Sorcerer Gish / Blaster... which way to go?


I'm on the fence about which path to take for my Sorcerer.

My plans are to be both melee-capable and a standard blaster. I want to be good in both areas, but I don't feel like I have to be super in either. I have the Arcane bloodline (not the best, I know, but it's mostly for RP value) and have my weapon as my Arcane Bond item, so I feel like NOT being melee-capable is a waste of the weapon.

[Path A] Sorcerer 18

PRO: Full Bloodline progression (I really like what I get)
PRO: Full spell progression (I'm indifferent on this)
CON: Low HP for melee (This worries me the most)
CON: Low BAB (Could become annoying)
CON: Mediocre melee ability (I am OK with this)

This path feels like I'd be less melee-capable and obviously more blaster-capable. I'm not sure I want to risk being too weak in melee and have to keep defaulting back to JUST ranged blasting.

[Path B] Sorcerer 7 / Fighter 1 / Eldritch Knight 10

PRO: More combat-oriented feats (Will help the melee side)
PRO: Fighter-only feats (Opens up the "mage-slayer" concept)
PRO: Better HP for melee (This is a big one)
PRO: Better BAB (Less frustration in melee)
CON: Lose Bloodline progression (It's hard to lose SO many extra spells known, plus the level 15 Bloodline Power is a big deal)
CON: Lose full spell progression (I feel like I can live with this)

This path feels like I'm leaning too much towards being melee-capable and giving up a lot of what would make me a good blaster.

Essentially, I'm trying to figure out which option would give me the best chance at being effective in melee all the way to level 18, while still maintaining the ability to step back and blast effectively from afar when needed.

Also, suggestions on how to achieve greater success within either path, or even a third path option that I haven't noticed, are always welcome.

Grand Lodge

If you want more fight and less casty, I suggest fighter 4/sorcerer (dragon) 1/dragon diciple 8/EK 5 for a level 18 build. You lose out on 3 BAB and cast at CL 10.

For more powergaming there is paladin 3, sorcer 2, dragon diciple 8, EK 5. Still losing 3 BAB, but CL 11 on this one and some really good paladin stuff.

Course you have to be dragon bloodline.

Scarab Sages

Judging from what you've written, I would recommend the Gish build for you. It's a fairly solid build, and sorcerer isn't often used for Eldritch Knight, so that could be cool.

I know it sucks losing some of the caster levels, but think about it...

You're still casting as a 16th level Sorcerer (with a caster level of 18 if your DM allows traits) and ALL of the most fun blaster spells are usually in the 2-5 range of spell levels. You have a BAB of 14 instead of 9, several bonus combat feats from Figher and EK, which allows you to spend more feats on spellcasting if you want to.

Plus, as far as the bloodline spells are concerned, Arcane doesn't have many "blasty" spells, so you're stuck with that problem anyways. As far as doing what you want to do goes, I think you'll be happier with the Gish Build as far as blasting is concerned, especially considering that you didn't pick the most Blaster friendly bloodline (I actually like your choice, I'm just pointing out that Draconic and Elemental are better "blaster" bloodlines).

***Special Note: Be sure that your Weapon Focus is either a 1-handed Weapon or a weapon that can be used 1-handed (i.e. bastard sword w/proficiency, etc). Otherwise, your spellcasting will be SCREWED.

Davor wrote:
***Special Note: Be sure that your Weapon Focus is either a 1-handed Weapon or a weapon that can be used 1-handed (i.e. bastard sword w/proficiency, etc). Otherwise, your spellcasting will be SCREWED.

Talk to your DM about this. My melee sorceresses typically wield greataxe. Generally, the idea is that you can let go with one hand long enough to cast. I've never had anyone have a problem with this, and at least one DM I play with lets dual-wielders cast. It's not a huge issue either way, but if you have a choice, a two-handed weapon is usually better.

It's true that the Arcane bloodline has no blaster spells, so all I am really losing out on are the New Arcana spells I get at 9/13/17. The +2 save DC bonus on my Evocation spells at level 15 is very nice, but comparing it to all the other stuff I get from the other path, it's hard to give it any real weight.

My DM is already fine with me using a 2H weapon, I started with a longspear. Having a hand free for casting means you can just let go of the weapon with one hand to cast, since you're not usually casting and attacking in the same action anyways.

It's also true that the majority of the spells I'll be getting the most use out of are levels 2-5, so the more I look at it, the less I worry about losing the one or two level 8 and 9 spells I'd get otherwise.

Curious, which trait adds to my caster level?

hunterc311 wrote:

It's true that the Arcane bloodline has no blaster spells, so all I am really losing out on are the New Arcana spells I get at 9/13/17. The +2 save DC bonus on my Evocation spells at level 15 is very nice, but comparing it to all the other stuff I get from the other path, it's hard to give it any real weight.

My DM is already fine with me using a 2H weapon, I started with a longspear. Having a hand free for casting means you can just let go of the weapon with one hand to cast, since you're not usually casting and attacking in the same action anyways.

It's also true that the majority of the spells I'll be getting the most use out of are levels 2-5, so the more I look at it, the less I worry about losing the one or two level 8 and 9 spells I'd get otherwise.

Curious, which trait adds to my caster level?

Magical Knack is the trait you're looking for that bumps up CL by 2. If your DM allows 3.5 material, you can also use the feat Practiced Spellcaster for another +4 bump.

Paladin synergizes better with Sorcerer than fighter. You can add charisma to saving throws with only 2 level dip.

Dragon Disciple is a great gish class, now that it gives almost full caster level, and I am pretty sure you get your bloodline stuff earlier. Plus you can shapeshift into a dragon, good stuff.

Paladin2/Sorcerer4/DD10/EK4 is a nice combo that nets you BAB 16, for maximum attacks, shapeshifting into a dragon, charisma to saves, and a decent spell level. Toss in the Magical Knack/Practiced Spellcaster combo and you should have 20th level damage on your spells. Also, it's playable from 1, if you start with paladin and, at least in the beginning, use your sorcerer powers for self-buffing to make up for your lower HP and BAB.

And let's not forget how fun the draconic bloodline is. Heck, breath weapon alone is a fun suprise-blast to people who have you tied up...

Liberty's Edge

Arcane Archer is pretty cool and a makes you a little less stat dependant (IMO). Still gives you caster progression, but lets you hang back and imbue arrow lets you have alot of fun with AoE spells.

EDIT: and you don't have to be some variation of elf. That was erattad out (or at least was stated on the boards by devs that it is going to be taken out with an upcoming errata).

Scarab Sages

Perhaps I wasn't being clear.... allow me to rephrase.

If you are going to use a weapon familiar granted by a class feature, according to the weapon familiar rules, you must WIELD your weapon in order to cast spells. Thus if you wield a two-handed weapon familiar, you do not have a hand free to cast spells with. You could HOLD it in one hand, but not wield it, and as such, would be unable to cast spells without a crazy spellcraft check.

Yeah, I know it's crazy, and most DM's houserule that you can use two-handed weapon familiars anyways. I was just letting you know that, RAW, you cannot use a two-handed weapon familiar without some kind of penalty.

Ohh ho ho, good point about that wording. Luckily my DM agrees that "wielded" just means you cannot have the weapon sheathed or stowed somewhere else on your person, mainly because the next line reads "without his bonded item worn or in hand".

Unfortunately the character is already level 3 and unable to have much flexibility of choice. I ended up deciding on the EK build and thanks to greenteagamer for pointing out the Magical Knack trait, which is the perfect way to make up for the two lost caster levels.

hunterc311 wrote:

Unfortunately the character is already level 3 and unable to have much flexibility of choice. I ended up deciding on the EK build and thanks to greenteagamer for pointing out the Magical Knack trait, which is the perfect way to make up for the two lost caster levels.

Yay, credit, attention, accolades!

Hope it goes well for you man. Playing a gish from start to finish is a lot harder than rolling up a 17th level guy and getting to it with all the goodies. But then, it's more rewarding that accomplished something: survival.

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