Holy Vindicator

Caldariel's page

133 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


HP (10/10) AC (20/13/17) Saves (+1/+5/+4) CMD (17)


Elven Onispawn Tiefling Oni Enforcer Vigilante (1)


Caldariel Social


Caldariel Vigilante

Special Abilities

Cold, Electricity, Fire Rest (5)




Common, Elven, Abyssal

Strength 18
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 17
Charisma 6

About Caldariel

To Hit: +1 (BaB) +3 (Str) -1 (PA) = +3
Damage: 1d3 (base) +3 (Str) + 1 (Trait) + 1 (SD) + 2 (PA) = 1d3+7

Race, Traits:

Elven Onispawn Tiefling
* Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
* Darkvision
* Skilled: +2 intimidate, disguise
* Pass for elf
* Soul Seer Rare tieflings have a peculiar sight that allows them to see the state of a creature’s soul. They can use deathwatch at will as spell-like ability. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability and fiendish sorcery racial traits.

* Hard Hitter: +1 Unarmed Damage
* Battlefield Surgeon: Benefit(s) Heal is a class skill for you, and you can use the treat deadly wounds aspect of Heal 1 additional time per creature per day.
* Secret Knowledge: +2 knowledge planes and class skill
* Umbral Unmasking: If allowed. DC15 perception check to notice that something is 'wrong' about him. I feel that this goes well with the 'pass for elf', along with him being abandoned by his parents

Feats, Skills, Equipment, Level Plan:

Lvl 1: Healer’s Hands Conduit (You can use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds as a full-round action. You do not take a penalty for not using a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds this way, and you can do so on a given creature more than once per day. When treating deadly wounds this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, add your ranks in Knowledge (planes) to the damage healed. These benefits do not apply to creatures that are not healed by positive energy. You can use this feat’s benefit a number of times per day equal to your ranks in Knowledge (planes).), Improved Unarmed Strike
Lvl 2: Weapon Focus
Lvl 3: Dragon Style
Lvl 5: Incredible Healer
Lvl 7: Signature Skill Heal
Lvl 9: Deific Obedience Irori
Lvl 11: Stunning Fist
Lvl 12: Dragon Ferocity
Lvl 13: Armor of the Pit
Lvl 15: Furious Focus
Lvl 17: Weapon Specialization, Toughness
Lvl 19: Greater Weapon Focus

* Heal: +6
* Knowledge Planes: +6
* Perception: +6
* Sense Motive: +6
* Intimidate: +5 (+6 with mask)
* Diplomacy: +3

Background Skills
* Profession Physician: +6
* Linguistics: +1

* Scale Mail
* Heavy Shield
* Cold Iron Handwraps
* Healer's Kit
* Fighter's Kit
* 45 gold

Oni Enforcer Vigilante:

Yokai Heart (Su)
An oni enforcer seeks to transmute himself into a destructive spirit and terrorize his enemies.

His vigilante identity alignment must be non-good. While in his vigilante identity, the oni enforcer gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision, and he counts as both a native outsider with the oni subtype and his original type for any effect related to type, whichever is worse for him.

Oni Mask (Ex)
An oni enforcer gains a grotesque horned mask that he must wear when assuming his vigilante identity. The mask has 10 hit points per vigilante level he has and hardness 5. While wearing the mask, the oni enforcer gains a bonus to Intimidate equal to 1/2 his level (minimum +1). Without this mask, an oni enforcer can’t assume his vigilante identity. An oni enforcer who loses his mask can replace it after 1 day through a specialized ritual that takes 8 hours to complete and costs 200 gp per vigilante level he has.

This alters dual identity.

Steel Dictate (Ex)
An oni enforcer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and when he hits with his unarmed strike, he gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to half his vigilante level (minimum +1, maximum of +5).

This replaces the social talent gained at 1st level.

Seamless Guise (Ex)
A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for his current identity. Should anyone suspect him of being anything other than what he appears to be while either in his social or vigilante identity, he can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as his current identity, and not as his other identity.

Unshakable (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, a vigilante adds his class level to the DC of any attempts to Intimidate him.

Startling Appearance (Ex)
At 5th level, a vigilante learns to use the element of surprise to his advantage, startling foes that are unaware of his presence. Whenever a vigilante with this ability attempts an attack against a foe that is completely unaware of the vigilante’s presence (usually due to Stealth or invisibility), the foe is treated as flat-footed for the rest of the vigilante’s turn (uncanny dodge or a similar ability prevents this effect unless the vigilante is at least 4 levels higher than the foe with uncanny dodge).

The foe also takes a –4 penalty on attacks made against the vigilante until the start of the vigilante’s next turn.

Social Talents:
Lvl 1: Steel Dictate: An oni enforcer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and when he hits with his unarmed strike, he gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to half his vigilante level (minimum +1, maximum of +5).
Lvl 3: Social Grace: +4 Heal
Lvl 5: Ancestral Enlightenment: The vigilante can attempt any Knowledge check untrained. If he already has ranks in a particular Knowledge skill, he gains a +4 bonus on checks with that skill. A vigilante must be at least 5th level to select this talent.
Lvl 7: Quick Change (Ex): The vigilante learns to shift between his identities with ease. Instead of needing 1 minute to change his identity, he can now do so as a full-round action. If, after a quick change, he encounters any creature familiar with both of his identities, he must attempt a Disguise check to avoid the creature seeing through his hastily donned disguise and realizing that the identities are, in fact, the same person. The vigilante can spend 1 additional round adjusting and perfecting his appearance and persona to negate the need for this check. A vigilante must be at least 7th level to select this talent.
Lvl 9: Skill Familiarity: The vigilante chooses four skills when he gains this talent. He can take 10 on checks with his chosen skills even when distracted or threatened. If he takes 10 on checks with these skills while not distracted or threatened, he gains a bonus on the check equal to one-quarter his vigilante level (minimum +2). A vigilante must be at least 9th level to select this talent.

Vigilante Talents:
Lvl 2: Lethal Grace (Ex): The vigilante combines strength and speed into incredibly deadly attacks. He gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, and if he already has the Weapon Finesse feat, he can immediately swap it for another feat for which he qualified at the level he chose Weapon Finesse. When using Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack using his Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and his Strength bonus on damage rolls, he also adds half his vigilante level on damage rolls. This bonus damage is not reduced or increased if the vigilante is wielding a weapon two-handed or in an off-hand.
Lvl 4: Deceitful Form: At 4th level, an oni enforcer gains the shapechanger subtype and the ability to change his form, as per alter self, for a number of minutes per day equal to his vigilante level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Lvl 6: Deadly Horns
Lvl 8: Fist of the Avenger (Whenever he successfully attacks with his fist or a gauntlet, he gains a bonus on damage rolls equal to half his vigilante level, maximum of +5)
lvl 10: Shadow's Steed (+20ft movement speed)


Caldariel never knew his biological parents. His earliest memories were all that of his 'real' parents. His human ones. For the first few decades of his life, everything was normal. His adoptive parents were loving, he had a circle of friends, he even got married. In time, he learned his father's trade of being a physician. All was well. And it would have remained that way, had not the cruel weight of years marched on...for everyone except for him. First it took his parents. Then it took his friends and his wife. He had always called his wife his Rose. An endearment which proved all too accurate as time took its toll. For all of his skill as a physician he was helpless, being only able to watch, and then to mourn.

Left alone in the home that they had built, Caldariel became a recluse. By day he worked and retained a polite attitude towards all he met. But he no longer even attempted to make friends, let alone real connections. Instead, he worked by day, and sat alone at night, surrounded by memories. And that was when the problems began. It started with the bells at the local church. He could hear them clearly from his home. The thought began to nag at him. They seemed to ring at random times. Was there a pattern to them? He latched onto the idea, scribbling furious notes but never seeming to get anywhere. His home became filled with equations and theories that never seemed to go anywhere. And then...his bloodline began to manifest.

For Caldariel, there was a reason why he was abandoned as a child. There was a reason why he was raised by humans, who never knew what was wrong with him. He was a tiefling. And while it was not apparent on the outside, it was clear within him. As the sound of the bells filled his head and the loss of all he cared about filled his heart, the oni taint within him began to manifest. It started with his eyes, with them becoming clearer and sharper in the dark. And with a shock, he found that he could see the state of the soul of his patients and could tell just by looking at them whether someone was alive or dead. Even worse, he found that he cared less and less for the pain and suffering of others. Rather, their complaints just felt academic. He was disgusted with himself when a mother came carrying a dying infant, and all he could think about was how he was going to miss lunch for someone who couldn't even pay. And then came the dreams. Always it was the same. It was a face. A red skinned, horned and tusked. In the dreams the face just stared at him, staring into his soul the same way that he did to others. Before long he stopped taking any new patients and stopped seeing old ones. His bills piled up and he had no source of income to pay them. But none of that seemed to matter to him.

In desperation, Caldariel went and bought woodworking tools. Every night, his head filled with the tolling of bells, he worked on making the face. He came to realize that all of the darkness was within him. The part of him that didn't care for others. That was cruel, and vile and wallowed in despair...he realized that it had a face. The face in his dreams. In a fever pitch he worked, and he worked until one night he came to the conclusion that he was done. He stared at the face, and for the first time in many a year, he felt at peace. He knew that the face was still part of him. He couldn't throw it away, for then it would no longer contain the part of him that he had exorcised. There was acceptance in that moment. Acceptance in that he was alive when those he loved were dead. That he was not a perfect person, but it didn't make him evil. That he would never be able to go back to the life that he once had...but that it was alright. Because he wasn't living a life of any kind at all. He would continue to mourn, but he would no longer be so self-destructive about it. He held the mask close to him and knew that he would never be able to let it go.

It was only then, when he opened his doors, did he see how far the city had fallen while he had wallowed in self pity..


Caldariel Vintrish is a powerfully built elf with piercing gray eyes that seem to look directly into one's soul. Much larger and broader of shoulder than what is normal for his people, he explains it by saying that a physician must look after his own body if he is going to tell others how to look after theirs. He usually travels with a thick gray cloak and plain clothing. From within he hides away his second face. Without his second face, Caldariel is polite, if reserved. Careful in word and action, he is far from charming and is certainly not friendly. For those who meet him, he is the kind of person who does not give offense, but who also does not attract others to them. But with the mask? With the mask on it is a different story. When his second face is worn, the quiet and reserved elf is replaced with a vigilante, who revels in the harm that he can cause to others. His medical knowledge becomes used, not for healing and soothing, but instead for striking at pressure points, causing the maximum amount of pain and suffering which in his dark heart he revels in. Caldariel knows that his second face is still a part of him, for everyone has a dark side within them. And rather than hide it or lock it away, he would rather put it to good use for the city that has sheltered and raised him his entire life.

Build Plan:

Lvl 1-10: Oni Enforcer Vigilante
* At lvl 10, gain +5 damage from Steel Dictate, +5 damage from Lethal Grace, and +5 damage from Fist of the Avenger. No interest in having large size, therefore Oni Enforcer doesn't offer anything past lvl 10. Thus switch to fighter.
* At lvl 10, he would further have +4 heal when not wearing mask, and +5 intimidate when wearing mask

Lvls 11-20: Sentinel
* Always a fan of prestige classes, and it's nice to have the capstone at lvl 20. This gives +4 hit and damage from the class, +2 hit and damage from greater weapon focus / weapon specialization, +4 to all knowledge skills (on top of the +4 from vigilante), and some SLAs. All in all, a good prestige class to build on vigilante, given that I'm not a fan of how Oni Enforcer progresses past lvl 10.