Pruolus, The Adventurers Guild story

Game Master Chyrone

Building a career in the Yonford Adventurers Guild

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I am absolutely there!

Grumbaki wrote:
fatmanspencer wrote:
I think we can all agree... That everyone is excited about this new adventure and good luck to those picked.
To second this I think it is best to assume good intentions all around

I third this.

Very interesting. I'm not sure what part of my simple post indicated an attempt to assert authority. But, since it was implied I will state for the record: I have no authority in this game. The GM that is running this recruitment and will be running the game has the only authority!

There. And I'm happy to see that we have many active posters for the game. Active posting usually means the game will be fun! Good luck all!!!

@pinvendor ?? Your last post, previous to your reply to my post, was only 5 days prior. My second sentence, "Some haven't posted here in over a week...." obviously didn't apply to you. ??

Bertrand Strahnd wrote:

Very interesting. I'm not sure what part of my simple post indicated an attempt to assert authority. But, since it was implied I will state for the record: I have no authority in this game. The GM that is running this recruitment and will be running the game has the only authority!


I think he was pointing it at me, for stating a fact that backed up your idea of a roll call for to check if folks were still interested.

Bertrand Strahnd wrote:


There. And I'm happy to see that we have many active posters for the game. Active posting usually means the game will be fun! Good luck all!!!


I agree, on this.

It also means it will be a collective and collaborative storytelling experience, since communication and engagement are needed to run any Fun Pathfinder game, especially in the PBP format.

Azure_Zero wrote:
Andostre - Human magus (hexcrafter, staff magus)

Still interested!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alright. There were interesting entries, but the bane of every GM is the picking.

Would the following 5 fixers please report to The Warden's Respite Inn.

Azure_Zero - Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna (tiefling bard)
AGM Lemming - Vasaam Cathan (human wizard)
fatmanspencer - Coraline Sealen (undine cleric)
Mightypion - Aletha Verkossian (Aasimar swashbuckler)
Venirr - Lariel Harp (half-elf ranger)

Thank you to everyone for your interest.
Hopefully your characters will find another game to shine in, they're certainly worth it.

Looks like a great group! Have fun everyone. :)

Have fun, all!

Good luck, everyone!

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