Shiyara the High Mediator

Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna's page

171 posts. Alias of Azure_Zero.

About Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna

Name: Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna (Most just call her Leona)
Race: Succubus Tiefling (re-skinned Rakshasa-Spawn tiefling variant)
Class: Bard (Brazen Deceiver) 1/20
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Alignment: NG
Deity: Kurgress
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elven

Stats: 14,13,12,14,12,13
STR: 14 = 14 + 0 + 0
DEX: 15 = 13 + 0 + 0 + 2(Racial)
CON: 12 = 12 + 0 + 0
INT: 14 = 14 + 0 + 0
WIS: 12 = 12 + 0 + 0 + -2+2(Racial)
CHA: 15 = 13 + 0 + 0 + 2(Racial)

Hit Points: 3/9
Init: +2

Melee: +2
Range: +2

AC: 16:12:14

Bard 6+INT+FC (8+FC), +2 Background
ACP = -2 //Armour Check Penalty
SS = 1/2 Bard Level (Min 1)
*Acrobatics: 6 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 - ACP;
b*Appraise: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Bluff: 11 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +4(BL) +1(SS);
*Climb: 2 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
b*Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Diplomacy: 6 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
Disable Device: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Disguise: 7 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +1(SS);
*Escape Artist: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Fly: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
Handle Animal: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Intimidate: 6 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
*Know(Arcane): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Dung): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Engin): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Geo): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Hist): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Local): 6 = 1 + INT Mod + 3;
*Know(Nature): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Know(Noble): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Religion): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
b*Linguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Perception: 5 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3;
b*Perform (Oratory): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
b*Perform (Sing): 6 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
b*Perform (Dance): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
b*Profession(Barmaid): 1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Ride: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Sense Motive: 5 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3;
b*Sleight of Hand: 6 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
*Spell Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Stealth: 7 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP +1(SS);
Survival: 1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Swim: 2 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:

Bard Class features:
Weapon+Armour Prof
Armour: Light
Weapons: Simple + Bard

Class Features
Shameless Scoundrel

bardic performance ( (level+1)*2 rounds /day )
Inspire Courage +1
Deceptive Tale (-2 for unlikely lies)

Still Spell

Feats I want to take:
Athletic, might need it....
Great Fortitude
Skill Focus
Fiend Sight
Maybe the Eldritch Heritage feat line....

Combat: Armour Expert (-1 ACP)
Magic: Magical Lineage (TBD)
Drawback: Naive (-2 AC vs improvise_weapons, -2 CMD vs Dirty trick)
Region: Spell Prodigy (re-flavouring from Wayang Spell hunter) (Reduce MM cost on one spell (Cure Light Wounds))

Racial Traits:

Modified Tiefling based on Rakshasa-Spawn variant (Only Fluff is changed):

Still a tiefling using 100% Alternate Tiefling racial traits

Stats: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Wis (as is from Rakshasa-Spawn)
Type: Outsider(Native) -> Pass for Human (both Humanoid (Human) and Outsider (native) )
Medium: Tieflings are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Skilled (+2 Disguise,Sense Motive)-> Beguiling Liar (+4 Bluff)
Spell-Like Ability -> (#90) +2 WIS
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Fiendish Sorcery -> No replacement
Languages -> Pass for Human (remove getting abyssal/infernal for free)

Fluff: Succubus Tieflings
They appear so human one could mistake them for not being a tiefling, though there generally is always a subtle tell. They are always graceful and charming, though lack some awareness of things.


DC: 10 + Level + Cha mod
0: 00
1: 2 = 1 + 1

Spells Known:
Level 0:4
Detect Magic
Mage Hand

Level 1:2
Cure Light Wounds

AC, Saves, Attacks:

AC: 16 = 10 + 4(Armour) +0(Shield) +2(Dex) +0(NAT);
Touch: 12 = 10 +2(Dex);
Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour) +0(Shield) +0(NAT);

Fort: 1 = 0(base) + 1(CON);
Ref: 4 = 2(base) + 2(DEX);
Will: 3 = 2(base) + 1(WIS);

Melee: 3 = 1(base) + 2(STR);
Range: 3 = 1(base) + 2(DEX);
CMB: 3 = 1(base) + 2(STR);
CMD: 15 = 10 + 1(base) + 2(STR) + 2(DEX);

Weapons: (56gp)
3x Daggers (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft., P or S) 1 lb.

Sling (1d4, x2,50 ft.,B)
Sling bullets (10) (5lb / 10 bullets)
--Weight: 8.0

Armour: (60gp)
Lamellar (leather) (+4 Armour, +3 M_Dex, ACP -1, 20%, 30ft)
--Weight: 25.0

Adventure Gear:(~ 18gp )
Back Pack (2)
Bed roll (5)
Chalk * 10
Flint and Steel
Pouch, Belt (1/2)
Sack (1/2)
Sewing Needle *4
Water skin (4)
Whetstone (1)
Trail rations *2 (1 each)

Mirror, small steel (10 gp, 1/2 lb)


Special Substances and items: (2gp)
Tinder-twig *2

Tools and Skill Kits:,


Explorer's outfit
Peasant's outfit

Weight Total: ~66
Light: 76, Med: 153, Heavy: 230

45 gp
40 sp
0 cp


Leona is an attractive 6 foot 3 woman with a curvy yet athletic/muscular build sporting long red hair and green eyes.
With her figure and beautiful face grabbing much attention.
Her pointed ears hint at some Elven heritage, and are long enough to be ears of a half-elf or a quarter elf.

Depending on what she is doing she dresses differently, ranging all over the place.
THough she does personally like outfits made with leather or dark colours, likely due to her succubus blood.

Now when it is very dark, one might see a violet glow from her eyes hinting to her fiendish heritage.

I'll get to Rendering them in 3D using Daz3D and the content I have.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Data and Background:

Name: Nausicaa Ingrid Leona Ioanna (Most just call her Leona)
Parents: Harold (??, Guard) and Vona (human-Quarter Elf + Succubus Tiefling, Barmaid) (both deceased,)
Jobs: Smuggler, "Handy-man", Sing and Barmaid
Likes: Contests/Competitions, shopping and getting new clothes/gear, good Gentlemen
Dislikes: Orcish behaviour from men, Greedy scammers, Fake products,
Hates: Ogres, Undead, Slavers
Favorite foods: Meats (Bacon included), Cheese, Apples, Salads, Milk, Eggs, Potatoes
Hobbies: Training, Singing, Story-telling, Sewing
Background History:
Born into a poor family in a small thorp that was just starting up learning the basics of living until it was attacked by monsters.
Leona and a few other children survived the attack and as a group of adventurers arrived and they were picked up by them before being dropped off at an orphanage or Kirk (Church) since all the adults were killed in the attack.

The adventurers left an impression on Leona and she needed go become self sufficient fast.
So she joined the apprentice program at the adventurer's guild and was evaluated and paired up with her mentor, Nili, a tiefling like herself. Nili trained Leona for a few years and helped Leona build up her connections in town and in a few other places on the Island.

Leona made connections with Tyler Donough and his smuggling enterprise and even helped smuggled a few things. Leona has helped him by being a distraction as his cargo is being searched, and when they tried to resume, she bluffed them into thinking they already did a box with “the goods” when they really hadn’t. Though one job didn’t go down so well, and the event lead to Leona getting a nickname among Tyler’s group “Lazarus” since she somehow managed to save the group before the monsters came back.

She also made a connection with Giblet, a Gnome cursed into a Kobold form, who runs a bit of a wider information and smuggling network on the island (his office is in Gervaix), and he has a few exclusive products like, “Overripe Melons.” A product some individuals keep a few on hand for certain situations, though they do need to have a few things ready.

Leona was also introduced to a rogue alchemist and inventor who likes making custom devices (traps, constructs, weapons. etc) and potions named, Rait. Rait is a cautious older fellow, as it appears he made some enemies in the past, and likes having someone act as a face for him when talking to clients. He also lives in a small community of Mithis, between Yonford and Gervaix. If a client wants he’ll help make their house assassin proof himself, for a high price and an agreement not to mention anything about him as he works as he pretends to be an apprentice of himself and generally finishes within a week.

Leona acts as a face or contact between some of her connections and others who seek something while working at Candid Cane Gentle men's club as; Barmaid, singer and or card dealer. A merchant based in Yonford, known as Mr Big tends to frequently have Leona get him things from her connections.

Leona does take some time to help out at the local orphanage or Kirk (Church) that helped her and her survivor peers.

Leona also has a number of female friends in every place so has visited, along with a number of male admirers in those places when she sings and performs on stage as a way to pay for room and board where she is.

But in Yonford (where she mainly is) she pretty much has the romantic attention of 3 guys, one of whom ("Bruce Almighty") has successfully woo'd into her accepting his attempts to court her and they go out on dates when they can.
Though since she has the attention of some of the "good ones" she also has the jealousy and hate from a few women, including a council member's daughter (Karen), who happens to be really short (like 5' 0"), flat and has a bad personality.


She has a bit of a complex about her looks, she hates her figure and looks in that it draws a lot of unwanted attention (and jealousy/hate from some) at times,
but it is also because of her looks she can be a face for a number of clients, attract a crowd for her performances.

Her height is also a bit of a complex for her since she is almost a full half foot taller then average for most of the human women, and it makes her feel more masculine. But she notes this height is likely due to her elven heritage.


Getting Kidnapped, as she does not really have the physical skills to escape.


Name: Nili Locknor
Race: Tiefling
Class: Bard
Alignment: NG<->CN
Gender: Female
Age: 50
Job: Entertainer, smuggler
Relationship: Teacher-Student
Stats: 12,14+2,13,13,12,14+2
Looks: 5'10", voluptous, red hair, voilet eyes, reddish skin and has a tail.
Brief History/Notes:
Getting on in her years and past her prime, she took to mentoring aspiring new adventurers.
But also new hands for the smuggling ring and some other parts of the underbelly.
Leona was a very good student and someone she could hand off her more taxing jobs to.
She's semi-retired from the underground, only poking in and doing or asking for a favor or two.

Name: Bruce Almighty
Race: Aasimar
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: NG
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Job: Guard
Relationship: Dating
Stats: 13+4,14,14,10,14,12+2
Looks: 6'9" tall muscular, Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin
Brief History/Notes:
Even though he may appear weak willed due to looking a bit like the stereotype of a big dumb barbarian, he actually has a strong will.
Since he is very tall, he makes Leona feel more feminine when he's around. He is blessed with Brawn and Good looks, but his brightness does not match up to those being more closer to average.
He is a person who values loyaly, honesty and keeping to ones word.

Infact Leona, can't seem to help but he completely honest with him, though not always honest with her feelings.

She really fell for him when he showed a display of manliness in protecting her and few others that got kidnapped and were going to be sold to someone that was interested in them or gonna use them as a sacrifice.
He took down 8 guys solo though he did get injured taking them down she did thank him by healing his wounds.

Now Bruce got interested in her when he saw Leona for the first time in the "The Busty Minotaur" when she was helping out, and asked for her name.
Since it was busy Leona could not stay and flirt with him. So he started learning more about her indirectly.
He returned to the "The Busty Minotaur" a few times to ask her out, but Leona was not there and busy somewhere else.
Though he did get lucky one day running into her and asked her out again, he was shot down a bit, but her words also gave hope of a shot.

Then it was dumb luck that he ran into a operation transporting and selling women to someone, he showed his worth taking down 8 men alone.
After getting healed he asked her out again, and this time she accepted.

First date was a few days later during a festival, and the second time they were together they both helped out at the orphanage/kirk that sheltered her as they needed some help.
So Leona got a chance to see a fatherly side to Bruce that made her fall harder for him.

Name: Karen Snowflake
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler
Alignment: CN<->??
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Job: ? ?
Relationship: Rivalery
Stats: 12,14+2,14,10,13,14
Looks: really short (like 5' 0"), flat, Brown hair and brown eyes.
Brief History/Notes:
she's a Killjoy And Rabidly Entitled Narcissist

A daughter of a long running council member (who is corrupt, Joe Snowflake), so she was raised in a rather spoiled manner.
Which means she generally gets what she wants, but she can't get everything she wants. So she is a bossy person.

Karen has started considering using Overripe Melons to enhance her figure (for 24 hours/melon), and will likely become addicted to them even if they cost 50gp a melon.

There are many reasons she's considering using Overripe Melons;
One, is that she's starting to build a inferiority complex as she's not the prettiest, nore does she have a feminine figure in fact one might say "childish" as she
pretty much lacks the curves and stature of a mature human woman of her age. Refering to her as a "child" will set her off and she'll ask daddy to get revenge for her humiliation.
Two, she prides herself as being superior to others, and lacking in the feminine looks department is hurting her pride.
Three, pretty much every man in town has carefully refused to date her as they know they can't say certain things or suffer.
Four she is physically the opposite of Leona who gets a lot of male attention and Leona also has the heart of most of the guys she has an interest in.
Five whenever Karen faces Leona off in person, Leona's chest is pretty much right in her face (even in heels), a chest Karen is quite jealous of and envies, along with the rest of Leona's curves and stature.

There is a odd rumour that Karen is not her father's daughter, but a child of an affair his late wife had with a halfling. (could be true or false, GM decides)
Mentioning this rumour with her around will also set her off.

Name: Duke Hitum (he is married)
Race: Human
Class: ??
Alignment: Non-evil
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Owner of The Candid Cane gentlemen's club and a few other establishments
Relationship: ? Boss / Part-time employee ?
Stats: 14+2,14,14,11,12,12
Looks: 6 foot 5, Muscular, Blonde hair, blue eyes
Brief History/Notes:
An retired adventure that now runs some establishments especially after getting married to his wife, Mina.
He rescued her from a bad situation and they start adventuring together and enjoyed each other's company.
Started Dating, then married and retired, Duke used the money to buy an establishment and found out he and Mina had some good business sense and expanded.

If you are disrespectful to his; workers, himself or his wife in front of him, well prepare to be bounced out of the place by him and he'll have a "chat" with you, and you may find yourself banned from all his establishments.
Same applies if you break the rules of the establishments too often.

He currently is the proud father of two sets of twins and he treasures them, but does disipline them if they do stupid stuff.

Name: Mina Hitum (she is married)
Race: Half-Elf (Half-minotaur)
Class: ??
Alignment: Non-evil
Gender: Female
Age: ??
Job: Barmaid and manager at "The Busty Minotaur"
Relationship: ? Boss / Part-time employee ?
Stats: 12+8,14,12+4,13-2,13,14
Looks: 7'7", curvy and athletic, sporting blonde hair and green eyes, she has a minotaur's legs and feet, but the rest of the body looks more like a normal half-elf's though larger...
Brief History/Notes:
Was part of the cleaning staff at "the Grand Academy of mages" in Arquette when a magicial experiment failed horribly and it permanently changed her. She was also let go from work, and had to start adventuring to earn a living.
One day she ran into trouble and Duke helped her out, they started dating, and eventually married and retired from adventuring.

Duke managed to find a run down building and had it torn down and rebuild as a tavern / inn / Home for him and Mina.
That Tavern is "The Busty Minotaur." Duke and Mina currently have 2 sets of identical twins* and she is showing signs she likely has another set of twins on the way.
*Twin Girls; Gina and Lina age 8, Twin Boys; Barry and Larry age 4, Mina is carrying twin girls*

Leona sometimes gets called in to help out at the Tavern when things are super busy, or Mina needs a hand.
So Leona has learned how to cook some really nice meals from Mina.

Those that cause trouble in "The Busty Minotaur" might find themselves hanging from potato sacks on the rafters for a while, by Mina herself.
So most patrons know to behave in the tavern, or they could end up like Tom "groper" Hallens who was made an example of 3 times before being banned from all of Duke's establishments.

She's truely happy to of found a man that loves her for the current way she is, and so is very devoted to her husband, Duke and their children.
THough she also sees some of the staff that help out like family as well.

And it seems her daughters are going to take after her in that they are going to be very tall and strong, though Mina is hoping they won't have as much leg fur as she does.
While the boys are really taking after their father, Duke, in that they will be big and strong.

Name: Astrid Norse
Race: Half-elf
Class: Bard
Alignment: NG
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Job: Barmaid, Card Dealer, Singer
Relationship: Co-worker at the Candid Cane gentlemen's club
Stats: 12,14,12,13,14,13+2
Looks: She's an attractive woman of 5 foot 9, with a voluptous body with blonde hair and green eyes
Brief History/Notes:
She works full time at the Candid Cane gentlemen's club, though if the Candid Cane gentlemen's club is empty and "The Busty Minotaur" is busy, Duke will ask her to work there for a bit until things pick up at the club.

Astrid and Leona confid in each other at times and help each other vent some of the terrible crap that has happened to themselves.

She is orphaned and is also a survivor from Leona's home.

Contact Details:

Name: Giblet Ramsbottom
Race: Kobold (Was formerly a Gnome)
Class: Rogue/Alchemist
Alignment: LN(90% of the time)<->CN
Gender: Male
Age: 101
Job: Leader of the Peepers, a information network and smuggling ring in Gervaix and producer of a few products
Relationship: Information broker contact (both ways as it can be hard at times to get info from Yonford)
Stats: 14-4,12+2,12-2,13,13,14
Looks: 3 feet tall, with blue tinted scales, and has glasses for reading small print contracts.
Brief History/Notes:
Giblet took leadership from the previous through guile and one day handed a powerful client bad information, which really hurt them.
They cursed him into the form of a Kobold for the damage caused,
which one can imagine is a VERY sore point for him on many fronts as he generally has good or really good information.
He when hunting for the SOB that sold the bad information, and well, it is best not to say what happened....
When word of that spread, No dares to willingly give false info to Giblet.

He enjoys the finer things and enjoys the presence of pretty women, if a woman impresses him during their meeting he might give them an "Overripe Melon" on the house (and they might get addicted to them).
As for business he keeps to his word, the letter and spirit of the agreement, but mess with his business or the agreement and prepare for one hell of a dirty fight.

He and Mr Big have both rubbed each others sore spots one day and now don't directly deal with each other, but through proxies since each has things the other wants or needs.

Name: Rait (Formerly Latte) Craft (Wife: Lina Craft, 5 kids; Bill+Will(M),Milly+Lily(F),Tilly(F))
Race: Half-elf
Class: Investigator
Alignment: LN(99% of the time)<->CN (only when really pissed off, and good luck hiding)
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Job: Doctor, Inventor, Craftsman (Former Assassin, via poisons and magical inventions, and traps)
Relationship: Leona acts as a "first" face for any client meeting
Stats: 13,14,12,14+2,14,10
Looks: a man of 6 foot 4, he has a athletic build, brown hair, green eyes, white skin
Brief History/Notes:
Before retiring from the assassination business, he earned a reputation of being the best assassin, as he could reach any target even heavily guarded ones. But one day he realised he's getting much too old to continue the assassination jobs.
So he retired from it, though because he made a number of enemies he faked his death and now called himself Rait.

He moved to Mithis so as to avoid being in a populated area where someone might recognize him, he also settled down and has some children of his own now.

He sells medicines and makes tools people are looking for, but he also sells his services in making places secure.
Secure enough that knowledgable theives, if they get a clean hint Rait did security there, they back off quickly.
And they don't go after him, since they know what happed to a group that tried to steal plans from Rait to pull off a major hiest.

He has a few people in each settlement assigned as the first pass face (like Leona) if folks want his services, as he'll have a construct observe the meeting.
He'll send a response within a day that the face relays to the client, if they pass they'll either have another talk and meeting with the face, or a meeting with Rait himself (which can be lethal for the client, if they try something).

Leona is one of the few that act as mules delivering stuff to and from Rait's workshop.
Furthermore Leona tends to entertain the children some while she waits for Rait to finish an order.
Though she did babysit Rait's children twice for a few days when an emergency came up, and Leona is kinda attached to them and vis versa.

Also if anyone threatens his family, they should be prepared to disappear from the world, even if it is through proxies.
He'll even take the things you'll treasure most from you first, before you disappear.
As threating those he cares about and or really pissing him off is like kicking the Grim reaper in the nuts and standing there laughing until he gets up.

Name: "Mr Big" real name; "Hiccup Pipsqueek" (Wife: Loretta)
Race: Halfling
Class: Bard
Alignment: LN
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Job: Wealth Merchant, Fencer
Relationship: Contact and business
Stats: 13-2,12+2,12,14,14,13+2
Looks: A man of 2 foot 6, with thin build sporting brown hair and brown eyes.
Brief History/Notes:

Mr Big is a great merchant going places and settlements around Yonford, but he also fences goods from the underbelly.

Now Mr Big has a bit (well major) complex about his height and real name, as he is short even for the halfling being only 2 foot 6.
So folks poking jokes at his height earns his wrath, which could mean you not getting things you want or need until you get Mr Big's forgiveness.
The only person he let it slide with is Rait, since he knows who he really is and does not want to be turned into cat food.

Now he does not mind his short height completely as he can get a nice view of things at times and he's much harder to find.
Though when he is in the Store and it is busy, or you make him really angry, you might see him riding a big strong worker/guard like master blaster from Mad Max beyond Thunderdome bellowing words out of his mouth.

He requests, fences and exchange small goods at the Candid Cane Gentlemen's club though Leona as she works there.
For bigger items to fence or exchange, it'll happen at in the secret room at "The Drunken Wench" or "The Busty Minotaur" taverns in Yonford.

He and Giblet have both rubbed each others sore spots one day and now don't directly deal with each other, but through proxies since each has things the other wants or needs.

Stats: 12,12,12,12,12,12
Brief History/Notes: