Prey for Death

Game Master andreww


The Red Mantis Assassins have conducted assassinations in the name of Achaekek for thousands of years. As a team of Mantis you have recently completed a task for the organisation. Discuss amongst yourselves and choose one of the following:

Your group was hired to assassinate someone in the area. You completed the task a few nights ago and just met with your client, who paid you handsomely for the service in gold.

Your group just finished doing a complex and dangerous favor for a powerful individual or organization, and has gained access to that person’s or group’s secrets.

Your group just completed a treasure hunt, perhaps one that led into a deadly dungeon or had you digging up a buried chest—regardless, you are now richer than you were before!

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

The mission we just finished was just way too tiring. And dirty. And, we had to associate with the dregs of society.

I am glad to have helped, but, really, I'm late for a party.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Awakened Animal, Climbing, Golden Scarab Beetle Imperial Sorcerer 14, Fighter Archetype: Speed:25, Swim:15, Climb:25, Burrow:15, AC:35 (Bonuses vs Ranged), 10 Fire Resistance, HP:177/177, Fort:23, Ref:23, Will:20, Perception:20, Stealth:24

Phew that was close, but we did it Treasure Recovered

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

What 's wrong with dirty? I like getting dirty. Actually, I'm dirty right now. What party, can I come?
treasure recovered

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

With the swag from completing the latest mission, I've increased the +'s on each of my weapons to +2, bought a Jaathoom's Scarf, a Spacious Pouch I, and a pair of Charlatan's Gloves.

I do hope we rendezvous at the usual spot, The Second Hydra Pub. I'll go there now...

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

The Second Hydra Pub became the group's parlor quickly after they have been tossed together by Blood Mistress Jakalyn. It was not the classiest of places, as Tomas would probably prefer, but those tend to reject the rest of Tomas' party, Skarn included.

Skarn Firetongue is a goblin of short stature, standing at just over 3 feet tall, with a wiry, agile frame. His skin is a mottled dark green with patches of ashen gray, as though kissed by fire and smoke. His large, bat-like ears are tattered at the edges, a testament to close encounters with danger, and his sharp yellow eyes gleam with a mischievous intelligence, always scanning his surroundings for opportunities.

His most striking feature, however, is his mouth—where a sly grin meets the burn of an oracle’s curse. His teeth are sharp and jagged, but his tongue is a deep, unnatural red, perpetually glowing with faint embers. Occasionally, tiny wisps of flame escape when he speaks, giving him his "Firetongue" moniker.

His clothes are a mix of practical leathers, dark and well-worn for stealth, but adorned with scorched and singed accents, hinting at his connection to flame. He wears a hooded cloak and a strange veil most of the time, though his face often pokes out with a devilish grin. Strapped to his side is an ever-burning blade, alongside a shiny shield that clashes with the rest of the rugged outfit. A closer observation of the scrap blade that only Goblins would call a sword, commonly and collectively called a dogslicer, reveals that it was once a sawtooth sabre, but the top half has or was broken away.

Skarn’s hands and forearms bear burn scars, not from accidents but seemingly a mark of his Oracle’s curse. A faint trail of smoke often lingers around him and his skin is hot to the touch, as if he’s always been near fire, or perhaps, the fire is always near him.

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

"Well met, Skarn. Can I get you something? They don't have the finest, but, I'm sure I can find you something hot. Or spicy."

The four of you are relaxing in a private booth at the back of the Second Hydra Pub, congratulating yourselves on a job well done. With a bang, the door swings open, letting in a swirl of wind and rain. A figure, hooded and cloaked, makes it way towards your table. As he arrives he seats himself and sweeps back his red hooded cloak to reveal a brown skinned half elf with long white hair and leather armour the colour of old blood.

All of you recognise him as a man named Vatun, a close ally of Jakalyn and highly placed courier. Agents in the field are often contacted by couriers such as him with new missions. He catches the eye of a barmaid and mutters, Wine, the best you have.

As she bustles off he turns to you, I congratulate you on your success however a new target has been selected for a visit from He Who Walks. Tell me, what do you know about the Land of the Linnorm Kings?

Anyone who wans to can give me a society check.

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

Society: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

The shabby Goblin was startled by Tomas' offer as he did not expect the courtesy. Well, While you're at it, of course. But you won't find anything hot enough. Everything's cold in comparison...BUt spicy I can do, I like that suggestion!

Uh, that's Vatun, the Blood Mistress must have important business with us... Skarn thought.
The Linnorm Kingdoms? It's cold up there. I could do with a little cold for a change... Skarn only stated the obvious, while trying to remember about the lands.

Society: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

Envoy's Alliance

Male Awakened Animal, Climbing, Golden Scarab Beetle Imperial Sorcerer 14, Fighter Archetype: Speed:25, Swim:15, Climb:25, Burrow:15, AC:35 (Bonuses vs Ranged), 10 Fire Resistance, HP:177/177, Fort:23, Ref:23, Will:20, Perception:20, Stealth:24

society: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27 And thanks.

A man of medium height, with dark hair and a moderately masculine appearance, but not too memorable, nods. After taking a sip of wine, he says softly, it's somewhere in the North.

The gestures and voice are soft, but in confident and precise movements you can sometimes guess an experienced warrior. The clothes are as neutral as possible, there seems to be no armor at all. He has two swords, but while they are hidden in a worn scabbard, their quality is difficult to judge.

The only thing that gives him something special is his eyes. Cold, piercing, attentive, indifferent. The killer's eyes.

Cool post, Scarn! By the way, it will be nice if Tomas and Jax describe themselves too.

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

Well, to describe Tomas is to be unable to find the correct words.

It is possible he has some elfin ancestry. His ears aren't pointed, but, aren't quite round either. He is tall, but not as thin as the elves are. Muscular, but not like a fighter or acrobat.

He wears the latest fashion, and wears it well. A colorful waistcoat, tight breeches, a cravat, and ruffled shirt. He is careful to not get his clothes dirty, and often has an embroidered handkerchief to keep away the smells of those he must associate with.

He wears gloves, and has a whip at his side.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Awakened Animal, Climbing, Golden Scarab Beetle Imperial Sorcerer 14, Fighter Archetype: Speed:25, Swim:15, Climb:25, Burrow:15, AC:35 (Bonuses vs Ranged), 10 Fire Resistance, HP:177/177, Fort:23, Ref:23, Will:20, Perception:20, Stealth:24

He's a golden Scarab beetle, but bigger than a normal sized one.
Tiny 15" Long, 3" Wide, 5" High. 18 LBS. And he is wearing breastplate armor, even though he's a sorcerer.

Well, thats some consistent rolling.

All of you are aware that the Linnorm Kingdoms are in the far north, they are cold, often barbaric, lands where rulership is gained by defeating one of the legendary Linnorms. The region is harsh and unforgiving and often in conflict with the neighbouring kingdom of Irrisen.

Vatum leans forward. Your target is a rather notorious priest of Gorum, General Ordulf Bladecaller. The General is an Ulfen man, born in a now destroyed fishing village along the shores of Glacier Lake in Irrisen. He escaped from the winter witches of Irrisen as a young man and fled west, eventually seeking shelter in the neighboring Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Rumours are that he personally wrestled one of the chicken-legged animated huts that guards the borders of Irrisen to the ground which swiftly won him acclaim and respect in the eastern regions of the Linnorm Kingdoms.

Ordulf earned the byname “Bladecaller” for his intimidating nature. He had a noteworthy tendency to win conflicts through insults alone even before drawing a blade—his words, many say, cut as deep as any sword or axe.

Today, Ordulf’s standing in the church of Gorum is obscure. Some rumors say that he is one of the god’s favorites and been blessed so that he cannot be killed, while others insist that he’s turned to other sinister powers to ensure his longevity and that his faith in Gorum is a sham. Of note, all those who confronted Ordulf on matters of his faith were swiftly slain by the warlord. Ordulf wields a frost greatsword and a wounding battleaxe capable of fighting on its own at his side in battle.

Ordulf single-handedly slaughtered a clan of adlets who had taken residence in an ancient dwarven fortress in the foothills of the Stormspear Mountains. Now renamed Crownhold, this fortress is his seat of power. The closest settlement to Crownhold is a remote trading post called Glacier’s Rest. Recent rumors say that Ordulf is preparing his forces to wage war against Trollheim, the capital of the kingdom of Hagreach in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, rather than following local tradition and killing a linnorm to become a king. Many in Hagreach and kingdoms beyond see this as an affront to tradition, but Ordulf’s reputation is such that none dare oppose him—least of all King Freyr Darkwine, who arrogantly considers Ordulf to be a “mountain-squatting troll” and not worth his time to even consider a threat.

The call for Ordulf’s assassination reached the Red Mantis via many whispers. While none in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings would dare claim responsibility for setting these events in motion, the assassination of General Ordulf Bladecaller, a man who would abuse his position of power to usurp the rightful traditions of rule, is now a matter for us. You are to return to Ilizmagorti once the deed is done with his personal religious symbol in hand as offering of respect to Achaekek.

I have made arrangements for you to join a caravan heading to Glacier's Rest which leaves in two weeks which should give you plenty of time to get there and provide you with a useful cover for being in the area. Do you have any questions?

Anyone who wants can give me a Society check to recall knowledge or Diplomacy check to gather information to see what you know about Glacier's Rest

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

Society for Glacier's Rest: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
Religion for Gorum: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (16) + 25 = 41
Kill a Gorumite, hein? That'll be a tough battle, if done on their terms. But Gorum and his followers hate Achaekek's way of doing things. So we shall be extra stealthy! He said towards the table making little silent steps with his fingers on the table to support his words.

He turns toward Vatum and points at Tomas. We probably don't know nothing about that Glacier's Rest place, but Tomas can surely ask around dig stuff up.

so I understand, we have two weeks to gather information and buy stuff we might need and then several weeks of ship travel north?

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

"Well, he sounds like a brute. Flying in the face of tradition. I even doubt they have decent parties there. It'll be good riddance to a brute pretending to nobility."

Society: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (16) + 23 = 39

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (7) + 25 = 32

Its a couple of weeks to get to Kalsgard and then a week or so of travel to reach Glaciers Rest. There is no religion check for the General, you can assume you know most common stuff about Gorum.

Putting your heads together and asking around a bit you learn that Glacier's Rest is a large, if remote town. The locals are strongly associated with the Gorumite faith and those wearing heavy armour or wielding greatswords will have an easier time interacting with the locals. Those who mock his faith will face a much more difficult position.

On the issue of how openly to operate, opinion is divided. While generally Red Mantis avoid exposing who they are, at least until they complete their mission, openly wielding Red Mantis weapons and armour may well help to intimidate the locals.

You have heard of a local merchant, Gunilla Crowfriend, a human woman who runs a small market where low level magic items can be purchased. While most non magical equipment can be located here, especially anything to do with logging mining, trapping and transportation, very little of a magical nature is likely to be available.

Glacier's Rest is a mighty level 5 settlement, nothing over that will be available so make sure you make any purchases you want beforehand as there wont be much available in town.

Vatum makes to leave, stopping momentarily to say, The caravan you are joining will only stay in town for a couple of days. You should try and complete your mission by then. After they leave you will be far more conspicuous and that will risk your early exposure. Good luck.

It will be interesting if the rumors are confirmed on the spot and it turns out that he betrayed not only the traditions of the rule of his people, but eventually his god.

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

While Tomas is gathering up the necessary information, Skarn visits his local black market dealer and gets himself a Masquerade Scarf and a Disguise Kit. I wonder, why I don't have one. I think I did. Hm. Maybe I used it all up.
Then he walks into the local blacksmith shop and buys four used greatswords. He can barely walk under the weight of the swords and quickly stows them in his bag if holding. I'm refusing to use the new name!

Good ideas, Scarne. You're resourceful. Paradoxical goblin thinking. Adam nods to his colleague as he walks with him through the market.

I like the idea of buying us all two-handed swords and Gorum symbols. I am sure that He Who Walks in Blood will not be offended by such a trick. I'll buy a scarf a Masquerade Scarf and a Disguise Kit too.

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

"So, we'll be Gorumites? How droll."

Tomas will purchase an Elite Disguise kit and a silver Religious Symbol of Gorum.

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

you want your swords now, or should I keep them in my bag? , Skarn asks the others while laughing.

will we play out the travel, or can we skip to the town?

We are skipping to the town. I take it you all plan to disguise yourselves as Gorumites which is fine.

The trip to the north is long, cold and tedious. The life of a caravan guard is dull enough at the best of times but the trip is almost entirely uneventful. The most you have to do is scare off the occasional overly curious predator. Anything else has enough sense to stay away from the large, heavily armoured wagons.

As you approach the town you see that it crouches atop an upthrust escarpment of stone that looms a hundred feet above the surrounding plains. To the north stand the formidable Stormspear Mountains, while a treacherous-looking trail consisting of three switchbacks ascends the ridge to the town from the trade road that winds into the distance to
the east and west.

The town itself is bordered by further defenses—palisades of pine that block the frigid winds and deny townsfolk a view of the southern tundra, further accenting the dominance of the mountains to the north. Clusters of log cabins, alehouses, trading posts, and storehouses huddle together around a massive longhouse, ribbons of smoke reaching to the sky through holes on either end of the town’s largest building. A single track winds north from town into the mountains—the only indication that this remote settlement is not the last bastion against the frozen wilderness to the north.

The caravan makes it way up the trail and makes camp just inside the walls. The caravan Master, a large, red faced, man named Hamish tells you that he will be staying here for two days and your time is your own after you finish unloading some of the material. He has arranged for lodging for all of the workers in the common room at the Hatchet and Barrel. He tells you he will be staying at the Frosty Stein but makes it very clear he does not expect to be bothered by you.

Heading to the Hatchet you find the place is a low dive, the common room is filthy and the beds look worse. It's run by a surly looking man called Vid who has little time for anyone. It seems like a good idea not to stash any of your stuff here, if a patron didnt steal it then Vid certainly would.

Making some enquiries you easily learn that Crownhold (Ordulf's fortress) lies four or five miles up the trail, into the mountains.

OK, at this point we have the start of an infiltration. Now, you could choose a very direct route, make your way to Crownhold, break in and slaughter everyone. That would probably mean fighting everyone at once and all of you being killed but it could work. However, it would also be very unlike the Mantis. You have two days to make various different preparations. There are lots of different activities you can undertake, each of which has different types of benefits to them or down sides if you fail. You can each attempt a maximum of two activities per day, so you get four total each. You can take longer but the caravan leaves after two days and so if you continue to prepare you become increasingly obvious. I will set out the activities in the next post. Please only make one check and also feel free to add some description to what you are doing and how you are doing it. The assumption is that you talk to each other after each round of checks so you can plan the next action.

All of these checks are secret so please just tell me which of them you want to use, your modifier and level of proficiency. Your infiltration options are as follows:

You create a single-use tool specially designed for infiltrating the fortress, such as a camouflaged cloak that perfectly matches Crownhold’s stonework, forged invitations to a war council, etchings on armor to match those worn by Crownhold’s guards, or the like.

Skill: Crafting

You seek out and learn secret information about General Ordulf Bladecaller.

Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidation, Society, Gorum Lore or Warfare Lore.

You learn key information about Crownhold through interviews and investigation.

Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidation, Society or Dwarven Lore.

You organize an attention-grabbing event that’s primed to occur during your infiltration of the fortress. This might be an explosion, a fire, or other crisis.

Skills: Deception, Performance, Religion, or Society.

You attempt to get close enough to Crownhold to observe it for a period of time while remaining unseen.

Skills: Stealth or Scouting Lore. If you have a means of becoming invisible or similar magical aid, adjust your rolled result up by one degree of success (with GM approval). This will very much depend on how long/often you can become invisible for.

Requirements Your last exploration action was to Approach Crownhold and you did not critically fail.

You study Crownhold from several vantage points, examining its layout, likely complications, and defenses.

Skills: Perception, Stealth, Survival, Architecture Lore, Scouting Lore, or Warfare Lore.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Awakened Animal, Climbing, Golden Scarab Beetle Imperial Sorcerer 14, Fighter Archetype: Speed:25, Swim:15, Climb:25, Burrow:15, AC:35 (Bonuses vs Ranged), 10 Fire Resistance, HP:177/177, Fort:23, Ref:23, Will:20, Perception:20, Stealth:24

Jax will approach the Crownhold as the tiny creature hides behind walls, chairs, tables whatever else that even small creatures wouldn't normally hide behind. As well as obvious spots that all creatures of all sizes would pick. (stealth 24).

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

Nice, I've never used the Infiltration system. I'm eager to RP it

After finishing unloading, the party agrees upon to split. They can cover more ground that way and don't risk getting associated with each other.
So, I guess it's clear for everyone that we need to find an inconspicuous way inside the fortress. Skarn explained in a tone that misses the respect his peers had earned.
While you're out, doing whatever it is you do, I'll hide among our caravan and keep doing what I started before we set off. I'll prepare some disguises and superficial modifications to our armor in such way that we might just pass for a Crownhold Guard. So please make sure to come by one after another regularly. I'll start with my own...

Crafting: +21 if rolled or 30 if using Assurance!

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

Tomas will make a Discreet Inquiry to learn secret information about General Ordulf Bladecaller. Especially if the general will be attending a social function.

Diplomacy is +25

Skarn Firetongue wrote:
Crafting: +21 if rolled or 30 if using Assurance!

You need to decide whether or not you want to use assurance.

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120
GMAndrewW wrote:
Skarn Firetongue wrote:
Crafting: +21 if rolled or 30 if using Assurance!
You need to decide whether or not you want to use assurance.

I'll make the assumption that this should be an easy task and thus I can do it using Assurance!

Skarn spends some time mingling with locals, grabbing odd bits of uniforms and gear and the odd other bits and pieces to put together some rough and ready uniforms. They look like they may be serviceable to use should things go wrong but you will only be sure once they are put to the test.

As a secret check you dont get to know if it is a pass or not. However, mechanically, preparing tools successfully gives you a leverage point (these are called edge points in the infiltration system). If, once you move into the actual infiltration, you come across an obstacle where these tools could help you can spend a leverage point to upgrade a fail or critical fail to a pass. Of course, if this was a fail then they wont work and all hell might break loose.

Jax sneaks up the trail towards the fortress of Crownhold. Its a good four or five miles to get there and he finds clear evidence that the place is guarded by roving patrols but, fortunately, he does not encounter one. He manages to wedge himself in a crack in the cliffs a few hundred yards away. From the vantage point he can see that the fortress is built into the side of the mountain and there is almost no cover approaching it across the tundra. There are two large gates on the ground level, a battlement with some sort of siege engines on the first floor and a second floor which is smaller than the first.

Having approached the Fortress you may try scouting it out as your next action.

Tomas spends some time getting to know the locals. With his disguise as a Gorumite he fits in pretty well and makes friends easily. He spends some time at the Frosty Stein talking to Gundar Icebreaker, the Innkeeper and at Massive Arms, the local smithy, talking to Tholl the Thrice Burned. The first thing that becomes very apparent is that the idea of a social function here is fantastical. Glacier's Rest is a remote, hard, and sometimes dangerous town which serves Crownhold and the local miners, trappers and foresters. The biggest social function is the weekly hatchet throwing competitions at the Frosty Stein.

On the topic of Ordulf the locals are more than happy to talk. They boast about their loyalty to Ordulf, how impressive he is as a warrior and that he has been blessed by Gorum himself. Most agree that this blessing means that he cannot die in battle, even if he is defeated Gorum will raise him up to fight on repeatedly.

Ordulf benefits from Gorums Major Boon. At this point you have learned most of what you can with this activity, there is more but it requires a critical succss.

Everyone can go ahead and give me their second choice of actiivty, Adam can give me his first two.

Goblin Thief Rogue Oracle 14 | HP 174/174, AC 35 (+2), F +22, R +28, W +22 | Fire res 7 | Perc +25, Stealth +27 | Speed 40 ft | Focus 3/3 | Shield HP 120/120

I hope that bug doesn't mess things up for us. He didn't report back, so he's probably still out scouting. He's tiny so he might not get spotted easily, but still...he doesn't talk much, so I don't know whether to trust him, if you know what I mean, Skarn said to Tomas, when the Half-elf showed up for measuring the makeshift guard uniform.
What do you think?, he asked. He clearly had moved on to the next topic and asked about the design and fit of the uniform.

Later, when Adam was back. Skarn opened up about another idea he had. You know, these Gorumites are all battle-ready, warmongering idiots? They will take any excuse to get into a fight. So while we were on the ship, I was bored and I drew this. He presented a piece of paper with a pencil drawing. Not a masterpiece, but clearly a sort of caricature of a large figure resembling Gorum, except the figure was wearing a hooded cloak and a dagger. I call it Norgorum. They're gonna hate it so much. He laughed manically.

preparing a timely distraction The crafty Goblin will draw as many copies of the leaflet as he has time for and put them in a basket that will be discovered during the ifiltration.
Religion +25

Rogue Assassin Dandy Swashbuckler 14 | AC 33 | HP 120 | Perc/Init +23 | Decep 27 | Acro 26 | Dipl, Perf, Thiev 25 | Society +23 | Athl 22 | Intim 21 | Stealth 20 | Crafting, Games Lore, Gossip Lore, Occult 19 | Medicine, Nature, Survival 17

Tomas will orchestrate a timely distraction. In particular, he will arrange for many prostitutes, drug dealers, and other wanton folk to arrive at the appropriate time and create a scene.

Deception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (3) + 27 = 30

Hero Point Deception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (6) + 27 = 33

Envoy's Alliance

Male Awakened Animal, Climbing, Golden Scarab Beetle Imperial Sorcerer 14, Fighter Archetype: Speed:25, Swim:15, Climb:25, Burrow:15, AC:35 (Bonuses vs Ranged), 10 Fire Resistance, HP:177/177, Fort:23, Ref:23, Will:20, Perception:20, Stealth:24

Jax will now Observe the Stronghold now that he has approached it (Stealth 24).

Skarn spends some time creating a bunch of anti Gorumite propaganda and stuffs them in a basket of onions destined for the kitchens of Crownhold. Time will tell whether or not the Gorumites have a sense of humour.

Thomas spends some time arranging for various distractions to be delivered to the fortress along with the supply delivery. The town lacks much in the way of drug dealers but he can arrange for various diversions to be delivered along with the supplies.

Thomas, these are secret checks and as such I will make them. You wont know if you have succeeded or not. As such you generally cannot hero point reroll them although you can specify circumstances in which you want to use a hero point.

Jax spends time watching the fortress. He cannot get too close as there is no cover and there are clearly patrols and guards about. However, his patience is rewarded late in the day. As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows over the valley, a huge white bird take wing from the roof. It circles the area, the shadow of its wings massive on the tundra. Jax feels very small beneath its icy stare. It swoops down, snatching up an unwary elk and then flies back to the roof. The piteous sounds of the animals death cries echo across the frozen landscape.

As the cold begins closing in Jax is forced to beat a hasty retreat back to town.

DC34 Nature:

The bird is a Frost Roc. If you succeed let me know what you would like to know.

I am going to wait for Adam to post before moving us along.

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