Game Master S |

You are summoned to a conference room deep within the Lorespire Complex by Celita, leader of the Dataphiles faction. The conference room appears indistinguishable from countless others, unusual only for the number of layers of security required to reach it. Around the perimeter, Starfinder agents work at terminals and holographic interfaces, filling the room with the digital detritus of a team hastily assembled but hard at work.
“Welcome, agents,” Celita says as she gestures to a pair of folding tables covered in notes and extra datapads. “The Society needs your help.”
“As you no doubt know, the Data Scourge disrupted technology and communications across the Pact Worlds. It turns out the creator of the Data Scourge was one of our own: Historia-6, or “Historia-Prime” as he now calls himself. His automated battle fleet and several of his outposts have been destroyed, but at great cost.” Celita’s face darkens, and the room pauses in a moment of silence for those lost.
“Yet hope remains. Our hacker ally Noname has isolated a digital signature of the Data Scourge code, perhaps enabling us to track the virus to its source and deal with Historia-Prime once and for all. Noname, please elaborate.” Celita taps one of the terminal operators on the shoulder.
The masked hacker Noname swivels her chair to face you and speaks with a digitally disguised voice. “There’s a small piece of code that seems to be a part of every instance of the Data Scourge we’ve uncovered. Think of it as a digital fingerprint. Very hard to find. Problem is, there’s a lot of it, among a lot of instances of Data Scourge attacks. We’re going to need a lot of people working on this. If you’re useful with technology, I can put you to work right now.” Noname gestures to a row of empty computer stations next to her, then swivels back to her waiting terminal and resumes work.
Celita nods. “If computers aren’t your strength, there are other ways you can aid in the hunt. We need to interview dozens—no, hundreds—of people affected by the Data Scourge for clues. We need to comb the infosphere’s chat spaces for reports of attacks or damage. And we’ll need to identify potential resources and convince them to aid us.” Celita ticks the options off on her fingers. “Once we trace the code to its source, we’ll go there… and neutralize Historia-Prime.”
So agents, how are you going to help? Computers or people?

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A fist-sized lump of technology, floating at the centre of a vaguely humanoid outline of projected light and force fields, raises a hand in greeting, and waves hello.
"Greetings fellow sentients. This unit is designated as α-CloudChatI.Q.Prime, a sub-mind of the CloudChat mainframe. We will be providing technical and medical support on this particular mission."
When the question is posed, they nod.
"As a synthetic life-form myself, dealing with computers would be my preferred option."

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A male kasatha in shining armor, painted in gold and red wearing the holy symbol of Iomedae clearly visible on the plastron of his armor bows to Celita.
On his back an old reaction canon light and at his side a Longsword with a hilt decorated to look like Iomedae representation.
With a baryton voice, the Kasatha presents himself to his comrades and to Celita Greetings, I’m Eselar, actually on my fifth year of the Tempering. I’m a Knight Errant for the Knights of Golarion and I hope to that my presence will uphold the tenants of the Society, Explore Report and Cooperate.
I'm more a people person than a computer person, It's best I talk to people.

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A half-orc man with silver streaks in his black hair looks up from his notes. His business card declaring him to be the chief development officer for a nonprofit working to improve conditions for orcs and half-orcs on Apostae is still in your pocket from his introduction earlier. "Talking to people is my stock-in-trade, but I'll do my best to assist with the digital work if that's where we're best deployed."
Better at talking, but I'm fine with computers if this is a group decision.

Game Master S |

Excellent! Each of you make TWO checks. You may double up on skills and even repeat the skill yourself.

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Metaphorically rolling up their sleeves, Alpha does their best to uncover relevant information.
Culture: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35.
Engineering: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37.

klonac's Pregen |
A rather short android, a pair of pistols resting on their hips, enters the room.
"Name's Iseph, pleasure to be working with you"
Iseph trawls the infosphere for information.
Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Computers: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

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A half-orc woman with weary eyes and a holy symbol of Iomedae embossed on her armor introduces herself. "My name is Trylara Bahtinov. I am not terribly skilled with technology, but I can speak with people."
Trylara spends a moment in quiet contemplation and you see her glow a little bit. Keying sidereal influence to photon: Diplomacy
Diplomacy, SI: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 15 + (5) = 39
"I think these people in particular might be helpful resources. I will speak with them further."
Diplomacy, SI: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 15 + (3) = 27

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Endre taps into his professional network, conducting numerous meetings, lunches, racquetball games, etc. with movers and shakers to secure necessary resources.
Diplomacy, expertise: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 17 + (6) + 1 = 36
Diplomacy, expertise: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 17 + (5) + 1 = 31

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Eselar bows to Trylara when she presents herself.
May the blessing of Iomedae be upon us on this mission.
Then, he tries to find through his knwoledge of different culture some convergent path before looking for some astrological events.
Culture: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Mysticism: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

Game Master S |

The Starfinder team immediately demonstrates why they were chosen forthis mission. Adjusting Iseph's mods for the tier
Talking and listening is always a good idea. The team discovers that Accordant-Contemplative-16, a Triunite priest the Starfinder Society helped in the past, is currently onboard Absalom Station to speak at a religious summit. They would likely be interested in the Starfinder Society’s recent discoveries.
A little time online yields some interesting results too as you track hardware faults that resulted from Data Scourge attacks. After a little triangulation you locate an instance of the Data Scourge’s signature code!
Add to that a little bit of trawling through message boards, public reports, and social media feeds to identify potential Data Scourge targets or victims.
What's more, it looks like the church of Triune is a potential source of more information.
The First Interfaith Summit is being hosted by the Church of Iomedae the Inheritor on Absalom Station. The conference brings high-ranking representatives from most of the Pact Worlds’ major faiths together to discuss opportunities for cooperation between churches. You also notice how much of the infosphere traffic is caused by the controversial decision to include all interested faiths in the summit, regardless of their moral outlook or views on other religions. In addition to the “usual” cooperative churches such as AbadarCorp and the Church of Iomedae, representatives of evil deities such as Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon are slated to be present. Even some churches which normally shun cooperation or diplomacy have sent representatives—the church of Triune, like Damoritosh. The summit is a source of great hope among the public, but has fanned the flames of religious competition among many followers of all faiths, and various bizarre conspiracy theories have erupted to explain the summit’s “true agenda."

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The comms buzz with an incoming message from Celita. “Key development. Muster immediately.”

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It doesn't take long to reassemble.
Celita appears downcast as she summarizes the status of the investigation. “The Data Scourge signal is using Drift Beacons as a pathway, bouncing between them to make tracking their origin difficult. We will begin the process immediately, but the amount of computational capacity required will be… significant.” She glances at Noname, who merely shrugs.
“In the meantime, we must pursue other avenues. Is there anything else you uncovered that may provide clues to the origin of the Data Scourge? Any potential allies or sources of aid you can think of?”

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"It sounds like a lot of roads lead to the Church of Triune. I think they're worth reaching out to."

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Trylara bows in response to Eselar. "I am sure the Inheritor watches over us now."
"The church of Triune will be at the First Interfaith Summit, along with representatives of many other faiths."

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"Perfect!" Noname interjects.
The VC nods, "Sounds like a plan. Go then."

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Not long after you leave, your coms light up... It's a text message

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The summit is being held at various locations around Absalom Station, but the only publicly accessible venue is a small Iomedaean cathedral. Built in an old style, the church is a single large, open space with gleaming white marble pillars holding the vaulted ceiling. A ledge 20 feet above the floor along both sides holds carved statuary depicting the 13 Acts of Iomedae (a tale of Iomedae’s ascendency to godhood) and is also currently being used to run power cables for the media’s lighting and transmission equipment. The ledge is accessible by two ladders in the cathedral’s south end.
Your timing is perfect; the summit participants are returning from a series of closed discussions to issue a public statement. As the delegates line up on or beside the tiny stage, a woman in a white mantle ascends to the podium. The media spring into action, holding cameras and microphones at the ready. The holoscreens above the stage show a close-up of the woman, a human with greying hair whose mantle bears an embroidered golden sword. The screens’ captions announce her as, “High Chancellor Melorian Cadusys—Church of Iomedae.”
“Thank you for waiting so patiently,” she begins in a motherly voice. “The Inheritor’s faithful feel very privileged to be hosting this first Interfaith Summit, welcoming the faithful of all divine beings together to discuss cooperation and coexistence. My colleagues and I have made great progress in our discussions thus far, and I look forward to many more productive hours as we envision a better future for all sentient beings."
“Although Iomedae has led this effort in bringing together those of disparate and sometimes opposing beliefs, we did not and could not do it alone.” High Chancellor Cadusys turns to indicate the row of religious figures behind her. “I would like to acknowledge my colleagues who have been instrumental in making this Summit possible.” Cadusys turns and begins to applaud her colleagues, and the crowd follows suit. she introduces them, one by one .

Game Master S |

we're headed into an influence/discovery game. We lost power at school today, so I didn't get to draft my posts and trackers. I'll work on this tonight, but I may be doing it in the morning. Will try my best!

Game Master S |

Okay, here we go! The mechanics are slightly different than PF1 or PF2.
Then, on your turn, you can do one of the following:
four key delegates, a PC can attempt a Sense Motive check to learn more about them. PCs who succeed on the required check can choose one of the following pieces of information to learn: the delegate’s Strengths, the delegate’s Weaknesses, or one of the skills that can influence the delegate (starting with skills with Easy DCs). For every 5 by which a PC exceeds the DC of the discovery check, they earn one additional piece of information. After the first success, all PCs gain a +4 bonus on their discovery checks against that delegate.
I'll update the slides as you progress...

Game Master S |

PHASE 1 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Go
Endre: Go
Eselar: Go
Iseph: Go
Trylara: Go

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@GM is the High Chancellor a member of the Knight of Golarion?
Of course, the first person Eselar wants to see, is the High Chancellor Melorian Cadusys, the representative of his Faith at Absalom.
With a Martial Salute, Eselar present himself to the High Chancellor. I'm Eselar, Knight Errant of the Order of the Knights of Golarion, blessed by Iomedae ,and member of the Starfinder Society. It's an honor and a blessing to meet you High Chancellor.
Sense Motive (free): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Game Master S |

Indeed she is. She's also covered by a trio of knight bodyguards.
Eselar immediately gets a bead on her. Melorian respects the well-spoken exchange of ideas and proper deference to one’s superiors. PCs using Diplomacy to influence her gain a +2 bonus.
PHASE 1 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Go
Endre: Go
Eselar: Go - Free SM
Iseph: Go
Trylara: Go

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In this case, Eselar has a +2 insight bonus on all skill checks to influence members of the Knights of Golarion :)
Eselar continues his speech.
The Pathfinder Society is blessed to have been invited to this Summit, and as a Force for Good, I'm sure that both the Church and the Society could be able to work together.
We are actually trying to find the source of the Data Scourge and your help, and those of the Knight will be of great help.
DIplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 11 + 2 + 2 = 16
DIplomacy (2* Reroll): 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23
Also, Eslear has this, if it could help in this case:
Compelling Influence : You understand a variety of social cues and are quick to take advantage of them when you interact with others. When you exceed the DC of a Diplomacy check to improve a creature’s attitude by 5 or more, you need to spend only 1 extra minute interacting with the creature to improve its attitude by one additional category. In addition, you worsen a creature’s attitude only if you fail the Diplomacy check to improve its attitude by 10 or more.

Game Master S |

It's not Eselar's most silver-tongued work, but he's got enough in common that he manages to perk up the High chancellor's ears.
Unfortunately neither Alpha nor Iseph manage to make headway.
PHASE 1 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: SM Used, Committed to AC-16
Endre: Go
Eselar: Success
Iseph: SM Used, Committed to AC-16
Trylara: Go

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Trylara also goes to see the High Chancellor.
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Trylara also has a +2 insight bonus to influence Knights of Golarion.
She bows deeply. "It is a true honor to meet you, High Chancellor. I am another Knight Errand of the Knights of Golarion. I hope that the Starfinder Society and the Knights of Golarion can aid each other in the difficult time."
Diplomacy, SI, Knight of Golarion, bonus from Eselar: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 15 + (1) + 2 + 2 = 32

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Seeing his allies putting their efforts elsewhere, Endre goes to speak with Asthanad Zerkos.
Sense Motive (Free), Expertise: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 11 + (3) + 1 = 29

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Ohmarc Lightwalker, excited to be at the conference representing the Starfinders, approaches High Chancellor Melorian Cadusys.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
"Greetings, Chancellor Cadusys. I am Ohmarc Lightwalker at your service. I am a follower of the Dawnflower, but I am honored to meet a distinguished follower of the Spirit of Golarion."

Game Master S |

Sorry, forgot to ask what you wanted in some cases. I made a command decision, but don't forget when you make a Discovery check! I've fixed it on the tracker. I'm AFK until tomorrow afternoon after this post, so feel free to post another round.
Alpha makes solid progress, and while Trylara finds herself needing to move without insight, she does a solid job with the chancellor. Unfortunately, Iseph isn't so lucky.
Ohmarc gets a bit more insight, as does Endre!
PHASE 1 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Success
Endre: Go (SM Used)
Eselar: Success
Iseph: Fail
Ohmarc: Go (SM Used)
Trylara: Success

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"Blessings of glorious battle, reverend!" Endre greets Asthanad Zerkos, in his best booming voice, mustering up his most fierce orc expression.
Intimidate to Influence, Expertise: 1d20 + 19 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 19 + (5) + 1 = 29

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Round 2
Interested to meet Lady Nevis, Shadebringer of Zon-Kuthon, Eselar moves towards her and bow.
Greetings Shadebringer Nevis. I'm Eselar, Knight Errant of Golarion and follower of Iomedae. It's not everyday that I have the honor to meet a high ranking member of the Church of Zon-Kuthon. So please excuse some faux-pas on my part. As a traveler, I'm on my 5th year of my Tempering, I'm always eager to confront my views to outsider, and as a member of the Starfinder Society always blessed to meet people to help them.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

Game Master S |

Endre knows the way to go with Asthanad. Ohmarc falls short, but he can tell it's easily in his grasp.
Eselar moves to introduce himself to Shadebringer, "Well met, and a ...pleasure." She speaks quietly. She seems interested in conversation, though she won't be the one to drive it. Success. Do you want an Influence Skill, Bias, Weakness, Strength?
PHASE 2 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Go
Endre: Go
Eselar: Go (SM Used)
Iseph: Fail
Ohmarc: Go (SM Used)
Trylara: Go

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Alpha keeps trying to work on Accordant-Contemplater-16, confident that as, one synthetic to another, they will be able to get along just fine.
Diplomacy(Hireling): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35.

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Eselar engages her in conversation, eventually painting a picture. Nevis feels kinship with those who experience lasting wounds from their life experiences, whether those wounds are physical or mental. Any character with visible scars or other signs of past injury, or who reveals something to her that causes them mental or emotional turmoil, gains a bonus to influence.
Alpha makes progress on Accordant-Contemplater-16, finding commonality in their synthetic origins!
Endre knows the way to go with Asthanad. Ohmarc falls short, but he can tell it's easily in his grasp.
Eselar moves to introduce himself to Shadebringer, "Well met, and a ...pleasure." She speaks quietly. She seems interested in conversation, though she won't be the one to drive it. Success. Do you want an Influence Skill, Bias, Weakness, Strength?
PHASE 2 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Success
Endre: Go
Eselar: Go (SM Used)
Iseph: Fail
Ohmarc: Go (SM Used)
Trylara: Go

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” Chancellor Cadusys, I believe understanding of all the gods brings wisdom to each of us and furthers our understanding of our relationship to each other in the universe.”
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37

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Endre continues his conversation with Asthanad Zerkos, doing his best to maintain the bold, front-foot manner that the vesk seemed to respond to initially.
Intimidate, Expertise: 1d20 + 19 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 19 + (2) + 1 = 42

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Trylara keeps speaking with the High Chancellor. "I hope that this is not too bold to bring up with you, but my superiors at the Starfinder Society have asked us to seek assistance with finding the source of the Data Scourge. I know that the Church of Iomedae must be making great strides in helping those who have been harmed by it."
Diplomacy, SI, Knight of Golarion bonus, scenario bonus: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 15 + (4) + 2 + 2 = 31

Game Master S |

Ohmarc, Trylara and Endre show why they were picked for this mission. Both know exactly what to say and how to say it.
Ohmarc gets her to open up a fair bit. She shares her vision of the interfaith summit with you, with all faiths working together under the assumed leadership of Iomedae’s faithful, particularly herself.
PHASE 2 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Success
Endre: Success
Eselar: Go (SM Used)
Iseph: Fail
Ohmarc: Success
Trylara: Success

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Eselar engages the conversation with Shadebringer Nevis trying to find more about her.
Discovery (Target) Sense Motive (what skill do we need to convince her): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

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Eselar finds her to be enigmatic, and can't determine a good angle.
PHASE 3 of ?:
Minor NPCs
Melorian Cadusys - Asthanad Zerkos - Shadebringer Nevis - Accordant-Contemplater-16
GM Only
Alpha: Go
Endre: Go
Eselar: Go
Iseph: Go
Ohmarc: Go
Trylara: Go