soon.
Something tells you that Radaszam means it...

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Trylara looks troubled at Vestralis's words.
She finds Eselar afterward, when things have calmed down.
"He's wrong, isn't he? I mean, we fight against demons and devils and the forces of evil, but we also have to let others live their lives the way they want if they aren't actually hurting anyone. And I don't think we can get through the current situation without each other."
She sighs heavily. "I was never much for the philosophical stuff. I like problems you can solve with an axe. I don't think this going to be one of them, though."

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Having faith is what's define us. Loosing perspective is what makes people loose sight of what's important.
I'm glad I've been able to help the representants of the different faith to be able to gather together in a peaceful way. Making the world more peacefull is a step towards goodness.
I'm prood to be blessed by Iomedae.
Says Eselar.