EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)
About Eselar
Scenario Played:
#2-06 The Stumbling Society, Part 1
#2-00 Fate of the Scoured God
#1-26 Truth of the Seeker
#1-31 Treading History's Folly
#1-30 Survivor's Salvation
#1-25 The Beacon Code Dilemma
#1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion [mj]
#1-16 Dreaming of the Future
#1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!! [mj]
#1-12 Ashes of Discovery
#1-01 The Commencement [mj]
#AP1 (#1) Incident at Absalom Station [mj]
#Quest: Into the Unknown [mj]
Male Kasatha Tempered Pilgrim Mystic (Star Knight) 4 / Soldier 3
LG Medium humanoid (kasatha)
Init +4; Perception +15
EAC 20; KAC 22
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +12
Speed 35 ft.
SP 45 HP 49 RP 11
Melee Longsword, Sintered +13 (2d8+16 S; analog)
Ranged Reaction Cannon, light +6 (1d10+7 P; analog)
Str 22 (+6); Dex 10 (+0); Con 10 (+0); Int 12 (+1); Wis 20 (+5); Cha 13 (+1)
Skills Acrobatics (Dex) +6, Athletics (Str) +12, Bluff (Cha) +1, Culture (Int) +13, Diplomacy (Cha) +11, Disguise (Cha) +1, Intimidate (Cha) +5, Perception (Wis) +15, Medicine (Int) +6, Mysticism +16, Piloting (Dex) +0, Profession (Pr. in Psychology) +9, Sense Motive (Wis) +15, Stealth (Dex) +0, Survival (Wis) +11
Feats Proficiency (all), Weapon Focus (Advanced Melee), Cleave*, Weapon Specialization (all), Divine Blessing (Iomedae), Extra Resolve, Deadly Aim.
Languages Common, kasatha, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Vesk, Dwarf, Azlanti, Eoxian, Goblin, Terran, Ignan, Auran, Aquan, Jinsul, XXX, XXX.
Other Abilities Connection (Healing), four armed, Desert Stride, Historian, Natural Grace, Healing touch (Su), Fighting Style (Blitz), Melee Striker, Mindlink (Sp), Channel Skills +1 (Medecine, Mysticism), Armor Mastery (20%), Compelling Influence, Challenge.
Combat Gear Longsword, Reaction Cannon light ; Other Gear Golemforged Plating III (Jetpack, <open>), Clothing (professionnal), Toolkit (professional), Clothing (everyday), Society Subdermal Graft, mk II augmentation (strength), mk I augmentation (wisdom), fusion seal (merciful) (7), Library Chip (Culture), Library Chip (Mysticism), Barachius Helm, credstick (2,130 credits)
Healing Channel (Su) (4d8)
You can heal yourself and your allies. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to channel this energy. Healing yourself with channeled energy is a move action, healing an ally you touch is a standard action, and healing all allies within 30 feet is a full action. This energy restores 2d8 Hit Points and increases by 2d8 at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter.
Lifelink (Su)
At the start of each turn, you can choose an ally within 30 feet who has taken Hit Point damage and transfer her wounds to yourself, dealing an amount of damage up to your mystic level to your Hit Points (bypassing any Stamina Points you may have) and healing the ally’s Hit Points an equal amount. This doesn’t require any action on your part. You can’t prevent or reduce the damage you take from lifelink.
Challenge - 4th Level
As a champion of a knightly order, you can focus your fury and attention on a single foe, forcing it to face your wrath. As a full action, you can move up to your speed and make a single attack against a foe able to see and hear you. If you have the trick attack class feature and the weapon you use qualifies for a trick attack, you can make this attack as a trick attack. Whether or not you move or make an attack, you can attempt to demoralize that foe, as per the Intimidate skill task. If your base attack bonus is greater than your total Intimidate skill bonus, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your total Intimidate bonus for this skill check. If you succeed at this check, for the duration of the shaken effect, the target is also off-target for any attack it makes that does not include you as a target. Once you use this ability against a foe, regardless of the result of your demoralize attempt, you can’t use it on that target again for 24 hours.
Tempered Pilgrim : You have read and studied much in your eagerness to learn about and experience new cultures, and you often know about them before you encounter them. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about a culture’s customs and related topics by 5. In addition, whenever you take a rank in Culture, you learn to speak and read two new languages instead of one. Culture is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.
Compelling Influence : You understand a variety of social cues and are quick to take advantage of them when you interact with others. When you exceed the DC of a Diplomacy check to improve a creature’s attitude by 5 or more, you need to spend only 1 extra minute interacting with the creature to improve its attitude by one additional category. In addition, you worsen a creature’s attitude only if you fail the Diplomacy check to improve its attitude by 10 or more.
Hero of the Stars (Starship Boon; Limited Use): You defeated the dreaded Besmaran pirate ship, Lawblight, showcasing your determination during an intense starship combat. This boon activates anytime your starship is reduced to 0 or fewer Hull Points. Your starship immediately regains a number of Hull Points equal to its tier × 5. A starship can never regain more than 30 Hull Points in this manner. A starship can never have more than one of these boons attached to it. When this boon activates, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Starfinder Insignia (Slotless Boon): Venture-Captain Arvin presented you with a commemorative insignia in gratitude for your services to the Starfinder Society. Although it appears to be an ordinary medal showing the symbol of the Starfinder Society, this insignia can store as much information as a common tier-1 datapad. Unless told about this secret, a non-Starfinder must succeed at a DC 20 Perception or Sense Motive check to realize the insignia is a storage device. This insignia is worth 0 credits and cannot be sold.
[ ] [ ] [ ] Faction’s Friend (Social Boon; Limited Use): By assisting various factions of the Starfinder Society, you have proven yourself as a dependable asset. By slotting this boon, if you would fail to earn Fame at the end of an adventure by failing to fulfill a success condition, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. Doing so reminds your current championed faction of your past exploits, and you still earn 1 Reputation (but no Fame) with that faction as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You can use this boon only if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure.
Marked Field Agent (Slotless Boon): Having met the amalgam of intelligences known as Guidance, you have successfully completed your induction into the Starfinder Society. The Society offered you a subdermal implant as part of your commencement. You receive this augmentation for free. If you declined to receive the augmentation, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
Street Cred: Absalom Station (Social Boon): Once per scenario as a free action, you may recollect your dealing with the gangs of Absalom station to provide insight into dealing with other gangers. Doing do grants you a +1 insight bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made when interacting with street gangs or other suitable gang-like groups at the GM’s discretion. You also gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against members of a street gang. Both bonuses increase to +2 if the gang members belong to a gang based on Absalom Station. These bonuses last for 1 minute.
Heart Friend Forever (Ally Boon): During a concert on Songbird Station, you met BurgundyBear, an avid collector of Strawberry Machine Cake paraphernalia. You chose to trade away your prized limited-edition release copy of the Star Sugar Heartlove!!! album in exchange for material goods—but more importantly, you earned the heartfelt thanks of BurgundyBear. Shortly after this trade, you received a personalized thank-you message from BurgundyBear, marking her as belonging to the Pact Worlds’ official embassy in the Veskarium. When slotting this boon, you can call upon your new friend to temporarily assign you a diplomatic attaché familiar with the Veskarium. This attaché knows how to speak Common and Vesk. Their presence grants a +4 bonus to all checks you make to influence skittermanders, vesk, or other residents of the Veskarium. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons.
[ ] Scoured Stars Memorial (Social Boon): Thanks to your efforts on Songbird Station, the Starfinder Society earned immense publicity from the Strawberry Machine Cake concert. Organizations and people across the Pact Worlds now go out of their way to assist the Starfinder Society. You can check the box next to this boon to do one of the following:
• Ignore the Fame cost of having your body recovered.
• Ignore the Fame cost of purchasing the Starship Towing boon.
• Reduce the Fame cost of receiving a raise dead by 4.
Tip of the Conspiracy (Unidentified Boon): You assisted Historia-7 in learning about a growing conspiracy against
the Starfinder Society, though the trail of clues seemingly ended at Songbird Station. This boon represents your involvement in thwarting one of the conspiracy’s plans. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons. Future scenarios calling on this boon will specify what boon slot it must be slotted in.
Dream Whispers (Ally Boon): Because you researched its dreamspun tales, the Liavaran Dreamer known as Whisperer of Solar Winds has taken an interest in you. When you slot this boon, the Dreamer imparts some knowledge to you in the form of a cryptic comment that may prove helpful later in your mission. Once per adventure, anytime you miss an attack or fail a saving throw, you can call upon the Dreamer’s mysterious message. You immediately count your roll as being 2 higher, which may allow you to hit your target or to succeed on your save. If you roll a natural 1 on your attack or save, you cannot use this ability.
Private Vault (Slotless Boon; Vanity): The staff of the Communion Vaults takes note of your actions in helping to resolve Whisperer of Solar Winds’ dreamspun tales. The staff provide you with a reasonable space of your own within the Communion Vaults. This 20-by-20-foot square chamber can be used to store any major magical finds you’ve recovered or purchased during your travels. You can bring any number of creatures into this space whenever you like. While this chamber is mostly a personal accomplishment and an area you can show off to others, it does have one tangible benefit: the entire area within your vault is warded by a nondetection effect (caster level 10th).
[ ] Counter Innovation (Slotless Boon; Limited-Use): You curtailed a dangerous threat to Absalom Station: a bodysnatcher slime clinic. Doing so brought these slimes into the light so the Society can study them. You can check the box that precedes this boon to use your Downtime to work with Society engineers to come up with a better defense against these slimes. This earns you the cerebral countermeasures biotech augmentation (Starfinder Alien Archive 2 19) for only 3,000 credits. This biotech upgrade is unique to your physiology and can be resold for only 300 credits.
Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 6 (Unidentified Boon): You learned about the mentrasi, the species who received the relic that led First Seeker Jadnura into the Scoured Stars. During this journey, you also learned far more about the Scoured Stars’ history, as well as the existence of its deity, Kadrical. This boon represents your character’s involvement in this critical step toward solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps toward unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique benefit to be detailed on a future Chronicle sheet.
[ ][ ]Spirits of a Doomed People (Ally Boon): You saved the spirits of those mentrasi bound to the strange menhir in the lost city of Xaharee. While these spirits have passed on to their final judgment, some still linger around you, wishing to repay the favor you’ve done for their people. When this boon is slotted and you have 0 Hit Points and are dying, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. You immediately gain 1 Hit point and 2d8 temporary Hit Points, as one of the mentrasi spirits temporarily rejuvenates you. You can activate this boon without spending an action even if it is not your turn, though you cannot activate it after being attacked but before damage is dealt. You can only benefit from this effect once in a 24-hour period. Once the final box is checked, this boon can no longer be slotted.
Overcome the Past (Slotless; Limited Use): You have returned to the Scoured Stars, beat back the jinusls, and sprititually conquered the star system that nearly doomed the Starfinder Society. You gain 4 Fame.
Savior of the Scoured Stars (Social Boon): You took part in the Startfinder Society's momentous victory in the Scoured Stars. Whether for good or ill, people know you were a part of this endeavor. While you have this boon slotted, once per session, you can reroll any skill check made to represent a positive view of the Starfinder Society to an NPC. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons.
Defender of the Fleet (Starship Boon): During the return to the Scoured Stars, you partook in at least one starship combat mission to assist the evacuation of the stranded Starfinders. As a result, your name has spread throughout the engineers and dockmasters of the Starfinder fleet. Whenever you slot this boon, you can pick one of the following options:
Finest Computers: You can improve the computers onboard your starship by one step: from a mononode to a duonode, or from a duonode to a trinode. Alternatively, you can upgrade the computer’s bonus by 1 while this boon is slotted (to a maximum of +8).
Finest Engines: You can increase the speed of your thrusters by one step. For example, T6 thrusters become T8 thrusters. You cannot use this boon to upgrade beyond the fastest thrusters commonly available for your size of starship (so you cannot upgrade past T14, S12, M12, L10, H10, G8 or C8 thrusters.)
Finest Weapons: Each of the weapons on your starship is the best available in the Starfinder fleet. When you roll damage, you can reroll any damage dice with a result of 1 on the die; you must keep the second result.
Bulwark Buster (Exo-Guardians Reputation Tier 2, Personal): One day, the Star!nder Society and the Exo-Guardians will reclaim Sangoro’s Bulwark, and when they do, you’ll be prepared to take the vanguard. This boon grants you a +2 bonus to all skill checks made within Sangoro’s Bulwark and could have other special uses in adventures that return to the Bulwark. You can slot this boon only if you have a Reputation Tier of 2 or higher with the Exo-Guardians faction.
Drat That Rat! (Slotless): While you survived the many traps and obstacles laid throughout the former Exo-Guardian arsenal, the cunning ysoki Datch and her associates beat you to the prize. Datch is smart, but you’ve got the resources of the entire Star!nder Society behind you. That should be enough to turn things around, right? This boon will have a special bene!t if you have it when you complete Star!nder Society Scenario #2–07: The Stumbling Society, Part 2: Sangoro’s Gifts.
Knights of Golarion Affiliation (Social Boon): The Knights of Golarion have noticed your actions and offered you their support. You hold an unofficial title "knight errant" and are expected to act with honor while performing your Starfinder Society duties. The Knights of Golarion are a crusading army with strong ties to the goddess Iomedae. They crusade against evil and have a particular enmity with evil outsiders.
Benefit: When you have this boon slotted, you gain a +2 insight bonus on all skill checks to influence members of the Knights of Golarion (Starfinder Core Rulebook 478). You gain a +1 moral bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made against evil dragons and evil outsiders. If you ever gain infamy while this boon is slotted, cross this boon off you Chronicle sheet.
Nanite Corruption (Personal Boon): During a routine medical procedure, you found yourself infected with a set of corrupted nannies. These microscopic robots gone haywire and afflict you with a lingering corruption that slowly takes over your body.
Benefit: When you earn this boon, you can select one of the three manifestations listed below. You immediately gain the effects of the Gift and Stain associated with these manifestations.
Special: You must slot this boon in your Personal boon slot when slotting boons for an adventure. If you have another boon in your Personal boon slot, then this boon instead takes up one of your non-Starship boon slots (you can decide which when slotting boons for that session). If you already posses a corruption-based boon, this this boon has no effect.
Unlike a regular corruption, you do not roll to see if your corruption progresses, but instead you reduce your total Resolve Point by 1 when slotting this boon. This represents your ongoing struggle against the corruption. You cannot regain this Resolve Point by any means while this boon is slotted.
At any point, you can spend 8 fames to cross this boon off. If you previously took the Corruption's Gift Feat (Starfinder Adventure Path #12: Heart of Night 52) or take it in the future, you can select the manifestation you selected for this boon and continue benefiting from it.
Nanite Healing
The nannies in your body are exceptional at repairing damages, though their presence makes you more susceptible to electrical discharges.
Gift: Anytime you receive Hit Point healing, you gain an additional 2 Hit Points per die rolled.
Stain: You gain vulnerability to electricity: you take half again as much damage (+50%) when you take electricity damages