Paolingou's page
182 posts (190 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.
Do most encounter with criminal in the same manner as theif and mugger end with them dead?
Do mugger fight to the death often?
I ask this because, I find that a common encounter with a bandit who goal is to rob people usually ended up with a fight to the death, with bandit only fleeing once they're only one or two of them left, or other status are put upon them to make them flee. But I usually just have them snatch the coin sack of a character and then running away as fast as they can and leave out a few trap along the way to their escape.
How do they keep their gold coin and other coin intact when they're fighting and moving around? Unless the minting of these coin are alchemical, they would be kind of bang up from that much activity.
I mean fighting at least 1 time a day must wore down the armor and the clothe that they wear inside the armor (unless they decide to wear armor as clothes for some reason), or that cut, and hole, and battered clothes and armors.
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I'm excited, the last two Pathfinder video game have been based on Pathfinder First Edition, I like that we finally get a Video Game base on Remaster Second Edition.

Ruzza wrote: I have done something similar in the past, but not to this extent. I ran a level 0 game with the goal of making the world feel big and dangerous before the players advanced to level 1 and began to play "Pathfinder proper."
The thing is... it isn't fun? Like, I should say, there's an extra burden on the GM of not outright murdering the party with even a slightly too powerful encounter as well as still providing meaningful challenges that are interesting to interact with. After getting a walloping by a raven, my party - in the very least - felt quite demoralized, moreso when they lacked any of the tools to really interact with the fight beyond "Ready an action for one it comes close and really hope to hit."
Now, I would say there is room to make a homebrew system for it, but you would be better served, I feel, making an adventure that suits this style of play better. "Children slipping their bonds to rescue the adventurers," "Awakened animals navigating the dangers of the first time," or even "Freshly risen undead coming to terms with their existence." Presenting it as just low fantasy makes me feel like there's just not enough reason to justify doing all of that (unless, of course, you have a group that's greatly interested in the concept).
That why I have the system that kind of act like a level up, without making the character too powerful, they have more choice of what to use during encounter, but they should be afraid of combat encounter, and have solve problem using their brain other people around them, and through social combat system that I homebrew a bit so that the character have Social Hit Point. While they have Legendary skill early, they don't get to add Level to them, so it isn't that good.
keftiu wrote: I feel like just playing an OSR game is simpler than tearing apart PF2, personally. Maybe, but PF2 have a lot of cool thing that I don't want to convert to OSR system.

Have anyone try to play as the non-hero?
The idea is simple, you make a level 0 character, and give them one level 1 class feature and Feat.
Then replace Hero point with Relationship point, which can only be spend to reroll or give yourself a +3 to the roll, Relationship point can only be gain by spending quality time with your Touchstone, wheather that be a organization, a community, a place, an object, or a person.
Since they don't have level, they would be using Proficiency without Level rule, with having -2 to Untrained skill. When you would level up, you don't go up a level, instead you get Legend, Legend range from 1 to 24.
Everytime you level up you gain HP equal to half of your Ancestry Hit Point, One General Feat, One Ancestry Feat, and One Skill Boost.
You get One Archetype Feat and One Skill Feat at every Odd Number Legend.
And One Partial Attribute Boost and Odd Number Class Feature every Even Number Legend.
You gain Even Number Class Feat at Legend 6th and Every 6 Legend After, and Gain another Background at Legend 4 and every 4 Legend After.
At Legend 2 you get All the Class Feature and Feat from your Class Level 1.
Have anyone try this?
Out of all the pre-remaster content, I feel that Secret of Magic would benefit the most from a remaster version, it the first theme rulebook to be publish for Pf2e and also the one that Contain a class which need a remaster (Magus)
All of you stand at the entrance to a shop. The shop is flanked by a flower shop and an open air meat vendor, caught between smells both floral and savory. A sign above the door reads “Three Moves Ahead,” with images of dice and game pawns. The shop appears to be closed. But the vision, it have lead you here for a reason but what that reason is, might just be beyond the shop door.
For those that are going to be in the campaign please choose of these 6 card to be in your possession.
The Brass Dwarf
The Empty Throne
The Paladin
The Rabbit Prince
The Locksmith
The Mountian Man
DeJoker wrote: Awaiting the affirmation or correction to Evindyl's post as I have the same question.
Also Paolingou what are you looking at so far for character submissions so that I do not per se overlap with someone else and or more importantly I can possibly fill a current hole that the potential party might have.
Well that depend on who actually finish their character sheet.
So, for those who finish or at least done create a basic concept of what their character is going to be, please post your character google sheet for me.
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Evindyl wrote: Paolingou wrote: Rook. wrote: Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%
Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much. Yeah, that fine. to confirm: 3200gps with an 8th level item cap since we are 9th level
correct? You can have item of any level, as long as it make sense to your character.
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Rook. wrote: Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%
Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much.
Yeah, that fine.
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Evindyl wrote: I don't recall if I was on the approved list - I've worked on a character for about a week or so. You're on the list, so please post your character as soon as you finished it.
Rook. wrote: Okay, I've copied myself into your sheet
Look great, now I'm waiting for the other to copy the new sheet and make finish their character.
Philo Pharynx wrote: Is your sheet a format from somewhere else or did you customize it? If so can I get a clean copy? I put a new copy up, and I make these sheet myself.
Krislen of House Azari wrote: Alright, equipment updated, backstory currently being written, ready for a second look, GM. The google sheet or myth weaver sheet?
And also you need to copy my google sheet into your own google sheet, not make your character on my google sheet.
Can anyone answer this question?
Krislen of House Azari wrote: Sorry for the late posting, guys. Covid hit the workplace hard, and I am not built for 5 consecutive 10+ hour days lol. Anyways, here’s Krislen, in his glory- you wanted an Investigator, Paolinguo- here’s one!
Link to DMs Sheet
Link to Full Sheet
He does not have equipment yet bc I seem to have missed equipment rules- standard for WBL, or something different?
We are using the standard wealth by level table.
Every Genie can cast Wish, so why does reality still exist?
I need you to make that character level 9 before I could accept it or finetune to fit the campaign more for you.
Well, we only have 3 player who have actual character so far, so I'm still looking for more player, I will only stop looking, when 6 character are created using my google sheet. As to what kind of character might fit. A martial would be nice, something like Investigators or Champion.
I'm starting the game next sunday, so if you want to join, please make your charactet using the google sheet.
Rook. wrote: Here's Rook, a steam-powered automaton.
In combat, Rook is going to primarily be melee, but has ranged and area options. He's pretty good at absorbing damage. He has some healing, trap finding and some social skills as well.
Great, but you seem to be missing 2 Ancestry feat, and where did you get Mobility, Nimble Dodge, and Trap Finder feat? You should only have 5 class feat, and 4 Archetype feat.
Thank for being interested.
We now have 1 more slot open.
I just have the free version of Pathbuilder, CucumberTree character didn't use any paid feature, that is why I can reviewed and commented on their character sheet.
Thank for being interest even if your not joining, this mean we still have 1 extra player slot free.
Evindyl wrote: Is it okay if we just build the character in Pathbuilder using the Remaster rules? That is fine, but then I will need you to also make that character, using my google sheet template, because I don't have Pathbuilder.
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I will be using:
Free Archetype.
Ancestry Paragon.
Gradual Ability Boost.
Influence Subsystem.
Research Subsystem.
Chase Subsystem.
Infiltration Subsystem.
Reputation Subsystem.
Duel Subsystem.
Leadership Subsystem.
Hexploration Subsystem.
Vehicle Subsystem.
Gou can start with 15 feet Fly Speed, if your Ancestry or Heritage could grant you fly speed, any feat that would grant you fly speed, give you +5 fly speed in addition to the feat other effect.
Undead PC have immunity to disease, paralyzed, poison, and sleep, and they are destroy when they hit 0 hp.
tomtesserae wrote: I'm interested in this campaign. I'm creating a Dromaar (half-orc) Monk, originally from the Mwangi Expanse who came to Absalom for the Radiant Festival. You will be the sixth and final player if all the interested people decide to play.
Anyone who want to play require to make character with this Pathfinder 2e Remaster Character Sheet instead, just copy the text and paste it into your own google sheet.
It's not a spell, but it isn't a range attack either, but it have 60 feet range, so does it have range increment?
CucumberTree wrote: Here's a Kobold Psychic Look good for the most part, but you seem to forget that I'm using Ancesty Paragon, Free Archetype, and Gradual Ability Boost rule. So you should have two more ancestry feat, 3 more ability boost, and 4 Archetype feats.
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Evindyl wrote: I am assuming there is a special plan to cover Levels 9-11? I have the player starting at level 9, and the end of the Choosing you will be at level 12, at the end of the Destiny War you be at level 16, and at the end of Worst of All Possible World, you be level 20.
Evindyl wrote: SO:
Free Archetype
Ancestry Paragon
Can I suggest gradual ability boost as well?
Sure, I could use gradual ablity boost.
Ellioti wrote: Just a thought. Why not simply use Ancestral Paragon optional rule, which already exists? (and Pathbuilder has it ;)) It's wasn't in the GM Core, so I kind of forgot about it, but sure, let use that instead.
Is there so much gold on Golarion that they can just make into a currency? Same for Platinum, Sliver, and Copper.
We can discuss character and campaign here.
You can make character using anything, be it online character sheet, pathbuilder, google sheet, google doc, etc.
Ellioti wrote: dot for interest. Starting at level 9 means, we'll be skipping some books, I presume?
I want to do level 9 because, I think it would be fun to see some struggling, to make the victory much more climatic, and also it would incentivize people to use the environment and other non-damaging spell and ability in the fight.
This is a recruitment for Pathfinder Stolen Fate adventure path.
If there is already a remaster version of something, I will use the remaster version, but you can use legacy content that doesn't have a remaster version.
I will also be using the Free Archetype variant rule and all the subsystem for this game, there is also a few homebrew rule I will be using.
Any ancestry or heritage that have or can have wing gain 15-fly speed, if you so choose.
You gain a extra ancestry feat at 1st level, and every 4 level after.
You will all be starting at level 9th.
I will post about 4 time a day if possible.
I could do max of 6 players.
There seem to be no war of immortal in any of these prophecies. I wonder what make the chosen god to be dead special enough to have an entire war started because of their death? Also who will be fighting who? Since it's call War of the Immortal I'm guessing we'll be seeing some sort of alliance between gods?

Pronate11 wrote: So going about this a different way, there are 20 spells that are on both the primal and occult spell list, but no other list. There are also 11 spells that are divine and arcane, but only divine and arcane. These are opposite traditions, there is no essence overlap, so these spells must be the combination of 2 essences, and they need to be "opposed" essences or else the tradition that had both would have them. so while there is only 31 spells that appear to combine these essences, they do exist. Interesting. Arcane (Matter in this Case) and Divine (Spirit) spell are about summoning, death, imbueing, transforming, and influencing. Which I guess make sense since spirit mix with flesh without life and mind kind of make mindless undead and spirit can be mix with living flesh to make it something more, and summoing require spirit and matter for reason. While Occult (Mind) and Primal (Life) spell are stuff like fate, element, life, animal, mind, healing, curse. Sort of folkloric in a way, you would see these kind of spell in folklore use by witch, hag, and the fey.
I wonder what other festival and holiday Tian Xia people have, and I also wonder what is their relationship with the neighboring continent?

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I like it! They make for great game where you feel like the regular everday people who live in Golarion, while you might have some feat and power or two, you're still just a normal person within the world.
One of my favorite game that feature level 0 characters was a one-shot that have the characters being level 0, but they also control other characters, ranging from level 0-5, but their main goal is to defend the town and keep their main character alive.
The one-shot was about a town being raided by a bunch of monsters, it was fun seeing how the player roleplay regular people who step up to the task of defending their town.
Level 0 characters
Orc Farmhand Paladin: Such a brave soul, charging into a group of enemy to save his companion, too bad he was just a simple farmhand who didn't know how cruel the world can be to those brave soul who are willing to risk themselve for the greater good, he was torn to bit by bit screming for his companion to runaway, but his effort was in the end pointless as his companion was quickly kill after his death.
Goblin Arcobat Monk: One of the two surving member of the attack, thank to their arcobatic ability, they were able to avoid most of the danger and barricade themselve into one of the circus tent, they were occasional break in, but they were able to safe most of his fellow perfomer and their life.
Kobold Astrologer Alchemist: She was such a fool thinking she was above the common man just because she is have some knowledge of the celestial bodies, but she were so blinded by her arrogance that she look into the star for guidance when the answer was around her, her final moment was her looking up into the heaven, as the universe move on without her.
Human Spell Seeker Wizard: You know so much yet wield non of it effectivly, the primal magic of the monster were simply to powerful, you were outmatched in every single possible way, the biggest and last humiliation was your death, not from a magical spell or legendary creature, but a Gobling Dog, all of that time studying the arcane and eldritch lore is for you to die by the fang of a Goblin Dog.
Gnoll Barber Sorcerer: Blood you can still smell it in your store, countless people have die but none of that matter, the only thing that important is yourself, magic can fix this, at least that what you tell yourself, deep down you are hurt by how many people you sacrifice in order to keep yourself save.
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Why must everything have a ingame explanation?