Chyrone |

I am looking at modifying my Bat Weretouched Shifter. Making her a daugther of one of the Bigfest Shipwrights on the idland who works with rhe Crimson Armada.
Shewas sickly as the oldest child, oddly enough a local spirit, one of the bat came to her and cured her illness but altered her with fraction of her power.
The power bestowed not only the Bats power but altered her. She has Red eyes, slightly batlike ears and slightly longer canines. This made her an oddity and her parents had ro sens her away.
When she left she found herself under the tutelage of a local Druid and tapped further into her Bestial gifts.
There'd be a tweak for this work to, though.
Since the Crimson Armada has no influence on the island, other than having them isolated. Simply leave them out, and it works. The Thickets could hold a druidic enclave, with a few perhaps occasionally helping maintain Yonford's city park. Easy way to get to them.
Pantheon so far.
- Asclepius (NG Goddess of life and healing) Variation on Sarenrae.
- Asherah (NG Goddess of the Seas) Variation on Ylimancha. Minus aspects tied to Golarion.
- Deveros (N God of Knowledge and Magic) Variation on Nethys. Minus catastrophe domain.
- Eras (CN Goddess of fertility, lust, love, and vengeance) Variation to Calistria. Minus Azata domain.
- Mandos (LN God of Death and Judge of souls) Variation to Pharasma.
- Tyr (LN God of Combat, Law, and Strength) As such has Law, Strength and War as domains.
I've purchased that Illwinter mapmaker, but haven't gotten chance to get to craft the island map yet, however.

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Critzible wrote:...I am looking at modifying my Bat Weretouched Shifter. Making her a daugther of one of the Bigfest Shipwrights on the idland who works with rhe Crimson Armada.
Shewas sickly as the oldest child, oddly enough a local spirit, one of the bat came to her and cured her illness but altered her with fraction of her power.
The power bestowed not only the Bats power but altered her. She has Red eyes, slightly batlike ears and slightly longer canines. This made her an oddity and her parents had ro sens her away.
When she left she found herself under the tutelage of a local Druid and tapped further into her Bestial gifts.
Love the Spirit. But My Inquitor Idea may still work Now I am conflicted.
Question I assume with out nobles thier are some rich Afdluenr Merchants in some sort of Psuedo Oligarchy?
I wonder if my proposed Shifters parents come from that sort of group as she is upper crust and will build ships and run several fishing ships and fisheries.
A n afduelenr family of Merchants who basically are members of the Shipwrightand Fishers guilds

Chyrone |

Chyrone wrote:Critzible wrote:...I am looking at modifying my Bat Weretouched Shifter. Making her a daugther of one of the Bigfest Shipwrights on the idland who works with rhe Crimson Armada.
Shewas sickly as the oldest child, oddly enough a local spirit, one of the bat came to her and cured her illness but altered her with fraction of her power.
The power bestowed not only the Bats power but altered her. She has Red eyes, slightly batlike ears and slightly longer canines. This made her an oddity and her parents had ro sens her away.
When she left she found herself under the tutelage of a local Druid and tapped further into her Bestial gifts.
Love the Spirit. But My Inquitor Idea may still work Now I am conflicted.
Question I assume with out nobles thier are some rich Afdluenr Merchants in some sort of Psuedo Oligarchy?
I wonder if my proposed Shifters parents come from that sort of group as she is upper crust and will build ships and run several fishing ships and fisheries.
A n afduelenr family of Merchants who basically are members of the Shipwrightand Fishers guilds
Wealthy merchants there sure are, but they do not form an Oligarchy by its definition. An elected council rule a city. Mentioned earlier, the Crimson Armada won't sink very small ships (such as no mast fishing boats) if they remain within boundaries near the island. As i don't have the island map yet, imagine a bay, wherein as long as you remain decently close to shore, the Crimson Armada does not open fire. Leaving the bay will make even fishing ships a target. This has left the number of fishing boats at all three cities fairly limited in number.
Guessing templates are out even if everything is randomised like in my last post....
Would using the Race Builder system from ARG be allowed to modify or make what I had in mind for a few of the ideas?
Sorry, but i am keeping race options as they are.
I'm not saying similar benefits are unobtainable, in one form or another, but the creation options are the current.It may be of interest for you to know, that another by the name GM Wolf, uses templates in several of their games. Perhaps one to keep an eye on in the future.

Andostre |

Hi, my submission is a magus with the Staff Magus and Hexcrafter archetypes. The build and background are spoilered below, but I'm open to making changes to better fir the world.
Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 48, 49)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. charm, compulsion, and emotion effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . quarterstaff +4 (1d6+4)
Ranged sling +1 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 3 points), spell combat
Magus (Hexcrafter, Staff Magus) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—blade lash[ACG], shocking grasp
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 12), detect magic, light
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Artful Dodge, Improved Initiative, Quarterstaff Master[UM]
Traits principled, seeker
Skills Bluff -3, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Lore (Philosophy) +6, Perception +5, Profession (teacher) +4, Spellcraft +6, Swim +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, hex arcana
Combat Gear antitoxin, caltrops; Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor[UC], dagger, quarterstaff, sling, sling bullets (10), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (3), fishhook, flint and steel, grappling hook, hammer, iron spike[APG] (3), magus starting spellbook, mug/tankard, piton (5), sack, sewing needle, signal horn[APG], silk rope (50 ft.), soap, string or twine[APG], torch (10), trail rations (5), vial, waist pouch[UW], waterskin (2), 17 gp, 4 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (3/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Quarterstaff Master Use a quarterstaff one-handed
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
She sent him away to become a student at the distant Sanctuary of the Timeless Prarie. There, he learned to reconcile his magical talents with the physical nature he was more inclined towards. While the monks there did set him on the path of a martial tradition, they determined that he would be best served by being sent away from the monastery to face the world he has been running from. His only departing gifts were a polished red oak staff and a new name.
Now, Tanwa-Vu has joined the Adventurer's Guild, seeing it as a forthright way to face the world and whatever it may put in his path.
Thanks for the consideration!

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:Guessing templates are out even if everything is randomised like in my last post....
Would using the Race Builder system from ARG be allowed to modify or make what I had in mind for a few of the ideas?
Sorry, but i am keeping race options as they are.
I'm not saying similar benefits are unobtainable, in one form or another, but the creation options are the current.
It may be of interest for you to know, that another by the name GM Wolf, uses templates in several of their games. Perhaps one to keep an eye on in the future.
That is fine, just wanted to check if I could modify the tiefling or elf some.
Currently tossing ideas between; Bard, Ranger, and Fighter.and I'll skip asking if I could take Cold Endurance as a flavor feat for my ranger and Fighter ideas.
I do recall GM Wolf and being in a KM game, he ran until it died.....

LDDragon |

Keritheron Talstar, human brawler.
Character sheet for Keritheron Talstar
Brawler with the snakebite striker archetype. Looking to potentially multiclass into a wisdom or charisma based caster next level, eg bard or cleric, though other options such as sorcerer or shaman are also appealing.
Follower of Kyatha, analog of Shelyn.
His parents claim that their family is descended from the original Warden, though his father is prone to not necessarily truthful boasts, so Keritheron, or Ker, is not entirely sure how much stock to put in that. Nevertheless, he feels called to the adventuring life, looking to embark on adventures with friends.

Chyrone |

Actually a good question to ask now is, what style this game will be in?
More of a intrigue, more a heist, more combative, more exploratory?Which form of genre will this game be?
A fair question. It'll be leaning towards combatitive and exploration/delving. There will come a point where intrigue would show up. Also a few things where the outcome will depend on the party's skills.

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Shifter it is then
@Chyrone What would make a family rich an influential on the island? I am looking to make my Shifter the Eldest Daughter of a First marriage of a reputible business man [mostly reputible] and his dead first wife(Died after giving birth) and inheriting a weak constitution herself until the Spirit Chiro finds her and grants her a bit of its power forever altering her.
Thus she has to leave due to the now unnatural features. [Red eyes, Enlongnated canines, Strange ears] especially around Adolescence.
Just wanting a tie to more affluent people, dispite her strange nature.

Azure_Zero |

Link for the house rules for easy access
Background Skills
Fractional Base Bonuses
Automatic Bonus Progression
World is Square - Elephant in the Room

Azure_Zero |

a new question, should we expect traps?
as I've rarely seen them in games, but they are something to be wary of...
Especially traps from any of the 7 Grimtooth's traps books.....
As I did kinda humiliate some players with the "Duck!" trap from Grimtooth's Traps Fore....
They survived, but never saw it coming.....
That and a nice carrying sized statue made of pure sodium with the only exit in the room is by passing through a waterfall....
I really should no be give the GM evil ideas or traps...
As some traps in those books are likely to result in a TPK, or some hurt pride for the characters with a really good laugh from the players.

Chyrone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shifter it is then
@Chyrone What would make a family rich an influential on the island? I am looking to make my Shifter the Eldest Daughter of a First marriage of a reputible business man [mostly reputible] and his dead first wife(Died after giving birth) and inheriting a weak constitution herself until the Spirit Chiro finds her and grants her a bit of its power forever altering her.
Thus she has to leave due to the now unnatural features. [Red eyes, Enlongnated canines, Strange ears] especially around Adolescence.
Just wanting a tie to more affluent people, dispite her strange nature.
Merchants can be wealthy, but any sort of business can be successful. A skilled painter can earn a decent living, as can the owner of a high class brothel. (yes, those are in the city too)
Another option you might find interesting, is being extended family to one of the council members. A niece or cousin.
Her case reminds me of an episode of that live action series of The Last Airbender. An NPC with weak constitution, dear old dad prayed fervently, and the spirit he prayed to lent a spark of its own vitality to save the child.
Did you see that, per chance, is that inspiration?
I'd say sure, her dad prayed so fervently for Chiro to save his daughter, that it helped. Must have been serious, if even learned physicians couldn't help her. XD
A brush of vitality shared like that could have some weird effects. Flavor wise, i'd ask for her to be a periodically returning visitor to Chiro's shrine, if she's picked. Which probably is a nice looking shrine, if dad or uncle put in some money as gratitude. :)
Some of the spirits in their corporeal taken form:
Maggs, loves pretty things, bit of a 'collector'. Has a shrine in the mercantile part of Yonford.
Tomoya. Taking the form of a blue skinned youth with glowing markings and wearing prayer beads. He resides in the shallow waters of the bay. Has a shrine at the path leading to the bay. He can be a little distant towards strangers, until he gets a proper impression of them.
Nuyen & Nuyan
Sister spirits, who have a shared shrine at the city park. They could easily be mistaken for kitsune, were it not for clawed nails and their feet similar to talons. Nuyen is a romantic, Nuyan is a trickster.

Chyrone |

a new question, should we expect traps?
as I've rarely seen them in games, but they are something to be wary of...
Especially traps from any of the 7 Grimtooth's traps books.....As I did kinda humiliate some players with the "Duck!" trap from Grimtooth's Traps Fore....
They survived, but never saw it coming.....
That and a nice carrying sized statue made of pure sodium with the only exit in the room is by passing through a waterfall....I really should no be give the GM evil ideas or traps...
As some traps in those books are likely to result in a TPK, or some hurt pride for the characters with a really good laugh from the players.
Funny you should say that.
I actually have the PDF of Grimtooth's super devious dungeon somewhere on harddrive. :DYes, some traps would be encountered along the way. Or is saying that the trap itself???

Azure_Zero |

Merchants can be wealthy, but any sort of business can be successful. A skilled painter can earn a decent living, as can the owner of a high class brothel. (yes, those are in the city too)
Another option you might find interesting, is being extended family to one of the council members. A niece or cousin.
Her case reminds me of an episode of that live action series of The Last Airbender. An NPC with weak constitution, dear old dad prayed fervently, and the spirit he prayed to lent a spark of its own vitality to save the child.
Did you see that, per chance, is that inspiration?...
Do I spot a Toph reference (only saw the nick cartoon)

Chyrone |

Chyrone wrote:Do I spot a Toph reference (only saw the nick cartoon)....
Merchants can be wealthy, but any sort of business can be successful. A skilled painter can earn a decent living, as can the owner of a high class brothel. (yes, those are in the city too)
Another option you might find interesting, is being extended family to one of the council members. A niece or cousin.
Her case reminds me of an episode of that live action series of The Last Airbender. An NPC with weak constitution, dear old dad prayed fervently, and the spirit he prayed to lent a spark of its own vitality to save the child.
Did you see that, per chance, is that inspiration?...
I had strong Yue vibe at the description.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:a new question, should we expect traps?
as I've rarely seen them in games, but they are something to be wary of...
Especially traps from any of the 7 Grimtooth's traps books.....As I did kinda humiliate some players with the "Duck!" trap from Grimtooth's Traps Fore....
They survived, but never saw it coming.....
That and a nice carrying sized statue made of pure sodium with the only exit in the room is by passing through a waterfall....I really should no be give the GM evil ideas or traps...
As some traps in those books are likely to result in a TPK, or some hurt pride for the characters with a really good laugh from the players.Funny you should say that.
I actually have the PDF of Grimtooth's super devious dungeon somewhere on harddrive. :DYes, some traps would be encountered along the way. Or is saying that the trap itself???
goes wide-eyed in fear....
Oh boy, you have the Dungeon of Doom, we are doomed......
A book that puts an evil Grins on GMs, and fear and despair into the hearts of players, along with trauma and some paranoia...
Everyone make sure you get skill points, that Dungeon needs a lot of awareness and careful thinking.
In fact, everyone should plan to take a level in rogue....

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:I had strong Yue vibe at the description.Chyrone wrote:Do I spot a Toph reference (only saw the nick cartoon)....
Merchants can be wealthy, but any sort of business can be successful. A skilled painter can earn a decent living, as can the owner of a high class brothel. (yes, those are in the city too)
Another option you might find interesting, is being extended family to one of the council members. A niece or cousin.
Her case reminds me of an episode of that live action series of The Last Airbender. An NPC with weak constitution, dear old dad prayed fervently, and the spirit he prayed to lent a spark of its own vitality to save the child.
Did you see that, per chance, is that inspiration?...
Ah right that southern water tribe princess

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Critzible wrote:Shifter it is then
@Chyrone What would make a family rich an influential on the island? I am looking to make my Shifter the Eldest Daughter of a First marriage of a reputible business man [mostly reputible] and his dead first wife(Died after giving birth) and inheriting a weak constitution herself until the Spirit Chiro finds her and grants her a bit of its power forever altering her.
Thus she has to leave due to the now unnatural features. [Red eyes, Enlongnated canines, Strange ears] especially around Adolescence.
Just wanting a tie to more affluent people, dispite her strange nature.
Merchants can be wealthy, but any sort of business can be successful. A skilled painter can earn a decent living, as can the owner of a high class brothel. (yes, those are in the city too)
Another option you might find interesting, is being extended family to one of the council members. A niece or cousin.
Her case reminds me of an episode of that live action series of The Last Airbender. An NPC with weak constitution, dear old dad prayed fervently, and the spirit he prayed to lent a spark of its own vitality to save the child.
Did you see that, per chance, is that inspiration?I'd say sure, her dad prayed so fervently for Chiro to save his daughter, that it helped. Must have been serious, if even learned physicians couldn't help her. XD
A brush of vitality shared like that could have some weird effects. Flavor wise, i'd ask for her to be a periodically returning visitor to Chiro's shrine, if she's picked. Which probably is a nice looking shrine, if dad or uncle put in some money as gratitude. :)
Some of the spirits in their corporeal taken form:
Maggs, loves pretty things, bit of a 'collector'. Has a shrine in the mercantile part of Yonford....
Havent watcjed the live action, and havent watched the originalmin some years. I just thought is was pretty cool. But now that you mention it thats pretty cool.
The Going back to the shrine makes sense as she probably went to train there by I assume a Priest of some sort.
That could work. A Brother to a Council Member who seems to run Brothels, a Theatre and Gambling halls would be interesting. Thus donates money to the Shrine in thanks for saving his daughter
This is good stuff.

Azure_Zero |

Still suck between Archaeologist or Brazen Deceiver archetypes
As both have their good points.
A nice well rounder, or someone who could potentially bluff a BBEG into believing they are actually a polymorphed chicken.
I can already hear some laughs for the idea of bluffing the BBEG into a chicken and a few, "please don't"
But settling on a thieves guild or smuggler background for the character.
As so far there are no connections to the darker underbelly of the Island....
though my character will have a bit of a moral code of what she does and does not do.

Azure_Zero |

Oh right, can I reflavor the title of the "Wayang Spellhunter" regional trait to "Spell Prodigy" along with some of the other parts of the flavor text?
Source Dragon Empires Primer pg. 14
Requirement(s) Minata
You grew up on one of the wayang-populated islands of Minata, and your use of magic while hunting has been a boon to you. Select a spell of 3rd level or below. When you use this spell with a metamagic feat, it uses up a spell slot one level lower than it normally would.
As I'm looking at diversifying what my bard will do...

Azure_Zero |

any info on the thieves guild or smugglers guild that I could use for building backstory?
as I hope something fom that info will help break the deadlock between Archaeologist and Brazen Deceiver archetypes.
as both can make me a powerful scout, but in different ways.
But also dealing with the trap monkey or subterfuge decision.....

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay working on a bookish scribe who is a bit awkward. She has been tutored and comes from money,but seems to be kept at arms length.
She often is in her own world writing away in her book. She dresses nicely when not working. As she seeks adventure she is now dresses in armoe and weapons.
Lastly she has a fondness and empathy for bats. She keeps one fruit bat named Dryfus as a pet. Often clinging to the inside of her cloak.
Thats what I have so far pwrsonality wise.
Figured her Background skills would be Profession [Scribe] and maybe KNOWLEDGE (nobility) for knowing laws and ettiquette or maybe something with Profession(merchant)

Chyrone |

any info on the thieves guild or smugglers guild that I could use for building backstory?
as I hope something fom that info will help break the deadlock between Archaeologist and Brazen Deceiver archetypes.
as both can make me a powerful scout, but in different ways.
But also dealing with the trap monkey or subterfuge decision.....
The smugglers, led by a man called Tyler Donough, (a 1/2 orc with only faint orcish features (pass for human)), miraculously manage to ferry a small boat every week between Yonford and Rustwall. Think of strong Rustwall liquor ("Gutburn Brandy"), particular brands of wine, special spices used for local specialties (such as special bakery buns, or dishes at a restaurant). Special fabric excellent for expensive clothes.
What is not available in Yonford, is lucrative for Donough and his associates. They stay no more than two days in Rustwall at a time. A risky enterprise, but profitable. If someone wants something particular quicker than travel to and back from another city, they take requests with an added commission %. Donough is all about profit and opportunity, but he's no cutthroat.There isn't a thieves guild by its definition, but aside from street thieves, a small number have banded to try and steal from Donough once in a while, and sell the goods themselves. 'If someone can't prevent it from being stolen, it's fair game'. Said by Thea Thornton, their 1/2 elf leader.
She's got less reservations about doing whatever needs doing to get the job done, short of killing.
The nastiest of the underbelly, lies with a small group calling themselves "The craftsmen". Highly elusive and secretive, they orchestrate and fabricate situations to blackmail, extort, and destroy, whoever they like. They shy near no methods in their designs. Nobody knows their identities. One time, a council member's good reputation got wrecked, simply for speaking out against them. Off the record, rumor has it a reward is held for those bringing in, or leading to capture of, their members.

Andostre |

If there's anything for me to change in my background to tie in to already existing groups or places, such as an appropriate monastery or something to do with witches, I'm happy to change them if you feel it would be more immersive. I just made a couple things up that seemed like they might fit.

Chyrone |

If there's anything for me to change in my background to tie in to already existing groups or places, such as an appropriate monastery or something to do with witches, I'm happy to change them if you feel it would be more immersive. I just made a couple things up that seemed like they might fit.
The Gloomwoods are home to all sorts of eerie things. That may also include witches, among others.
What made them go into the Gloomwoods alone, and for what purpose?Travelers can relatively safely get from one of the cities to another, not having to go through the Gloomwoods per sé. You could, but it is not mandatory to do so.
No prarie is set for this island. A monastery dedicated to Tyr, who has combat and strength in his portfolio, would fit the background, however.
It could be just some miles east of Yonford.

Andostre |

Andostre wrote:If there's anything for me to change in my background to tie in to already existing groups or places, such as an appropriate monastery or something to do with witches, I'm happy to change them if you feel it would be more immersive. I just made a couple things up that seemed like they might fit.The Gloomwoods are home to all sorts of eerie things. That may also include witches, among others.
What made them go into the Gloomwoods alone, and for what purpose?
Travelers can relatively safely get from one of the cities to another, not having to go through the Gloomwoods per sé. You could, but it is not mandatory to do so.No prarie is set for this island. A monastery dedicated to Tyr, who has combat and strength in his portfolio, would fit the background, however.
It could be just some miles east of Yonford.
Nice, thanks! If selected, I'll update the PC's background based on that information.

Chyrone |

Hi, looking at this growing lore, I think I'll rewrite the entire backstory for my ranger. Also, I think he'll drop the archetype and go vanilla.
Quick question: What is the status of gnomes in the island. I mean, how many, where they live and if there are any in Yonford.
They can be found in all three cities. Not the greatest of number compared to the others.

Azure_Zero |

The smugglers, led by a man called Tyler Donough, (a 1/2 orc with only faint orcish features (pass for human)), miraculously manage to ferry a small boat every week between Yonford and Rustwall. Think of strong Rustwall liquor ("Gutburn Brandy"), particular brands of wine, special spices used for local specialties (such as special bakery buns, or dishes at a restaurant). Special fabric excellent for expensive clothes.
What is not available in Yonford, is lucrative for Donough and his associates. They stay no more than two days in Rustwall at a time. A risky enterprise, but profitable. If someone wants something particular quicker than travel to and back from another city, they take requests with an added commission %. Donough is all about profit and opportunity, but he's no cutthroat.What is not available in Yonford, is lucrative for Donough and his associates. They stay no more than two days in Rustwall at a time. A risky enterprise, but profitable. If someone wants something particular quicker than travel to and back from another city, they take requests with an added commission %. Donough is all about profit and opportunity, but he's no cutthroat.
There isn't a thieves guild by its definition, but aside from street thieves, a small number have banded to try and steal from Donough once in a while, and sell the goods themselves. 'If someone can't prevent it from being stolen, it's fair game'. Said by Thea Thornton, their 1/2 elf leader.
She's got less reservations about doing whatever needs doing to get the job done, short of killing.The nastiest of the underbelly, lies with a small group calling themselves "The craftsmen". Highly elusive and secretive, they orchestrate and fabricate situations to blackmail, extort, and destroy, whoever they like. They shy near no methods in their designs. Nobody knows their identities. One time, a council member's good reputation got wrecked, simply for speaking out against them. Off the record, rumor has it a reward is held for those bringing in, or leading to capture of, their members.
Thanks this actually helped break the deadlock,
I'll be taking Brazen Deceiver, even though it is not as flexible or as adaptive as Archaeologist.Which means I'm gonna be a face and scout, but not the trap monkey.....
Oh right, any underground casinos or gambling dens?

Azure_Zero |

List of Players and character ideas/submissions
Azure_Zero - Tiefling Bard (Brazen Deceiver)
Critzible - Weretouched(Bat) Shifter
Vasaam Cathan - Human Wizard (evoker-admixture specialist)
Andostre - Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus)
LDDragon - Human Brawler(snakebite)
Grumbaki - ? Tiefling Vigilante (Oni Enforcer)
fatmanspencer - ? Cleric ?
Veniir - ? Ranger ?
Aletha Verkossian - ?
Dorian 'Grey' -?
Archpaladin Zousha -?
trawets71 - ?
Ouachitonian - ?
Paolingou - ?

Chyrone |

Chyrone wrote:.......
The smugglers, led by a man called Tyler Donough, (a 1/2 orc with only faint orcish features (pass for human)), miraculously manage to ferry a small boat every week between Yonford and Rustwall. Think of strong Rustwall liquor ("Gutburn Brandy"), particular brands of wine, special spices used for local specialties (such as special bakery buns, or dishes at a restaurant). Special fabric excellent for expensive clothes.
What is not available in Yonford, is lucrative for Donough and his associates. They stay no more than two days in Rustwall at a time. A risky enterprise, but profitable. If someone wants something particular quicker than travel to and back from another city, they take requests with an added commission %. Donough is all about profit and opportunity, but he's no cutthroat.What is not available in Yonford, is lucrative for Donough and his associates. They stay no more than two days in Rustwall at a time. A risky enterprise, but profitable. If someone wants something particular quicker than travel to and back from another city, they take requests with an added commission %. Donough is all about profit and opportunity, but he's no cutthroat.
There isn't a thieves guild by its definition, but aside from street thieves, a small number have banded to try and steal from Donough once in a while, and sell the goods themselves. 'If someone can't prevent it from being stolen, it's fair game'. Said by Thea Thornton, their 1/2 elf leader.
She's got less reservations about doing whatever needs doing to get the job done, short of killing.The nastiest of the underbelly, lies with a small group calling themselves "The craftsmen". Highly elusive and secretive, they orchestrate and fabricate situations to blackmail, extort, and destroy, whoever they like. They shy near no methods in their designs. Nobody knows their identities. One time, a council member's good reputation got wrecked, simply for speaking out against them. Off the record, rumor has it a
Casinos or Gambling Dens, it's pretty kept in check. There's a "gentlemen's club" with members only monthly poker night. The Candid Cane gentlemen's club. And while not a gambling den, some folk organize the common man's cardgame night at random locations every couple of weeks.

Grumbaki |

List of Players and character ideas/submissions
Azure_Zero - Tiefling Bard (Brazen Deceiver)
Critzible - Weretouched(Bat) Shifter
Vasaam Cathan - Human Wizard (evoker-admixture specialist)
Andostre - Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus)
LDDragon - Human Brawler(snakebite)
Grumbaki - ? Tiefling Vigilante (Oni Enforcer)
fatmanspencer - ? Cleric ?
Veniir - ? Ranger ?Aletha Verkossian - ?
Dorian 'Grey' -?
Archpaladin Zousha -?
trawets71 - ?
Ouachitonian - ?
Paolingou - ?
No question mark needed. Indeed, a Tiefling Vigilane Oni Enforcer. :)

Azure_Zero |

List of Players and character ideas/submissions
Azure_Zero - Tiefling Bard (Brazen Deceiver)
Critzible - Weretouched(Bat) Shifter
Vasaam Cathan - Human Wizard (evoker-admixture specialist)
Andostre - Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus)
LDDragon - Human Brawler(snakebite)
Grumbaki - Tiefling Vigilante (Oni Enforcer)
fatmanspencer - Undine cleric
Veniir - ? Ranger ?
Aletha Verkossian - ?
Dorian 'Grey' -?
Archpaladin Zousha -?
trawets71 - ?
Ouachitonian - ?
Paolingou - ?
My character's alias is present and I am still working on mine.
Most data is there, thou not final.

fatmanspencer |

List of Players and character ideas/submissions
Azure_Zero - Tiefling Bard (Brazen Deceiver)
Critzible - Weretouched(Bat) Shifter
Vasaam Cathan - Human Wizard (evoker-admixture specialist)
Andostre - Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus)
LDDragon - Human Brawler(snakebite)
Grumbaki - Tiefling Vigilante (Oni Enforcer)
fatmanspencer - ? Cleric ?
Veniir - ? Ranger ?Aletha Verkossian - ?
Dorian 'Grey' -?
Archpaladin Zousha -?
trawets71 - ?
Ouachitonian - ?
Paolingou - ?-----------------------
the alias is present and I am still working on mine.
Most data is there, thou not final.
Undine cleric, Coraline Sealen. Just didn't have a thing made

Chyrone |

Working on crunch to place here and refining my character with Cunning Brother to a Council man, who is the owner of a few brothels ans co owner in several things like mines, through out the island.
I would say influence/ownership does not extend into other cities. The council would see to it, too. The best business is had if the other city doesn't own within their own.
So if uncle Don Corleone has business interests in several things in Yonford, sure.
He would not own outside of the city, that's the angle for the setup of the cities.
@ Brazen Deceiver/Azure_Zero,
I will say that, depending on the specific person and history, some lies, even with high bonuses, would just not be believed. I venture to say most people could/would buy into lies, but some may not. (BBEG = a polymorphed bunny for example :) )

Chyrone |

Critzible wrote:Working on crunch to place here and refining my character with Cunning Brother to a Council man, who is the owner of a few brothels ans co owner in several things like mines, through out the island.I would say influence/ownership does not extend into other cities. The council would see to it, too. The best business is had if the other city doesn't own within their own. Yonford
So if uncle Don Corleone has business interests in several things in Yonford, sure.
He would not own business in another city, that's the angle for the setup of the cities.@ Brazen Deceiver/Azure_Zero,
I will say that, depending on the specific person and history, some lies, even with high bonuses, would just not be believed. I venture to say most people could/would buy into lies, but some may not. (BBEG = a polymorphed bunny for example :) )

Azure_Zero |

@ Brazen Deceiver/Azure_Zero,
I will say that, depending on the specific person and history, some lies, even with high bonuses, would just not be believed. I venture to say most people could/would buy into lies, but some may not. (BBEG = a polymorphed bunny for example :) )
Now I'll admit the lie is a very out of the box way to win a big fight, as I don't think anyone ever thought of using bluff to convince a mighty foe that they are actually an animal.
I believe the rules cover the "your really a INSERT_ANIMAL" lie as an impossible lie, so it has a -20 penalty. Now If I really max out the bluff skill. At level 20, I could have a skill bonus (not counting ranks) of +24 and another +20 from glibness, and suffer only a -10 penalty for the impossible lie from Deceptive Tale (level 11 and up), so about +34 before adding skill ranks, and Stat modifier (so over +55 on the d20 roll, so on a 20 I have over 75 a sense motive DC, That is Not "just high", but "ridiculously high" for level 20).
Also it'll cost me a lot to even get it that high, so I likely won't invest much more into it,
since Shameless Scoundrel is covering a good deal of it, and I need to invest into other skills and abilities to be more well rounded.
While I agree it would be a rather anti-climatic for a major fight, it would also be rather hilarious.
So I think a compromise of it working on the BBEG is a bit fair, in that the dice have a say for breaking the decision.
Is that is they fail the sense motive take the differences divide by 5 (round down) and add that to 10 and it makes the DC of the wisdom check the BBEG roles.
Or something simplier that throws a wrench into any high end fight, ...
anti-magic field, which means no glibness and it's +20 bonus.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:updatedWhat church was your character picked up by? I can see some tie in with mine having been a cleric.
Not sure yet, though Leona follows the god/goddess of competition.
As she see's bluffing as a contest of wit, though she can keep up somewhat physically with others it's not her strongest point.
Aletha Verkossian |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The funniest bluff to win a fight I ever pulled was, interestingly enough, in wrath of the righteous.
--I identified a rescuee as a Succubus in disguise (she screwed up a bit)
--I told her, wink wink nudge nudge wise, that I know what she is, and that we work for the same boss, implying the Nocticula is backing the Mendevian crusade behind the scenes (and has one of her agents as the crusades nominal leader)
--She bought the bluff, and switched sides for real, assuming that the whole crusade thing is a long con by Nocticula to murder one or 2 of her abyssal rivals and take their things.
--in the bossfight, she performed a fake betrayal of the party and then actually betrayed the Deskari worshipping Antipaladin (who had a very nasty murder glaive)
--The Succubus happened to be a swashbuckler, and opportune parry and riposte is pretty good on them so she parried the antipaladin like a boss
--I then used Ventriloquism to make it sound as if my voice is coming from a nearby statue of Deskari, and spoke "she cant parry you if you grapple her"
--The Antipaladin rolled a nat 1 on sense motive and grappled the Succubus.

Azure_Zero |

The funniest bluff to win a fight I ever pulled was, interestingly enough, in wrath of the righteous.
--I identified a rescuee as a Succubus in disguise (she screwed up a bit)
--I told her, wink wink nudge nudge wise, that I know what she is, and that we work for the same boss, implying the Nocticula is backing the Mendevian crusade behind the scenes (and has one of her agents as the crusades nominal leader)
--She bought the bluff, and switched sides for real, assuming that the whole crusade thing is a long con by Nocticula to murder one or 2 of her abyssal rivals and take their things.
--in the bossfight, she performed a fake betrayal of the party and then actually betrayed the Deskari worshipping Antipaladin (who had a very nasty murder glaive)
--The Succubus happened to be a swashbuckler, and opportune parry and riposte is pretty good on them so she parried the antipaladin like a boss
--I then used Ventriloquism to make it sound as if my voice is coming from a nearby statue of Deskari, and spoke "she cant parry you if you grapple her"
--The Antipaladin rolled a nat 1 on sense motive and grappled the Succubus.
LMAO, that is freaking hilarious