DM DoctorEvil |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I was notified I have control of the thread now. I did change the title slightly.
I have two more tasks to do, and then we can begin the Gameplay again in earnest. First task is to review each of the characters builds, so I am familiar with them. This may lead to some specific questions and some things that need sorted out.
Second, i need to go back and track the Influence points gained in the opening scene for future use.
I am away from home this weekend, Fri AM to Mon PM, so it may not be until then that we are live again. Hopefully sooner.
LMK if there are other questions, concerns, or issues to address from prior GMing.
Tееla |
Hey all, I am leaving for the weekend. I probably won't be available until late Sunday, potentially Monday. Just a heads up.
DM DoctorEvil |
Finished the last two reviews.
Selina looks good except it appears you have one skill too many. Rogue stealth +7 + warfare lore +1 INT. But you have 11 listed. I show Selina with 2.9 gp left after purchases.
It seems Teela has no issues. She has 0.29gp left.
With that, all the audits are done. I expect to get the action in the middle of the night, in the hall of Lady Jamandi's manor picked back up on Monday PM when I get back home.
Alvis Naylamahal |
Sorry to take so long to reply, trying to see why Pathbuilder have my left over funds as 2 GP 3 sp while you have 2 GP 4 sp. Not a big deal either way but I found that my use of the Quick Equipment kit for the Cleric was an error as it gives a free bonus of 2x caltrops.
I have fixed the equipment list and have added a new pathbuilder link. I, however, did not find a clear reason for the discrepancy. I can only speculate that perhaps the clothing was not counted as a cost Edit: by you. I searched by PDF of the PC1 and found no reference to any free clothing as existed in previous editions. If not that then I am at a loss to as to why.
Not a big deal 1 sp doesn't matter that much. I am good with whatever you decide DM DoctorEvil.
DM DoctorEvil |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
As we prepare to get the story going again, I want to reset the scene and allow for the introduction of the new characters.
If you were playing before, you will recall that an invitation to the Lady Jamandi's led to a dinner-party where the PCs interacted with various NPCs currying favor with a few, while alienating at least one. After the dinner, the guests were led upstairs to the west wing where several bedchambers had been arranged. Awakening at around 3am when a bump in the night was heard, the party opened their door to find a group of assassins had slain one of the Manor guard. A quick combat ensued. Selina dispatched one of the killers immediately, while coordinated efforts of the rest led to the felling off all three visible attackers. Fenric suffered a set of serious wounds, but was restored to full health by the ministration of Quintessa and some divine magic from Thark -- who seems to have disappeared, no one knows where.
Teela was just checking at the room next door, where sounds of struggle were audible. She opened the door to find that Alvis and Graham, members of a rival team seeking charters in the Stolen Lands, were the only survivors of another ambush by the same killers with teardrops tattooed on their faces. The surviving pair bested two more assassins, just as Teela opened the bedchamber door.
Thus the scene remains that Teela is at the second chamber door, while Graham and Alvis, who barely know each other but are at least acquainted look around in fear and confusion, while Selina, Quintessa, and Fenric stand in the outer chamber recovering from a quick brutal fight of their own.
Nearly all the heroes are unarmored as they were taken unaware in their sleep, and they carry only the first weapon they could grab, not a full pack. I don't believe any resources were expended on the first encounter, besides a spell from Thark who is no longer active.
This is where we will pick up the action tomorrow when I get back from travels. The situation is very fluid, but if there is something I missed or you need more clarity on, let's discuss here first.
DM DoctorEvil |
PS: You will note I added a link at the top margin for the current battle map, which is just a cut/paste from the former GMs slides. Also, there is a Loot Tracker which we can discuss in more detail later. The map should be editable, but the Loot sheet is view only for the players. LMK if you cannot view/edit as appropriate.
Alvis Naylamahal |
From what I've read of Brevoy, its society is fairly free of racism, is a bit sexist with male preference primogeniture. However it seems very classist with a deep divide between social ranks. And Abadar does strongly support hierarchy and expects it in his followers. Alvis may or may not be overdoing it, depends on how we play it. Of course Adventuring parties tend to be more equal but we are not a party quite yet.
Tееla |
Do it.
Tееla |
Yeah, Teela is just a prankster. No worries.
DM DoctorEvil |
So that DoctorEvil doesn't worry, we are sort of coordinating this drama behind your back. :)
As long as the banter is character driven and not player targeted, I am fine. There is room in all games for some development of pecking order and with two noble scion, there may be some control issues.
If players are getting frustrated, we should discuss
Graham Snodgrass |
I don't see any issues, GM. There is plenty of room at this table for Fenric to be Quintessa's number two.
I agree that if the players are unhappy, that merits further discussion. As long as it's just the PCs getting exasperated, I think that's fine. I can also say, as a long-time GM, I'm not shy about protecting players at my table as a player either.
I believe we as players can self-patrol.
DM DoctorEvil |
If it's not clear, we will resolve combat in block fashion, so that all the PCs in a given block may act in any order. Then the next block and so on. Easier for PBP than individual turns. If an action needs to be contingent on the actions of another or a certain outcome, it may be best to post an "if/then" kind of post to account for that individuality.
After you a given block posts its actions, I will try to recap in initiative order and then prompt the next block. If its not clear now, it will be as we proceed.
Ideally, if you are using a spell or special feature, linking it via Archives of Nethys is a very kind gesture to your GM, at least the first few times you use it. If you don't know how, or forget, no worries.
I did buff up the number of bad guys given a 6 person party, rather than 4. Sometimes it will be more foes, sometimes it will be tougher foes. Sometimes it could be both...
Hopefully Fenric will be a little shiftier this time around. Good luck!
Alvis Naylamahal |
Fenric Lodovka |
Request for the future: please describe what weapons are in enemy NPC's hands as it will affect tactics.
The cutthroats we fought before were "armed" with daggers and also stowed crossbows.
Meta Request: Please repost the initiative order with GM posts in encounter mode.
Another QOL request is to track damage on the initiative tracker as well as inflicted conditions (e.g., frightened, prone) to help with strategy. Or at least some semi-quantitative measure of how hurt NPCs are and inflicted conditions.
DM DoctorEvil |
Easy enough. The thugs you fought before were finishing off a guard and killing people in their sleep, so daggers out makes sense. These have a different role, so distance weapons in hand and loaded make sense. Will tell you more clearly next time.
As you suggest, planned to refresh the initiative order at the top of every round, including conditions, damage, spell effects etc. I can update and post between each block if you really want it that way.
Graham Snodgrass |
I don't much care. I tend to leave them on the map as a GM for exactly the reasons you stated (reminder that there might be something worth looting) as well as a reminder of what the party has overcome, but if you find it cluttering, by all means take them off.
Tееla |
As long as it is clear that the tokens are out/dead, I don't really care whether they are there or not.
Whatever helps you in managing the map more efficiently.
DM DoctorEvil |
For the remainder of the game, I would prefer to follow the rules for Secret Checks where possible. This will most often be things like Seek (perception), recall knowledge, etc There may be times when I ask you to make a check instead, but it will typically be the exception not the rule.
Also, if you make a check and gain knowledge or perceive something, I will usually spoiler the result, so your PC can explain or relate the parts they want to or think are important. You can keep secrets from the others in this way, if you are so inclined or circumstances warrant. '
LMK if you need clarity on this. I may honor "accidental" rolls by players on supposed Secret checks a time or two before just disregarding them as we learn together.
Fenric Lodovka |
I not sure that placing the result of every secret Perception or Knowledge check adds value to the game. Looking at a page full of spoilers and waiting for another player in an asynchronous PbP to reveal or not reveal things before I know if I should do something in response to it is efficient for me with limited windows to check posts.
For the record, Fenric will always relay combat information and critical success Monster Hunter information as well as any perception checks.
Graham Snodgrass |
I not sure that placing the result of every secret Perception or Knowledge check adds value to the game. Looking at a page full of spoilers and waiting for another player in an asynchronous PbP to reveal or not reveal things before I know if I should do something in response to it is efficient for me with limited windows to check posts.
I don't want to tell DM DoctorEvil how to run his table, of course. I don't think Fenric does either.
For whatever it's worth, I usually take the approach that spoilers are for when something has separated the party (say, a teleportation circle) and there's no way the party could know what that character knows; or if communication between party members isn't possible at the moment (say, the characters are kidnapped, bound and gagged). On rare occasions, perhaps someone is the recipient of a message or telepathy spell and they have knowledge someone else doesn't.
I have found this more efficient in play-by-post. Your mileage may vary.